What is factual data on my credit report

When a Factual Data client requests a copy of your credit report through our system, the inquiry may display as Factual Data. Factual Data does not calculate your credit score and does not know specific reasons why your score is a certain number.

Who is Factual Data credit union?

Factual Data is credit reporting agency that provides merged credit reports for the mortgage lending industry. They also provide third party verifications.

How long does Factual Data stay on credit report?

Getting Factual Data Removed from Your Report While it might lower your score by a few points now, the entry will be off your report in 2 years, and its effects on your score will diminish as time goes by. If you didn’t apply for a loan and FDC is on your report anyway, you still don’t need to stress.

How long does a Factual Data inquiry stay on your credit report?

2 years
Whether or not you get approved for a mortgage makes no difference. The hard inquiry will remain on your credit report for up to 2 years. Each time an inquiry is made, it is recorded by one or all of the three major credit reporting agencies – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Is Factual Data hard inquiry?

Factual Data may be on your credit report as a hard inquiry. This usually happens if you’ve applied for a mortgage. Factual Data actually provides merged credit reports itself. Lenders use the information on your Factual Data credit report to decide whether or not to provide you with a loan.

What lender uses Factual Data?

Factual Data Credit Inquiry Factual Data Corp, or FDC, is a credit reporting agency employed by lenders to obtain potential borrowers’ credit reports from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

How many points will my credit score increase when a hard inquiry is removed?

5 points
How Many Points Will My Credit Score Increase When A Hard Inquiry Is Removed? Your score will go up by around 5 points when a hard inquiry falls off after 2 years.

How do I get factual information off my credit report?

If you don’t owe a debt to Factual Data, but they are showing on your credit report, you have options. Dispute (& remove) the record with help from a credit repair specialist (like Credit Glory).

Can a dealership remove a hard inquiry?

Deleting credit inquiries is a straightforward process. The only inquiries authorized on your credit report are those who can claim “permissible purpose”. You gave permissible purpose when you signed the credit application with the car dealership.

Why is my credit score dropping when I pay on time?

There’s a missed payment lurking on your report A single payment that is 30 days late or more can send your score plummeting because on-time payments are the biggest factor in your credit score. Worse, late payments stay on your credit report for up to seven years.

Factual Data is probably on your credit report as a hard inquiry. This usually happens when you apply for financing.

If a Factual Data hard inquiry is on your credit report, it's damaging your credit score (until it gets removed).

The good news? Getting Factual Data hard inquiries off your report shouldn't be difficult.

There are 3 primary ways to get a hard inquiry off your report.

  1. Send a dispute to Factual Data challenging the hard inquiry
  2. Send a dispute to all 3 credit bureaus challenging the hard inquiry
  3. Contact a credit repair agency to help you

What requirements need to be met to remove hard inquiries from your credit report?

In general, you need to meet one of the following three requirements in order to remove an inquiry from your report:

  1. You weren't aware it was created
  2. You did not approve the inquiry
  3. You're seeing more inquiries than what you expected to see

What (Or Who) Is Factual Data On My Credit Report?

Factual data provides merged credit reports and is most commonly used when applying for a mortgage.

Why Did Factual Data Pull My Credit?

Factual data can pull your credit for several reasons including applying for a mortgage or bank loan.

What is Kroll Factual Data Inc.?

Kroll Factual Data Inc. is what shows on your credit report when you have an account in collections with Factual Data Inc. If you don't owe a debt to Factual Data, but they are showing on your credit report, you have options. Dispute (& remove) the record with help from a credit repair specialist (like Credit Glory).

If you see Factual Data on your credit report, it’s probably because you applied for some form of credit (such as a mortgage or credit card) and your prospective lender used Factual Data’s services to review your credit history.

Factual Data may also appear on your report as:

  • Kroll Factual Data
  • Kroll Factual Data, Inc.
  • CBCInnovis (the two companies merged in 2015, and CBCInnovis used their original name until 2019)

Factual Data Contact Information

If you want to remove Factual Data from your credit report, write to their address:

What is factual data on my credit report

Address: 5100 Hahns Peak Drive
Loveland, CO 80538
Phone Number: (800) 216-3463
Website: www.factualdata.com

Disputing an incorrect entry on your credit report can be stressful and difficult. Consider working with a professional.

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Is Factual Data a scam?

No, Factual Data isn’t a scam—Factual Data is a legitimate organization. If their name is on your credit report, it probably indicates that a lender used their services to check your credit.

If you’re certain that there’s activity on your credit report under Factual Data that shouldn’t be there, it’s possible you’ve been the victim of identity theft.

