What do i write in a bridal shower card

After weeks or months of wedding preparations, the bridal shower is a welcome opportunity for the bride-to-be to relax, unwind, and destress with loved ones. For many people, finding a suitably indulgent gift for the bride is easy enough, but when it comes to writing a message in the card, that’s a different matter…

If you can’t think of suitable bridal shower wishes or if you’re looking for inspiration because you know you’re going to need it soon, you’ve come to the right place. You’ll find out about the basics that should be part of a heartfelt, encouraging message, and we’ll share a few suggested lines. You can use them as-is, or you can adapt or personalise them as required.

Elements Of A Bridal Shower Card

As her last chance to let her hair down as a single woman before her wedding, the bridal shower is all about the bride-to-be. It’s about spoiling her, indulging her, encouraging, teasing and laughing with her.

The following tips are a good starting point for writing a message that will make her smile.

  1. Open with a friendly greeting – Begin your bridal shower message with a warm greeting where you call her by the name or title you usually call her, or with another appropriate term, such as “To the Bride-to-Be.”
  2. Get on with the congratulations – The first thing you should include in your message after your opening greeting is a line to congratulate her on the imminent wedding.
  3. Write a few lines that draw on your relationship with her – You may want to begin by mentioning a happy memory you share, and then tell her that you think she will look radiantly beautiful on her big day. Let her know that you’re glad to be part of her pre-wedding celebration, and that you care about this exciting new aspect of her life.
  4. When you’ve concluded your personal message to the bride, you can write your bridal shower wish in the card – Let your words be something she will treasure in her heart as she walks down the aisle and into a new future. If you feel inclined, you can end your message with an inspirational quote.
  5. Sign off – Do this in a way that’s appropriate for your relationship with the woman who will receive your bridal shower card.

Funny Bridal Shower Wishes

What do i write in a bridal shower card

If you know she will appreciate the joke, include a funny bridal shower wish in your card. Use one of these or write your own:

  • Congrats on finding love! (Although I’m gonna miss hearing all your wild dating stories.)
  • Congratulations on your conscious coupling! Long may it last!
  • It’s such a blessing to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. Congratulations!
  • Getting married is like baking a cake. Right now you’re at the stage where you reach in the cupboard and get the bowl. It’s gonna take a lifetime for that sucker to cook.
  • Marriage is about communication and compromise. You’ll be doing the communication and he’ll be doing the compromise.
  • Can you give us some tips on how to get us a guy just like you did? Or you could just raffle yours off to one of us? No? Ok, well then congrats!
  • Congratulations to the bride-to-be! If ever you have second thoughts, call me – I’ll be standing by to tell you all my horror stories of the dating game.
  • Getting married is like a class on Shakespeare. You get a little comedy, some romance and a lot of tragedy. Congratulations.
  • Why are you getting married? Ignore me, I’m just totally jealous of all the gifts you’re going to get.
  • Congratulations on getting tagged, pretty soon you’ll be out.
  • You must be a unicorn because your man is magical. That’s the only way to nab a unicorn.
  • Your Bridal Shower is going to be the time of my life, mainly because that’s the closest I’ll get to marriage and the best part, gifts!
  • You better throw me that bouquet. On second thought, forget the bouquet. Throw me a groomsman.

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Bridal Shower Wishes For A Friend

If you’re writing a bridal shower card to a close friend, your message can be a nostalgic trip down memory lane, words of empowerment and courage or a pledge of love and support. You also can bring in some humour.

These are a couple of our ideas:

  • Congratulations on finding Mr Right! Wishing you all the best on your special day and we hope you have a great future together.
  • Your big day is almost here! I’m so excited for you and John/Jane, and I wish you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations!
  • Please don’t mind my happy tears. I always cry at wedding showers for people I love!
  • Congratulations! You couldn’t have chosen a better person to marry, and I cannot imagine a more beautiful bride. You two are going to be magical together. Sending you all my love!
  • Looking forward to seeing you all dressed up on your wedding day. As always if there’s anything I can do to help please let me know. Love you lots!
  • Goodbye Miss and hello Mrs! May this new chapter in your life bring you much joy.
  • I remember the day when you called me and told me about (groom’s name). The way you spoke about him, I knew instantly that you had fallen head over heels for him. May your life be all that you’ve dreamed it to be.

