Us department of labor occupational safety and health administration

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Title 29

Displaying title 29, up to date as of 9/28/2022. Title 29 was last amended 9/26/2022.

  1. Title 29 - Labor
  2. Subtitle B - Regulations Relating to Labor
  3. Chapter XVII  

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Part / Section
Title 29 Labor
Subtitle B Regulations Relating to Labor 100 – 4999
Chapter XVII Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor 1900 – 1999
Parts 1900-1901 [Reserved]
Part 1902 State Plans for the Development and Enforcement of State Standards 1902.1 – 1902.53
Subpart A General 1902.1 – 1902.2
Subpart B Criteria for State Plans 1902.3 – 1902.9
Subpart C Procedures for Submission, Approval and Rejection of State Plans 1902.10 – 1902.23
Subpart D Procedures for Determinations Under section 18(e) of the Act 1902.30 – 1902.53
Part 1903 Inspections, Citations and Proposed Penalties 1903.1 – 1903.22
§ 1903.1 Purpose and scope.
§ 1903.2 Posting of notice; availability of the Act, regulations and applicable standards.
§ 1903.3 Authority for inspection.
§ 1903.4 Objection to inspection.
§ 1903.5 Entry not a waiver.
§ 1903.6 Advance notice of inspections.
§ 1903.7 Conduct of inspections.
§ 1903.8 Representatives of employers and employees.
§ 1903.9 Trade secrets.
§ 1903.10 Consultation with employees.
§ 1903.11 Complaints by employees.
§ 1903.12 Inspection not warranted; informal review.
§ 1903.13 Imminent danger.
§ 1903.14 Citations; notices of de minimis violations; policy regarding employee rescue activities.
§ 1903.14a Petitions for modification of abatement date.
§ 1903.15 Proposed penalties.
§ 1903.16 Posting of citations.
§ 1903.17 Employer and employee contests before the Review Commission.
§ 1903.18 Failure to correct a violation for which a citation has been issued.
§ 1903.19 Abatement verification.
§ 1903.20 Informal conferences.
§ 1903.21 State administration.
§ 1903.22 Definitions.
Part 1904 Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses 1904.0 – 1904.46
Subpart A Purpose 1904.0
Subpart B Scope 1904.1 – 1904.3
Subpart C Recordkeeping Forms and Recording Criteria 1904.4 – 1904.29
Subpart D Other OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Requirements 1904.30 – 1904.38
Subpart E Reporting Fatality, Injury and Illness Information to the Government 1904.39 – 1904.42
Subpart F Transition From the Former Rule 1904.43 – 1904.45
Subpart G Definitions 1904.46
Part 1905 Rules of Practice for Variances, Limitations, Variations, Tolerances, and Exemptions Under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 1905.1 – 1905.51
Subpart A General 1905.1 – 1905.7
Subpart B Applications for Variances, Limitations, Variations, Tolerances, Exemptions and Other Relief 1905.10 – 1905.16
Subpart C Hearings 1905.20 – 1905.30
Subpart D Summary Decisions 1905.40 – 1905.41
Subpart E Effect of Initial Decisions 1905.50 – 1905.51
Part 1906 - Administration Witnesses and Documents in Private Litigation [Reserved]
Part 1908 Consultation Agreements 1908.1 – 1908.11
§ 1908.1 Purpose and scope.
§ 1908.2 Definitions.
§ 1908.3 Eligibility and funding.
§ 1908.4 Offsite consultation.
§ 1908.5 Requests and scheduling for onsite consultation.
§ 1908.6 Conduct of a visit.
§ 1908.7 Relationship to enforcement.
§ 1908.8 Consultant specifications.
§ 1908.9 Monitoring and evaluation.
§ 1908.10 Cooperative Agreements.
§ 1908.11 Exclusions.
