Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques

Picking out the perfect presents for friends and loved ones is so fun and rewarding. Who doesn't love to see a smiling face when someone tears into a gift and is elated that it's exactly what they have been wanting all year long? But before they send paper and ribbon flying (to the recycling bin, of course) make sure they are equally as impressed with your professional-looking wrapping job.

To help you learn to wrap a gift like a pro, we tapped Macy's gift-wrapping expert, Belle Wesel, for her expertise, and know-how. Follow Belle's simple steps and you'll be on your way to wrapping anything from small gifts to larger presents in a snap. Because practice makes perfect, don't get discouraged if your first few tries don't have the super crisp corners and clean lines you desire. After a few attempts we know that you'll be a real ace wrapper and that all your friends will be coming to you for gift wrapping tips and tricks (or maybe they will just ask you do to all their wrapping for them—a side hustle in the making!).

So grab your favorite wrapping paper, sharp scissors, good quality ribbon, and double-sided tape, and start practicing your wrapping skills, because it's always someones birthday, baby shower, wedding, bat mitzvah...well, you get the picture.

To add some personality to your package, we suggest getting creative with your ribbon choice. Try wrapping a few layers of ribbon around the box or tying and extra large bow.


It's so much easier to wrap something square or rectangular. Do yourself a favor and pack your gift into a box. Taping it shut is recommended but optional!


The cardinal rule for choosing wrapping paper? The thicker, the better. To facilitate the trimming process, look for a roll with a grid pattern on the back.


Dealing with hand cramps before a big event? A sharp pair of scissors with a comfortable handle is key when you have a pile of gifts to tackle. They not only make cutting the paper a snap but also insure that the ends of your ribbon have clean cuts.

Here's our trick from the pros: Double-sided tape is your secret weapon for a neat seam.


Step 1: Cut Wrapping Paper

Place the box facedown on top of your gift wrap, leaving the paper attached to roll. Use scissors to cut paper along one side, making a wide enough sheet to cover both sides of the box.

While standing on the same side of the table as the roll, pull paper tautly up and over the far end of the box. Adhere with double-sided tape, and crease paper along the box's edge with thumb and forefinger.

Unroll paper and bring it to meet the already wrapped end. Cut paper from roll, leaving an inch of overhang. Fold that inch under and crease along the fold. Adhere using double-sided tape.

Now it's time to tackle one of the open ends of the box. Push sides of paper inward, creating four 45-degree-angle flaps, then crease along the flaps.

Fold down the top flap. Crease sharply along the top of box, then crease again where paper meets the bottom edge of box. Cut paper along that bottom crease. Adhere to the box with double-sided tape.

Step 6: Get Rid of Excess Paper

Fold under any excess paper on the bottom flap so that it lines up perfectly with the top of box. Apply double-sided tape to the bottom flap, then fold it over the top flap and adhere.

Repeat steps four through six on the box's remaining open end. Finish all sides by running your pinched thumb and forefinger along edges to create sharp lines.

Lay the wrapped box facedown on a length of ribbon (about five times as long as box). Pull ends of ribbon up and bring right end over the left. Pull width-wise so they cross.

Turn the box over. You should have two ribbon ends of about the same length. Thread each end under the ribbon already in place, as shown.

Step 10: Make a Double Knot

Double-knot the ribbon, then tie into a simple bow. Use your fingers to shape the loops.

Pinch the ribbon ends lengthwise and cut at a 45-degree angle to create forked ends, as shown. That's it—all wrapped up and ready to gift!

With your first package all finished, the rest should be a breeze. What's more, your loved ones will be impressed with your wrapping skills.

Charlyne Mattox Food and Crafts Director Charlyne Mattox is Food and Crafts Director for Country Living.

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You've got your gift all wrapped up and ready to go. All it needs is a pretty bow–and tying a ribbon bow around the box will give you a nicer, fancier feel than using a stick-on bow. We’ll show you how to tie a basic ribbon bow as well as how to create a diagonal bow and a fancy woven look around your gift box!

