What causes high blood pressure in pregnant women

High blood pressure in pregnancy, or hypertension, is how much pressure is placed on the walls of arteries when the heart pumps blood. Blood pressure is measured with two numbers, the top number (systolic) and the bottom number (diastolic) and reads 120/80, for example. The systolic number measures blood pressure when the heart pumps the blood to organs, and the diastolic number measures blood pressure when the heart retracts to fill with blood again.

High blood pressure during pregnancy can cause complications for the mother and the baby including preeclampsia, preterm birth and placental abruption. 

Types of High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

Even if you have not had high blood pressure before pregnancy, you can develop high blood pressure during pregnancy, called gestational hypertension. A blood pressure during pregnancy of 140/90 is considered high during pregnancy and a diagnosis of gestational hypertension is given. Severe high blood pressure in pregnancy is 160/110.

Types of hypertension in pregnancy include:

  • Gestational Hypertension: High blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy, where high blood pressure was not chronic before the pregnancy began. This type of high blood pressure usually returns to normal soon after the baby is delivered.
  • Chronic Hypertension: If you have had high blood pressure before pregnancy, or before 20 weeks into your pregnancy, you most likely have chronic hypertension.
  • Chronic Hypertension with Superimposed Preeclampsia: High blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia; however, if high blood pressure was present before pregnancy and preeclampsia happens during pregnancy, the diagnosis is chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia.
  • Preeclampsia: If high blood pressure occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy when no past chronic high blood pressure diagnosis has been given, and there is protein in urine and/or organs start to work improperly, preeclampsia is diagnosed.

What Causes High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy?

Because of the many changes and strains on the body that happen when pregnant, sometimes high blood pressure can occur in an otherwise healthy individual that has never experienced high blood pressure. 

High Blood Pressure Symptoms in Pregnancy

In some cases the symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy may be subtle or go unnoticed. Because many changes take place when pregnant, it is important to know the symptoms of high blood pressure. 

A blood pressure during pregnancy of 140/90 is considered high during pregnancy and a diagnosis of gestational hypertension is given. Severe high blood pressure in pregnancy is 160/110. A typical blood pressure is around 120/80.

Some signs of high blood pressure in pregnancy include:

  • Severe headaches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Excess protein in urine (a urine sample is gathered at each doctor visit during pregnancy)
  • Changes in vision
  • Upper abdominal pain

Treatment Options for High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

It is important to keep blood pressure down during pregnancy because of the potential complications for both mom and baby. There are several ways to reduce blood pressure during pregnancy including:

  • Attend all prenatal checkups
  • Take medication regularly, if prescribed
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid smoking, drinking and substance abuse

Stress can also be a factor on the body during pregnancy so it is important to avoid stressful situations, if possible, and be sure to get enough rest. Breathing exercises, prenatal yoga, baths and prenatal massages are all ways to help beat stress and take care of the body while pregnant.

Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

There are many factors that can put you at risk for developing high blood pressure during pregnancy. Knowing these risk factors ahead of time can help you and your provider develop a treatment plan or prevention plan for high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Some risk factors for high blood pressure in pregnancy include:

  • Being overweight
  • Family history of high blood pressure
  • Age
  • Smoking
  • Diet high in salt
  • African American
  • Diabetes or kidney disease
  • A sedentary lifestyle

These risk factors put you at greater risk of developing high blood pressure during pregnancy, which can lead to pregnancy complications.

A small percentage of pregnant women in the U.S. have high blood pressure at some point during their pregnancy. Some cases are mild; other cases are severe. Treatment varies depending on the type you have and how far along you are in your pregnancy.

There are three main types of high blood pressure during pregnancy:

  • Chronic hypertension. This is high blood pressure you had before you became pregnant. It can also refer to high blood pressure you get before the 20th week of pregnancy. Sometimes you may have high blood pressure for a long time before becoming pregnant but don’t know it until your first prenatal visit with your doctor. Chronic hypertension can lead to serious problems, including preeclampsia. This type of high blood pressure continues after you have your baby.
  • Gestational hypertension. This is high blood pressure you get after your 20th week of pregnancy. Most of the time, this hypertension doesn’t hurt you or your baby. You may not even have other symptoms. However, sometimes this type of hypertension is severe. It can cause your baby to be born smaller than normal (have a low birth weight). Your baby may even be born early because of it. It can lead to preeclampsia. And while it usually goes away within three months of giving birth, it can raise your risk of getting high blood pressure in the future.
  • Preeclampsia. This is a sudden rise in your blood pressure after your 20th week of pregnancy, typically in your third trimester. It also may cause damage to your liver, kidneys, or brain. You may have seizures. You may have significant swelling in your legs and sometimes your arms and face. This condition is serious. It can hurt both you and your baby, and even be life threatening. Some women get preeclampsia after they deliver their baby. This is called postpartum preeclampsia.

