What are the three most important things in a marriage

When you're caught up in the excitement of your wedding, it can be hard to imagine that you and your spouse might not live happily ever after. But sharing your life with another person can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with relationships. Marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful.

A marriage based on love and respect doesn't just happen. Both spouses have to do their part. Below are some important keys to work on each day to make your marriage successful.

Communicate clearly and often

Talking with your spouse is one of the best ways to keep your marriage healthy and successful. Be honest about what you're feeling, but be kind and respectful when you communicate. Part of good communication is being a good listener and taking the time to understand what it is your spouse wants and needs from you. Keep the lines of communication open by talking often, and not just about things like bills and the kids. Share your thoughts and feelings.

Tell your spouse that you're thankful for having him or her in your life

Appreciate each other, your relationship, your family, and your lives together. Show gratitude when your partner cooks dinner, helps the kids with their homework, or does the grocery shopping. It may help to take a few minutes each evening to tell each other at least one thing you appreciated that day.

Make time for you two as a couple

With work and family responsibilities, it can be easy to lose the romance factor. Plan special dates, either to go out or just stay at home. If you have children, send them on a play date while you relax, talk, and enjoy each other's company.

Plan for some personal time

Alone time is just as important as couple time. Everyone needs time to recharge, think, and enjoy personal interests. That time is often lost when you're married, especially if you have kids. Go out with friends, take a class, or do volunteer work, whatever you find enriching. When you're back together with your spouse, you'll appreciate each other even more.

Understand that it's OK to disagree

You won't agree on everything, but it is important to be fair and respectful during disagreements. Listen to your spouse's point of view. Try not to get angry and don't let yourself become too frustrated. Walk away and calm down if you need to, then discuss the problem again when you're both in a better frame of mind. Compromise on problems so that you both give a little.

Build trust

Marriage therapist and researcher John Gottman, Ph.D., has found that criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling are serious threats to a marriage. The more a couple engages in these destructive activities, the more likely they are to divorce. His decades of research and of working with couples have shown that spouses who stay together know how to fight without being hostile and to take responsibility for their actions. They are also more likely to respond quickly to each other’s wishes to make up after fights and repair the relationship.

Learn to forgive

Everyone makes mistakes. Your spouse may hurt your feelings or do something that upsets you, and that may make you angry, even furious. But it's important to deal with your feelings, let them go, and move on. don’t keep bringing up the past.

Remember to remain committed to your spouse, your family, and the life that you have built together. Support each other emotionally and in everyday ways. You, your spouse, and your relationship may grow and change with time, but these ideas can help your marriage stay successful over the years.

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What are the three most important things in a marriage

How To Have A Strong Marriage – 3 Most Important Things To Do Right Now

What are the three most important things in a marriage

I’m going to share with you what I believe are the three most important things to ensure a strong marriage. These are the three most important out of several, many, dozens, that are important. 

My name is Kimberly Holmes, and I’m the CEO of Marriage Helper. 

I have a Master’s degree in Psychology, and I’m trained as a marriage and family therapist. I have been working with couples for almost a decade in this type of work.

At Marriage Helper, we have seen hundreds of thousands of people go through some iteration of our courses, online courses, and workshops and training. We have had an amazing success rate at helping couples stay together and creating a stronger marriage than they ever had before. 

We would love for that to be you as well.

When it comes to having a strong marriage, you can build your foundation on top of these three things:

Mutual Respect 

I’ll start with mutual respect instead of love or commitment or any of the other ones that you might hear out there. Some even recommend having sex every day of the week, which honestly isn’t even healthy for either person. 

I’m not starting with those because I believe that for you to create a solid relationship where both of you are hearing each other, wanting to listen to each other, and actively listening to each other, it starts with having respect. When one partner or both partners begin to lack respect, you begin to have a person who looks down on the other.

If I am married to my husband and don’t respect him, whether I am consciously saying it or not, I’m telling myself that “he is lesser than me.” If I don’t respect someone as my equal, which in marriage we have to respect our spouse as our equal, it will not lead to a long-term healthy relationship. 

You don’t want your marriage relationship to look like one of you as a parent and one of you as a child. Even if one of the people in the marriage is acting like a child at the time, that’s not the way you should treat your spouse, ever. You need to treat your spouse with respect. You need to show your spouse that you see them as your equal. 

What does that look like when we see our spouse as an equal? 

That means that you consult them about major decisions. You ask for their opinion, and you listen to it. If they’ve had a bad day, you listen, and you empathize. Even in just our communication, there are so many aspects that can show that we respect our spouse.  

If I respect my spouse and they make a decision that I’m not necessarily 100% excited about, if I respect him, I’m not going to attack him for that. I’m not going to try and throw him under the bus. I’m instead going to voice my side of it respectfully, like a mature human being, or I may realize that it’s not a battle worth fighting. I can simply let my husband’s desire go the way that he wants it to go.

Respect can look like a lot of different things. I believe that people can question and ask themselves, “am I showing my spouse that I believe that they are my equal? Or am I acting like I’m better than them?” If you feel like you might be acting like you’re better than your spouse in the way that you’re treating them, responding to them, the tone of voice you use towards them, then it’s time for you to start changing some of your behaviors.


