Received letter from irs to verify identity

Did you receive a letter 5071C from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) asking you to verify your tax return identity? Letters 5747C, 5447C, 6331C and 4883C are similar. These are legitimate IRS letters and is how the IRS will communicate with taxpayers regarding returns - the IRS will not contact you via email or text message. See additional information on how to respond to IRS Identity Verification Letters.

Identify verification has increased drastically and even though it can be time consuming and inconvenient, it is for the benefit of your own tax data security. The IRS specifically performs ever-increasing random and routine identity checks on all electronically and paper filed returns, no matter which site was used. Taxpayers with due refunds and taxpayers with taxes due are receiving letters 5071C, 4883C, etc.

Note: The identify verification letter is not to be confused with a Tax Audit and does not imply that something is incorrect with your tax return in question. In order to protect you from potential identity theft, the IRS is requesting identity verification information and documentation (current or previous tax returns, credit information, etc.). If you have an account with, you will have access to previous tax returns as well as other documentation and information that may be needed through this process.

Simple Steps to Handle, Respond to Letter 5071C, 5757C, 5447C

Generally, IRS Letter 5071C is sent out by the IRS when they suspect your identity has been used to file a return. This may be caused for a number of reasons; but the main reason is for the IRS to make sure the correct person did in fact file their return and their identity was not compromised.

Other IRS letters, like 4883C, are sent out for similar reasons to verify your identity and are typically resolved online or over the phone.

Why did I get a letter from the IRS? Follow these steps:

1. Letters 5071C, 5757C, and 5447C are typically able to be resolved online via the IRS ID Verify System. 

Letter 4883C may require additional efforts to resolve. Regardless of you letter, call the phone number on the letter as soon as possible to resolve the case as each letter may result in a late processing of your return or inability to process.

2. Contact the IRS via the contact information listed on the letter either online - via the link above - or by phone. The IRS will need information from you in order to process a recently submitted or e-Filed tax return (e.g. verify your name and taxpayer identification number).

3. Have the following records at hand before you contact the IRS online or by phone:

  • The letter 5071C, 5757C, 5447C, or 4883C you received from the IRS.
  • Your income tax return referenced in the letter: Form 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-NR, etc. Note: Paystubs, Form W-2, and 1099 forms are not tax return forms. If you have supporting W-2s, 1099s, Schedule C or Schedule F, it is a good idea to have them on hand in case there are questions about any of these. If you had prepared and eFiled your tax return via, sign into your account and retrieve the last 3 tax years under My Account. If you need additional years of eFiled tax returns via, please contact one of our Taxperts.
  • Your Social Security Number (SSN) and date of birth.
  • The filing status and tax return mailing address from your previous year's tax return in case you just filed a tax return with a new address - how to change address with the IRS. For example, if the letter is asking for Tax Year 2022, also have the return for Tax Year 2021 available with filing status and date of birth. Select “I have not filed a tax return in the past seven years” as your filing status if you just filed your very first tax return.
  • The account number(s) of one or more of the following personal accounts: car or credit loan, credit card, mortgage loan, home equity loan, home equity line of credit, or a student loan.
  • Access to your email account.
  • A mobile phone associated with your name.
  • Credit card, mortgage or student loan, car loan, and/or home equity loan information.

When you prepare and e-File your 2022 Taxes with, know that we are committed to keeping your information private. The eFile app makes it easy to report your information securely and helps you complete the correct tax forms for your specific tax situation. File now or by April 18, 2023 and use the TAXstimator to see how much your 2022 Refund could be in 2023.

How to Keep My Information Secure

Enroll in and receive and IRS Identity Protection PIN or IP-PIN. The IRS created the IP-PIN to reduce identity theft of U.S. citizens. The program is open to anyone who wants one, having originally been used to victims of identity theft or fraud. The IP-PIN is an additional, completely free step for securing your personal information when filing taxes. Enter your IP-PIN when you e-file your return on

Be aware of fake IRS email scams and other means to compromise your identity. Learn how to identify these scams and protect your information.

Why am I being asked to verify my identity with the IRS?

In some instances, you will need to verify your identity and tax return information with the IRS. This helps prevent an identity thief from getting your refund.

What happens after you verify your identity with the IRS?

What happens after I successfully verify? If we successfully verify your identity, we'll process your tax return. It will take up to 9 weeks to receive your refund or credit any overpayment to your account. However, if we find other problems, we'll contact you again.

What triggers a 5071C letter?

The IRS sends a 5071C letter when it receives a tax return with your name and tax identification number, but believes the return to be fraudulent. A Letter 5071C will ask you to complete an online identity verification process to confirm your identity.