  1. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Drape the ribbon horizontally across the top of the box. Leave about 4 to 8 inches (10.16 to 20.32 centimeters) hanging off the side for the tail of the bow. Do not cut the ribbon yet.[1]

    • It’s better to leave more ribbon hanging off the side than too little. You can always cut it shorter later.

  2. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Pull the rest of the ribbon under the box and back to the front. Don’t flip the box over, or you may lose your place. Instead, lift the box up and bring the rest of the ribbon behind it. Set the box back down once the ribbon comes out the other side.[2]


  3. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Cross the ribbons across the front of the box. Bring the ribbon towards the middle of the box, then bring the shorter end to meet it. Twist the ribbons around each other so that they are oriented vertically.[3]

    • If your ribbon has a right and wrong side, you may have to twist it twice so that you don't see the wrong side of the ribbon.

  4. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Wrap the ribbon around the back of the box and back to the front. Lift the box up again. Pull the longer part of the ribbon behind the box and out the other side. Set the box down again.[4]

    • Place your thumb against the twisted part to keep it secure as you wrap the ribbon around the back.

  5. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Measure the ribbon against the first piece and cut it. Bring your ribbon back towards the middle of the box. Measure it against the end of the ribbon from the beginning and cut it.[5]

  6. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Wrap the ribbon under the twisted part. Pull the ribbon across the front of the twisted part at an angle. Bring it under the twisted part, and back out the way you started. Pull on both ends of the ribbon to tighten the knot.[6]

  7. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Tie the ribbon into a bow. Fold both ends of the ribbon into loops. Cross the left loop over the right one to make a smaller loop in the middle. Pull the left loop through that smaller loop, then pull to tighten.[7]

  8. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Adjust the bow, then trim off the excess ribbon. Take a moment to adjust the loops and the tails.[8] If you used a wired ribbon, you can fluff the loops up as well. For a fancier touch, cut the ends of the tails into angles or Vs.[9]

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  1. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Drape your ribbon across the top left corner of the box. Leave about 4 to 8 inches (10.16 to 20.32 centimeters) hanging off of the left side of the corner. Keep the rest of the ribbon on the spool on the top edge.[10]

  2. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Wrap the ribbon behind the top right corner. Take the spool-side of the ribbon and pull it behind the top right corner, down towards the bottom right corner.[11]

    • Keep your thumb over the ribbon on the top left corner so that it doesn't fall off.

  3. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Wrap the ribbon across the bottom right corner and under the bottom left corner. Keep the wraps nice and snug so that they don't slide off of the corners.[12]

  4. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Bring the ribbon back towards the top left corner. At this point, it would be a good idea to take a moment to adjust the positions of the wrapped ribbons on each of the corners. If they look like they are slipping off, pull them further from the corners.[13]

  5. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Cut off the excess ribbon. Bring both ribbons towards the center of the top left corner. Measure the spool ribbon against the other ribbon, and cut it down to match.[14]

  6. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Cross and tie the ribbons. Cross the left ribbon over and under the right, then tug on both ends to tighten them. Fold both ribbons into loops, then cross the right one over the left—just like tying a shoe![15]

  7. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Trim the excess ribbon to clean up the bow. Once the bow is tight and secure, snip off the excess ribbon at the tails.[16] For a fancier touch, cut them at angles or into notches.

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  1. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Cut four pieces of ribbon for the length of the box. You will need four pieces of ribbon that are long enough to wrap around the box lengthwise, plus an additional 2 inches (5.08 centimeters).[17]

    • For a unique look, consider using two pieces of thin ribbon, and two pieces of slightly wider ribbon. You can also use two contrasting colors instead.
    • Thick and/or wired ribbon is not a good choice. Use thin satin or balloon ribbon for best results.

  2. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Cut four pieces of ribbon for the width of the box. Use the same ribbon as in the previous step. This time, cut the ribbon long enough so that it can wrap around the box widthwise, plus 2 inches (5.08 centimeters).[18]

  3. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Set the first set of ribbons side-by-side down on the table. Take the four long ribbons, and set them down on the table. Make sure that they are parallel to each other and spaced no more than ¼ inch (0.64 centimeters) apart.[19]

    • If you used different widths and/or colors, be sure to alternate them.