Part 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards 1910.1 – 1910.1499
Subpart A General 1910.1 – 1910.9
Subpart B Adoption and Extension of Established Federal Standards 1910.11 – 1910.19
Subpart C [Reserved]
Subpart D Walking-Working Surfaces 1910.21 – 1910.30
Subpart E Exit Routes and Emergency Planning 1910.33 – 1910.39
Subpart F Powered Platforms, Manlifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms 1910.66 – 1910.68
Subpart G Occupational Health and Environmental Control 1910.94 – 1910.98
Subpart H Hazardous Materials 1910.101 – 1910.126
Subpart I Personal Protective Equipment 1910.132 – 1910.140
Subpart J General Environmental Controls 1910.141 – 1910.147
Subpart K Medical and First Aid 1910.151 – 1910.152
Subpart L Fire Protection 1910.155 – 1910.165
Subpart M Compressed Gas and Compressed Air Equipment 1910.166 – 1910.169
Subpart N Materials Handling and Storage 1910.176 – 1910.184
Subpart O Machinery and Machine Guarding 1910.211 – 1910.219
Subpart P Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment 1910.241 – 1910.244
Subpart Q Welding, Cutting and Brazing 1910.251 – 1910.255
Subpart R Special Industries 1910.261 – 1910.272
Subpart S Electrical 1910.301 – 1910.399
Subpart T Commercial Diving Operations 1910.401 – 1910.440
Subpart U COVID-19 1910.501 – 1910.509
Subparts V-Y [Reserved]
§§ 1910.901-1910.999 [Reserved]
Subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1910.1000 – 1910.1499
Part 1911 Rules of Procedure for Promulgating, Modifying, or Revoking Occupational Safety or Health Standards 1911.1 – 1911.18
§ 1911.1 Purpose and scope.
§ 1911.2 Definitions.
§ 1911.3 Petition for the promulgation, modification, or revocation of a standard.
§ 1911.4 Additional or alternative procedural requirements.
§ 1911.5 Minor changes in standards.
Commencement of Rulemaking 1911.10 – 1911.12
§ 1911.10 Construction standards.
§ 1911.11 Other standards.
§ 1911.12 Emergency standards.
Hearings 1911.15 – 1911.18
§ 1911.15 Nature of hearing.
§ 1911.16 Powers of presiding officer.
§ 1911.17 Certification of the record of a hearing.
§ 1911.18 Decision.
Part 1912 Advisory Committees on Standards 1912.1 – 1912.44
§ 1912.1 Purpose and scope.
Organizational Matters 1912.2 – 1912.13
§ 1912.2 Types of standards advisory committees.
§ 1912.3 Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health.
§ 1912.4 Avoidance of duplication.
§ 1912.5 National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health.
§ 1912.6 Conflict of interest.
§ 1912.7 Reports.
§ 1912.8 Committee charters.
§ 1912.9 Representation on section 7(b) committees.
§ 1912.10 Terms of continuing committee members.
§ 1912.11 Terms of ad hoc committee members.
§ 1912.12 Termination of advisory committees; renewal.
§ 1912.13 Maritime Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health.
Operation of Advisory Committees 1912.25 – 1912.36
§ 1912.25 Call of meetings.
§ 1912.26 Approval of agenda.
§ 1912.27 Notice of meetings.
§ 1912.28 Contents of notice.
§ 1912.29 Attendance by members.
§ 1912.30 Quorum; committee procedure.
§ 1912.31 Experts and consultants.
§ 1912.32 Presence of OSHA officer or employee.
§ 1912.33 Minutes.
§ 1912.34 Freedom of Information Act.
§ 1912.35 Availability and cost of transcripts.
§ 1912.36 Advice of advisory committees.
Miscellaneous 1912.40 – 1912.44
§ 1912.40 General services.
§ 1912.41 Legal services.
§ 1912.42 Reservation.
§ 1912.43 Petitions for changes in the rules; complaints.
§ 1912.44 Definitions.
Part 1912a National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health 1912a.1 – 1912a.14
§ 1912a.1 Purpose and scope.
§ 1912a.2 Membership.
§ 1912a.3 Terms of membership.
§ 1912a.4 Meetings.
§ 1912a.5 Advice and recommendations.
§ 1912a.6 Quorum.
§ 1912a.7 Notice of meetings.
§ 1912a.8 Contents of notice.
§ 1912a.9 Assistance to the committee.
§ 1912a.10 Presence of OSHA officer or employee.
§ 1912a.11 Minutes; transcript.
§ 1912a.12 Charter.
§ 1912a.13 Subcommittees and subgroups.
§ 1912a.14 Petitions for changes in the rules; complaints.
