Sandra bullock sylvester stallone and wesley snipes movie

4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Sci-Fi

Reviewed in Canada on 6 March 2020

Verified Purchase

Demolition Man, though not a perfect science fiction movie, should rank up there as one of the best and well-thought genre productions out there.
Part Logan's Run, part Buck Rogers, and part Rambo, Demolition Man is a truly entertaining movie, and one worth buying hands down. Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes have great on-screen chemistry and play off each other well in this dystopian, politically-correct future of Orwellian scope. The one-liners, "enhance your calm" and "be well them," are both funny and ridiculous in this movie that leans heavily on the Rip Van Winkle and fish-out-of-water tropes found throughout literature.
The truly great thing about this movie is that you really don't know which side you support; are you for Stallone's heroic if blunt-instrument-like cop, John Spartan, or the chaos-loving, Id-fuelled, force of nature that is Snipes's Simon Pheonix? Both, indeed, seem to find common ground in the mutual hate of a society that has become (as Simon Pheonix calls it) a "Brady-Bunch version of itself" and both, it seems, are determined to destroy or undermine it for their own reasons.
That's the true insidious thing about the post-apocalyptic world in which both these men wake up in; one in which the violence and crime we take for granted as a part of everyday life has become alien and foreign to the people of that future. Thought and speech are thoroughly regulated lest someone become offended (in short, the end-result of political correctness and left-wing tyranny) and are enforced by fines for 'violation of the verbal morality statute' that the 'benevolent Dr. Cocktou' has imposed upon the new megacity of "San Angeles."
Indeed it can be argued that it is Dr. Coktou that is the real enemy here and that, in another reality, both Spartan and Pheonix would be on the same side. Whether this question deliberately or accidentally arises out of a plot that is a bit simplistic (it is, after all, a Stallone movie) or by design, is rather moot as the story careens from well-put-together set-pieces and moments of genuine comic fun, to flat out action that showcases both Snipes and Stallone at their very best.
With great supporting characters, played by Sandra Bullock (in one of her earliest and arguably best roles), the understated but fun Benjamin Bratt, and the always-entertaining Denis Leary, Demolition Man is a great, fun ride, and one you'll be glad to watch over and over again!

Sandra bullock sylvester stallone and wesley snipes movie

5.0 out of 5 stars Collection needs this one.
Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2022

Really fun, exciting action movie. It has the best casting on this film. I really wish i could have got more, just the cast alone could had made a sequel thus you'll never get enough of this movie. Super happy now it's part of the collection.

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Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2022

