What happens when you cleanse your colon

While the body is able to cleanse itself of toxins naturally, sometimes it can use a helping hand. The colon is responsible for the final stage of the digestive process and the absorption of vitamins, salts, nutrients, and water. When the colon is not working properly, it allows toxins to be absorbed into the bloodstream rather than being expelled from the body.

The delicate balance between the specialized cells in the colon and the microorganisms in the gut can be upset by food, stress or disease. A proper balance of healthy bacteria must be maintained to avoid digestive illness and colon problems. After the dietary excesses of the holidays, you may notice the following symptoms presenting themselves – these can all be signs that you need to cleanse your colon.

Signs of Colon Problems

1. Fatigue

Even when you get 8 or more hours of sleep, you may feel tired and sluggish throughout the day. If the body is working overtime to get rid of toxins, you will naturally have less energy.

2. Weight Gain

You may put on unwanted pounds, or struggle to lose weight despite eating a normal amount of calories. If the body cannot get rid of waste properly, this may cause bloating and weight gain.

3. Pale Skin and Acne

The face is a good indicator of general health – if your skin looks pale, greasy, and spotty, it could be a sign of toxins building up in the body.

4. Digestive Problems

You frequently suffer from digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhoea, and excess gas with no clear cause. This can be due to a blockage in the colon caused by a lack of fibre, or an increase in non-beneficial bacteria, which can cause excess gas production and uncomfortable bloating.

5. Poor Concentration

Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause you to become easily distracted and lose your concentration. Headaches and migraines could be caused by the retention of toxins in the body, which can cause inflammation.

6. Bad Breath or Body Odour

Even if you practise good hygiene, if your body has a build-up of toxins, they can be expressed through the sweat glands or saliva, resulting in smelly breath or BO.

What happens when you cleanse your colon

Detox and Cleanse

If you are looking for some added dietary support to treat signs of colon problems and promote a healthy digestive system, try 30 Day Detox and Colon Cleanse Plus, which combines aloe vera, psyllium husks, dandelion and liquorice, to help support the body's natural cleansing processes and remove excess waste.

Nicole has been working as a researcher and writer in the health industry for over five years. An avid runner and foodie, Nicole writes about the highs and lows of trying to follow a balanced lifestyle and has a keen interest in the complex relationship between nutrition and disease prevention.

What happens when you cleanse your colon

If you are looking for a way to feel better, improve your energy, and detoxify your body, you might find your answer in an unexpected place: your colon.

A colon cleanse may be just what you need to kickstart your health and get you back on the right track, or it could be simply a nudge in the right direction. Either way, you will come out on the other side with improved wellness, which is our goal at GI Physicians in Lima, Ohio.

Ven Kottapalli, MD has guided many patients through this procedure, so here are five benefits he knows you will experience from having a clean colon:

Improved digestion

Cleansing your colon from the effects of occasional constipation purges waste products from your body. Once the extra waste is no longer in the colon, your body can absorb nutrients from your food much more effectively, which also boosts your immune system. You will be much more regular as well.

Removal of toxins

Releasing layers of buildup in the colon with a cleanse also helps remove unhealthy toxins from your body. This process can reverse the effects of environmental factors and unhealthy lifestyle habits that cause the colon to become overloaded. The release of toxins benefits your whole body.

More energy

Getting the toxins and waste out of your body tends to rejuvenate you. The energy used to force your waste through the colon can now be put to better use in other areas of your body. Because you are absorbing vitamins and nutrients more effectively, your mental clarity and concentration may also increase.

Weight loss

Undergoing a colon cleanse can lead to significant weight loss just from the procedure itself (pounds of waste can build up in your colon over time), but it can also jumpstart your metabolism, which can result in even more significant weight loss in the future. Going through the cleanse can also help you focus more on the food choices you’re making and improve your attention to your overall wellness.

Better colon health

When you cleanse your colon, you rid toxins from your body. If these toxins are not flushed out, they can linger in the body, doing damage to both your colon and the rest of your body’s systems. Releasing them also reduces the risks of polyps and cancerous growths in your colon. Once the waste is out, beneficial gut flora and bacteria can then begin to flourish again in your colon.

If you are interested in finding out more about the benefits of a clean colon, contact GI Physicians to set up an initial consultation. A colon cleanse may be just what you need. Call one of our offices today to get on track to feeling your best.

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