What foods are best for healing after surgery

After surgery, your body needs enough calories and nutrients to fully recover from the procedure. Eating the right foods after surgery can decrease risk of infection, speed healing of the incision and increase strength and energy. The best post-surgery foods to eat are packed full of vitamins and minerals.

Here are some foods and nutrients you should focus on in your post-surgery diet:

Fiber. A common complaint after surgery is constipation. To avoid this uncomfortable post-surgery complication, eat plenty of fiber. Some high-fiber foods include fresh fruit and vegetables. Whole grain breads and oatmeal are other great sources of fiber. To prevent constipation, avoid foods like dried or dehydrated foods, processed foods, cheese and dairy products, red meats and sweets.

The amino acids in protein help with wound healing and tissue regeneration. Protein can also help with strength and energy following surgery. Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, pork and seafood are excellent sources of protein. You can also get protein from eggs, nuts, beans and tofu. Dairy also contains protein, but if you’re struggling with constipation, go for the other sources of protein instead of dairy options. If you have trouble getting enough protein in your diet after surgery, try adding protein powder to drinks or smoothies.

Carbohydrates. Fatigue is common following any surgical procedure, but eating the right kinds of carbs can help restore your energy levels. Get carbs from high-fiber foods like whole grains, fruits and veggies, and beans and legumes. These foods will boost energy levels without causing constipation.

Fat. Healthy fats from olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, nuts and seeds will improve immune response and aid the body’s absorption of vitamins. Fat will also help increase energy levels after surgery.

Vitamins and Minerals. Perhaps the most important nutrients in your post-surgery diet are vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A (found in orange and dark green veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes, kale and spinach) and vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, berries, potatoes, tomatoes, melons, and sweet bell peppers) help with wound healing. Vitamin D (found in milk, fish, eggs, and fortified cereals) promotes bone health. Vitamin E (found in vegetable oils, nuts, beef liver, milk and eggs) protects the body from free radicals. Vitamin K (found in green leafy veggies, fish, liver and vegetable oils) is necessary for blood clotting.

Zinc (found in meat, seafood, dairy and beans) and iron (found in meat and poultry, beans, apricots, eggs, whole grains and iron-fortified cereals) are also helpful for wound healing and energy following surgery.

In addition to eating foods that are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, you must stay hydrated after surgery. Proper hydration isn’t only necessary for healing, but may also be necessary to help your body absorb medications following surgery. Be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water every day after surgery to stay hydrated.

The foods you should and shouldn’t eat can vary depending on the type of surgery and any medications you may be on. Be sure to talk with your doctor about your specific post-surgery dietary requirements.

Proliance Orthopedic Associates

June 29, 2018

Recovery speed and effectiveness after orthopedic surgery are largely determined by what we eat. Not only does our body need more calories to recover, but surgery also causes a stress reaction in the body that elevates the metabolism and increases our need for calories. If we don’t fuel our recovery with the proper foods, complications are more likely to arise. Curious what foods could help speed up your recovery after surgery? Read below for our top recommendations.

  • Protein – soy, dairy, beans, eggs, cottage cheese, poultry, fish, meat, and nuts are all excellent sources of protein. Make sure you incorporate some into each meal to allow your bones and muscles to rebuild and help your immune system stay strong enough to fight off infection.
  • Vitamin C – vitamin C helps your body make collagen. When your body is recovering, it needs healthy connective tissue and collagen is what those ligaments and tendons are made of. Citrus fruits, vegetables, berries, and potatoes can help ensure you get enough vitamin C.
  • Calcium – this mineral is not made in the body and our bones are continually losing small amounts of it, so we need to consume calcium to maintain strong bones. Dairy like milk, cheese, and yogurt are often the sources we think of first, but chew on this: spinach, kale, and chia seeds are loaded with even more calcium.
  • Vitamin D – this nutrient makes sure we can absorb calcium from the food we eat and can be found in orange juice, almond milk, and many of the same foods that contain protein and calcium.

While these foods help your body recover after orthopedic surgery, their positive effects can be canceled out by other foods. Make sure to avoid caffeine, alcohol, excessive sugar, and salt as they can all slow bone healing by depleting your body of nutrients. Unless advised otherwise by your physician, try to get your nutrients from food rather than supplements because food helps the body absorb them better.

For healthy eaters and athletes, it’s still important to adapt your diet for surgical recovery. That means that many of the foods you eat while maintaining a healthy lifestyle – like nutrition bars or protein drinks – can be swapped with nutrient-dense foods. This allows the body to absorb what it needs more effectively while taking the extra sugar and calories off the table.

Want more guidance about what to eat before or after surgery? The doctors at Proliance Orthopedic Associates are here to help you learn more about the best foods for your recovery process. At POA, we care about providing the best care for our patients, specializing in joint replacement surgery, ACL reconstruction, meniscectomy, and more. Please contact us today!

What foods are good for healing after surgery?

Eating foods rich in protein is important for healing and repairing tissues. Protein also helps your body make new blood cells, which are necessary for wound healing. Good sources of protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, tofu, eggs, legumes, and nuts.

How can I speed up healing after surgery?

Six ways to speed up the healing process after surgery.
Give your body proper healing energy. ... .
Get out of bed. ... .
Remember to hydrate. ... .
Grant yourself permission to rest. ... .
Get proper wound care. ... .
Follow instructions. ... .
An approach to healing..

What food makes wound heal faster?

Promote Wound Healing with Good Nutrition Choose vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli or strawberries. For adequate zinc, choose fortified grains and protein foods, such as beef, chicken, seafood or beans. Some wounds may require a higher intake of certain vitamins and minerals to support healing.


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