Sample cover letter for mental health counseling internship

Mental health therapists play an incredibly important role in the lives of clients, helping them to find mental peace and stability. When applying to a position in mental health therapy, you need a well-written cover letter that showcases your specializations and skills within the field.

In this guide, we will teach you 5 simple steps for writing a cover letter as a mental health therapist. Keep reading to learn all about

  • How to create your mental health therapist header & headline
  • Why you should tailor your cover letter as a mental health therapist
  • What information to include in your cover letter introduction
  • How to describe your skills & accomplishments as a mental health therapist
  • What to say in your mental health therapist cover letter conclusion

1. How to create jaw-dropping mental health therapist header & headline

Begin writing your mental health therapist cover letter by creating a properly formatted header and headline. These elements are essential, as they give your letter a visual flow and help capture and guide the employer’s attention.

In your cover letter header, include all the vital identifying information about yourself (the applicant) and the employer, such as:

  • Your name and professional title
  • Your professional contact information
  • The name and department of the company you are applying to
  • The address of the company (required only if sending a physical letter or if the company has several different locations)

Here is an example of a well-formatted mental health therapist header

Max Violet, Mental Health Therapist

(123) 456-7890 | |

To: Serenity Counseling
Therapist’s Department
1234 Street Address
Orlando, FL, 32789

After squaring away your header, the next step is to write your cover letter headline. This is a brief title statement that highlights the most important information found in the letter and should include:

  • A keyword related to the position
  • An eye-catching number or trigger word
  • A descriptive adjective or verb
  • A promise that indicates to the employer your letter is tailored for their specific company

Here is an example of a well-written mental health therapist headline, followed by a brief explanation of its main components

My 3-Step Approach to Personalized Mental Health Therapy & How It Will Benefit Your Clients

Trigger Word/Number: 3-Step Approach
Keyword: Mental Health Therapy
Adjective/Verb: Personalized, Benefit
Promise: Your Clients

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2. Why you should tailor your cover letter as a mental health therapist

When you write a cover letter, there are two main approaches you can choose between: generalized or personalized. We always recommended going the personalized route, as these types of cover letters are tailored for the exact job you are applying to and are more impressive overall to employers.

To create a tailored cover letter, you must thoroughly research the company before applying. As you research, look for key information such as:

  • Company language: Reflect the keywords and language a company uses in its mission statement and marketing materials in your own writing.
  • Company goals: Explain how your skills and qualifications can benefit the company’s current goals, projects, programs, or initiatives.
  • Specific staff members: Familiarize yourself with the staff members in the department you are applying to and determine who will review your cover letter.

This last bit of information will help you to create a personalized greeting – a type of greeting that addresses a specific person by name and lets them know you have completed thorough research.

Here are 3 examples of personalized mental health therapist cover letter greetings

  • Dear Practice Manager Jane Doe,
  • Dear Ms. Jane Doe,
  • Dear Jane Doe & the Therapy Team,

3. What information to include in your mental health therapist cover letter introduction

Now that you have your header, headline, and greeting in place, it’s time to begin writing the actual body text of your cover letter – starting with the introduction.

Your introductory paragraph should be between 2 to 3 sentences in length and offer compelling insights that encourage an employer to continue reading, such as:

  • A summary of your professional specializations and experience
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible)

Pro Tip: Always include a mutual acquaintance when possible, as this is a major power move that creates an excellent first impression on employers. If you lack a relevant mutual acquaintance, try using LinkedIn to connect to current employees or associates. They may even have advice on how to land the position!

Here is an example of an effective mental health therapist introduction

Dear Practice Manager Jane Doe,

I am a mental health therapist with 5+ years of specialized experience working with patients dealing with attention-deficit disorder. Recently, I had the pleasure of collaborating with one of your office’s resident therapists – Mr. Joe King – on a community outreach program. Mr. King informed me of this opening and recommended I apply, as my passion for accessible mental health resources perfectly matches your office’s commitment to offering affordable care.

4. How to describe your skills & accomplishments as a mental health therapist

You’ve hooked the employer’s attention with your headline and encouraged them to continue reading with your introduction. Now, it’s time to showcase your best skills and accomplishments as a mental health therapist in the body paragraphs of your cover letter.

Aim to include between 2 to 4 body paragraphs that answer key questions, such as:

  • What excites you about working at this company?
  • What do you hope to learn from working at this company?
  • What accomplishments or qualifications make you stand out as an applicant?
  • What key skills do you possess that are relevant to the position?

Describing your relevant skills and accomplishments is particularly important. As you describe these professional attributes, make sure to provide strong contextual details, as well as specific and quantifiable information whenever possible.

Here are 6 examples of mental health therapist skills to describe in a cover letter

  • Knowledge of the DSM5 and various mental health conditions
  • Diagnosing mental health disorders
  • Planning patient treatment plans
  • Leading different session styles (individual, group therapy, couple’s therapy, etc.)
  • Empathetic communication and active listening
  • Assessing patient progress during treatment

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a mental health therapist cover letter

As a mental health therapist at [Former Employer], I worked in the role of a substance abuse specialist, helping more than 50 clients to overcome their substance dependencies. In this role, I developed a new workbook and treatment plan for patients that aided in improving addiction recovery times by 65%.

5. What to say in your mental health therapist cover letter conclusion

You’ve made it to the end of your cover letter, but there’s still one element of the document left to write: the conclusion. Your concluding statement is crucial and needs to give the employer the final push needed to get in contact with you.

A strong mental health therapist's closing statement includes:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • How and when you can be best contacted
  • When you plan to reach back out regarding the position
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of an effective closing statement from a mental health therapist’s cover letter

It is my great pleasure to be considered for this opportunity and I hope to connect with you directly within a week’s time. The best time to reach me is Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (123) 456-7890. I plan to reach back out next Wednesday regarding my application if I have not yet heard back.

Many Thanks,

[Applicant Name]

If you have ever wondered how a cover letter differs from a resume, this article will tell you everything about the key differences between the two.

How do you write an impressive cover letter for an internship?

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship.
Include your name, date, location, and contact information..
Include the company, department, and company address..
Address the hiring manager..
Set the context for your application..
Sell your experience..
Close the letter with grace and a call to action..

How do I write an internship letter with no experience?

How to write a cover letter for an internship with no experience.
Review the job advertisement and research the company. ... .
List your contact information. ... .
Include a formal greeting. ... .
Explain how your achievements and skills relate to the position. ... .
Remind them why you're a good fit for the role. ... .
Ask them for an interview..

How do I write a letter requesting an internship in psychology?

Enclosed is a current copy of my resume. If you have any questions regarding how my skills, experiences, and interests fit with your program, please call me at XXX. I may also be reached through E-mail at XXX. Thank you for considering me for this position and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Do you need a cover letter when applying for internships?

This is reasonable - a cover letter allows you to add essential information you didn't have space for in a resume, as well as explain (in words) how your experiences are tied to the role you're applying for. As such, a cover letter for an internship is essential and complementary to your application package.