  4. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Place your gift face-down on the ribbons. The box can be centered or off-center, depending on where you want the ribbons to be.

  5. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Wrap the ribbons around the box and secure them with double-sided tape. Wrap and tape each of the ribbons one at a time; do not tape all of them at once. Pull the ribbons firmly around the box so that they are nice and snug. The ribbon ends will overlap each other by about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters).[20]

    • Make sure that you are only taping the top ribbon to the bottom ribbon; don't tape the ribbons to the box itself.
    • You can also use glue dots (found in the scrapbooking aisle of an arts and crafts store) instead of double-sided tape.

  6. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Secure the next set of ribbons right above the first set. Place a strip of double-sided tape onto the end of each of your short ribbon. Arrange the ribbons right above the first, long ribbon, making sure that the ends are perpendicular to it.[21]

    • Once again, keep the ribbons spaced no more than ¼ inch (0.64 centimeters) apart.

  7. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Flip the box over and weave the short ribbons through the first set of ribbons. Pull your short ribbons around to the front of the box. Weave the first one over and under across the first set of ribbons. Weave the next ribbon under and over, and so on. Continue weaving until you have woven all four ribbons.[22]

  8. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Secure the ribbons to the back of the box. Flip the box over again. Secure a strip of double-sided tape to the end of each ribbon, then press the ribbons down one by one to the back of the box. Make sure that the ends of the ribbons match up.[23]

    • For a nicer touch, weave the short ribbons through the long ribbons on the back, just like you did for the front.

  9. Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques


    Add a decoration to the front, if desired. The woven ribbons are part of the design. If you feel that your gift is lacking something, you can buy or make a matching bow, then secure it to the box. Instead of covering up all your hard work, set the bow off to the side so that the weaving is still visible.

    • Don't be afraid to get creative! Try adding a nice tag, a pom pom or tassel, or even a pretty piece of foliage under the ribbon.[24]

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  • Question

    How do I tie a really stiff ribbon?

    Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques

    Try to "massage" and soften up your ribbon before you are going to tie it so that is less stiff.

  • Question

    How do I tie a ribbon on the corners?

    Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques

    You can just tape the ribbons to the corner of the box.

  • Question

    When I twist the ribbons, they make it so the small jewelry box can't sit flat. What can I do to stop that?

    Step by step gift wrapping ribbon techniques

    Use two or even three lengths of ribbon. Wrap one length horizontally around the box and tape it in place on the bottom of the box, using tape that won't damage the box; it only needs to be long enough to go around the box. Wrap a longer ribbon vertically around the box and tie it so the bow is on the lid of the box, or use a length of ribbon just long enough to round the box and tape it on the bottom again. Tie a bow with a third length of ribbon around where the two ribbons meet on the box lid.

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  • In general, the bigger the box, the wider the ribbon; the smaller the box, the narrower the ribbon.[25]

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  • Don't be afraid to switch things up and use a wide ribbon on a small box for a bold look.[26]

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  • Satin and grosgrain ribbons work especially well for gifts, but if you want to be able to shape the loops of the bow, you need to get a wired ribbon.

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Things You'll Need

  • Gift box
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Double-sided tape (for woven ribbon)


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Article SummaryX

To tie a ribbon around a box, start by draping the ribbon horizontally across the top of the box with 4-8 inches left hanging to the side for the bow. Then, pull the long end of the ribbon under the box and back up to the top, crossing it with the short end so both ends are lying vertically on the box. Next, pull the ribbon under the box and back up to the top so you’ve made plus signs on the bottom and the top. You can then wrap both ends of the ribbon under the center and pull them up into a knot. Cut the long end to the length of the short end so your bow will be even, then fold both ends into loops, cross them, and tie them into a bow. To learn how to present a pretty gift by tying your ribbon on the diagonal, keep reading!

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How do you tie a simple ribbon on a gift?

Tie the ribbon into a bow. Fold both ends of the ribbon into loops. Cross the left loop over the right one to make a smaller loop in the middle. Pull the left loop through that smaller loop, then pull to tighten.