United airlines flight attendant interview questions 2022

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39 Comments on United Airlines Flight Attendant Hiring Process 2022 In A Nutshell

  1. I am 20 years old , i wish to becoming a flight attendant for American airlines. it’s has been my dream to be one.

    • I believe being a flight attendant is the best job in the world. Best of luck to you in your exciting career 🙂

  2. It is a shame that in 2022 and with flight attendants in such a high demand , United Airlines still doesn’t allow a hand tattoo, some hand tattoos like mine are beautiful and delicates.
    I fit all the requirements except for the one hand tattoo!!
    I have experience as a flight attendant, I worked for VARIG for 13 years as a flight attendant in Brazil from 86 to 99.
    I am looking for a change of jobs. Anyway!!

    • Hi Christiane, unfortunately I don’t know of any US airlines that allow hand tattoos including United, and there are only a handful of airlines that allow tattoos at all. Perhaps one day that will change, until then I’d do my best to cover up the tattoo. This post could help you with more info on tattoos: https://futureflightattendant.com/can-flight-attendants-have-tattoos/

  3. Hello, I am almost 40 years old and was thinking of becoming a flight attendant. I live in Fort Lauderdale. From what I read in the article United Airlines has a base in Fort Lauderdale. After you apply, if they accept you, the training needs to take place in Houston for 6 weeks? Then later on can the base be in your home town? Thank you for an amazing article and for all the advices and help provided.

    • Hello Roberta, That is correct as a United flight attendant you have initial training in Houston, TX and you report to your new base assignment upon completion of training.

      While United does have a base in Fort Lauderdale, it’s a satellite base and at the moment, very small and very senior, so it could take years to get into that base.
      As a brand new flight attendant you are most likely to be based in San Francisco, Newark, Houston, Denver, DC, Boston, or Chicago.

  4. Are they still requiring vaccine mandate for new employees as a flight attendant?

    • I don’t believe they are still requiring new employees to be vaccinated. They may ask for proof of vaccination before training but I also believe they are allowing exemptions now (as are all other US airlines).

  5. Does united airline sponsor work visas?

    • Hello Shaneka,
      Unfortunately no, United Airlines does not sponsor work visas.

  6. Does United allow training flight attendants to bring a small dog while in training school?

    • Hi Margo,
      United does not allow any pets during training.

  7. Hi,
    Thank you for all the great information. I’m 54, I need of a new career. My background is healthcare. My daughter is presently in Texas with AA, and has 4 test to go to gain her wings!!! She inspired me to want to become a flight attendant. What is the testing scores to pass? AA, is 90 and above, Jet Blue is 80 and above. And , if you fail a test, what are the retake requirements? I know lodging with AA, my daughter has her own hotel room. What is United policy? ( I snore) lol. Also, what books , guides, FAA Manuel would you suggest to read up on to get ready for testing. I’ve been out of school for so long. I’m nervous about the test taking. But, I’m determined to fly 🙂
    Thanks a bunch for all your guidance .

  8. Hi again,
    When will open resumes /job opportunities be posted again for flight attendants? Like, open enrollment..English speaking only.

    Thanks again..

    • Hi Linda, I’m not sure when United will be accepting applications for the flight attendant position. The last two rounds (one of which just closed) was by employee referral only. I’m not sure how long it will be referral only or when they will open for the next round, be sure and check the link at the top of the page labeled “Who’s Hiring Flight Attendants Right Now”, we update when United and all the airlines listed on the page open applications for flight attendants.

  9. Hi Deanna,

    I’ve heard mixed information about whether or not United still has a base in Cleveland. I thought they shut it down in 2014. Do you know if they re-opened it? I sure hope they did because that’s where I live and I’d love to have the option to be based here. I’m so glad I came across your blog today. Thanks for all the wonderful info!

    • Hi Lauren, the Cleveland base has not shut down, it was “closed” which just means closed to incoming transfers. It’s still there and never wasn’t. Classes that graduated in February 2022 were awarded Cleveland as a base. I’m not sure if it’s open for transfers at the moment, but it is definitely still a base.

  10. Is there a second chance if you got released from training for not passing the test?

    • Yes, on your second try, you must score a 90%.

      • Deanna, I thought their passing score was 80%?? Did they change that recently? Or does it only apply when you are re-taking the test? Oh and how many retakes are given to you for the whole course during training? Thank you!

        • Hi Maye, United allows two retakes total, and the passing score is 80% except for retakes. For retakes you must score a 90% or higher.

          • I think I may have misunderstood your question the first time. I thought you meant do you get a second chance if you fail a test? I believe that if you get released from training for not passing, you have to wait 90 days, apply, and go through the entire process again.

  11. Hi Deanna,

    I was curious to what the window is upon getting hired as a United flight attendant after the Houston interview, and when the training begins? Do you have to begin training immediately upon being hired? Can you choose what training class to be apart of? Also do they do trainings during the holidays? Thank you for all your info, your blog has been very helpful!