Bridal Shower Wishes For A Daughter

It’s almost time for your daughter’s big day, and she’s sure to appreciate words of loving encouragement and congratulations.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • I look at you, my beautiful daughter and I see a woman who has made me happy and proud. I can’t wait to see you marry the love of your life, and I hope you have a wonderful, loving future together.
  • I’ve dreamed of this day since the moment you were born, and I am so happy that I will share it with you. I hope you and your groom-to-be have a beautiful life together. I love you.
  • I’m lucky to have a daughter who is caring, loving, and courageous. I’m even luckier that you are marrying a man who adores you. Congratulations, darling. I can’t wait to see you on your big day.

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Bridal Shower Wishes For A Sister

What do i write in a bridal shower card

Your bridal shower wishes for your sister should sound authentic. If you have a close bond that makes you friends too, you can write a message that’s gushing, warm, loving and funny.

Here are a few suggestions to inspire you:

  • It’s difficult to believe that my sister’s all grown up! You’re going to be the most beautiful bride, and I can’t wait to see you become Mrs Jones. I’ll have my tissues ready! Congratulations and sending you all my love.
  • Remember back when we used to play wedding with our dolls? Well, Sis, I hope your big day is even more fun and unforgettable
  • Congratulations on finding a sensitive, caring, and honourable man who worships the ground you walk on. I’ll be proud to call him my brother-in-law, and I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful life together. I love you!
  • I can’t find the words to describe how happy I am that my beautiful sister’s getting married. That’s still a few days/weeks away, so enjoy this opportunity to relax and to have some fun. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Congratulations, sis!

Bridal Shower Wishes For A Colleague

If you’re writing bridal shower wishes for a colleague, it’s best to remember the KISS acronym – Keep It Short & Simple

Of course, your message also should be warm and friendly.

Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Congratulations! Wishing you a beautiful wedding day, and love, happiness and success for the future!
  • Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! May your life with your partner be everything you hope it will be, and more.
  • I was so excited to hear you are getting married. Congratulations to you and your new husband. Wishing you the best always.
  • The wedding day is soon to arrive, and I just wanted to wish you the very best on your special day. Congratulations!
  • Wishing you all the best today, on your wedding day, and in your life together.

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Religious Bridal Shower Wishes

If the bride is a person of faith, your card can include wishes with a religious theme.

For example:

  • The strongest marriages are those with God at the centre. Congratulations, and I wish you all the best for the future. God bless you and John.
  • May God shower you with blessings, joy, and love, today and always! Happy bridal shower!
  • Congratulations! May your love for God and your husband grow stronger, deeper, and more life-giving every day.
  • May the years ahead of you be full of joy and love, may you always have wonderful moments of togetherness always and may God bless you. Congratulations on your big day.

Cute Bridal Shower Quotes

What do i write in a bridal shower card

Sometimes someone has already captured everything you want to say in a simple but powerful quote. Take your pick from these beautiful quotes that will bring a tear to the bride-to-be:

  • “Happiness is only real when shared” – Jon Krakauer
  • “A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – Dave Meurer
  • “Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.” – Joyce Brothers
  • “Marriage is not about age; it’s about finding the right person.” – Sophia Bush
  • “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn
  • “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
  • “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eye or just staring into space” – Marilyn Monroe
  • “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” – Andre Maurois
  • “A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
  • “Marriage is getting to have a sleepover with your best friend, every single night of the week.” – Christie Cook

An upcoming wedding is a wonderful occasion and these messages for the bride-to-be will hit just the right note. With these ideas, your card writing conundrums come to an end, and you can enjoy the celebrations too!

How much should you put in a bridal shower card?

The standard amount to spend on a bridal shower gift is around $50-$75. If you're invited to a bridal shower but not particularly close with the bride, expect to spend at least $25. Regular friends, co-workers, or distant family members should consider spending up to $75 if they have the budget to spare.

Should you write a card for bridal shower?

More than anything, a bridal shower card gives you an opportunity to express joy and excitement about the upcoming wedding day. Lean on this when you're not sure what to write, and it'll help you come up with a beautiful message that'll make them smile.

What do you say at a bridal shower?

Sentimental Bridal Shower Wishes.
After the “Yes,” before the “I do,” happy shower to you!.
Congratulations on a wonderful partnership and the many happy years to come! ... .
Happy shower. ... .
Wishing you all the best on your wedding day and in the many blissful years to come..
Just wanted to shower you with happy wishes!.

Do you address bridal shower card to both?

First things first. Address the card to just the bride unless the shower is coed. If the groom & other men will be present, you can also add the groom's name.