Should you pop a blister on your toe

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When Should You Pop A Blister On Your Foot?

Ever wondered should you pop a blister on your foot, or not? Find out when to do it, how to do it, what you'll need, whether it hurts and the risks.

Ever wondered: Should I pop my blister, or not? In this article, you’ll find out:

  • When to pop a blister – when it’s a good idea and when it’s a bad idea
  • How to pop a blister – does it hurt to pop a blister
  • What gear you’ll need to pop a blister – it’s not just about the piercing implement
  • What are the risks of popping blisters – including blood blisters

When To Pop A Blister

Search the general media and you’ll find about 50% against popping and 50% for popping. Some recognise there’s a place for both interventions. What’s missing is the practical information to help you decide whether your blister needs to be popped or left alone.

Personally and professionally, I’m a fan of popping foot blisters. But only in certain circumstances.

Rather than the question should you pop a blister, the question you should ask yourself when deciding if you should pop your blister is:

“Should I Pop This Blister In These Circumstances?”

It depends entirely on:

  • Your blister – Size and location.
  • Your situation – Are you at home, out hiking, are your feet dirty or wet, do you have the right gear on hand, do you have any access to medical help, your general health. 

For example, let’s say this was your blister (below). Here are 8 scenarios with different answers to the question should I pop my blister?

Question: Would You Pop This Blister If It Was On Your Toe?

SCENARIO 1: You’re about to walk down the street to a friend’s place and you’re wearing thongs (flip flops).

Answer: No need. You won’t be walking on it (it’s on the side of the toe). And your shoe won’t be pressing on it.

SCENARIO 2: You’re about to leave the house to go for a run.

Answer: Yes. It’s going to tear on its own otherwise.

SCENARIO 3: You’re half way through your run.

Answer: No. You don’t have any equipment on you to do it.

SCENARIO 4: You’ve just got back from your run, noticed this blister but you’ll be spending the rest of the day on the couch.

Answer: No need.

SCENARIO 5: You’re a few hours into a hike. Your friend has a pocket knife and you have some tape.

Answer: No way! You have no idea what germs are on that pocket knife. You have no antiseptic and no island dressing.

SCENARIO 6: You’re a few hours into a hike and you’ve bought your blister kit. In fact, it has sterile dressings, antiseptic and a sterile scalpel blade to lance it.

Answer: Yeah sure. You’re all set up to do what needs to be done. 

SCENARIO 7: Your hike takes you through river-crossings. The terrain is muddy and even a bit swampy in some parts.

Answer: Nope! Water-logging of your dressing means your dressing is no longer forming a barrier against bacterial movement into your blister.

SCENARIO 8: You’re diabetic or your immune system is low.

Answer: No, it’s just too risky. And you need to consider modifying your activity (stop running) until this blister has resolved.

See How It Works. It’s Common Sense, Really. Same Blister – Different Scenario – Different Answer.

Here’s another example. Let’s say these were your blisters (below). Let’s apply the same 8 scenarios. Now these blisters are under the ball of your feet, not on your toe, would you answer any differently?

I would give a different answer to scenario 1. No matter what shoes you wear, as long as you’re on your feet and walking, these blisters will hurt and probably tear anyway. When it’s on both feet, you don’t even have a good foot to lean on (not that that is a good thing to do anyway). So it makes sense to take the situation into your own hands and lance this blister in a clean and controlled environment. So yes, I would pop this blister in this situation. But only if I had the right gear to do it safely.

What Are The Risks Of Popping Blisters On Feet?

Dealing with the pain of a foot blister, the inconvenience of blister treatment and the downtime in waiting for it to resolve is bad enough. But an infection is a whole different story. It makes your blister more sore, requires more of your attention and things can go nasty quickly. So you need medical help close at hand. And let’s face it, while they’re tucked away in your shoes, feet spend a lot of time in a dirty, dark, warm, moist environment that lends itself to bacterial infection. And when not in shoes, out feet are what connects us to the ground – a source of limitless germs. So foot blisters are particularly prone to infection.

