Things you can say at dinner and in bed

Talking during sex is not taboo.

However, what you say can make or break the deed.

Musician Ace Guetta asked some of his followers what they have said during intercourse, and although some of the answers are okay, some of them are hilarious.

The post received over four-million comments.

Let’s look at the top liked/funny comments:

READ: Experts explain how financial stress can affect your sex life

-       -  “It’s so juicy” 

-       -  “I’m ready for Seconds lol” 

-        - “You clean up. I’m going to sleep.” 

-        - “It's a little dry” 

-        - “That Was Good, " I'm Glad I Came"” 

-      -   “Is that all there is?” 

-        - “Quit playing with that and put it in your mouth!!” 

-      -   “Nobody’s getting up until everyone is finished.” 

-        - "AIN'T GONNA EAT ITSELF!" 

-       -  “That was sooo good; you really out did yourself"

-       -  “All that time preparing and it’s over in a couple of minutes"

Image courtesy of iStock/ @ Vasyl Dolmatov

These responses are just… wow.

1. Entertainment page Mansion posted this meme, and people couldn’t wait to get in on it.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

2. They got things started with a bang.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

3. They also have some helpful visuals to make the comments more vivid than you’d like.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

4. Oh no.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

5. Oh god.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

6. That’s just good manners, really.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

7. Jesus Christ, Toby.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed


Things you can say at dinner and in bed

9. Such a gent, that Perry.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

10. Sharing is caring.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

11. Cormac has a couple more grandma-related ones…

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

12. It’s always good to ask first.

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

13. Oops…

Things you can say at dinner and in bed

Good luck facing your family tonight…

Thanks for the tip, Jasper!

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