What age can i start withdrawing from my 401k

What age can i start withdrawing from my 401k

Early Retirement Distribution Options

Most people who have retirement accounts realize the importance of leaving these assets untouched until retirement age. Even if they don't, the government enforces a number of rules and penalties to discourage withdrawals before age 59½.

If you want to retire before age 59½ and begin taking distributions from your 401k plan, you will generally be subject to a 10% early distribution penalty. The early distribution penalty is the cornerstone of the government's campaign to discourage us from plundering our savings before our golden years.

Luckily, there are a couple of ways to do this without paying the 10% penalty.

Leaving Your Job On or After Age 55

The age 59½ distribution rule says any 401k participant may begin to withdraw money from his or her plan after reaching the age of 59½ without having to pay a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty.

There is an exception to that rule, however, which allows an employee who retires, quits or is fired at age 55 to withdraw without penalty from their 401k (the "rule of 55"). There are three key points early retirees need to know.

First, this exception applies if you leave your job at any time during the calendar year in which you turn 55, or later, according to IRS Publication 575.

Second, if you still have money in the plan of a former employer and assuming you weren't at least age 55 when you left that employer, you'll have to wait until age 59½ to start taking withdrawals without penalty. Better yet, get any old 401k's rolled into your current 401k before you retire from your current job so that you will have access to these funds penalty free.

Third, this exception only applies to funds withdrawn from a 401k. IRAs operate until different rules, so if you retire and roll money into an IRA from your 401k before age 59½, you will lose this exception on those dollars.

Substantially Equal Periodic Payments

The substantially equal periodic payment exception is available to anyone with a 401k plan, regardless of age, which makes it an attractive escape hatch. It is called a Section 72(t) distribution. In a 72(t) withdrawal, the distributions must be "substantially equal" payments based upon your life expectancy. Once the distributions begin, they must continue for a period of five years or until you reach age 59½, whichever is longest. The full rules and life expectancy tables can be found in IRS Publication 590. This option generally gives you the least retirement pay out available.

Keep in mind that if you use too high a rate of withdrawal, you could run out of money, even before the 72(t) distribution ends, particularly if your investments decline in value substantially.

Final Comments

These two exceptions are only relevant if you are younger than 59½, since there is no penalty for withdrawals over this age.

Here is an additional resource on the General Distribution Rules related to 401k plans.

This is for educational purposes only. The information provided here is intended to help you understand the general issue and does not constitute any tax, investment or legal advice. Consult your financial, tax or legal advisor regarding your own unique situation and your company's benefits representative for rules specific to your plan.

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What age can i start withdrawing from my 401k

Employer-sponsored, tax-deferred retirement plans like 401(k)s and 403(b)s have rules about when you can access your funds. As a general rule, if you withdraw funds before age 59 ½, you’ll trigger an IRS tax penalty of 10%. The good news is that there’s a way to take your distributions a few years early without incurring this penalty. This is known as the rule of 55. If you’re contemplating early retirement, you should know how the rule of 55 works. If you have retirement planning questions, consider talking to a financial advisor who can help you create and manage your long-term financial plan.

What Is the Rule of 55?

Under the terms of this rule, you can withdraw funds from your current job’s 401(k) or 403(b) plan with no 10% tax penalty if you leave that job in or after the year you turn 55. (Qualified public safety workers can start even earlier, at 50.) It doesn’t matter whether you were laid off, fired, or just quit.

The distributions are not completely tax-free: Like all withdrawals from a traditional 401(k) or 403(b), you do have to pay income tax. Only the 10% tax penalty is bypassed in this scenario.

In addition, note that employers are not obliged to allow early withdrawals; and, if they do allow them, they may require that the entire amount be taken out in one lump-sum withdrawal. This could expose you to a higher income tax.

This rule applies to current – not former – 401(k) or 403(b) plans. The government does not permit penalty-free withdrawals before 59.5 from plans you had with a previous employer. If you want access to that money under the rule of 55, you would have to transfer those funds into your current 401(k) or 403(b) plan.

How to Use Rule of 55 to Fund an Early Retirement

If you’re thinking about early retirement then chances are that you’ll need to take early withdrawals from your retirement account in order to fund your life. Retiring early means you won’t have access to Social Security benefits so you’ll need to not only pay for your living expenses but also some added expenses like more expensive health insurance. Unless you have a lot of money sitting around in savings and checking accounts, you may want to consider using the rule of 55 to take early withdrawals.