Officer John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) has been thawed out of cryoprison into a perfect world. While he was sleeping, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego were merged to form an ordered society where everything unhealthy is illegal, including sex, “alcohol, caffeine, contact sports, meat, bad language, chocolate, gasoline, noneducational toys, and anything spicy.” Now that the world is completely safe and boring, can Spartan keep criminal Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) from running amuck and messing everything up? Here are the active participants in our future:
____________________WHO’S WHO:
MARCO BRAMBILLA: it was the director’s first major motion picture.
SYLVESTER ENZIO STALLONE plays John Spartan, a falsely accused officer who has been released to eliminate another escaped prisoner. He doesn’t like the future and, we realize, we don’t either.
Stallone is a prolific actor whose magnetic presence commands your attention and, as an actor, he can really project strong emotions! A forceps delivery contributed to paralysis of his left face (CN #7?). He was expelled from many schools for violent behavior, and he married Brigitte Nielsen.
Stallone starred in Lords of Flatbush (1974), Rocky (1976), II (1979), III (1982), IV (1985), V (1990), Rocky Balboa (2006), Rambo (2008), II (1985), III (1988), Last Blood (2019), Creed (2015), Creed II (2018), Last Blood (2019), The Expendables (2010), 2 (2012), 3 (2014), 4 (?) — you get the idea.
One of his best lines is: “I thought I was history too, until this car suddenly turned into a cannoli.”
WESLEY TRENT SNIPES plays Simon Phoenix, a violent sociopath who has escaped cryogenic prison and is running amuck. Snipes’ presence is magnetic — the camera loves him. His acting is powerful and his emotions leap out of the screen into your heart. Wow. That’s acting. He has great range -- he is just as funny in Major League (1989) and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar (1995). Snipes can also be riveting in action films like Rising Sun (1993), Blade (1998), The Art of War (2000), Blade II (2002), and Blade: Trinity (2004).
His best line: “What? You guys don't have sarcasm, anymore?”
NIGEL BERNARD HAWTHORNE is Dr. Raymond Cocteau presiding over the Southern California country of San Angelas. (There’s no mention of the rest of the world.) Hawthorn plays the role like an “evil Mr. Rogers,” with controlled emotions inside a brittle shell of elitism and cowardice. Good job!
An English actor with roles in Twelfth Night (1996), Richard III (1995), The Madness of King George (1994), The Tempest (1980). I heard he didn’t get on well with Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes.
His best line: “Too bad. No kiss kiss. No bang bang!”
ROSEMARIE LAGUNAS is the purveyor of ratburgers. Very tastee!
GLENN SHADIX (William Glenn Scott) is Associate Bob, Matron of Manners. Dynamic but just too unctuous. He was very funny as Otho in Beetlejuice (1988).
ROB SCHNEIDER stands out as Officer Erwin, but I cannot find him in the credits. I wonder why?
SANDRA ANNETTE BULLOCK plays Lenina Huxley. She gets most of the good lines, but she still comes across weak and cartoonish. Where are your magnetism and strong emotions? Bullock replaced super-magnetic Lori Petty after “creative differences,” whatever that means.
DENIS LEARY plays Edgar Friendly, a cranky leader of the “Scraps” who endangers societal perfection. See Thomas Crown Affair (1999) and Ice Ages (2002; 2006; 2009; 2011; 2012; 2016).
1) Look for Jack Black among the Wasteland Scraps.
2) The computer voice is Adrienne Barbeau; also, in The Thing (1982) and Judge Dredd (1995).
3) We never find out how the 3-seashell thing works.
1) “I’ve perused some newsreels in The Schwarzenegger Presidential Library.” STALLONE: “What?”
2) “You can take this job and shovel it!”
3) “He’s finally matched his meat!”
4) (Speaking of sex:) “Eeeuw! Disgusting!”
I don’t know, but I can guess. The silver batons hold a blue crystal of ICE-9 (from Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle; 1963). When that crystal of ICE-9 touches anything, it freezes it solid. Zamakibo.
Oscar-nominated ALEX THOMPSON was Director of Photography. Demolition Man was shot in Technicolor with Panaflex Cameras at an aspect ratio of 2.35:1. The film runs 115 minutes.
In the television version, all references to Taco Bell were censored, leaving gaping holes in the dialog. The mention of Jeffrey Dahmer and the fight with guards in the cryoprison were censored. Sandra Bullock’s epithet “a- - hole” is changed to “eye-sore,” but she is still fined for her language. The scene where Stallone eats a ratburger is cut. So, basically the film is sliced to ribbons.
In European versions, Taco Bell was changed to Pizza Hut, for some reason.
The concept of this film is simple, but people talk like many adults (with “bad” language), there is lots of casual killing, sociopaths enjoy making other people miserable, and politicians care only about themselves. Plenty of talk about sex and “transmission of bodily fluids.” You know your children best.
This film has a straightforward plot design. When you see how awful the future could be, you feel better about your problems in the present.
I think Demolition Man is a funny film. It isn’t logical or reasonable — it’s just supposed to make you laugh and I do. If you like to laugh, I recommend you get it, on Blu-ray if possible. Don’t bother with the television version — it was censored to death.
You’re welcome to click my name to find more funny movie ideas and to read other reviews.
I hope this review has been interesting and really helpful.

Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2020

Imagine a future where everybody is smiling and nothing could go wrong. No foul language, no unhealthy foods, no sex, no music other than TV jingles, no contact sports, no drug use…wow…That’s a lot of no’s for a utopian society. John Spartan, Simon Phoenix, and Edgar Friendly don’t fit into this new future’s plans. So what do they do about it? Edgar Friendly leads an underground rebellion, Simon Phoenix causes violence wherever he goes, and John Spartan does pretty much the same as those two, but under the guise of police work. So much for Dr. Cocteau’s perfect society. Taking the fun completely out of life isn’t utopian at all. It’s dystopian. Already this movie is sounding like the libertarian’s bible, right? But let’s not forget that most left-wingers don’t have a problem with so-called “degenerate” behavior either. We like sex. We like marijuana. We like good food. We like heavy metal music and hip-hop. Everybody has their own interpretation of what Demolition Man means to them. I’ll speak for myself and say that this is generally a fun movie that takes place in a boring society. That’s it. That’s all it needs to be. We don’t need to have bloodbaths across the aisle over this fine piece of cinema. Let’s just sit down and watch it with a bucket of popcorn on our laps. And by the way, that popcorn is going to swim in butter and salt until it’s unrecognizable. Be well indeed.

