What is a mental health therapist called

Both psychiatrists and psychologists understand how the brain works, our emotions, feelings and thoughts. Both can treat mental illness with psychological treatments (talking therapies).

However, psychiatrists attend medical school and become medical doctors before doing specialist training in mental health. Because they are doctors, psychiatrists understand the links between mental and physical problems. They can also prescribe medications.

To go into it in some more detail, the main differences relate to:

  • training
  • treatments provided
  • conditions treated
  • getting an appointment.


Psychiatrists are medical doctors with at least 11 years of training – usually more. 

They first do a medical degree at university. Next they spend at least 1 or 2 years training as a general doctor.

They then complete at least 5 years training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.  

Psychologists have at least 6 years of university training and supervised experience.

They may also hold a Masters or Doctorate level qualification in psychology. If they have a Doctorate (PhD) a psychologist can call themselves ‘Dr’, but they are not medical doctors.  

Clinical psychologists have special training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.

Treatments provided

Psychiatrists can provide a wide range of treatments, according to the particular problem and what will work best. These include:

  • medication
  • general medical care, including checking your physical health and the effects of medication
  • psychological treatments
  • brain stimulation therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Psychologists focus on providing psychological treatments.

Conditions treated 

Psychiatrists tend to treat people who need their medical, psychological and social needs considered.

These are usually people with complex conditions, for example:

  • severe depression
  • schizophrenia
  • bipolar disorder.

Someone who has attempted suicide or has suicidal thoughts will usually be seen by a psychiatrist.

Psychologists are more likely to see people with conditions that can be helped effectively with psychological treatments. This might include behavioural problems, learning difficulties, depression and anxiety.

Getting an appointment

As with all medical specialists, to see a psychiatrist you need a referral from your GP (family doctor).

To see a psychologist you don’t need a referral. However, in Australia a GP can refer you to a psychologist as part of a Mental Health Treatment Plan.

There are around 4000 psychiatrists working across Australia and New Zealand, while there are about 27,000 registered psychologists.

Working together

Psychiatrists and psychologists often work together. A psychiatrist might make an initial assessment and diagnosis, then refer you to a psychologist for ongoing psychological treatment (talking therapy).

Psychiatrists and psychologists also work together in hospitals as part of mental health teams.

Who should I see?

If you are unsure whether you should see a psychiatrist or a psychologist, talk to your GP. They can give you advice about whether a psychiatrist or a psychologist is right for you.

It will depend on your unique situation and the type of treatment you need. Some people might see both.

Your mental health is too important to put in the hands of just anyone. Counselor and therapist credentials tell you a lot about who you’re entrusting with your wellbeing. Credential abbreviations communicate information about a therapist’s education, level of qualification, and even types of services you might expect. Here, we’ll crack the code of counselor and therapist credentials so you can make an informed decision regarding the type of therapist you want to work with.

Accessing mental health services is now very easy. BetterHelp has over 20,000 licensed therapists who provide convenient and affordable online therapy. BetterHelp starts at $60 per week. Complete a brief questionnaire and get matched with the right therapist for you.

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Counseling is a type of applied psychology that focuses on helping people resolve emotional, behavioral or social problems arising from various life situations. This could include issues at the workplace, school or college, and conflict within the family.

Counseling uses various structured processes⁠—either through directive or non-directive guidance⁠—for the person to make rational decisions. Counseling work is completely confidential.

Counseling focuses on the following:

  • Resolving normal or moderate issues arising due to life events and other stressors rather than serious mental health issues

  • Understanding the thought process, beliefs, and emotions, which in turn lead to action

  • Giving importance to current events rather than past events

  • Developing creativity, self-expression, assertiveness for one's own needs

  • Improving conscious, rational thinking, and emphasizing on positive response to life situations

Who is a counselor?

Counselors can have very varied lengths of training, from a year long intensive training to a few months by correspondence. A counselor is trained in the art of listening and has skills to help a person analyze their problems and find a solution. Counselors deal with various issues that are as broad and varied as those undertaken by psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists.

If the counselor observes that counseling isn't addressing the person's needs because the underlying condition is severe and may need other interventions, they refer the person to a more qualified mental health expert for diagnosis, treatment, therapy, or medication, as the case may be.

What are the 4 kinds of the therapist?

What are the different types of therapy?.
Psychiatrist. ... .
Psychologist. ... .
Licensed Professional Counselor or Licensed Mental Health Counselor. ... .
Licensed Clinical Social Worker. ... .
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. ... .
Dialectical Behavior Therapy. ... .
EMDR. ... .
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy..

What do you call a person who specializes in mental health?

Psychiatrists. Psychiatrists are licensed medical doctors who have completed psychiatric training. They can diagnose mental health conditions, prescribe and monitor medications and provide therapy.

What's the difference between a therapist and a psychologist?

Licensed therapists must have, at minimum, a master's degree in a field related to psychotherapy. Psychologists must have a doctorate-level degree such as a PhD or PsyD.