Over the counter medicine for itching in private parts

Genital itching may involve the vagina or the genital area (vulva), which contains the external genital organs. Itching is an unpleasant sensation that seems to require scratching for relief.

The most common causes of genital itching include the following:

  • Irritation or allergic reactions: Chemicals that come in contact with the vagina or genital area, such as those in laundry detergents, bleaches, fabric softeners, synthetic fibers, bubble baths, soaps, feminine hygiene sprays, perfumes, menstrual pads, fabric dyes, toilet tissue, vaginal creams, douches, condoms, and contraceptive foams

  • After menopause, thinning and drying of the lining of the vagina due to decreased estrogen levels

Doctors can usually determine the cause by asking about symptoms and by examining the genital area and vagina.

Women should see a doctor if itching lasts more than a few days or is severe or if other symptoms suggesting an infection (such as pain or discharge) develop.

The condition causing genital itching is corrected or treated when possible. General measures can help relieve symptoms.

Changing underwear and bathing or showering once a day help keep the vagina and genital area clean and less likely to become irritated. More frequent bathing or showering may cause excessive dryness, which can increase itching. Using a cornstarch-based unscented body powder can help keep the genital area dry. Women should not use talc-based powders. Washing the area with plain warm water is recommended. But if soap is needed, a nonallergenic soap should be used. Other products (such as creams, feminine hygiene sprays, or douches) should not be applied to the vaginal area. These general measures may minimize exposure to irritants that cause itching.

If itching persists, a sitz bath may help. A sitz bath is taken in the sitting position with water covering only the genital and rectal area. Sitz baths can be taken in the bathtub filled with a little water or in a large basin.

If a medical product (such as a prescription cream) or a brand of condom appears to cause irritation and itching, it should not be used. Women should talk to their doctor before they stop using prescription products.

Applying a mild (low-strength) corticosteroid cream such as hydrocortisone to the genital area may provide temporary relief. The cream should not be put into the vagina and should be used for only a short period of time.

For severe itching, an antihistamine taken by mouth may help temporarily. Antihistamines also cause drowsiness and may be useful if symptoms interfere with sleep.

Vaginal infections that cause itching and discharge require antibiotics or antifungal drugs taken by mouth or inserted into the vagina.

Lichen sclerosus is treated with a cream or an ointment containing a high-strength corticosteroid (such as clobetasol), available by prescription.

  • Genital itching is a problem only when it persists, is severe, recurs, or is accompanied by pain or by a discharge that looks or smells abnormal, suggesting an infection.

  • Keeping the genital area clean and dry and not using products that can irritate it can help.

  • Sometimes a mild corticosteroid cream relieves itching temporarily.

  • If a vaginal infection causes itching and a discharge, women are treated with antibiotics or antifungal drugs taken by mouth or inserted into the vagina.



Over the counter medicine for itching in private parts

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Over the counter medicine for itching in private parts

Home remedies for vaginal itching depend on what's causing your discomfort. Common options include:

  • Baking soda baths
  • Colloidal oatmeal baths
  • Probiotics (via yogurt or supplements)
  • Boric acid (topical powder or suppository)
  • A cool compress
  • Wearing cotton underwear
  • Aloe vera cream
  • Coconut oil (topically)
  • Raw honey (topically)
  • Garlic tablets

Home remedies can be very useful, since they tend to be easily accessible. But you should see a healthcare provider about vaginal itching before trying any if you have certain additional symptoms, such as swelling, pain, or trouble peeing.

Vaginal itching that persists after trying a home remedy for a week should also be evaluated.

This article looks at common causes of vaginal itching and the home remedies that may help them. It also covers when you need to see your healthcare provider.

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching Due to a Yeast Infection 

To treat a yeast infection, an overgrowth of yeast that naturally live in your vagina, you might choose over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal products and/or home remedies.

Some home remedies for vaginal itching due to a yeast infection include:

  • Probiotics:Vaginal bacteria and yeast keep each other in check. If the bacteria population drops, the yeast can grow out of control. Probiotics, found in supplements and yogurt, may increase bacteria and get things back in balance. But, this may not necessarily get rid of the infection.
  • Boric acid: This powder, which may be used topically or as a vaginal suppository, may treat yeast infections. One small study suggests it's as effective as fluconazole, the antifungal medicine in brands like Monistat, but more research is needed.
  • Baking soda baths: For a baking soda bath, add between a quarter cup and two cups to warm water, then lie back and relax. One lab study suggests baking soda can kill yeast, but it's unknown whether it can do this in your body.

How to Stop Hormonal Vaginal Itching Down There

Hormonal changes, including low estrogen levels, can cause itching in your private parts. This can occur during pregnancy, your period, menopause, and perimenopause, or the transition period before menopause.

But, you have options for easing the itch from hormonal shifts.

  • Cool compress: Wet a washcloth with cool water and place it over your vulva (the outer genitalia).
  • Colloidal oatmeal bath: Colloidal oatmeal powder may lower skin inflammation. That can help relieve itching and irritation. Just dissolve oatmeal into a warm bath and soak for up to 20 minutes.