What About Blood Blisters? 

Should You Pop A Blood Blister On Your Foot?

You would err on the side of more caution. The presence of blood indicates more chance of infection. Monitor its progression more closely so you can pick up signs of infection right away. And take steps to address the cause of the bleeding in the blister. You must read this article about treating blood blisters on the feet.

Should You Pop A Burn Blister?

Burn blisters are deeper than the normal friction blisters you get on your feet. In fact the thermal burns that cause blisters are second degree burns. Extreme caution or medical consultation is advised.

Signs Your Blister Is Infected

  • Pus
  • Increasing pain, swelling or redness

An infected blister requires at least a topical antiseptic (like Betadine), antibiotic cream or possibly oral antibiotics. Read more about treating infected blisters here.

What Constitutes A Medical Emergency?

If you see red streaks extending around your blister and upwards, you need to seek urgent medical attention. This is a condition called lymphangitis (commonly but incorrectly referred to as blood-borne infection or blood poisoning). This is a serious medical condition! Left unchecked, an infection can even lead to severe systemic reactions and death.

How To Pop A Blister On Your Foot (Or Anywhere Really)

If you are going to lance your blister, you need to do it in a clean environment using clean techniques and sterile equipment.

  • Firstly, clean your hands and foot (soap and water or antibacterial hand gel).
  • Secondly, lance with a sterile implement (sterile scalpel blade or hypodermic needle) – read How Not To Drain A Blister. If necessary, lance it in 2 places where gravity and foot function will help fluid escape (this is a tip from Fixing Your Feet author, John Vonhof).
  • Thirdly, apply an antiseptic (eg: Betadine) and dress with a sterile island dressing – read How To Treat Your Foot Blister.
  • Fourthly, remove or deflect pressure. And reduce friction levels – read about how to cut friction levels for foot blisters.
  • And finally, you need to keep it clean and monitor over the coming days for signs of infection.

Practical Blister Popping (Lancing) Demos

Got A Blister That Needs Lancing But Don’t Have The Right Gear?

We’ve got you covered with our brand new sterile blister lance pack. It contains the gear you’ll need for 4 blister lancing and treatment episodes, so you can pop your blisters safely and avoid infection. It also includes detailed instructions on how to prepare your blister, perform the procedure and monitor it as it heals. Choose expedited shipping and you could have this pack in your hands tomorrow.

Does It Hurt To Pop A Blister?

As the videos above show, it shouldn’t hurt to pop a blister. If your lancing implement is sharp, there is no need to press, push or squeeze your blister.


When it comes to popping blisters, judge the blister on its anatomical location, your activity, your health and the equipment you have available to you. There are definite advantages to taking the situation into your own hands and popping a blister. Put it this way, it beats ignoring it, putting your shoes back on and hoping for the best. However, popping blisters comes with risks. Therefore, if in doubt, leave it intact. Apply antiseptic and a sterile dressing. Reduce pressure and friction levels. And monitor regularly to ensure it hasn’t torn or become infected. Seek medical attention for specific advice on your situation.

Looking For The Gear You’ll Need To Pop Your Blister Safely?

Get it all in the Blister Lance Pack (below).

USD $14.99 USD $10.99

Sterile Blister Lance Pack

Got a blister that needs popping? Don't use scissors or a sewing needle & get infected. Do it safely with our Sterile Blister Lance Pack.


About The Author

Podiatrist, blister prone ex-hockey player, foot blister thought-leader, author and educator. Can’t cook. Loves test cricket.

USD $14.99 USD $10.99

Sterile Blister Lance Pack

Got a blister that needs popping? Don't use scissors or a sewing needle & get infected. Do it safely with our Sterile Blister Lance Pack.


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  1. Penny 24 May 2015 at 4:13 am - Reply

    Thank you Rebecca Rushton!!!