But of all the major food groups this movie represents, none are more heavily pushed upon the audience than cheese. Good old fashioned cheesy goodness. Enough cheese to open a few Pizza Huts in this world of Taco Bells. I’m of course being metaphorical when I talk about how much cheese this movie has. You can hear it in the dialogue, whether it’s ordinary citizens, police officers, Cocteau’s obese assistant, or the socialites hanging out at Taco Bell. First and last names are used so bloody often. The elite vocabulary sounds awkward and clumsy and it’s enough to make the audience cringe. The TV jingles that are on the radio could drive someone insane if they hear it long enough, let alone in the short screen time they’re given. I get that this cheesy dialogue is supposed to be representative of a new future with a new brainwashed culture. Foul language is banned, so that’s a huge part of it. But after a while, it can grate on the audience’s ears. It’s so noticeable that it keeps the movie from being pitch perfect. But hey, when you’re watching a movie with Sylvester Stallone in the starring role, you can expect a little cheese every few seconds.

Which feels weird to say, because Sylvester Stallone plays John Spartan perfectly. He’s gritty, profane, ultra-violent, and loves to have fun even at the expense of a perfect and pretty future. Instead of using the three seashells once he’s done in the bathroom, he wipes his butt with the tickets he accumulates for swearing so much. He eats a rat burger when it’s the only meat available (and he loves it). He constantly has to correct Lelina Huxley after she butchers a 20th century idiom. You know who else likes to have fun at the expense of the future? Simon Phoenix, who’s played by Wesley Snipes. He can make even the most mundane insult sound intense with his delivery. He comes off like a psychopath loony toon not just in his constant laughter, but also in his movements, be it martial arts or otherwise. Couple these things with a terrorist mindset and you’ve got the most dangerous criminal in the movie. And then there’s Edgar Friendly, played by politically incorrect rapid-fire comedian Denis Leary. When he says he wants to eat salty, fatty, and buttery foods while smoking a cigar in the non-smoking section, you’ll believe he’s like that in real life. Denis Leary could start a revolution right now if he wanted to; that’s how convincing he was as Edgar Friendly. The only other character with halfway decent dialogue was Bob Gunton’s character, Captain Earle, who can be strict and aggressive without breaking the 21st century’s new laws. If he wasn’t a brainwashed pacifist, he could take on Simon Phoenix himself.

Yes, this movie was made in 1993, but it has aged like fine wine. Demolition Man sounds like it predicted the future in a lot of ways, but make no mistake, it was a satire turned up to eleven of things going on at the time. Whether you see it as a “libertarian manifesto” or not, the very least you can do is have fun while watching this movie. It’s action-packed, it’s witty, it’s dramatic, and an all-around good movie if you’re not too bothered by the cheesiness of the futuristic characters. You don’t even have to be drunk or stoned to watch this movie; it can be enjoyed at face value. But if you want to be drunk or stoned in the privacy of your own living room, I’m not going to try and stop you. I don’t want to turn your home into a Dr. Cocteau dystopia. Give this movie any grade you want and have no regrets. Me? I’ll give it a solid B.

Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2022

I think this is literally the 3 main actors at their best (Stallone, Snipes and Bullock - though maybe better in The Blind Side). Snipes is great as the crazy villain, and Stallone as a man out of time is fun and gloriously righteous. It is definitely a film of its time, but no less enjoyable for that. Great supporting cast with Dennis Leary, Benjamin Bratt, and people like the honorable Jesse Ventura. I always enjoy watching this over the top shoot 'em up, with the clever future premise.

Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2022

Dvd played well in Xbox x, picture quality was clear for it's age. Great movie. My husband and I enjoyed it, and my son will too when he's older.

Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2022

Great action film as well as light comedy. One of the greats but often overlooked.

Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2022

Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2022

It's an alright action movie with the villain seemly taking inspiration from Batman 89's joker. The action isn't that great, but the jokes sprinkled in help keep things from getting dull.

Reviewed in the United States on August 6, 2022

This movie predicts cancel-culture, social credit scores, feminization of men, gun control, politically correct speech, micro-aggressions and more! Enjoy and see how many more you can count!

Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Ein Ausblick in unsere Zukunft

Reviewed in Germany on October 5, 2019

Wenn heutzutage alles verboten ist zu sagen, weil sich sonst irgendein Schneeflöckchen daran stört und emotional niederbricht...
Wenn Maskulinität verteufelt wird und die Gesellschaft verweichlicht zu Schlaffis, die im Angesicht wahrer brutaler Gewalt Schurken nicht ansatzweise die Stirn bieten können...
Wenn jeglicher körperlicher Kontakt zwischen Mann und Frau von Feminist(inn)en als Vergewaltigung der Frau ausgerufen wird...
Wenn Veganismus als die einzig richtige Art der Ernährung ernannt wird...
Wenn Öko-Faschisten Kinder vorschieben, um Steuern auf CO2 und somit auf das Ausatmen zu setzen...
Wenn Tierschützer auf Viehhaltung gezüchtete Rinder in die Freiheit entlassen wollen, wo sie ohne den Menschen eh umkommen würden...