Sometimes, a big estrogen drop can cause vaginal atrophy, which can lead to vaginal dryness, burning, and itching.

Home Remedies for Itching in Private Parts From Chemical Irritation 

Some chemicals, like laundry detergents, soaps, body washes, and feminine sprays, irritate vaginal tissues and cause itching.

To stop itching down there:

  • Avoid: Do not use a product that previously caused vaginal itching.
  • Wear cotton underwear: Cotton is breathable and may reduce vaginal irritation.
  • Take a colloidal oatmeal bath: The anti-inflammatory properties may help stop vaginal itching quickly.

How to Stop Itching Down There From Skin Conditions 

Skin conditions, like eczema and psoriasis, can cause a red, itchy, and scaly rash. Shaving can also cause itching down there, especially if you have razor burn, or small, red, and irritated bumps.

If your skin is irritated or you have a rash, you can stop itching fast with:

  • Aloe vera cream: Aloe vera is proven to soothe itching from a variety of ailments. Use it on the vulva and inside the vagina.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil may be effective for skin conditions like eczema. Research suggests topical coconut oil is more effective than mineral oil.

How Common Is Eczema?

Eczema is quite common. An estimated 20% of Americans will have it at some point. It's most common in people with environmental or food allergies or a family history of asthma.  

What Stops Itching Fast If You Have Bacterial Vaginosis?  

While you may need prescription medication for bacterial vaginosis (BV), a vaginal infection caused by an imbalance in vaginal bacteria, some home remedies may help stop itching down there.

  • Yogurt and probiotics: Some trials suggest priobiotics are effective. However, systematic reviews haven't found much evidence for them.
  • Raw honey ointment:Antibacterial properties of honey have been shown to help soothe vaginal itching and even treat BV.
  • Baking soda or colloidal oatmeal baths:A warm bath with baking soda or colloidal oatmeal has been shown to help relieve itching. Don't use baking soda if you have cuts or open sores.
  • Topical Greek yogurt:Greek yogurt can re-introduce good bacteria to the vagina. Use it alone, with honey, or with vaginal cream.
  • Garlic tablets:Garlic's antibacterial properties make it useful in BV. Taking it in tablet form ensures you're getting enough.

BV symptoms include vaginal itching, white or gray discharge, a fish-like odor, and burning during urination.

Remedies for Vaginal Itching Due to Vulvar Cancer   

While rare, vaginal itching is sometimes from vulvar cancer. It may also be from a more common condition called lichen sclerosus, a precursor to vulvar cancer.

While these conditions should be treated by a healthcare provider, there are some home remedies that can help with itching in your private parts.

  • Topical coconut oil:Apply coconut oil topically to help relieve itching.
  • A cold compress:Place a wet a washcloth with cool water over your vulva.
  • An oatmeal bath: Taking an oatmeal bath can help relieve itching and may soothe irritation.

Be sure to get your healthcare provider's approval before using any home remedies.

The itching from vulvar cancer is typically alongside symptoms such as:

  • Burning
  • Bleeding that won't stop
  • The skin becoming redder or whiter

When to Call Your Healthcare Provider

Verywell / Jessica Olah

See a healthcare provider if:

  • Vaginal itching is disrupting your life, including how well you sleep
  • Vaginal itching is not improving after a week of using home remedies
  • You have blistering or ulcers around your genitals, especially on the vulva
  • You have redness, swelling, pain, or tenderness in the genital area
  • You notice a change in vaginal discharge or odor
  • You have pain or discomfort during urination or sexual penetration
  • You are having difficulty urinating

While home remedies can help relieve symptoms, most won't treat the underlying cause. It's always best to reach out to your healthcare provider if you are concerned about your symptoms.


Many conditions can cause vaginal itching. Some need to be treated with prescription medication, so it's important to see your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis.

Home remedies can make you more comfortable during treatment or while the condition resolves on its own.

See a healthcare provider for symptoms such as an ongoing itch, bleeding, blistering, swelling, pain, or changes in the skin or discharge.

A Word From Verywell

There may be some discomfort in bringing up vaginal itching with your healthcare provider. However, it's important that you do so and get it checked out.

Remember, your healthcare provider is there to help you and provide you with the best care possible.

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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By Angelica Bottaro
Angelica Bottaro is a professional freelance writer with over 5 years of experience. She has been educated in both psychology and journalism, and her dual education has given her the research and writing skills needed to deliver sound and engaging content in the health space.

Thanks for your feedback!

Which ointment is best for itching around private parts?

Applying a mild (low-strength) corticosteroid cream such as hydrocortisone to the genital area may provide temporary relief. The cream should not be put into the vagina and should be used for only a short period of time. For severe itching, an antihistamine taken by mouth may help temporarily.

What is the treatment of itching in private part?

The treatment for your itchy genitals depends on the cause. If you have eczema, your healthcare provider may prescribe steroid creams. Lichen sclerosus responds to phototherapy (light therapy). Antifungal medications are often prescribed for jock itch.