  2. Rebecca Rushton 29 May 2015 at 5:37 am - Reply

  3. Rachel Hunter 29 May 2015 at 12:26 pm - Reply

    So basically if it’s in an area you are going to be standing on soon and you have the equipment, pop it. Here’s my question. If it’s not infected and I baby it, will it heal without me popping it? Mine are usually clean but filled with a little bit of clear fluids. I have a large one across the bottom of my heel right now causing the heel to be sore when I stand on it.

  4. Luiza 11 June 2015 at 1:20 am - Reply

    What if I got a blood blister tonight and tomorrow night/afternoon I have to dance (ballet)? It’s on the bottom of my big toe and it hurts. I was thinking about leaving it until tomorrow and if it’s still bad, pop it. If anyone is out there please help! I have 3 more weeks of dance!

  5. Rebecca Rushton 11 June 2015 at 4:03 am - Reply

    It’s impossible for me to say Luiza. What you need to do is process what you’ve learned from this article and apply it as best you see fit for your situation. If you’re in any doubt, the best thing to do is consult your GP or Podiatrist and get their advice and treatment specific to your blister. Very best of luck.

  6. Dani 14 June 2015 at 4:42 am - Reply

    I have 2 blood blisters a couple of cm long on the ball of my left foot. My right foot is sore on the same spot but no blisters. Before this, I was hoping to run daily for the next coming weeks, so now Im not sure whether I should lance them or wait till they heal. In any case would I be able to run or should I just wait? I dont have felt/moleskin material either to reduce the frinction, what else can I use? :( Is there any other tips besides reducing the friction that I should keep in mind (for example do things like ice and keeping the feet high actually help?) ?

  7. Rebecca Rushton 16 June 2015 at 12:40 pm - Reply

    If you want to keep running Dani, and you don’t want these blisters to get worse, you need to do something about pressure and friction. You can attempt to treat the damage after each run as you suggest (ice / elevation) and it will probably make a small difference. But you’re only ever playing catch up. To get on top of these blisters (and still run each day), you need to be proactive not reactive. All of your options are outlined here: //

    If you don’t know where to start, I sugest you see a podiatrist.

  8. Kriss Sawyer 20 June 2015 at 7:07 am - Reply

    I think I know the answer but Im going to ask anyway. I have two large blisters, one in each foot, both on the ball of my foot under the big toe. They dont actually hurt, but they’re huge and I feel like… well Im walking on jelly or something. I work with special needs and am on my feet all 7 hours of the working day. Walking, trampolining, swimming… I am worried if I dont pop them when they do go it’ll be extremely painful. I have the weekend and Monday/Tuesday coming up soon. Would it be a good plan to pop them, take the pain and be okay the following wednesday?

  9. Rebecca Rushton 21 June 2015 at 5:02 am - Reply

    That sounds like a well-considered plan Kriss. It’s not going to hurt as much as you think it will. You’re only putting a small hole in the roof – you’re not deroofing it. And if anything, it will probably hurt less and heal faster. Just remember to minimise infection risk (that includes not swimming until it’s healed). All the best!

  10. Angelina Marie 22 June 2015 at 11:28 am - Reply

    Ok, so I have a good sized blister in between my big toe and second toe, and I pooped it (I thought it was a pimple, I don’t usually get pimples there so I assumed) will it get infected? It causes a searing pain up my foot, up my leg, and to the side of my torso. What should I do to heal it?

  11. Rebecca Rushton 23 June 2015 at 12:19 pm - Reply

    Yes of course it could get infected if you haven’t taken any infection control precautions Angelina (topical antiseptic, sterile dressing). And if you are experiencing pain extending up your foot and leg, you should seek urgent medical attention.