...dann ist eine faschistische Gesellschaft wie in Demolition Man gar nicht so weit hergeholt.

Ein super Film, zeigt deutlich eine 'friedfertige' Dystopia von San Angeles, wo die Menschen von einer hilflosen Polizei 'beschützt' werden, die mit echter, brutaler Gewalt nicht umzugehen weiß. Die Bevölkerung wurde derart 'harmonisiert', dass die Polizisten zu reinen Schlaffis degeneriert sind, die ohne Anweisung eines elektronischen Gerätes nicht einmal eine simple Festnahme zustandebringen und eine ganze Polizeitruppe von 4 bis 5 Beamten von einem einzelnen Mann vertrimmt wird. Tja, um einen 'toxisch maskulinen' Verbrecher zu stoppen, braucht es einen 'toxisch maskulinen' Polizisten, der ebenso auf die Fresse geben kann.

Wer die politische und gesellschaftliche Lage der echten Welt heute mit der einen oder anderen roten Pille im Magen beobachtet, erkennt viele Parallelen im Film zur echten Welt. Alles, was noch groß fehlt ist ein Brett mit drei Muscheln statt Klopapier.

5.0 out of 5 stars Edición alemana en castellano

Reviewed in Spain on June 3, 2021

Opinión de Demolition Man [Alemania] [Blu-ray] con ASIN : B003ZVJJRQ
El bluray de la edición alemana de Demolition Man tiene castellano, de hecho es el mismo disco que la edición española, con la serigrafía del Ministerio de Cultura.
Espero que os sea de utilidad. :)

5.0 out of 5 stars Crystal clear picture

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 12, 2018

This movie is clasick, in my country never witch czech dubbing on DVD, never on blueray, BUT i finaly found with czech subtitles and this is more important for me. This movie is BDVM format, i no idea, what is this mean, but got crystal clear picture quality on my Samsung QE49Q7F 4K QLED TV. Sound is little not mutch loud, but is depending on scene. Many thanks for Spanish import, because without this, i cannot enjoy clasick action movie with Silvester Stalone and Wesley Snipes. Recommended for any fans of blueray movies.

Sandra bullock sylvester stallone and wesley snipes movie

5.0 out of 5 stars Crystal clear picture
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 12, 2018

This movie is clasick, in my country never witch czech dubbing on DVD, never on blueray, BUT i finaly found with czech subtitles and this is more important for me. This movie is BDVM format, i no idea, what is this mean, but got crystal clear picture quality on my Samsung QE49Q7F 4K QLED TV. Sound is little not mutch loud, but is depending on scene. Many thanks for Spanish import, because without this, i cannot enjoy clasick action movie with Silvester Stalone and Wesley Snipes. Recommended for any fans of blueray movies.

5.0 out of 5 stars 5 Muscheln ähhh Sterne! ;)

Reviewed in Germany on December 20, 2018

Deutscher Ton ist leider nur in AC3 5.1, Englisch dafür DTS HD MA. Bildqualität ist für das Alter ausgezeichnet.
Demolition Man ist ein phantastischer Action Film mit viel Witz, toller Choreographie und futuristischen Schauplätzen.
Der Film ist für jeden Action Fan ein absolutes Muss!

Viele wissen gar nicht, wie viele Dinge dieser Film für die Zukunft "vorhergesehen" hat, was heute bereits alltäglich ist, zum damaligen Zeitpunkt aber noch überhaupt keine Rede war:
Schwarzeneggers politische Karriere
selbstfahrende Autos
Wesley Snipes als Krimineller
biometrische Implantate
Tablet Computer
Sprachassistenten zu Hause
Youtube Video-Anleitungen

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Stallone film.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 10, 2021

What movie did Sandra Bullock play with Sylvester Stallone?

Demolition Man (film).

What movie did Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes play in together?

In October 1993, an action comedy titled “Demolition Man” was released. Set in the then-hard-to-imagine future of 2032, it starred Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes and launched the career of the previously unknown Sandra Bullock.

Is Demolition Man a good movie?

A Cult classic, one of the best Sci-Fi action flicks of Stallone! Demolition Man (1993) is one of the best epic classic science fiction/action film of all time! AN ALL TIME CLASSIC, has it all, explosions, practical effects, one liners, 80s songfests, soundtracks. It is one of my personal favorite movies.

Is Demolition Man on Netflix?

Is Demolition Man on Netflix? Netflix doesn't currently have Demolition Man in its online library at the time of writing. We don't expect that to change very soon, but you never know!