What happens when an air conditioner compressor goes out

The compressor is the literal heart of a central air conditioning system: it’s what causes refrigerant to move through the rest of the system and transfer heat from the inside to the outside. When a compressor fails, the AC fails. The fans may still run, but no cool air will come from the vents.

Because the compressor is such a vital component, and an expensive one to replace, a homeowner must face a big choice about what to do next.

We’ll put you in this situation—in fact, you may already be in the situation and are hunting for answers. Your compressor is fried. You called for air conditioning service in Tampa, FL, and your technician has determined that there’s no way to fix the compressor. It’s done. You now have three options:

  • Have a new compressor put in
  • Replace the entire condenser (the outdoor unit)
  • Replace the condenser and the indoor evaporator coil
  • Replace the entire AC and heating system

The Case for Replacing the Compressor

On the surface, it looks like this is the best option: less expensive, a faster solution. And in some situations, it is the best option.

If the air conditioning system is still under warranty (usually this means it’s less than 10 years old), then replace the compressor. This is an easy call, and your technician will certainly recommend it.

But in most situations where a compressor fails, it’s because the air conditioner is old and far past its warranty coverage. Busted compressors most often occur when a unit is 15 years old or more. In this case, you have to weigh your options. At this point, purchasing a new compressor is too expensive and likely not worth it.

The Case for Replacing Just the Outdoor Condenser

This is the recommended step if the rest of the AC components haven’t suffered from failures recently, or at all. If you have recently made a replacement to the indoor unit, such as a new electric furnace, then going with changing the outdoor condenser is also a good idea.

Something to be cautious of is that a mismatched condenser and indoor unit may lead to drops in efficiency. Make sure you work with the best technicians for a good match.

The Case for Replacing the Outdoor Condenser and the Evaporator Coil

This is essentially getting a new AC and leaving the other indoor components of the HVAC system intact. Doing this will get you a new warranty—something you won’t get with just a condenser replacement. It also ensures better energy efficiency with no mismatch between systems. If you have an old R-22 unit that uses a refrigerant that’s about to be phased out, you’ll be able to start over with R-410A refrigerant.

The Case for Replacing the HVAC System

This means you’ll also replace the furnace and the fans and the rest of the air handler. It’s a big job, but if the entire system is more than 15 years old and you can afford it, this is the best choice. You’ll have an optimum new system with great energy efficiency and a perfectly matched system. You can have advanced climate controls added. And you’ll have new life for your heating system as well.

The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. proudly serves our Tampa Bay family with integrity and honor. Call us to help get your home cool again.

Tags: Air Conditioner Repair, Air Conditioning Replacement, Tampa
Monday, June 17th, 2019 at 11:00 am | Categories: Air Conditioning |

  • What’s an Air Conditioner Compressor?
  • Signs of a Failing Air Conditioner Compressor
    • Weird Sounds
    • Leaks
    • High Electric Bills
    • Weak Airflow
    • Warm Air
    • Condenser Unit is Too Hot
  • 4 Options You Have When a Compressor Fails
    • Buy a New Compressor
    • Buy a New Condenser
    • Buy a New Air Conditioner
    • Buy a New HVAC System
  • Air Conditioner Repair & Installation Services

What’s an Air Conditioner Compressor?

An air conditioner compressor removes the heat from inside your home and transfers it to the outdoors using a cooling agent called refrigerant. When heated, the refrigerant exists in a gaseous state. When chilled, it travels as a liquid. The refrigerant is only able to change forms like this from the compressor pressure within your AC.

The compressor pumps liquid refrigerant through the AC system so that when air blows over it, the air grows even colder before heading into your home. The compressor in your AC does this repeatedly until your home temperature reaches a low enough thermostat setting.

Signs of a Failing Air Conditioner Compressor

Your air conditioner is the reason you’re not sitting in a pool of sweat right now. It keeps the air in your house cool and flowing for maximum freshness. So once the air conditioner compressor pump starts malfunctioning, we understand why you might get a little worried. Keep a lookout for these issues, so you know when to contact a licensed technician.