  12. Rebecca Rushton 29 June 2015 at 1:22 am - Reply

  13. Jessica 29 June 2015 at 12:17 pm - Reply

    I went on a 37 mile hike and I have a blister on the ball of my foot on each foot. It hurts to walk on them so I’ve been walking irregularly. I want to pop them but I am always worried about the risk of infection if I pop them. Is it worth it to pop them in a sterile environment or leave them and run the risk of them tearing and being more painful?

  14. Thank you for the article. Is there a length of time that is too long for a blister to remain undrained? I have one on each of my heals beneath thick skin, and after a week, they do not seem to be going anywhere. I had hoped they would absorb back into the foot by now, but they seem content to just be. While I see no signs of infection, both heals ache while walking.

  15. Rebecca Rushton 11 July 2015 at 4:17 am - Reply

    Not really KB. But if like two weeks later ther blister is still there and doesn’t seem to be moving to the surface, it’s probably more a fact that it’s reforming. And you’ll need to address the cause of it. Blisters under your heels are not particularly common (usually downhill running or hiking – does this fit?). But they can take a while to resolve because you can’t avoid walking on this part of your foot, and the skin is pretty thick.

    Or are you talking more about an edge blister? //

    If you have a photo or two you’d like to share with me, so I have a better idea of the blisters, use my contact page. And I’ll be in touch.

  16. leah 15 July 2015 at 9:31 am - Reply

    I read the whole page and there wasnt anything on here to help me. I have a blister, on the heel of my foot, and it popped on its own. What do I do?

  17. Rebecca Rushton 16 July 2015 at 12:20 pm - Reply

  18. Cody 12 August 2015 at 6:41 am - Reply

    I got a blood blister on the very top of my pointer finger. I do manual labor where i need to use that exact spot everyday. Do i pop it or leave it? Which will heal faster?

  19. Rebecca Rushton 13 August 2015 at 3:03 am - Reply

    Mmm, it’s a tough choice you have to make there Cody. There are risks both ways. Unfortunately, being a Podiatrist, I can only give advice on foot problems. But take what you can from this article and decide which way to go. And if you’re still not sure, see your Doctor. All the best.

  20. Jay 19 August 2015 at 4:13 am - Reply

    I have a blood blister on the ball of my foot. And with a physical fitness class coming up in 5 days as well as walking around campus, I don’t know whether to leave it be or try to drain it now so I don’t risk it tearing open.

    I’ve iced it yesterday and today to try and reduce swelling but haven’t seen any difference, and there’s no pain walking but it does feel kind of awkward to walk on.

  21. Rebecca Rushton 19 August 2015 at 8:04 am - Reply

  22. pat 22 October 2015 at 4:43 am - Reply

    I have a blister on the side of my big toe I popped it three days ago and it is still painfull is that normal

  23. Rebecca Rushton 22 October 2015 at 11:35 am - Reply

    It depends on whether you’ve stopped the cause of it, Pat. Read this to learn more: //

    I can’t tell you definitively, because I can’t see your blister and I know nothing about you (your health, your activity, your shoes or how your feet work). If you’re concerned at any satge, see your doctor or podiatrist for advice and treatment tailored specifically to you.

  24. Hans 28 October 2015 at 3:51 am - Reply

    I have a blister at the bottom of my big toe of my foot. I’ve got a basketball game comin’ up tomorrow, should I lance it or leave it?

  25. Rebecca Rushton 29 October 2015 at 2:54 am - Reply

    That’s why I wrote this article Hans. Because there are many situational variables to the same foot blister. Take what you can from the article to help you decide. And if in any doubt, see a podiatrist about it for advice and treatment specific to your circumstances. This article might help too: //

  26. Chris 3 December 2015 at 8:40 am - Reply

    I popped mine on bottom of my foot just like the picture both feet well i popped one and burned like a motha is that normal?

  27. Stephen Updegraff 23 February 2016 at 7:52 am - Reply

    I got some doozies on the back of both feet today. I appreciate what you provided here. It answered every question I had.

  28. Rebecca Rushton 23 February 2016 at 8:37 am - Reply

    Oh great Stephen – all the best!

