What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

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What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

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What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

We have compiled some photos of mold growing in petri dishes. Their are many species of mold, some are harmless, and some can make you very sick! The types of molds in the photos are the type you do not want to see growing in your home! Once mold growth is visible, that is an indication that it is already airborne, and you are breathing spores in. If you find mold that is similar to the types in these pictures, please give us a call; we can help! 

Penicillium -  Green, brown, yellow and white in color. It can cause asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic alveolitis, pneumonia, ear infections, keratitis, endocarditis, peritonitis, and urinary tract infections. The infection may appear as papules that look like acne on extremities and the face and trunk. It also can product mycotoxins that can cause kidney and liver damage.

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

Aspergillus- Black in color. It can cause "fungal ball", where the fungus multiplies quickly in the human lung while forming a ball. Aspergillus produces mycotoxin aflatoxin. It is the most common species that causes infection. People who are exposed to it too much develop a hypersensitivity to the spores and can suffer from relentless allergic reactions.

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

Stachybotrys- (Black Mold)- Black and green in color. In many cases, you won't even see it, as it grows between the walls and in hidden places. Toxic to humans if inhaled, eaten, or touched. Effects lower respiratory,  eye, upper respiratory, skin and central nervous system disorders, upper respiratory infections, fungal or yeast infections, and urinary tract infections. Pulmonary hemorrhage, dermatitis, pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, a burning in the nasal passages, tightness of the chest, cough, bloody rhinitis, fever, headache, sore throats, flu-like symptoms, recurring colds, diarrhea, chronic fatigue and death.

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

Cladosporium - grey-green to olivaceous brown, common cause of respiratory problems; allergic reactions, infections of the skin, soft tissues or nails, Blastomycosis, Candidiasis, Chromoblastomycosis, Histoplasmosis, Entomophthoramycocis, Phaeophphomycocis and Keratomycosis. asthma, edema and bronchi spasms, and pulmonary emphysema. 

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

Chaetomium- cottony and white in color initially. Mature colonies become grey to olive in color. People who are exposed to Chaetomium may be predisposed to permanent neurological damage of the myelin sheath. Therefore, a noticeably high incidence of autoimmune diseases have been linked to exposure of this mold such as Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, etc. It has also been linked to certain forms of Cancer.

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What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

​ Fusarium- cottony and white in color. Exposure causes nail fungus, asthma, and also infections of the lungs, liver, and kidneys. Additionally, Fusarium may cause gastrointestinal illnesses, and even illness which affect the female reproductive system.

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

Botrytis - Grey in color. Exposure can cause respiratory infections, bronchitis, kidney disorder, swelling of your brain and liver, Kashin-Beck disease - a bone and joint disease, and liver cancer.

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What does toxic mold look like in a petri dish

What do harmful molds look like?

Toxic mold can also have a grayish, soot-like texture, or a slimy, wet surface. In some cases, you may even notice furry orange or brown spots. If you find mold with any of these qualities in your home, don't get too close, and call a professional right away.

How do you identify mold in a petri dish?

The short answer is that you cannot reliably identify what mold is found in a petri dish simply by looking at some photos or color charts. Some mold genera or species might be ruled "out" or "possible" but expert examination of the sample using high-powered microscopy (or another definitive method) is needed.

How do you know if mold is toxic?

The most direct way to test for mold toxicity is a urine test that measures for metabolites of mold and mycotoxins as well as glutathione levels (which can be depleted when you're exposed to mold).

What does mold look like on an agar plate?

Observing and Handling Microbial Colonies on Agar Mold colonies possess distinctive features as listed following: fuzzy, cottony, powdery, spreading and thread-like. Circle with a marker the bottom of the Petri dish under each colony that suggests possible molds.