Weird Sounds

Although your air conditioning system may not be silent, it shouldn’t be making loud sounds either. If you hear this or notice the system is slow to turn on and off, seek help from a Snell professional. Your air conditioner could suffer from a failing compressor or other worn-out internal parts.


The air conditioner compressor is what pressurizes the cooling agent called refrigerant. This is so it can turn any warm air flowing through the system cold. Because the compressor is prone to wear and tear over time, it can eventually leak liquid refrigerant. Call us when this occurs so we can keep you and your unit safe.

High Electric Bills

Have you noticed an increase in your electric bill even though you could’ve sworn you haven’t been using it any more than usual? This increased energy consumption could link to a malfunctioning air conditioner compressor. That’s because, when it’s not working properly, it’s no longer working efficiently either, so it runs longer.

Tips & Insights: Ways to Troubleshoot a Malfunctioning Electric Furnace

Weak Airflow

In the early stages of an air conditioner compressor failure, you may not even notice that your air is coming in weak. After a while, though, you should feel a big difference in the level of airflow. It’ll probably be around the time when it’s no longer able to cool a room effectively. Don’t wait until the heat’s unbearable—reach out to Snell early on.

Warm Air

Warm air coming out of your air conditioning unit can also signify a compressor issue. More specifically, that you’re low on refrigerant. Book an appointment with a Snell technician so we can tell you whether you just need a refill or if you have a leak on your hands. If the latter is the case, we’ll patch it up in no time.

Condenser Unit is Too Hot

A broken air conditioner compressor can spell big problems for your condenser unit and cause it to overheat. Having this metal box installed with at least three feet of space on every side should help it stay well-ventilated. You wouldn’t want it to already work overtime if your compressor were ever to break down.

4 Options You Have When a Compressor Fails

A lot like your heart pumps blood throughout your body for you to live, the air conditioner compressor circulates refrigerant in the AC system, so your home stays crisp. This means that when the compressor’s down, it’s important to use one of these solutions straight away, so your household stays comfortable.

Buy a New Compressor

If the compressor in an AC is broken, you don’t always have to buy a brand new system. If the air conditioner compressor is still under warranty—which usually lasts around 10 years—then a replacement could be covered.

Buy a New Condenser

If you’re past your warranty and you can’t afford a brand-new air conditioner, you could compromise by purchasing only a new condenser unit. This would mean a new compressor, fan, and condenser coils.

Tips & Insights: What Is An Air Conditioner Condenser Coil?

Buy a New Air Conditioner

A brand-new air conditioner can feel like a big investment if it’s just for one faulty part, but it’ll be worth it. You won’t have to worry about mismatched indoor and outdoor parts, and you’ll receive a new warranty.

Buy a New HVAC System

If you’ve begun to feel like your air conditioner, air handler, and furnace are too old to cut it any longer: replace the whole HVAC system. This cost less than constant repairs or staggered installations.

Air Conditioner Repair & Installation Services

Virginia summers can’t slow you down when you can escape to a refreshingly cool home. Make it happen with air conditioning repair and installation services from Snell Heating and Air Conditioning. In addition, our team offers other types of HVAC repair solutions such as furnace repair, air conditioning installation, and whole-house humidifier replacement. Our licensed, certified technicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year for any kind of AC trouble—not just compressors. Book your air conditioning service appointment at (703) 543-9649 or go to our website now.

How do you know if AC compressor went out?

A good way to tell if your compressor is starting to develop a problem is to hold your hand near the fan on the air conditioning unit. If that air is not hot but is instead lukewarm or cool, it's a sign that your compressor could be having problems. It could mean the unit is not compressing the gas properly.

Can I run AC with broken compressor?

After all, the compressor portion of your AC is arguably the most important part of the unit: It's responsible for the actual cooling function of your air conditioning system. If the AC compressor isn't working, your AC can run air through it as normal, but it won't be cool like you would expect.

What causes a compressor to go out on an air conditioner?

Power surges, compressor overheating and dirty AC coils are some of the common causes of air conditioner's compressor failure.


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