  29. christopher shadwick 11 March 2016 at 1:17 am - Reply

    I have blood surrounding a callous on the underside of my big toe. I had noticed a discoloration last week, but thought i had just stepped in something at the time (own several cats, don’t ask!) Anyway, to me it looks like it could be slightly bluish in its coloring. I, for certain, had a blister Tuesday this week after hiking on the side of that same toe. However, my concerns are that I apparently have had deep vein thrombosis in the past, have had three PEs in the lungs (about 8 years ago), and have Lupus (strangely enough, I test as not having the blood clotting factor known in some Lupus cases, and they never found DVTs in my legs, only a DVT in one of my arms somewhere) and Sjogrens. Obviously, I should not lance it or break the skin. Because of the blister I felt this week, i am assuming it is merely a blood blister, and not blood clot (hopefully not gangrene!). I think I noticed the dark area on the toe last Friday. Careful observation, protection of the spot, and no hiking are obviously in order. I’ll try soaking my foot in a tub of hot water tonight for circulation. Do you happen to know if the bluish-red appearance should be a concern? Does one sometimes get such an appearance with blood blisters? This is seen shining a powerful LED light on it and the blood is right under the skin surface, it appears.

  30. Rebecca Rushton 11 March 2016 at 6:13 am - Reply

    The colouring sounds normal Christopher, from what I can understand from your explanation. But can I suggest you consult with your practitioner to confirm there is nothing to worry about here – I’m concerned about your pre-existing health conditions.

  31. Yerevan Dilanchian 16 March 2016 at 8:07 am - Reply

    Hi Rebecca,
    I’ve had an edge blister on my big toe (similar to the first image) for nearly 2 weeks now. 2 days ago I consulted my doctor who advised me to keep the blister intact and prescribed Flamazine ointment to apply twice a day. I’ve been using the ointment as directed however I am concerned that applying the cream to a closed wound is futile. I will be travelling in 2 weeks and am really worried the blister won’t heal in time. What plan of action do you recommend?

  32. Rebecca Rushton 16 March 2016 at 8:39 am - Reply

  33. Les 3 April 2016 at 4:37 am - Reply

    I have had blood blister on the outside of my big toe for several weeks from running, in preparing for a marathon in 7 days. Today it ruptured while running and all the fluid is now drained. I think most of the new skin has already formed but I can’t tell for sure. Should I debried the old skin? How should I care for it for the best result for my marathon.

  34. Rebecca Rushton 4 April 2016 at 6:25 am - Reply

  35. Tyler 13 April 2016 at 5:50 am - Reply

    Thank you for the information, I can barely understand a lot of things on the net but this was explained perfectly. Got a little annoying one inbetween the ball and big toe, I usually just pop them as I was informed that’s the best thing to do but I’ll leave this one alone and let my body take care of itself.

  36. Rebecca Rushton 14 April 2016 at 12:36 pm - Reply

    Thanks Tyler! Better than wait for them to develop, consider preventing them in the first place. These are the options most likely to work for blisters under the big toe and even the ones you get that are a bit further back towards the ball of the foot. // All the best.

  37. Hannah barens 17 April 2016 at 8:49 am - Reply

    I went roller skating for to long and I got a blood blister on my big toe( on the bottom part of the foot). It hurts a little bit but not to much. It’s kind of small and it’s red with a yellowish color. Should I pop it? Does it hurt to pop it if you just pop it with a needle?

  38. Desi Doll 20 April 2016 at 1:26 am - Reply

    Hi, I have a blister on my left foot and it is right in the middle of my foot,but below where my arch is and it’s about the size of my thumb and index joined at the tips forming a circle…I was wondering if I could pop it. I have a sterile needle and peroxide and a bandage (And gauze) thank you.

  39. Rebecca Rushton 20 April 2016 at 4:01 am - Reply

    The information you need to answer this question for yourself is within, Desi.

