Statement of purpose for masters in computer science

This sample SOP is for applying to a master’s program in Computer Science in the USA.

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Statement of Purpose – Computer Science

     We are currently in the midst of a technological and computing revolution that will drastically change our lives and potentially redefine what it means to be human. I am very excited at the prospect of devoting my long-term career to such a dynamic, fast advancing field. Ever since I was young, I have enjoyed dabbling with computers and experimenting with different applications. Because my own lifetime has essentially coincided with the rise of the modern computing industry, I can sense that there are still tremendous developments to come in this field. It was natural for me to choose Computer Science as my university major, and now, as I near the end of my undergraduate studies, it is my central goal to continue my education in a more competitive, elite, and international environment.

There is only one logical destination for my postgraduate studies: the USA, a country which stands at the center of the computing universe. The US has been the chief driver of innovation in computing, and the most innovative and successful companies in this field are based there. Studying overseas in the US will thus give me not only a greater range of professional skills but also a much broader, more international perspective. Therefore, I am applying to join your MSc in Computer Science program, commencing in the fall of 2013. I am convinced that I am well prepared for the challenges of studying in your master’s program because of my extensive academic and practical background, which I will describe in detail below.

My academic experience thus far has provided me with a wide range of practical knowledge and skills that will be immensely useful when studying overseas at the graduate level. As a high school student, I excelled in courses related to physics, mathematics, and chemistry. I was fortunate during this time to have teachers who saw my interest in these subjects and encouraged me to continue broadening my scientific understanding and developing my analytical skills. It was due in large part to their guidance and advice that I chose to major in Computer Science in the university. As an undergraduate, I found that I deeply enjoyed learning about programming and systems analysis, and with my strong mathematics background I performed very well in courses concerning calculus, statistics, and differential equations. Now, in addition to my specialized knowledge of computer science, I have an appreciation for the breadth of this field and the nearly endless possibilities for further study.

In addition to the courses that I have taken, I have been very active outside of the classroom, participating in extracurricular activities and pursuing new experiences so as to push myself and broaden my horizons. For example, I took some time to travel across Europe by myself, an experience which, although at times difficult, ultimately made me a much more independent and confident person. I am now comfortable adapting to new situations and interacting with people who are different from me, qualities which will be tremendously useful when studying in the USA. Furthermore, when my hometown was devastated by a natural disaster, I volunteered to help the victims as an organizer, which involved raising money and providing food, blankets, and other supplies as needed. Aside from the enhanced communication and leadership skills this experience offered me, what I most value is my newfound understanding of the importance of service and helping those in need. Finally, in the university, I was the publisher of the monthly newsletter of my department, a role I took on in order to meet new people and learn a new range of skills. As these experiences show, I am highly motivated and proactive at learning new skills and experiencing new things. This is precisely why I have decided to continue challenging myself by studying for a master’s degree in the USA.

Regarding my goals for the future, I plan to take what I learn in the USA and apply it to the computing industry in my native country. This industry is rapidly growing and shows great potential, yet compared to other, more advanced countries it is still in its relative infancy. By studying in your master’s program and possibly working for a short period in the USA, I expect to have the expertise, the perspective, and the experience necessary to lead our industry to a new era. I also have many friends with similar goals, and I hope that we can one day collaborate to put our country on the map as an innovative force in the computing world.

The course that I’m looking to pursue is MSc Computer Science at York St John University (YSJU). By studying this course, I will be able to gain invaluable in-depth and practical knowledge which will help me in starting a successful career. Moreover, getting the opportunity to study in this university will help me advance both professionally and academically. In addition, the opportunity to apply my theories and ideas in practice will benefit me to enhance my skills and knowledge and to achieve a deeper understanding of the field of programming, database systems, software engineering, computer architecture and networks.

According to my research I have found that the MSc Computer Science develops future leaders who can bring data skills and insight to their profession. After reading through the modules and the learning outcome of the MSc Computer Sciencecourse, I have realized that they are conceptually invigorating and very contemporary. By studying this course, I will be able to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills relevant for pursuing a rewarding career within a globally data driven environment. Moreover, the course helps students become self-sufficient, by helping students build self-direction and personal development. A self-sufficient student is always a valuable addition to a society and economy. As I want to explore my career in software development positions, completing this course will put me in a favourable position in terms of the software research and development market. As of the moment, I am interested in learning all the related skills and knowledge from this course. For this reason, this course will be the right choice for my career plans and objectives.

Following the completion of mySenior School Certificate Examination, I studied Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Enugu State University of Science, Enugu, Nigeria in 2021. Since my graduation, I have been researching on the various computer related higher education courses both in the UK and other English-speaking countries. After much research, I have found this course at York St John University to be a perfect fit to both my previous education, as well as my future career goals I have. My previous course and my interest in this subjectwill be complementary to my prospective study since my existing knowledge in the field through my bachelor’s degreemeans I will be able to better understand the concepts of the course. These are the things which have motivated me to pursue this course at York St John University. If I can successfully complete this course, it will create a platform to pursue different career opportunities in Nigeria and establish my career as a Senior Software Architect in a leading tech company, such as 9Mobile, Google Nigeria and Airtel Nigeria.

YSJU London offers Artificial Intelligence Concepts, Cloud Computing, User Centred Design, Agile Software Development, Big Data, Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Machine Learning and Dissertation.

I am determined to study this course in the UK as the study environment in my country is quite different and we only have the opportunity to study with local students. Furthermore, due to periods of unexpected political unrest, students often struggle to finish their degrees on time. Conversely, the UK has a great multicultural and diversified student community which is an opportunity for me to learn with lot of students from different nationalities. UK education brand is highly respected by employers in our country as UK degree prepare graduates with academic competencies, developed personal and professional skills that are imperative for organizational success. UK is home to some of the best universities in the world and are placed high in the world rankings. There is a total of 143 universities in the UK, 108 of which are in England, 19 in Scotland, 8 universities in Wales and 8 in Northern Ireland. Of the top 10 universities in the world, 4 are held by UK institutions. Owing to educational excellence of these universities, there are a total of 485,645 international students studying in the UK, representing over 100 different countries. Candidates will have the opportunity to take part in world-class research that have direct influence on many international affairs, such as vaccine research, innovative business idea development, and more. Students can choose from over 64 different subject areas, offering over 50,000 different courses. The degrees awarded by UK universities are recognized all over the world by recruiters and academics alike and most universities have a graduate employability rate of almost 90%. These are the reasons why I chose UK over other countries to pursue my higher education.

York Saint John University London is a careers-led university, dedicated to supporting students to develop the skills, emotional intelligence and creativity needed to thrive in a constantly changing world. Furthermore, YSJU degree courses are focused on industry-relevant education, and the university provides work-based learning and stimulating curriculum. Academic staffs are equipped with up-to-the-minute real-world expertise and features unparalleled links with top employers create career opportunities. The courses combine the quality of degree program with the commercial outlook of an international leader in training and talent development, to enhance students’ employability. YSJU features teaching facilities that prepare students properly for the professional atmosphere and technological environment they can expect when they commence or progress their careers. I will be looking forward to experience more of their study environment if I get this opportunity to study at York Saint John University London.

How do you write a good statement of purpose in computer science?

For a Statement of Purpose for MS in Computer Science, you must include your interests, achievements, previous internships or any projects along with your future aspirations, short-term and long-term goals and any research projects that you worked on.

Why did you choose master in computer science?

A Master's degree is a good way to gain expert knowledge in the same. This also opens up a lot of job opportunities that secure your future and help you take home a higher package. An MSc. in Computer Science also makes you eligible for teaching positions in colleges and institutions providing higher education.


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