The second thing that’s important in having a strong marriage is acceptance. 

A lot of times, when people hear that, they think, “Oh, no. I can’t accept some of the things that my spouse has done. I can’t accept some of the things that she said. There’s no way I would accept that.” 

Let me let you in on a secret. There’s a difference between accepting something or someone as they are versus accepting the behavior or the thing that they did. What I am talking about here is accepting your spouse for who they are as a person. 

If you are trying to change your spouse, if you believe that you don’t like the way they want to spend their time, you don’t like their hobbies. You don’t like the fact that they’re an introvert. You don’t like the fact that they’re an extrovert. If you can’t accept that about your spouse, then what you’re probably doing instead is trying to change your spouse. That’s not working out well for you. 

If a person in a relationship feels like they have to change who they are for their spouse to like them or love them, it causes resentment over time.

One of the questions you should ask yourself is, “does my spouse possibly feel like they have to meet a set of standards that I have for me to love them, for me to accept them?” This could even be a question that you ask yourself when accepting things that have happened. If your spouse has been involved in gambling, some addiction, or had an affair, then, of course, you may not accept the things that they have done. What we have to do is learn to separate the action from the person. 

I had some friends several years ago. The husband had become an alcoholic, and the wife did not accept the behavior of drinking. He was doing things that were putting him and the family in danger while he was drunk. That wasn’t something she condoned.

That wasn’t something that she was encouraging to happen, but she still accepted him for who he was as a personseeing that he had worth and value that was separate from the action he was currently doing. 

I believe that’s what we’re missing in society these days. 

It seems like we have to accept the person and every single thing they do for us to love them. That’s not true at all. I can accept and love the people in my life even if they do something disagreeable. 

If you have kids, you accept your kids as they are. You see the “amazingness” that they have. You appreciate their personalities and how they grow and develop. But if your child doesn’t listen to you, if you tell them to clean their room 500 times and they don’t do it, that’s not a behavior you accept. That doesn’t change the fact that you love them and you accept them as a person. We need to see it the same way with our spouse. 


The third most important thing for a mutually healthy long-term relationship and having a strong marriage is healthy communication. 

One of the quickest things that can break down in a marriage is communication. It can break down by the couple no longer talking to each other, stopping date nights, not asking each other questions or wanting to learn more about the other person, or asking them about their day.

I was being interviewed just this morning at the time of recording by a radio station in Kansas. The DJ was asking me, “what is it that you see with couples that you work with? Do you feel like couples stop being interested in each other after they get married?” I responded to him, and I said, “I do.”

When my husband and I started dating, we played this game called the ‘question game.’ Every single time we talked, every date we went on, every phone call we had, we would talk until 1:00 AM or 2:00 AM on the phone. We dated long distance for ten months, and we would ask each other questions, every question in the world, just going back and forth with each other’s turn.

That was such an amazing part of when we dated. We learned so much about each other, and it was very unfortunate that after we got married, for some reason, that question game stopped. Do you think that my husband or I stopped growing, stopped learning, stopped developing, stopped having opinions? No, not at all. We continue to change daily, to grow, to develop because we are dynamic human beings.

Why did the questions stop? Life gets in the way. 

That’s one way that healthy communication can start breaking down. The other way is when the communication turns sour, instead of listening to each other. Think back to when you were dating. I know when I think back to when Rob and I were dating, that’s my husband; I was on my best behavior. He could do something that would make me mad, and I would be so patient, I would believe the best about him. I would give him the benefit of the doubt. 

That is how most of us are when we’re dating. We are more likely to have great communication. Unfortunately, what happens after we get married is all of that goes out the window. Something in the wedding cake gives us amnesia to handle situations with grace and respect.

What I am encouraging you to do is think back to how you handled disagreements. Hopefully, when you were dating, that was more patient that was more loving. That was more listening, more gracious, more empathetic, and do that again because that will help you have healthy communication. 

Suppose the communication in your marriage has become sour or negative. In that case, you need to reset it and stop the negative communication cycle because that could make a huge difference in repairing your relationship and putting you back on a positive trajectory towards having a strong marriage.

We have a whole toolkit that teaches you exactly how to reestablish the communication in your marriage and have more positive communication. Stop the negative, start the positive we call it the SMART Contact Toolkit because it’s the best and smartest way to contact and communicate with your spouse.

At Marriage Helper, we want you to have a strong marriage. We believe that you can do that by having mutual respect and accepting each other for who you are, even if you don’t accept behaviors or things that have happened. 

If you have read this and you say, “I am struggling in one, two, or all three of those areas,” then we can help you. We want to help you have a strong marriage. We have coaching, we have online courses, we have the SMART Contact Toolkit, and we have workshops for marriages. You can call our office at (866) 903-0990 or visit this page to schedule a call to speak with one of our client relations reps to create a strategy for how you can move forward in creating a better marriage than you’ve ever had before. 

We would love to help you.

For more Marriage Helper videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel here!


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Marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful. A marriage based on love and respect doesn't just happen. Both spouses have to do their part.