  40. Braulio Figueroa 21 April 2016 at 5:12 am - Reply

    Should i wear loose footwear or tight footwear if i dont have the blisters kits?

  41. Rebecca Rushton 21 April 2016 at 5:35 am - Reply

  42. Sidney 22 April 2016 at 6:57 am - Reply

    I have a big blister on the top of my third toeI can’t wear tennis shoes or anything and I have plans this weekend. I don’t want to walk around and be scared of someone popping it or it getting rubbed and bigger. Should I pop it? It hurts to walk on BC my toes move and put pressure on it

  43. Sherry 24 April 2016 at 10:52 am - Reply

    6 months ago I had blister on left foot, now it’s back then spreads from one area to another foot. It popped with yellow liquid. Bottom of foot is like it’s asleep.. Any ideas

  44. Rebecca Rushton 24 April 2016 at 11:06 am - Reply

  45. Rebecca Rushton 25 April 2016 at 1:27 am - Reply

    This needs to be looked at by your doctor or podiatrist Sherry. Make an appointment asap.

  46. Hawaiian Brah 29 April 2016 at 4:39 am - Reply

    i love to play alot of basketball and surf and running i am very active however i just noticed a blister on my toe on my left foot and a half inch long one on my second toe the one next to the big toe on my right and it hurts to walk should i lance them or not

  47. Katniss-rose 7 May 2016 at 12:08 pm - Reply

    Hi, I have a HUGE blister on the side of my big toe, I got it from my shoes rubbing, I’ve got rid of the shoes now. My dad wants to pop it with a needle but I’m too afraid, I’m scared it could get infected or that it will hurt. In the past I’ve obviously had blisters but they have gone by themselves overnight, what should I do with this one?! Xx

  48. Chris 11 May 2016 at 1:53 am - Reply

    I have a blood blister right next to my big toenail and I play Football/Soccer almost every other day. It is pretty small and I don’t have any pain. Should I pop it now, or let it heal?

  49. Clarinda Cannell 12 June 2016 at 7:10 am - Reply

    So, I have a blister or horse fly bite near my ankle it hurts and filled with some kind of clear fluid. i have been in a field on Friday and it’s now Sunday what shall I do ?

  50. Thanks, i Just hiked 10 miles. I’m gonna leave it and bandage it

  51. Shelby 19 July 2016 at 5:15 am - Reply

    I just got a few blisters on my big toe on the top AND side of my toe, I have to do some light running tomorrow, should I lance the blisters or leave them?

  52. Jim 23 July 2016 at 10:36 am - Reply

    Doc that’s great advice. I think another Big component is to Know Your Immune System. I am a Country Boy, we’ll old one anyway. I have had blisters all my life. From boots and barefoot, hands and feet, knees, etc. From friction and burns. I have always popped them, under the perception the new fluid making the blisters bigger. However I know that I am always in filthy conditions, haha, and think that helps build immunity. I have been bitten by every critter here many times. Even a few snakes, never went to Dr. But I know I don’t get infections, ever. I find antiseptic salves take twice as long to heal than I do if I do nothing but let it have air. I do clean it with antiseptic asap, which mostly is when I get home. Thanks for the Truth. It’s Refreshing. And I know what I do I Am Not saying is for Anyone To Try based on my experience. I know what infects Me, and Agree 100% with the Doctor.Thanks againJim

  53. Elena 25 July 2016 at 9:22 am - Reply

    I have two blood blisters each on the side of my big toe, one is small but a very dark color. The other has expanded a little bit and is a light red and a little white. Right now I’m on vacation at the beach and walking in tennis shoes. I’m wearing those band aids meant for blisters hoping it will help. I don’t know what I should do about them since I’m going to have to be walking every dayPlease help.

  54. Lena 27 July 2016 at 3:58 am - Reply

    My blister is red. Does that mean I should pop it before it gets worse? I also have Neosporin, could I use that if I pop it?