Part 1913 Rules of Agency Practice and Procedure Concerning OSHA Access to Employee Medical Records 1913.10
§ 1913.10 Rules of agency practice and procedure concerning OSHA access to employee medical records.
Part 1915 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment 1915.1 – 1915.1501
Subpart A General Provisions 1915.1 – 1915.9
Subpart B Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres in Shipyard Employment 1915.11 – 1915.16
Subpart C Surface Preparation and Preservation 1915.31 – 1915.36
Subpart D Welding, Cutting and Heating 1915.51 – 1915.57
Subpart E Scaffolds, Ladders and Other Working Surfaces 1915.71 – 1915.77
Subpart F General Working Conditions 1915.80 – 1915.94
Subpart G Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials Handling 1915.111 – 1915.120
Subpart H Tools and Related Equipment 1915.131 – 1915.136
Subpart I Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 1915.151 – 1915.160
Subpart J Ship's Machinery and Piping Systems 1915.161 – 1915.165
Subpart K Portable, Unfired Pressure Vessels, Drums and Containers, Other Than Ship's Equipment 1915.171 – 1915.173
Subpart L Electrical Machinery 1915.181
Subparts M-O [Reserved]
Subpart P Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment 1915.501 – 1915.509
Subparts Q-Y [Reserved]
Subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1915.1000 – 1915.1501
Part 1917 Marine Terminals 1917.1 – 1917.158
Subpart A General Provisions 1917.1 – 1917.5
Subpart B Marine Terminal Operations 1917.11 – 1917.31
Subpart C Cargo Handling Gear and Equipment 1917.41 – 1917.51
Subpart D Specialized Terminals 1917.70 – 1917.73
Subpart E Personal Protection 1917.91 – 1917.96
Subpart F Terminal Facilities 1917.111 – 1917.128
Subpart G Related Terminal Operations and Equipment 1917.151 – 1917.158
Appendix I to Part 1917
Special Cargo Gear and Container Spreader Test Requirements (Mandatory) [see § 1917.50(c)(5)]
Part 1918 Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring 1918.1 – 1918.110
Subpart A General Provisions 1918.1 – 1918.5
Subpart B Gear Certification 1918.11
Subpart C Gangways and Other Means of Access 1918.21 – 1918.26
Subpart D Working Surfaces 1918.31 – 1918.37
Subpart E Opening and Closing Hatches 1918.41 – 1918.43
Subpart F Vessel's Cargo Handling Gear 1918.51 – 1918.55
Subpart G Cargo Handling Gear and Equipment Other Than Ship's Gear 1918.61 – 1918.80
Subpart H Handling Cargo 1918.81 – 1918.89
Subpart I General Working Conditions. 1918.90 – 1918.100
Subpart J Personal Protective Equipment 1918.101 – 1918.106
Subpart K COVID-19. 1918.107 – 1918.110
Appendix I to Part 1918
Cargo Gear Register and Certificates (Non-mandatory)
Appendix II to Part 1918
Tables for Selected Miscellaneous Auxiliary Gear (Mandatory)
Appendix III to Part 1918
The Mechanics of Conventional Cargo Gear (Non-mandatory)
Appendix IV to Part 1918
Special Cargo Gear and Container Spreader Test Requirements (Mandatory) [see § 1918.61 (f), (g), (h)]
Appendix V to Part 1918
Basic Elements of a First Aid Training Program (Non-mandatory)
Part 1919 Gear Certification 1919.1 – 1919.90
Subpart A General Provisions 1919.1 – 1919.2
Subpart B Procedure Governing Accreditation 1919.3 – 1919.9
Subpart C Duties of Persons Accredited To Certificate Vessels' Cargo Gear 1919.10 – 1919.12
Subpart D Certification of Vessels' Cargo Gear 1919.13 – 1919.25
Subpart E Certification of Vessels: Tests and Proof Loads; Heat Treatment; Competent Persons 1919.26 – 1919.37
Subpart F Accreditation To Certificate Shore-Based Equipment 1919.50 – 1919.51
Subpart G Duties of Persons Accredited To Certificate Shore-Based Material Handling Devices 1919.60
Subpart H Certification of Shore-Based Material Handling Devices 1919.70 – 1919.90
Part 1920 Procedure for Variations from Safety and Health Regulations Under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act 1920.1 – 1920.2
§ 1920.1 Purpose.
