What is 15/24 in simplest form


  • factorization
  • gcf, hcf, gcd
  • lcm
  • reduce fraction
  • divisibility
  • all the factors
  • coprime
  • even or odd

How to completely reduce (simplify) the fraction 15/24 to the lowest terms (its simplest form, the smallest possible numerator and denominator)? Write the result as a proper fraction, as a decimal number and as a percentage


Reduce (simplify) the fraction: 15/24

Detailed calculations below:

Fractions, brief introduction

A fraction consists of two numbers and the fraction bar: 15/24

The number above the fraction bar is the numerator: 15

The number under the fraction bar is the denominator: 24

The fraction bar means that the two numbers divide themselves:
15/24 = 15 ÷ 24

Divide the numerator by the denominator to get the value of the fraction:
The value = 15 ÷ 24

Percentages, short introduction

'Percent, p%' means 'p out of one hundred':

p% = 'p out of one hundred',

p% = p/100 = p ÷ 100


The fraction 100/100 = 100 ÷ 100 = 100% = 1

Multiply a number by the fraction 100/100,
... and its value will not change.

To completely reduce (simplify) a fraction to its lowest terms, divide the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by their greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf (hcf, gcd)

To calculate the greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf (hcf, gcd), we perform the prime factorization of the two numbers.

The prime factorization of the two numbers:

The prime factorization of a number: finding the prime numbers that multiply together to make that number.

15 = 3 × 5
15 is not a prime number but a composite one.

24 = 23 × 3
24 is not a prime number but a composite one.

* The natural numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves are called prime numbers. A prime number has exactly two factors: 1 and itself.
* A composite number is a natural number that has at least one other factor than 1 and itself.

>> The prime factorization

Calculate the greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf (hcf, gcd):

Multiply all the common prime factors, taken by their smallest exponents (powers).

gcf, hcf, gcd (15; 24) = 3

>> Calculate the greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf (hcf, gcd)

Divide the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by their greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf (hcf, gcd).

15/24 =

(3 × 5)/(23 × 3) =

((3 × 5) ÷ 3) / ((23 × 3) ÷ 3) =

5/23 =


The fraction is now completely reduced (simplified) to its lowest terms.

A fraction that is completely reduced (simplified) to its lowest terms -- to its basic representation -- to its simplest form:
- is a fraction that can no longer be reduced,
- is a fraction with the smallest possible numerator and denominator.

A fully reduced fraction is called an irreducible fraction.

5/8 is a proper fraction.

A proper fraction: the numerator is smaller than the denominator.

Rewrite the result. This continues below...

Rewrite the result.

As a decimal number:

5/8 =

5 ÷ 8 =

0.625 ≈


As a percentage:

0.625 =

0.625 × 100/100 =

62.5/100 =


In other words:

1) Calculate the value of the fraction.

2) Multiply this number by 100.

3) Add the percent sign, %.

The final answer This continues below...

The final answer: :: Written in three ways ::

As a proper fraction: 15/24 = 5/8

As a decimal number: 15/24 = 0.625 ≈ 0.63

The latest 5 fractions that have been fully reduced (simplified) to their lowest terms (to their simplest form, the smallest possible numerator and denominator)

Online Calculator: Completely reduce (simplify) fraction to the lowest terms

To fully reduce (simplify) fractions to the lowest terms:

Divide the numerator and denominator of the fraction by their greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf (hcf, gcd).

Result written as a proper or an improper fraction, as a mixed number, as a decimal or an integer and as a percentage.

Tutoring: simplifying fractions - reducing them to the lowest terms

Steps to simplify a fraction, to reduce it to its lowest terms:

  • A fraction fully simplified, a fraction reduced to its lowest terms is a fraction that can no longer be simplified, it has been reduced to its simplest equivalent fraction, the one having the smallest numerator and denominator possible - prime to each other.
  • 1) Run the prime factorization of both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction.
  • 2) Calculate the greatest common factor, GCF (or the greatest common divisor, GCD) of the fraction's numerator and denominator.
  • 3) Divide both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by their greatest common factor, GCF (GCD).
  • The fraction thus obtained is called a reduced fraction or a fraction simplified to its lowest terms.
  • A fraction reduced to its lowest terms may no longer be reduced and it is called an irreducible fraction.

Example: reduce the fraction 315/1,155 as much as possible, simplify it to the lowest terms.

  • 1) Run the prime factorization of both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction.

  • The numerator of the fraction is 315, its breaking down into prime factors is:
    315 = 3 × 3 × 5 × 7 = 32 × 5 × 7
  • The denominator of the fraction is 1,155, its breaking down into prime factors is:
    1,155 = 3 × 5 × 7 × 11.
  • 2) Calculate the greatest common factor, GCF (or the greatest common divisor, GCD) of the fraction's numerator and denominator.

  • The greatest common factor, gcf (315; 1,155), is calculated by multiplying all the common prime factors of the numerator and the denominator, taken by their lowest powers (their lowest exponents):
  • GCF (315; 1,155) = (32 × 5 × 7; 3 × 5 × 7 × 11) = 3 × 5 × 7 = 105
  • 3) Divide both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by their greatest common factor, GCF (GCD).

  • The numerator and denominator of the fraction are divided by their greatest common factor, GCF:
  • 315/1,155 =

    (32 × 5 × 7)/(3 × 5 × 7 × 11) =

    ((32 × 5 × 7) ÷ (3 × 5 × 7)) / ((3 × 5 × 7 × 11) ÷ (3 × 5 × 7)) =


  • The fraction thus obtained is called a fraction reduced to the lowest terms.

Why reducing (simplifying) fractions to lower terms?

  • When running operations with fractions we are often required to bring them to the same denominator, for example when adding, subtracting or comparing.
  • Sometimes both the numerators and the denominators of those fractions are large numbers and doing calculations with such numbers could be difficult.
  • By simplifying (reducing) a fraction, both the numerator and denominator of a fraction are reduced to smaller values, much easier to work with, this way reducing the overall effort.

Read the entire article >> Completely reduce (simplify) fractions to the lowest terms: Steps and Examples

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Completely reduce (simplify) fractions to the lowest terms: Steps and Examples

What is 16 24 to the simplest form?

Therefore, 16/24 simplified to lowest terms is 2/3.

What is the simplest form of 15 20?

∵ 3 and 4 have no other common factors except 1, the simplest form of 15 : 20 is 3 : 4.

What is the simplest form of 15?

Answer: 15% is expressed as 3/20 as a fraction. There are three simple steps to convert a percentage to a fraction.

What is the ratio of 15 24?

Since the simplest form of the fraction 15/24 is 5/8, the simplest form of the ratio 15:24 is also 5:8.