  55. Alexie 7 August 2016 at 5:09 am - Reply

    Hi, I’m currently in Disney and I got a blister yesterday on the bottom of my pinky toe. I left it alone. Today after another day at Disney, I come back to the hotel and my blister is even bigger now.. I still have three more days at Disney.. And I’ll be walking around.. A lot! Do I pop it.. Or leave it alone?

  56. Trish 8 August 2016 at 12:27 pm - Reply

    I have a blister on top of my foot from my sneaker tongue rubbed against it, Can it heal with popping?

  57. Ryan 13 August 2016 at 3:19 am - Reply

    What an amazing article. Thanks SO much for writing this! It’s perfect info!
    Big football match tomorrow. New shoes are irritating a little so needed some info !

  58. Jamie 6 September 2016 at 11:40 am - Reply

    I have a fairly small blister on the back of my heel from dancing in pointe shoes. It is not very big but it is filled with a clear to almost yellowish liquid. I have the rest of tonight and most of tomorrow to rest it, but should I pop it before I go back to dance tomorrow

  59. Mia 13 September 2016 at 6:27 am - Reply

    I have a blister underneath my big toe and I have p.e every day of the week. Should I pop it?

  60. Loco coco 22 September 2016 at 10:51 am - Reply

    I have two piece sized blisters on each of my big toes and I have two hours of volleyball practice Monday through Friday for school and on Mondays and Wednesdays I have soccer for an hour and they hurt to run on but I don’t know whether to pop them or not because some people say it helps and some don’t what do I do?

  61. Jacki May 28 September 2016 at 2:06 am - Reply

    I have a very painful blister(s) between my big toe and the ball of my foot!! I have a marathon to run in 12 days and I’m freakin out on what to do!!! I have been running on it with the pain not being to bad but last night during my run I had a sharp shooting pain in that spot that made me stop!! It’s painful to walk on!! Please tell me what I should do!!!!

  62. Tara 14 October 2016 at 1:29 am - Reply

    What should I do if I have 2 abnormally huge blisters (one on each foot) that have started to increasingly hurt. I put blister cushions on both of them before they popped but they have been incredibly painful to walk on since there is no other way to walk them on my tippy toes. Today, I think they have deflated but still have cushions on (which are not comforting the pain) There are no signs of infection other then pain increasing. Please help me out!

  63. Carter 2 November 2016 at 6:29 am - Reply

    I have a blood blister covering the bottom of my whole big toe. I’m a serious athlete what should I do?

  64. Rebecca Rushton 2 November 2016 at 7:03 am - Reply

  65. Ellie 26 November 2016 at 3:30 am - Reply

    So I have this small flat blister. It looks like a black spot (that doesn’t hurt) and I’ve had it when I was younger. I popped it and (if I’m not mistaken) blood came out. But it was darker then what my blood usually looks like, and till this day I don’t see it or feel any pain. I was clipping my toe nails when I found another but smaller. Not knowing if I should risk it or pop it again….. I searched the web and found this sight that said mine could be a BLOOD BLISTER but it didn’t tell me how to deal with it. So after finding and reading your websight I must ask…..with all the risks of having an infection should I still pop it?
    Oh and if you know if what I have is not a blood blister (because the photos I’ve seen don’t look like mine) do you mind telling me what mine is?
    P.S. I go to middle school and have to do athletics. So should I risk it?

  66. Ellie 26 November 2016 at 3:36 am - Reply

    OH WAIT!!! it also looks like a freckle to be more detailed.

  67. Melissa 10 January 2017 at 3:33 am - Reply

    I have a blister on the side of one of my foot,and I have one about the same size on the other side as well.I have been babying it and cleaning it for like 1 day or two now and my question is if I keep babying it and cleaning it,will it heal faster?Because for me,it’s too risky to pop it!