§ 1920.2 Variances.
Part 1921 Rules of Practice in Enforcement Proceedings Under Section 41 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act 1921.1 – 1921.22
Subpart A Applicability of Rules; Definitions 1921.1 – 1921.2
Subpart B Prehearing Procedures 1921.3 – 1921.9
Subpart C Hearing and Related Matters 1921.10 – 1921.12
Subpart D Decision and Order 1921.13 – 1921.16
Subpart E Miscellaneous 1921.17 – 1921.22
Part 1922 Investigational Hearings Under Section 41 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act 1922.1 – 1922.6
§ 1922.1 Definitions.
§ 1922.2 Purpose and scope.
§ 1922.3 Composition of the Board.
§ 1922.4 Responsibilities of the Board; voting.
§ 1922.5 Notice of investigational hearings.
§ 1922.6 Investigational hearings.
Part 1924 Safety Standards Applicable to Workshops and Rehabilitation Facilities Assisted by Grants 1924.1
§ 1924.1 Applicable safety standards.
Part 1925 Safety and Health Standards for Federal Service Contracts 1925.1 – 1925.3
§ 1925.1 Scope and application.
§ 1925.2 Safety and health standards.
§ 1925.3 Records.
Part 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction 1926.1 – 1926.1443
Subpart A General 1926.1 – 1926.6
Subpart B General Interpretations 1926.10 – 1926.16
Subpart C General Safety and Health Provisions 1926.20 – 1926.35
Subpart D Occupational Health and Environmental Controls 1926.50 – 1926.66
Subpart E Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment 1926.95 – 1926.107
Subpart F Fire Protection and Prevention 1926.150 – 1926.155
Subpart G Signs, Signals, and Barricades 1926.200 – 1926.201
Subpart H Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal 1926.250 – 1926.252
Subpart I Tools - Hand and Power 1926.300 – 1926.307
Subpart J Welding and Cutting 1926.350 – 1926.354
Subpart K Electrical 1926.400 – 1926.449
Subpart L Scaffolds 1926.450 – 1926.454
Subpart M Fall Protection 1926.500 – 1926.503
Subpart N Helicopters, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors 1926.550 – 1926.555
Subpart O Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and Marine Operations 1926.600 – 1926.606
Subpart P Excavations 1926.650 – 1926.652
Subpart Q Concrete and Masonry Construction 1926.700 – 1926.706
Subpart R Steel Erection 1926.750 – 1926.761
Subpart S Underground Construction, Caissons, Cofferdams and Compressed Air 1926.800 – 1926.804
Subpart T Demolition 1926.850 – 1926.860
Subpart U Blasting and the Use of Explosives 1926.900 – 1926.914
Subpart V Electric Power Transmission and Distribution 1926.950 – 1926.968
Subpart W Rollover Protective Structures; Overhead Protection 1926.1000 – 1926.1003
Subpart X Stairways and Ladders 1926.1050 – 1926.1060
Subpart Y Diving 1926.1071 – 1926.1091
Subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1926.1100 – 1926.1153
Subpart AA Confined Spaces in Construction 1926.1200 – 1926.1213
Subpart BB [Reserved]
Subpart CC Cranes and Derricks in Construction 1926.1400 – 1926.1443
Appendix A to Part 1926
Designations for General Industry Standards Incorporated Into Body of Construction Standards
Part 1927 [Reserved]
Part 1928 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Agriculture 1928.1 – 1928.1027
Subpart A General 1928.1
Subpart B Applicability of Standards 1928.21
Subpart C Roll-Over Protective Structures 1928.51 – 1928.53
Subpart D Safety for Agricultural Equipment 1928.57
Subparts E-H [Reserved]
Subpart I General Environmental Controls 1928.110
Subparts J-L [Reserved]
Subpart M Occupational Health 1928.1027
Part 1949 Office of Training and Education, Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1949.1 – 1949.5
Subpart A OSHA Training Institute 1949.1 – 1949.5
Part 1952 Approved State Plans for Enforcement of State Standards 1952.1 – 1952.29
Subpart A List of Approved State Plans for Private-Sector and State and Local Government Employees 1952.1 – 1952.22
Subpart B List of Approved State Plans for State and Local Government Employees 1952.23 – 1952.29
Part 1953 Changes to State Plans 1953.1 – 1953.6
§ 1953.1 Purpose and scope.
