Sample character reference letter for a friend for immigration

The Purpose of a Character Reference Letter for Immigration

A character reference letter for immigration is a legal paper acting as an official recommendation for someone intending to become an immigrant. If a person needs a recommendation to prove their suitability to receive the immigrant status, they can ask someone to fill out a character reference letter for immigration on their behalf. This will make the immigration application process easier by portraying positive personal characteristics. Such characteristics can be reliability, high moral standards, and professional ethics, among others.

The main purpose of this letter is to show immigrant judges that the potential immigrant has only good intentions toward the country where they intend to reside. Enumeration of the immigrant’s positive characteristics and their future job plans can also be useful. Imagine the stress the immigrant might suffer if they are denied citizenship. Thus, it is essential to make this letter emotional to evoke only positive emotions among immigrant judges.

It is also essential to choose a reputable person to write the recommendation letter. This person can be your employer or a long-time friend. It can be any person you trust that they will do nothing to harm you whatsoever. You can give this person a bullet list with essential items to cover in the letter; they can also write it by themselves and show it to your afterward. The sequence of actions does not matter—what matters is the final result, which must be positive for the requester.

What to Include in a Character Reference Letter for Immigration

There is a list of mandatory items to include in a character reference letter for immigration:

  • The names of the person providing the recommendation and the applicant. They should write down their full names in the letter.
  • Personal details of the person writing the recommendation. Personal data includes full name, birth date, country, full address (including city and state), e-mail, and phone number.
  • The signing date and signature. The signing date must be written twice: at the beginning and the end of the letter.
  • The nature of the relations between the two parties. It is essential to register the relations between the immigrant and the letter author.
  • Positive personal traits of the immigrant. A character reference letter for immigration highlights the applicant’s positive characteristics such as dependability, a high level of responsibility, and others. Try to give as many details on the immigrants’ background and their characteristics to increase their chances of acquiring the immigrant status.

Sample character reference letter for a friend for immigration

Create a free high-quality Character Reference Letter for Immigration online now!

How to Write a Character Reference Letter for Immigration

Now, with the list of mandatory items to include in a character reference letter for immigration, you can proceed to fill it out. This is an easy process if you follow our detailed guidelines. Remember to double-check the facts to avoid rejection of the letter.


The heading requires the phrase, “Character Reference Letter for Immigration.” It is necessary to highlight this phrase in bold and place it in the top-middle part of the paper.


Here, register the basic information about the person writing the letter. This includes their full name, full address, profession, age, citizenship status, relation to the requester, and the length of the relations.

Please do not include any arguments in favor of the requester in the introduction, though it is not prohibited. However, the main accent on them must be in the main part of the letter.

If there is a threat of the requestor’s expulsion from the country, address the letter to the “Honorable Immigration Judge” or “Dear Immigration Judge.” In other cases, using “To whom it may concern” is enough.

Main Body

In the main body of the letter, register the main arguments in favor of the requester. These arguments include examples of when the requester expressed work ethics in their workplace (it would be better if their employer confirms these facts). They also include positive personal characteristics of the individual and the way they financially and emotionally affect people around them.

Try to give as many details as possible, citing specific examples of every fact you mention in the letter whenever it is possible.


In conclusion, add your positive attitude towards the requester’s wish being granted. Compliment the requester and write everything you think would be suitable in this exact situation.

Repeat your opinion on the requester’s suitability to stay in the country. Argue why you think the requester has the right to this. Mention their positive background and personal qualities, allowing them to become members of the local community and the USA in general.

Contact Information

Type your contact data, including full address (mentioning the city and state), birth date, full name, telephone, and e-mail.

The Signing Date, Signature, and Notarization

Sign the completed letter, type the signing date, and notarize the letter with a notary public—this is not obligatory, but it can significantly increase the requester’s chances of a favorable outcome.

Once you complete the letter, please attach it to the requester’s application papers, and send them to the USCIS. Always keep in touch with your agent for details and updates on the immigration process. The name and contact data of your agent are in Form DS-261.

What to Do and Not to Do

To fill out a character reference letter for immigration correctly, you should know what to include and what not to include in the letter as immigration judges examine everything contained there.

What you need to do:

  • Write in the official form, avoiding using slang.
  • At the same time, try to write in easy words; do not be afraid to add positive personal traits about the person.
  • Give details on the immigrant’s life in the USA. Try to show they can be rightful members of the local community.
  • Provide examples of the immigrant’s job experience.
  • Highlight your relations with the potential immigrant.

What you must not do:

  • Give unreliable information.
  • Embellish facts regarding the immigrant’s job experience.
  • Ignore legal requirements of completing and delivering the letter.
  • Give a negative recommendation towards the immigrant.

Always keep in mind that the future of the immigrant depends on this character reference letter for immigration, so do everything to guarantee them a favorable outcome of the immigration process. Do not write down the information that can harm them, and do not hide any essential facts that might interest immigration judges.

Besides being honest, acute, and official in the letter, try to make it easy for reading, sincere, and heartfelt. You can add harmless jokes and fun facts about the immigrant. Too serious and bald words can create a bad impression about the immigrant, which you need to avoid. Imagine you are filling out the same letter for yourself. What would you like to add to it? What would you like to keep aside? Keep these questions in mind while writing the letter.