  68. Melissa 10 January 2017 at 3:37 am - Reply

    (this is to go with my other comment)Anyways,Rebecca my blisters aren’t infected or anything,they aren’t swelling,or red or anything like that sort of stuff,I can barely notice them,but just how do I get them to heal?

  69. Rebecca Rushton 10 January 2017 at 3:57 am - Reply

  70. Jane welton 20 February 2017 at 4:39 am - Reply

    I went out for a walk with my dog and when I came back my right heel was really painful its looks like a massive blister should I pop this and get the fuild out or just leave it? Jane Welton

  71. Cheri 10 May 2017 at 8:21 am - Reply

    My boyfriend has a huge blister which is around 1 inch in length, at the very bottom corner of his heel. It developed the first day he started his new job, and has only gotten bigger. I’m afraid that his blister will pop while he’s at work, where he works 8 hours a day, on his feet all day. Should he pop his blister?

  72. dawn cluter 8 November 2017 at 2:03 am - Reply

    l have a small blister on my left fooot and [on the same foot ] l have a blister on my second to last toe

  73. Galahad 4 March 2018 at 3:27 am - Reply

    I recently got two severe burns on the arches of both of my feet that prevented me from walking. As a result, I felt it necessary to pop them (with a sterilized instrument and antiseptic), which did temporarily alleviate the discomfort. However, they have consistently healed and re-filled with liquid in a matter of hours every time that I drain them. Any suggestions to either increase this time or to deal with the pain?

  74. Hi I have a question .My name’s Sam I have just finished playing football in the heat and I have a blister on one side of one foot and one side of my other foot one of them looks wired like a blood one should I be worried ?? .

  75. adr 12 July 2018 at 7:38 am - Reply

    My friend has a large blister on the ball of her foot that she has left alone for about 2 weeks. It is hard, callused, and painful. Should she pop it and rid herself of this misery, or let it sort itself out?

  76. Mihai 23 July 2018 at 12:12 pm - Reply

    Hi. I have a small blister on the bottom of my large toe from playing tennis. It bothers me very little. Tomorrow evening I will play tennis again. Should I drain it now or just before the game? Or maybe leave it like this?
    (I always drain my blisters and it’s much better like this. But I’ve only had larger and more bothersome blisters, I’m not used to dealing with a small one that doesn’t bother me :-))) )

  77. Alyssa Brandon 9 October 2018 at 8:20 am - Reply

    Thank you for this, but I do have a question. I was out walking and I had this nice ankle boots, they had a small heel as well, but the toe part of the shoes were a bit narrow and caused a small blister to appear on third toe on the left foot and two blisters on both the third and pinkie toe on my right foot. The blister on the pinkie toe is a bit bubbled up and a little hard to the touch. The others are bubbled up as well but not hard like the pinkie toe. Should I pop them or put some ointment (neosporin) on them with a bandaid and let them heal by there selves. I have class in a little bit, but I’ll mainly be sitting in a seat for 2 hours.

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Should I burst a blister on my toe?

Most blisters heal naturally after three to seven days and don't require medical attention. It's important to avoid bursting the blister, because this could lead to an infection or slow down the healing process. If the blister does burst, don't peel off the dead skin.

Do blisters heal faster if you pop them?

It won't help it heal any faster and you run the risk of spreading the virus to other areas of your skin or to other people. Learn more about why should never pop a fever blister.

How do I treat a blister on my toe?

Here's how:.
Wash your hands and the blister with soap and warm water..
Swab the blister with iodine..
Clean a sharp needle with rubbing alcohol..
Use the needle to prick the blister in several spots near the edge. ... .
Apply an ointment such as petroleum jelly to the blister and cover it with a nonstick gauze bandage..

How do you pop a blister on your toe?

Steps to Safely Pop a Blister.
Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water..
Carefully clean the area around the blister with mild soap and water. ... .
Sterilize a needle using rubbing alcohol or iodine..
Gently pierce one side of the blister with the needle..
Allow fluid to drain..
Clean the area with antibacterial soap..


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