Roadside assistance near me locked keys in car

Most drivers (or their passengers) end up locking their keys inside their car at one time or another - so don’t stress. Follow these simple steps and you can get back inside your vehicle fast.

  1. Double check you’re locked out
    It seems like an obvious step, but you’d be surprised how many people can get back into their car because of an unlocked door/boot or an open window.
  2. Locate your spare key
    If your car came with two sets of keys, now is a good time to hunt down that spare. Check with friends and family who you may have given it to.
  3. Don’t panic
    There’s no need to break a window unless you’re in an emergency. We offer a lockout service with all our packages, and we can help you quickly open your car, retrieve your keys, and arrange a locksmith if needed.
  4. Call RACQ Roadside Assistance
    Our call centre is staffed 24 hours a day. Call 13 1111 or use the RACQ Roadside Assistance App to get inside fast.
  5. Stay in a safe location
    If you’re on the side of the road and your keys are locked in the car, stand well away from the road while you wait for help. Avoid hailing other cars as distracting other drivers could result in a collision. 

What to do if a child or pet is locked in your car

It's considered an emergency when a child or pet is locked inside the car. To avoid injury or illness, you should call RACQ Roadside Assistance rescue immediately on 13 1111.

How to avoid getting locked out again

Preventing future mishaps only takes a few minutes and will help you save time and energy.

  1. Make two spare keys and keep one at home and one at the most regular place you drive to and from (e.g., work or a parent or trusted friend’s house).
  2. Don’t encourage children to play with your keys.
  3. Take your keys with you when you leave your car, as some cars have an auto-lock function.
  4. Regularly replace the battery in your electronic key.
  5. Buy roadside assistance before you need it - you’ll save on call-out fees and have peace of mind for other breakdowns too.

Uh-oh. It's actually happened. You pull on the door handle of your vehicle and . . . nothing! You're locked out, and you can see the keys lying there on the console. Ugh.

What steps can you take to unlock your car door if you've locked yourself out? While many vehicles with push-button ignitions have safeguards designed to prevent this from happening, lockouts continue to be a problem for millions of drivers whose vehicles use conventional keys for the ignition and door locks (and this goes for drivers whose cars have electronic key fobs).

Call a Locksmith—or Not

If this happens to you and you have a membership with the American Automobile Association (AAA), you can get assistance from a locksmith by placing a call to this organization. Free lockout service is one benefit of AAA membership.

You can also call a locksmith directly—some will take on car lockouts—but of course you'll have to pay out of pocket for their services.

If you don't have a AAA membership and would rather not pay for a locksmith, there are alternatives. Here's all you need to know about how to unlock a car door when your keys are inside.

Roadside assistance near me locked keys in car

Lockout Apps and Roadside Assistance

Some automakers offer smartphone apps you can use to access your vehicle during a lockout. For example, with an OnStar subscription from General Motors, you can use an app to remotely unlock your Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, or GMC. BMW and Hyundai offer similar apps, as do several other automakers. Visit the website of your car manufacturer to see if a downloadable lockout app is available.

There's another way in which carmakers can provide aid during a lockout: If you have a new or certified pre-owned vehicle, your car's automaker may offer free roadside assistance for the first few years of ownership. In many cases, this service covers lockouts. If you own a vehicle that was purchased new or as part of a certified pre-owned program, check the manufacturer's website to see if you're eligible for roadside assistance.

Roadside assistance near me locked keys in car

Use a String to Unlock the Door

A long, sturdy string such as a shoelace can help you unlock your car door. Note that this method only works on cars that have a traditional, post-type door lock with a small knob at the top (as shown above). Here's how to unlock a car door using a string:

• Tie a slipknot in the middle of the string. (Don't know how? Learn!)

• Use a doorstop or a thin piece of wood to gently pry open a space between the top of a front door's window frame and the vehicle body (as far rearward on the upper door frame as possible). If you handle this process too aggressively, you could bend the door frame, causing an air leak and wind whistle, so exercise caution.

• Use the opening created to lower the slipknot into the car's cabin.

• Adjust the ends of the string until the slipknot is positioned around the door lock's post, beneath the knobby upper end.

• Tighten the slipknot around the post by pulling both ends of the string.

• Once the knot is secure, pull the post upward to unlock the car.

Roadside assistance near me locked keys in car
Michael Simari|Car and Driver

Try a Rod or Wire Clothes Hanger

You can also use a rod or a straightened wire clothes hanger to save the day during a lockout. This method works best on cars that have power door locks and their lock buttons located on the armrest.

• Use a doorstop or a thin piece of wood to gently pry open a space between the top of one of the car's front-door window frames and its body. Proceed slowly and be gentle to avoid damaging the vehicle.

• Slide the rod or straightened clothes hanger into the opening you've created.

• Use the rod or clothes hanger to slide or depress the car's door-lock flipper or button, and open the car door.

Remember, jockeying a string or a wire hanger into position in such a constricted space is extremely difficult. It can take quite a bit of time and many tries to maneuver these makeshift tools into place, but it can be done (we speak from experience). Be patient and don't give up! One of these methods may well help you to unlock your car's doors when you're locked out.

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Roadside assistance near me locked keys in car

Roadside assistance near me locked keys in car

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Roadside assistance near me locked keys in car

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This content is imported from OpenWeb. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

How do you unlock your car with keys locked inside?

8 Ways To Get Car Keys Out Of A Locked Vehicle Safely.
Get Your Spare Key..
Load Up Your App..
Unlock Manual Locks with String or Fishing Line..
Unlock with a Wire Clothes Hanger..
Unlock with an Inflatable Pump Wedge..
Unlock with a Strip of Sturdy Plastic..
Call AAA or a Locksmith..
Call the Police..

How does roadside assistance unlock a car?

Get the Key Code. Call for emergency roadside assistance and inquire whether they can get the car open for you. Each car key has a code from the auto manufacturer. If you have this key code and personal identification, the lockout provider will be able to make a new key.

Can you call 911 for keys locked in car?

Option 1 — Calling 911: Many people who wind up with their keys locked in their car call the police to come to their location and help fix the problem. In most cases, the police will be able to unlock the car, but they can also call a tow truck if they cannot.

Can AAA get me into my locked car?

No problem. We've all done it. But the next time you lock your keys inside your car, rely on dependable roadside service from AAA to get you going again. If our technician can't unlock your vehicle, your AAA towing benefit will cover getting your vehicle to an approved service location.