Sparknotes the absolutely true diary of a part time indian

Analyzing literature can be hard — we make it easy! This in-depth study guide offers summaries & analyses for all 30 chapters of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Get more out of your reading experience and build confidence with study guides proven to: raise students’ grades, save teachers time, and spark dynamic book discussions. SuperSummary Study Guides are written by experienced educators and literary scholars with advanced degrees in relevant fields. Here's what's inside:

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  • Course Title EXPOS-UA MISC
  • Pages 4

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THE ABSOLUTELY TRUE DIARY OF A PART-TIME INDIANSUMMARYby: Sherman AlexieChapters 28-30There is balance and reciprocity in the Stupid Horse story. Stupid Horse is set onfire and Turtle Lake burns.Stupid Horse decomposes, and people forget his story. In the tree-climbing story, there is a similar kind oflogic. Junior and Rowdy abandon the dark depths of Turtle Lake and its mysteries for another day. Instead ofdescending, they climb high above the reservation, almost to the very top of the largest tree. Is this aprecursor of their eventual escape out of the reservation and into a world of greater opportunities? WillRowdy be able to overcome the difficulties that face him and escape the reservation with Junior? Suchquestions are left unresolved even as the novel begins to come to a close. Junior takes stock of hisfirst yearof high school at Reardan, a year full of pain and loss, but also of new friendships and new opportunities. The

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What is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part

The book is about Junior's life on the Spokane Indian Reservation and his decision to go to a nearly all-white public high school away from the reservation. The graphic novel includes 65 comic illustrations that help further the plot.

Is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part

Heartbreaking, funny, and beautifully written, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, which is based on the author's own experiences, coupled with poignant drawings by Ellen Forney that reflect the character's art, chronicles the contemporary adolescence of one Native American boy as he attempts to break away ...

What is the moral of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part

The book teaches both the repercussions of alcoholism as well as ways different individuals handle grief. Additionally, Junior's family is so poor that oftentimes his dad does not have enough gas to drive him to school; some days Junior walks the entire 22 miles, but most of the time he hitchhikes to and from school.

Why was The Absolutely True Diary of a Part

Banned and challenged for profanity, sexual references, and allegations of sexual misconduct by the author.