§ 1953.2 Definitions.
§ 1953.3 General policies and procedures.
§ 1953.4 Submission of plan supplements.
§ 1953.5 Special provisions for standards changes.
§ 1953.6 Review and approval of plan supplements.
Part 1954 Procedures for the Evaluation and Monitoring of Approved State Plans 1954.1 – 1954.22
Subpart A General 1954.1 – 1954.3
Subpart B State Monitoring Reports and Visits to State Agencies 1954.10 – 1954.11
Subpart C Complaints About State Program Administration (CASPA) 1954.20 – 1954.22
Part 1955 Procedures for Withdrawal of Approval of State Plans 1955.1 – 1955.47
Subpart A General 1955.1 – 1955.5
Subpart B Notice of Formal Proceeding 1955.10 – 1955.18
Subpart C Consent Findings and Summary Decisions 1955.20 – 1955.22
Subpart D Preliminary Conference and Discovery 1955.30 – 1955.34
Subpart E Hearing and Decision 1955.40 – 1955.47
Part 1956 State Plans for the Development and Enforcement of State Standards Applicable to State and Local Government Employees in States Without Approved Private Employee Plans 1956.1 – 1956.24
Subpart A General 1956.1 – 1956.2
Subpart B Criteria 1956.10 – 1956.11
Subpart C Approval, Change, Evaluation and Withdrawal of Approval Procedures 1956.20 – 1956.24
Subpart D - General Provisions and Conditions [Reserved]
Part 1960 Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health Programs and Related Matters 1960.1 – 1960.90
Subpart A General 1960.1 – 1960.2
Subpart B Administration 1960.6 – 1960.12
Subpart C Standards 1960.16 – 1960.19
Subpart D Inspection and Abatement 1960.25 – 1960.31
Subpart E General Services Administration and Other Federal Agencies 1960.34 – 1960.35
Subpart F Occupational Safety and Health Committees 1960.36 – 1960.41
Subpart G Allegations of Reprisal 1960.46 – 1960.47
Subpart H Training 1960.54 – 1960.60
Subpart I Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 1960.66 – 1960.74
Subpart J Evaluation of Federal Occupational Safety and Health Programs 1960.78 – 1960.80
Subpart K Field Federal Safety and Health Councils 1960.84 – 1960.90
Part 1975 Coverage of Employers Under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 1975.1 – 1975.6
§ 1975.1 Purpose and scope.
§ 1975.2 Basis of authority.
§ 1975.3 Extent of coverage.
§ 1975.4 Coverage.
§ 1975.5 States and political subdivisions thereof.
§ 1975.6 Policy as to domestic household employment activities in private residences.
Part 1977 Discrimination Against Employees Exercising Rights Under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 1977.1 – 1977.23
General 1977.1 – 1977.6
§ 1977.1 Introductory statement.
§ 1977.2 Purpose of this part.
§ 1977.3 General requirements of section 11(c) of the Act.
§ 1977.4 Persons prohibited from discriminating.
§ 1977.5 Persons protected by section 11(c).
§ 1977.6 Unprotected activities distinguished.
Specific Protections 1977.9 – 1977.12
§ 1977.9 Complaints under or related to the Act.
§ 1977.10 Proceedings under or related to the Act.
§ 1977.11 Testimony.
§ 1977.12 Exercise of any right afforded by the Act.
Procedures 1977.15 – 1977.18
§ 1977.15 Filing of complaint for discrimination.
§ 1977.16 Notification of Secretary of Labor's determination.
§ 1977.17 Withdrawal of complaint.
§ 1977.18 Arbitration or other agency proceedings.
Some Specific Subjects 1977.22 – 1977.23
§ 1977.22 Employee refusal to comply with safety rules.
§ 1977.23 State plans.