    • Hi Gabby. It really depends, and things always change. As of now, (9/2022) there are a lot of classes scheduled and it’s a few weeks out. However, some people have been able to be moved up sooner. As of now (things are always changing) you are assigned a training class. But from what I heard, you are allowed to change your date one time. Yes they do training during the holidays. I’m glad the blog and info has been helpful for you.

  12. Hi Deanna!! How are you? Thank you for your informative blog. I’m due to leave for training for UA next week and I have no idea on what to pack for this journey. Can you give me an idea of what to pack? Also, do you know of any material I can read to prepare myself for test taking?

    • Hello Whitney, and congratulations!!!

      What to pack…Besides business casual outfits, hosiery, black heels that are compliant (see the blog post flight attendant shoes or check out the resources tab on the top of the site for the Future Flight Attendant Store, there are socks and hosery choices in there.) so that you have them for graduation.

      If you get your shoes ahead of time and make sure they fit and are comfortable, that will help a lot! Not only your heels but inflight shoes too. If you, check out the resources tab on Future Flight Attendant, the Amazon Storefront has lots of flight attendant shoes. The resources tab even has a “try before you buy option” so you can try on shoes and send them back if they are not right for you without having to pay anything. I believe you can order as many as six pairs at a time to test out at home with try before you buy.

      My must haves were: Workout clothes, jeans, sneakers, swimsuit, laundry detergent, notebook, snacks, ear plugs, headphones, sleep mask, a jacket, something comfortable to sleep in and you will have a roommate, toiletries, and anything you can think of to help you study. Oh, and whatever you need to do your hair in an updo (hairspray, bobby pins, comb, etc.). You can always head over to Walmart or the mall to get anything else you need.

      I hope that helped! – Deanna

  13. I am looking forward to becoming a flight attendant. I attended the Airline Academy in Orlando,Fl in the beginning of August

  14. Hi Deanna, I was previously a flight attendant for United and took the voluntary furlough after 9/11. And did not go back. I reapplied and I am in the training class scheduled for early November. Do you know if I can get my seniority for the years I worked previously. Thank you for your help. All my best.

    • Hello SA, how exciting you’re going to be flying again!

      Congratulations on securing a CTO. Unfortunately you will have to start all over regarding seniority, however United is hiring so many flight attendants that your seniority will grow every single week.

  15. Hi I am currently a flight attendant and I really would like to work for United Airlines will United be hiring for a flight attendant position soon ?

    • Hi Cindy, I don’t have any dates right now, but United has opened applications only to employee referrals for the last two rounds. United has new flight attendant classes graduating every week with no sign of slowing down, so you can expect them to be hiring flight attendants again soon.

  16. Okay sounds good thank you so much I appreciate this info

  17. Hello,

    Would it be easy to transfer bases as a new hire? Can I transfer as soon as there’s an opening? Is LAX fairly senior? Thank you!

    • Hi Megan,

      United “requires” a six month wait to transfer, but they do sometimes allow transfers sooner than that.

      I was really surprised to find that LAX is junior now. Flight attendants with less than one year seniority are holding lines there.

      • I see, thank you. Great blog by the way!

  18. This blog was very informative. My child just received a contingent job offer today from United Airlines. The training class starts in 4-6 weeks in Houston.

    • That is awesome that your child is starting training. Congratulations!

  19. trying to apply in california and there seems to be no positions open. Do you know when they are hiring next?

    • Hello Mel,

      United closed the flight attent application already, it was open for only about 2 days. Hopefully they open again next month.

What questions are asked in a flight attendant interview?

Common Flight Attendant / Cabin Crew Interview Questions.
Why do you want to be a flight attendant? ... .
Why would you be a good flight attendant? ... .
Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a difficult customer. ... .
Tell me about a disagreement you've had with a coworker. ... .
Why do you want to work for our airline?.

What do I need to know for my United Airlines interview?

Top 20 United Airlines Interview Questions & Answers 2022.
What Do You Know About Us? ... .
Why Do You Want to Work Here? ... .
How Do You Feel About Being Away from Your Loved Ones? ... .
How Many Languages Can You Speak? ... .
Do You Have any Other Qualification that We Should be Aware Of? ... .
Why Should We Hire You?.

What should you not say in a flight attendant interview?

Use common sense and avoid swear words or any sort of lewd conversation or mundane complaints about your day; remember, this is a job that requires you to put on a pleasant public face. Above all, never lie to an interviewer; even if lying scores you the job, it's likely to come back and haunt you down the line.

How do you stand out in a flight attendant interview?

Here are 11 tips to help you have a successful flight attendant interview:.
Keep your resume updated. ... .
Find a clean, quiet room for video interviews. ... .
Dress appropriately. ... .
Check your social media. ... .
Practice interviewing. ... .
Arrive early. ... .
Stay organized. ... .
Be friendly..