Samples of a Character Reference Letter for Immigration

Below are three samples of a character reference letter for immigration. We created them to assist you in your attempts to write the letter correctly. These samples cover three main situations when you need to write the letter: family, friend, and US citizenship.

Sample 1

Character Reference Letter for Family

Your Honorable Immigration Judge,

My name is _____________ (type your name). I am _____________ (insert your profession, age, citizenship status), and I’ve been married to _____________ (register the name of your marital partner) for almost 30 years. I sincerely ask you to let _____________ (insert the name of the partner one more time) stay in the country, as the denial of the application of the residence might leave a negative impact on our family.

_____________ (type the name of the partner) and I have two kids, and we raise them together. _____________ (insert the partner’s name) is my support in everything I do. Our kids need to have their mother/father beside them as they are too small to live with just one parent. Moreover, we have a joint business, and we have to run it together as a lot depends on both of us. The deportation of _____________ (type your partner’s name) will lead to severe problems both in our family life and business. Our children,  grandchildren, and I will suffer without the loving hand of a parent, grandparent, and spouse, respectively.

This is the first severe offense of _____________ (insert your partner’s name) for almost 30 years staying in the country, and I believe the severity of the offense is nothing compared with the issues our family will face after his/her deportation. _____________ (insert your partner’s name) is an honest and kind person who is responsible for anything they do. Our big family and I are begging you to let _____________ (type your partner’s name) stay in the country. We believe that this offense will never happen again. We need _____________ (insert your partner’s name) to be by our side, as we are one loving family where all members of it need each other.

My personal details are as follows,

Full name _____________

Date of birth _____________

Address _____________

E-mail: _____________

Phone number: _____________

Please, contact me whenever you need to.


_____________ (insert your signature)                       _____________ (register the signing date)

Sample 2

Character Reference Letter for a Friend

To whom it may concern,

My name is _____________ (insert your name). I am _____________ (type your age, citizenship status, profession, and the relation to the requester). I’ve known _____________ (insert your friend’s name) for more than ten years, and for all this time he/she has been a good friend of mine. We have never fought and always care and look out for each other.

I know _____________ (type your friend’s name) as an experienced specialist in engineering, and his/her family and mine are friends. I can say without any pathos that _____________ (insert your friend’s name) can be considered a role model for my kids and I. _____________ (type your friend’s name) has been a volunteer in a local children’s hospitals for many years, and I’ve never met another person like him/her. He/she always helps everyone in need and acts as a benefactor for many hospitals in our local community. _____________ (insert your friend’s name) is also known for a perfect taste in music and movies, and I think it says a lot about her/him.

I strongly believe that _____________ (type your friend’s name) deserves to get the legal status of an immigrant in the USA. I have no doubts that he/she will do everything to prove this status as he/she is already a proud and irreplaceable part of our community. We surely need more people like him/her to serve as good examples for our children.

You can find my contact details below.

Full name _____________

Date of birth _____________

Address _____________

E-mail: _____________

Phone number: _____________

Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


_____________ (insert your signature)                       _____________ (register the signing date)

Sample 3

Character Reference Letter for US Citizenship

To whom it may concern,

My name is _____________ (insert your name), and I am the employer of _____________ (insert the employee’s name). I work as a _____________ (type your profession, age, and citizenship status). _____________ (type the employee’s name) has been working in our company for more than two years, and I know him/her only from the best side and only as a perfect employee.

During these two years, _____________ (insert the employee’s name) has been showing excellent results in his/her professional field and expressed himself/herself as a person with such personal characteristics as high moral standards, tactfulness, and high level of responsibility. For all this time, no one has ever quarreled with _____________ (type the employee’s name), and all members of our team highlight his/her dedication to the job.

Also, _____________ (insert the employee’s name) is an exemplary family man with two kids who spends much time with them.

I ask you to give _____________ (type the employee’s name) a permanent residency in the USA, as I believe he/she has proved his/her right to this. The USA needs more people like him/her, and we’re proud one of them works with us.

Please find my contact information below.

Full name _____________

Date of birth _____________

Address _____________

E-mail: _____________

Phone number: _____________

In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

With best regards,

_____________ (insert your signature)                       _____________ (register the signing date)


Always keep in mind the letter’s purpose and think about the person applying to be an immigrant. Do not forget to include all the mandatory items in the letter, and try to make it as emotional and positive as possible.

Published: Apr 18, 2022

How do you write a character reference letter for immigration to a friend?

What to Include.
The history of the personal or professional relationship with the immigrant..
Salient positive qualities embodied by the immigrant..
Expected future contributions that the immigrant will make to the broader community..

What is a good moral character letter for immigration?

Good Moral Character Friend Immigration Reference Letter is a document that is provided to the immigration by the sender which is a friend of the applicant in order to verify his or her identity, attitude, behavior, and history.

How do you write a positive character reference?

Generally, a good character reference should include the following five pieces of information:.
Start off by discussing your relationship with the applicant. ... .
Establish how long you have known the applicant. ... .
Talk about their positive qualities and give examples. ... .
Finish with a recommendation for the position..

How can I be a good reference for a friend examples?

If you agree to provide a reference, follow these tips:.
Keep the information factual. Avoid opinions about issues such as personal conflicts. ... .
Qualify what you say. ... .
Make your praise specific. ... .
Refer to specific tasks or projects. ... .
Avoid examples that highlight a candidate's weaknesses..