Part 1978 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the Employee Protection Provision of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 (STAA), as Amended 1978.100 – 1978.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings, and Preliminary Orders 1978.100 – 1978.105
Subpart B Litigation 1978.106 – 1978.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1978.111 – 1978.115
Part 1979 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 519 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21ST Century 1979.100 – 1979.114
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings and Preliminary Orders 1979.100 – 1979.105
Subpart B Litigation 1979.106 – 1979.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1979.111 – 1979.114
Part 1980 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as Amended 1980.100 – 1980.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings and Preliminary Orders 1980.100 – 1980.105
Subpart B Litigation 1980.106 – 1980.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1980.111 – 1980.115
Part 1981 Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under Section 6 of the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 1981.100 – 1981.114
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings, and Preliminary Orders 1981.100 – 1981.105
Subpart B Litigation 1981.106 – 1981.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1981.111 – 1981.114
Part 1982 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the National Transit Systems Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act 1982.100 – 1982.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings and Preliminary Orders 1982.100 – 1982.105
Subpart B Litigation 1982.106 – 1982.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1982.111 – 1982.115
Part 1983 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Section 219 of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 1983.100 – 1983.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings and Preliminary Orders 1983.100 – 1983.105
Subpart B Litigation 1983.106 – 1983.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1983.111 – 1983.115
Part 1984 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Section 1558 of the Affordable Care Act 1984.100 – 1984.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings, and Preliminary Orders 1984.100 – 1984.105
Subpart B Litigation 1984.106 – 1984.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1984.111 – 1984.115
Part 1985 Procedures for Handling Retaliation Complaints Under the Employee Protection Provision of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 1985.100 – 1985.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings and Preliminary Orders 1985.100 – 1985.105
Subpart B Litigation 1985.106 – 1985.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1985.111 – 1985.115
Part 1986 Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the Employee Protection Provision of the Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), as Amended 1986.100 – 1986.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings, and Preliminary Orders 1986.100 – 1986.105
Subpart B Litigation 1986.106 – 1986.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1986.111 – 1986.115
Part 1987 Procedures for Handling Retaliation Complaints Under Section 402 of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act 1987.100 – 1987.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings and Preliminary Orders 1987.100 – 1987.105
Subpart B Litigation 1987.106 – 1987.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1987.111 – 1987.115
Part 1988 Procedures for Handling Retaliation Complaints Under Section 31307 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21ST Century Act (Map-21) 1988.100 – 1988.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings and Preliminary Orders 1988.100 – 1988.105
Subpart B Litigation 1988.106 – 1988.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1988.111 – 1988.115
Part 1989 Procedures for the Handling of Retailiation Compaints Under the Taxpayer First Act (TFA) 1989.100 – 1989.115
Subpart A Complaints, Investigations, Findings, and Preliminary Orders 1989.100 – 1989.105
Subpart B Litigation 1989.106 – 1989.110
Subpart C Miscellaneous Provisions 1989.111 – 1989.115
Part 1990 Identification, Classification, and Regulation of Potential Occupational Carcinogens 1990.101 – 1990.152
General 1990.101 – 1990.106
§ 1990.101 Scope.
§ 1990.102 Purpose.
§ 1990.103 Definitions.
§ 1990.104 Scientific review panel.
§ 1990.105 Advisory committees.
§ 1990.106 Amendments to this policy.
The OSHA Cancer Policy 1990.111 – 1990.112
§ 1990.111 General statement of regulatory policy.
§ 1990.112 Classification of potential carcinogens.
Priority Setting 1990.121 – 1990.133
§ 1990.121 Candidate list of potential occupational carcinogens.
§ 1990.122 Response to petitions.
§ 1990.131 Priority lists for regulating potential occupational carcinogens.
§ 1990.132 Factors to be considered.
§ 1990.133 Publication.
Regulation of Potential Occupational Carcinogens 1990.141 – 1990.147
§ 1990.141 Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
§ 1990.142 Initiation of a rulemaking.
§ 1990.143 General provisions for the use of human and animal data.
§ 1990.144 Criteria for consideration of arguments on certain issues.
§ 1990.145 Consideration of substantial new issues or substantial new evidence.
§ 1990.146 Issues to be considered in the rulemaking.
§ 1990.147 Final action.
Model Standards 1990.151 – 1990.152
§ 1990.151 Model standard pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act.
§ 1990.152 Model emergency temporary standard pursuant to section 6(c) of the Act.
Parts 1991-1999 [Reserved]

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