Peanut butter dough balls for fishing

Custom bait balls you can make at home

Peanut butter dough balls for fishing

Flavored dough balls boiled, packaged, labeled and stored in the freezer will keep virtually forever in the freezer.

September 28, 2021

Doughballs are time-honored baits for sunfish, catfish and even some saltwater panfish.

Traditional doughballs are simply soft white bread rolled into marble-sized balls, then saturated with something smelly, like bacon grease or sardine juice. You can even use store-bought bread dough, though I don't recommend using a commercial package of cookie dough if your kids are on the fishing trip! (That test packet didn't survive the drive to the ramp.)

Peanut butter dough balls for fishing
Marble-size balls are perfect for bullhead and channel catfish. Next step is a one-minute boil to firm up the baits.

The problem with homemade doughballs is how to keep them from disintegrating the minute they hit the water. I used to not worry about this. Any ball that turned into a cloud of bread was simply instant chum. Sometimes there were so many minnows around my bait that it looked like a flashing disco ball under my keel. Once in a while a larger fish arrived for the party and got hooked.

But like mudballs, getting your bait to hold together long enough to survive your cast might make the difference between having mackerel or a Big Mac for supper.

Peanut butter dough balls for fishing
Raw egg thickens the batter for better hold.

Here's one secret: Roll your dough into little balls, then boil them for one minute. The Brits have been doing this for years. They call them boili balls.

You can have fun with the recipes, too. There are as many recipes as there are fishermen. I usually start off with equal parts flour, cornmeal and rolled oats, and enough raw eggs to make a thick paste.

Peanut butter dough balls for fishing
Don't be afraid to experiment and see what works for you.

Then I add whatever happens to be in my kitchen at the moment. I've tried glitter, vanilla, raw garlic, garlic salt, garlic powder, minced parsley, dog and cat food, peanut butter, cheese, bread, rabbit pellets (yeah, from both ends of the rabbit), leftover pepperoni, minced carrots, chopped chicken livers, stale popcorn, fish innards, an old Christmas cheeseball, and cherry Jello. I also add something smelly to the boiling water, like leftover chicken fat.

Peanut butter dough balls for fishing
The writer adds blueberries to this batch to add color and scent.

For your own first try, experiment with different recipes. Divide your dough into five or six sections, and doctor up each sample with different ingredients. Toss in whatever you have on hand. Be sure to write down the ingredients. Make pea-sized balls for freshwater panfish, marble-sized balls for bullheads and channel catfish, and egg yolk-sized balls or bigger for deepwater monsters.

Peanut butter dough balls for fishing
To keep your boilis unsticky, toss in a tablespoon of flour, sand or oatmeal.

Boil one batch at a time. Don't wait til the balls float to the surface, like dumplings. One minute is enough. Lift ‘em out with a slotted spoon, cool and store in zip-shut baggies. To keep your boilis unsticky, toss in a tablespoon of flour, sand or oatmeal.

Boiled and bagged doughballs store for a week in the fridge, and forever in the freezer. Just be sure to label each baggie so some midnight snacker doesn't eat your whole experiment.

Head for the water and test out your doughballs. I guarantee at least one of your samples will nab a fish. FS

First published Florida Sportsman April 2015

Dedicated catfish and carp fishermen know that one of the best ways to catch fish is to bait the hook with homemade dough balls. Make a batch of this mixture ahead of time and store it in the freezer. Take it out the night before a fishing trip so it will thaw. When you're ready to fish, knead one dough ball to make it pliable and wrap it around the hook, totally encasing the entire hook up to the fishing line. Catfish will swallow this tasty bait just about every time.

Items you will need

  • 1 cup water

  • 2 tsp. sugar

  • Pot

  • Stove

  • 1 1/4 cup cornmeal

  • 3/4 cup flour

  • 2 tbs. peanut butter

  • Wooden spoon

  • Double boiler

  • Plastic wrap

  • Zip-top plastic storage bags

Place the water and sugar in a heavy pot and heat until it is boiling. Lower the heat and add the flour, cornmeal and peanut butter. Let this mixture cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

Scoop the mixture into the top part of a double boiler. Fill the bottom part with water and heat until the water is boiling.

Put the top half on the double boiler and cook the mixture over steam for 1/2 hour. The texture should be like cookie dough at this point. If it is too thin, add a little flour to thicken it.

Remove the top half of the double boiler and set it aside to let the dough cool. When the dough is cool enough to handle, knead it for 5 minutes.

Pull off pieces of dough about the size of a golf ball. Roll each piece into a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Place the wrapped dough balls into a zip-top bag and place in the freezer for storage until your next fishing trip.


  • Some fishermen swear by variations such as adding jello powder or nuts to the dough. Experiment until you find your perfect mixture.


  • Big Catfish Doughballs
  • Tom Weslan, Michigan fisherman, Brownstown Township, MI


  • Some fishermen swear by variations such as adding jello powder or nuts to the dough. Experiment until you find your perfect mixture.

Writer Bio

Working in sunny Florida, Anne Baley has been writing professionally since 2009. Her home and lifestyle articles have been seen on Coldwell Banker and Gardening Know How. Baley has published a series of books teaching how to live a frugal life with style and panache.

Is peanut butter good for fish bait?

Guest. The fish can't digest many types of nuts and they can kill them. Can be soaked for a long time to remove the problem but this is the reason for the bans. Peanut butter best avoided as a bait for this reason.

Are dough balls good for fishing?

While simple bread can attract fish (and can be used as bait like a dough ball), dough balls are likely to attract species of fish that like to scavenge and can be particularly attractive to carp and catfish.

Can you make catfish bait with peanut butter?

If you have two eggs, two bananas, some lunchmeats, peanut butter, flour or cornmeal, some cherry soda and some garlic, you have yourself a stink catfish bait. Mix it all together, get it sit in a bucket outside for few days, and when you are ready to fish, take the bucket along.