In some cases, high blood pressure during pregnancy can cause harm to you and your baby.

  • You may develop gestational diabetes.
  • You may experience problems with your heart or kidneys. You’re also at greater risk for a stroke.
  • High blood pressure may prevent the placenta from getting enough blood. (The placenta gives oxygen and food to your baby.) If the placenta doesn’t get enough blood, your baby doesn’t get enough oxygen and food. This can cause low birth weight and premature birth.
  • High blood pressure can lead to placental abruption. This is when the placenta becomes unattached to the uterus. This can be a life threatening situation to both you and your baby.

Symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy

Watch for these symptoms. However, keep in mind that some of these symptoms are common among pregnant women and don’t necessarily mean you have a problem. Talk with your doctor about all your symptoms.

  • Constant headache.
  • Changes to your vision.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Swelling of your hands and face.
  • Low, or no, urine.

What causes high blood pressure during pregnancy?

Some women have a higher chance to getting high blood pressure while they’re pregnant. These include women who:

  • Are having their first baby.
  • Have a mom or sister who had high blood pressure while pregnant.
  • Are carrying multiple babies (twins, triplets).
  • Are older than 40 years old.
  • Are African American.
  • Were overweight when they became pregnant.
  • Had high blood pressure before they became pregnant.

How is high blood pressure during pregnancy diagnosed?

No one test diagnoses high blood pressure while pregnant. Instead, your doctor will take your blood pressure at each of your prenatal appointments. He or she will keep track of your blood pressure readings during your pregnancy and be able to spot any changes that could indicate an overall problem. He or she will also use urine and blood tests to watch for possible issues.

Can high blood pressure during pregnancy be prevented or avoided?

It can’t be prevented. However, you can lower your chances of getting it by making necessary adjustments before getting pregnant. These include getting or maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly.

If you have chronic hypertension before you get pregnant, talk with your doctor. He or she will look at how well your hypertension is being managed and let you know if you need to make any changes before getting pregnant.

High blood pressure during pregnancy treatment

If you have chronic hypertension, you may have been taking medicine for it before you became pregnant. Tell your doctor which medicine you’re taking. He or she may say it’s okay to continue that medicine. But if the medicine isn’t safe for your baby, you may need to switch to another medicine during your pregnancy. Like with all pregnancies, your doctor will check your blood pressure and urine during your regular appointments.

If you have gestational hypertension, your doctor will monitor your blood pressure and urine more closely. He or she will do this to watch for signs of preeclampsia. Your doctor may also monitor your baby. One way to do that is with an ultrasound. This is a painless test that lets your doctor see your baby inside your body.

If you have preeclampsia, treatment depends on where you are in relation to your due date. That’s because preeclampsia often goes away after you have your baby. If you’re 37 weeks or more pregnant, your doctor may suggest having the baby as soon as possible. However, if you’re less than 37 weeks pregnant, your doctor may choose to monitor you even more closely than before. Along with the regular urine and blood tests, you may need to take medicine to help your blood pressure. You may also need to take medicine that help prevent seizures, which can happen with preeclampsia. You may be told to stay in bed until your baby is born. You may be given a steroid shot of a medicine that will help your baby’s lungs develop quicker in case your baby needs to be born early. Your baby will continue to be watched with ultrasound. Your doctor may also watch your baby’s health through a heart monitor. If your preeclampsia is extremely severe, your doctor may say you need to deliver your baby right away, regardless of how close you are to your due date.

Living with high blood pressure during pregnancy

Go to each of your prenatal visits with your doctor. This will allow him or her to monitor your blood pressure. Your doctor may ask you to record your blood pressure at home. He or she can give advice on how to do that. Your doctor will check your urine at each visit. High levels of protein in urine can be a symptom of preeclampsia.

Discuss all your medicines with your doctor. Also, don’t start or stop taking any medicines, including over-the-counter medicines, without talking to your doctor. Some of these may affect your blood pressure.

What can cause high blood pressure in pregnancy?

What are the risk factors for high blood pressure during pregnancy?.
you have had pre-eclampsia before..
your close relatives have had pre-eclampsia..
you have a medical condition such as kidney disease, diabetes or chronic hypertension..
you are older than 40 years of age..
you are obese..
you are having more than one baby..

How can I lower my blood pressure during pregnancy?

Keeping active and doing some physical activity each day, such as walking or swimming, can help keep your blood pressure in the normal range. Eating a balanced diet and keeping your salt intake low can help to reduce blood pressure.

What is an unsafe blood pressure during pregnancy?

Your health care provider will check your blood pressure and urine at each prenatal visit. If your blood pressure reading is high (140/90 or higher), especially after the 20th week of pregnancy, your provider will likely want to run some tests.