There are a few rules that you need to comply with in order to qualify for these withdrawals. Those rules are:

  • Age of Retirement: You must leave your job after turning 55, or the calendar year of. This reduces to the age of 50 if you’re a public service employee. You cannot retire earlier and then take withdrawals or the rule of 55 doesn’t work.
  • Work: You must leave your job to start taking withdrawals but you can return to work later. You aren’t locked into retiring forever.
  • Retirement Account: You can only withdraw funds from your most recent 401(k) or 403(b) account for the rule of 55 to work.

If you meet the requirements for all of these rules then the rule of 55 might be a good fit for you in order to avoid paying the early withdrawal penalty. In order to start taking these withdrawals, you’ll just have to prove that you qualify for the plan administrator. It’s important, though, that you plan the timing of those withdrawals effectively.

Planning Out the Timing of Your Withdrawals

The timing of your early withdrawals is important, says Dave Lowell, certified financial planner and founder of Up Your Money Game.

“If you were employed for most of the year and had a relatively high income, then it makes sense to not withdraw money under the rule of 55 in that calendar year, since it will add to your total income for the year and possibly result in you moving to a higher marginal tax bracket,” Lowell says.

The better strategy in that scenario may be to use other savings or take withdrawals from after-tax investments until the next calendar rolls around. This may result in your taxable income being much lower.

Alternatives to Rule of 55 Withdrawals

What age can i start withdrawing from my 401k

The rule of 55, which doesn’t apply to traditional or Roth IRAs, isn’t the only way to get money from your retirement plan early. For example, you won’t have to pay the penalty if you take distributions from a 401(k) early for these reasons:

  • You become totally and permanently disabled.
  • You pass away and your beneficiary or estate is withdrawing money from the plan.
  • You’re taking distributions to pay deductible medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.
  • Distributions are the result of an IRS levy.
  • You’re receiving qualified reservist distributions.

You can also avoid the 10% early withdrawal penalty if early distributions are made as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments, known as a SEPP plan. You have to be separated from service to qualify for this exception if you’re taking money from an employer’s plan, but you’re not subject to the 55 or older requirement. The payment amounts you’d receive come from your life expectancy.

Bottom Line

The rule of 55 allows you to take money from your employer’s retirement plan without a tax penalty before age 59.5. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Whether an early retirement is right for you depends largely on your goals and overall financial situation.

“Retiring earlier than 62 means no Social Security income,” Lowell says. “The person needs to make sure they know where their income is coming from.”

For example, will you have a pension that pays out regular annuity payments to rely on? Or will you be able to draw from taxable investment accounts, savings accounts, CDs or other assets to cover your expenses in early retirement?

If you plan to retire early but you don’t think you’ll need to tap into your 401(k) just yet, consider what else you could do with it. Leaving it with your employer to continue growing is one option; rolling it over to an IRA is another. The more thought you give to how and when you’ll need to use those assets beforehand, the better you can position yourself for a financially sound early retirement.

Tips for Retirement Planning

What age can i start withdrawing from my 401k

  • Meet with your financial advisor to discuss the pros and cons of retiring early. Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • If you’re considering leaving the workforce ahead of your normal retirement age, learn how it changes your retirement income plan. Use a retirement calculator to estimate how much you’ll need to retire. A 401(k) calculator can give you an idea of how much you’ll be able to grow your savings. This is important to know ahead of your target retirement date.

Photo credit: ©iStock.com/AndreyPopov, ©iStock.com/shapecharge, ©iStock.com/designer491

Rebecca Lake Rebecca Lake is a retirement, investing and estate planning expert who has been writing about personal finance for a decade. Her expertise in the finance niche also extends to home buying, credit cards, banking and small business. She's worked directly with several major financial and insurance brands, including Citibank, Discover and AIG and her writing has appeared online at U.S. News and World Report, CreditCards.com and Investopedia. Rebecca is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and she also attended Charleston Southern University as a graduate student. Originally from central Virginia, she now lives on the North Carolina coast along with her two children.

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What age is best to take out 401k?

Do not retire earlier than age 55, thinking you can access your 401(k) funds penalty-free once you turn 55. For example, if you retire at 54, believing in one year you can access funds penalty-free, you'll have missed the mark.

Can I draw from my 401k at 55?

What Is the Rule of 55? Under the terms of this rule, you can withdraw funds from your current job's 401(k) or 403(b) plan with no 10% tax penalty if you leave that job in or after the year you turn 55.