Weight loss after stopping birth control reddit

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I’m not asking for medical advice! I’m just crowd sourcing experiences ◡̈

I had my IUD removed and noticed my endurance/energy decreased. My workouts definitely seem harder and I feel completely drained.

I know there’s a bunch of things that could affect my energy levels (sleep, diet, depression, a million other things), most everything is the same and my doctor gave me a clean bill of health!

Has anyone experienced a change in their workouts after stopping hormonal birth control?

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4lbs in a month is fantastic! Unless you're obese you really shouldn't lose more then a lbs a week unfortunately. We all want it to come off quicker :P. Also, if you're putting on muscle you will look smaller while you lose less weight. A pound of muscle looks significantly smaller then a pound of fat.

If you're REALLY worried (but I wouldn't be in your case since you're losing fine) sometimes birth control can cause weight loss issues by creating a hormone that bind to thyroid hormones so it doesn't get used by the cells so you have hypothyroid symptoms even though everything seems fine. I don't think this is happening in your case since you've lost an amazing amount of weight! congrats!

I got my tubes tied June 21st and today got cleared to resume all normal activities including fitness related ones. I was on the pill for almost 10 years before this and have come off it since surgery. Haven't noticed any changes yet but it obviously hasn't been very long.

I lost a ton of weight last year (99lbs, never got to 100 - _-) and because of laziness and stress, gained HALF of it back. I'm getting back on the wagon now but not sure what to expect with my weight loss and how having a normal period might affect my training.

I guess I don't hav a specific question, just looking for anyone's experience with this!

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level 1

· 4 yr. agoF|5’9”|SW:170lbs|CW:125lbs

Birth control can make you retain a lot more water and give you a bigger appetite, but it doesn’t stop you from losing weight. If you calculate your calorie deficit correctly you will still lose the correct amount of fat.

I can drop about 7lbs in a week when I stop BC (and also gain that much when I start - I’ve been on and off multiple types of pill over the years to find one that helps my skin), but it’s just simply water retention.

level 2

· 4 yr. ago36F, 5'4" | SW: 394lb / CW: 190.8lb

I can drop about 7lbs in a week when I stop BC (and also gain that much when I start - I’ve been on and off multiple types of pill over the years to find one that helps my skin), but it’s just simply water retention.

Same. I gain 10-11lb the first week of starting a HBC (this included my IUD; they're not necessarily the miracle many claim they are), and hold it the entire time. The entire time. This is in addition to gaining 5-6lb right before my period starts, then dropping it 1-2 days after it ends. When I stop, that 10-11lb falls off in a week.

Hormonal medications can wreak havoc with appetite and water retention, but they don't inhibit or circumvent CICO.

level 1

Birth control weight gain is water weight and, for some people, giving into an increased appetite. You can't create energy (aka fat to store) from nothing, and the birth control certainly isn't slowing your BMR down.

I didn't gain weight when I took it, but I had to stop because of other side effects.

level 1

My best birth control so far has been my obesity and my personality. Funny, but sad, and kind of true. That's part of the reason why I'm here.

level 2

Haha I'm so sorry but it is funny xD well soon you'll need to look into an alternative form right? :)

level 2

This is prolly a weird place to get advice but could you explain the process of the iud. How long have you been on it? Did you have any major hormone shifts? (One brand of the pill made me lose my mind from the hormones lol).

Did it hurt at all? I dont know many people who have done it and im looking to get off the pill.

level 1

· 4 yr. ago30F, 85lbs lost | CW: 115 lbs | SW: 200 lbs

The only birth control I've heard seriously affecting weight is the shot, which is the main reason I didn't want to try it. I want going to put all this effort into losing weight only to be partially thwarted by bc, lol.

level 2

Exactly, I'm not saying it's 100% birth control.. I'm just saying my efforts are not proportionate to my results.

level 2

I'm on the shot, and the only issue I have personally that affects my weight is appetite. So for me it's been mind over matter.

level 1

This is an issue that I am having. I have the one that stays in your arm for 3 year and at first, I thought the weight gain was from having a baby and a toddler and no sleep.

Then I had to have it replaced and before (maybe for a month or two?) it wasn't working as it had before so my body felt so much better. I was happier. I was more positive and able to lose weight.. I said "I bet when I have it replaced I gain weight". I did. I am fighting to lose that weight. It is horrible. Hopefully I will be able to take it out soon.

level 2

Then your wife was eating more calories than she realized and now she has more energy and less appetite from quitting the pill so is finding it easier to lose weight.

No medication makes you gain/unable to lose fat. They make you hungrier, more tired, more bloated or swollen from water retention/sodium levels, affect how and where you store fat and some lower your BMR (not the pill), all of which make it harder to lose weight and quite easy to gain. Especially things like steroids and certain psych meds. But nothing apart from excess calories impacts fat.

Your wife isn’t a medical miracle, sorry.

level 1

Birth control pills made me hungrier and increased my appetite. I was constantly hungry all the time and I was never full.

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Is it normal to lose weight after stopping birth control?

Once you stop taking birth control, you may notice that you drop a pound or two within a few weeks as fluid retention decreases, but it is unlikely that you will lose a substantial amount of weight, if any at all.

How long does it take hormones to balance after stopping birth control?

Most people can expect their bodies to return to normal within just a few days after stopping birth control. However, it can take up to 3 months before your normal menstrual cycle returns while your hormone levels adjust and menstruation occurs on a regular cycle.

Does your body change after stopping birth control?

Your Skin Might Break Out You may discover new crops of pimples after you stop taking the pill—especially around your period when hormone levels fluctuate. "Going off birth control pills may return acne symptoms to what they were before starting birth control pills," said Dr. Bhardwaj.

Why does my stomach feel weird after stopping birth control?

After you stop taking birth control, your body needs time to adjust to the new balance of hormones, similarly to when you started taking the pill in the first place. Possible side effects include slight bleeding or spotting, abdominal cramps, and irregular periods for the first few months.


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