We’ll discuss the reasons (both legitimate and fraudulent) that Factual Data might be on your credit report in more detail in the next section.

Why is Factual Data on my credit report?

Factual Data is probably appearing on your credit report as an inquiry. There are really only two reasons why you’d have a Factual Data inquiry:

1. You applied for credit

You’ll see Factual Data on your credit report if your prospective lender used one of the company’s products to run a credit check on you to determine whether or not to extend you credit. There are two possible ways that an inquiry can appear on your credit report:

  • Hard inquiry: You’ll see a hard inquiry on your credit report if you actually applied for new credit, such as a car loan or mortgage.
  • Soft inquiry: You’ll see a soft inquiry on your report if someone checked your credit for reasons unrelated to credit applications or to prequalify you for an installment loan or other type of credit.

The main difference between hard and soft inquiries is that hard inquiries will bring your credit score down by a few points, whereas soft inquiries don’t affect your credit score.

2. Someone stole your identity

If you see a Factual Data credit inquiry on your credit report but you didn’t apply for credit, then it could be a sign of identity theft. If you suspect that someone’s stolen your identity, then there are a few steps you need to take:

  1. Contact Factual Data or the company that used their services to check your credit and gather the details of the application.
  2. Report the identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Go to www.identitytheft.gov and answer the questions to generate an identity theft report and recovery plan.
  3. Contact the relevant credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) and have a fraud alert placed on your credit report.

You only need to contact one of the three bureaus and have a fraud alert placed on your credit report. The bureau you contact will coordinate with the other two, and your fraud alert will be acknowledged by all three. 2

Carefully monitor your credit reports in order to catch identity theft as early as possible. The sooner you report it, the less damage will be done.

How does a Factual Data inquiry affect my credit score?

Hard inquiries have a small, short-term effect on your credit score. However, too many hard inquiries can significantly lower your score and make it difficult to get approved for new lines of credit at competitive rates.

How much a Factual Data credit pull actually affects your credit score depends on your credit history and how recent the inquiry was. Hard inquiries usually cause a small drop in your FICO or VantageScore credit score, but the effect shouldn’t last more than a year. 3 What’s more, they won’t stay on your credit report for more than two years.

How to remove Factual Data from my credit report

If you want to delete Factual Data from your credit report, then try one of these two approaches for removing hard inquiries from your credit report.

1. Send a dispute letter

If you suspect that your Factual Data inquiry is a mistake, then you can send a dispute letter to the credit bureaus. You should also send a dispute letter if you think that Factual Data is on your credit report due to fraudulent activity or identity theft, but you should first file a report with the FTC and follow the other steps outlined above.

What is factual data on my credit report

Credit Dispute Letter to a Credit Bureau

Use this credit dispute letter template to file a dispute directly with one of the credit bureaus. Mistakes in your personal information (e.g., an incorrect address), as well as credit accounts that you don't recognize, should usually be disputed with the bureaus. Often they're the result of the bureau confusing you for someone else.

Build My Letter Now PDF Word

What is factual data on my credit report

Credit Dispute Letter to a Data Furnisher

Use this credit dispute letter template to file a dispute with a creditor or debt collector. If you recognize a credit account but it's listed with the wrong balance or incorrect status (e.g., if you settled the debt and it's still listed as unpaid), the error may have originated with your data furnisher.

Build My Letter Now PDF Word

Once you’ve filed a dispute, the credit bureau will be required to investigate and correct any inaccurate information on your report, usually within 30–45 days. 4

2. Use a credit repair company

A credit repair company will act as a middleman between yourself and your creditor, Factual Data, and/or the credit bureaus. A credit repair professional might be able to get a Factual Data hard inquiry off your credit report by helping you gather all the required documents and evidence and doing the hard work for you by handling your communications with your creditor and the credit bureaus.

However, be wary of scammers. By law, credit repair companies are not allowed to make false promises or charge you before they’ve helped you. 5 Moreover, while hiring a credit repair company can save you some time and hassle in disputing items on your credit report, they won’t necessarily be able to erase valid inquiries or turn a bad credit score into a good credit score overnight.

In many cases, credit repair companies won’t be able to do anything for you that you couldn’t do yourself, so consider whether it’s worth paying for a third party to help you get Factual Data off your credit report.

What lender is Factual Data?

Factual Data Corp. (FDC) is a credit reporting agency employed by lenders to obtain potential borrowers' credit reports from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

Is Factual Data a mortgage company?

What is Factual Data? Factual Data is credit reporting agency that provides merged credit reports for the mortgage lending industry. They also provide third party verifications.

What are the four types of information on a credit report?

Although each of the credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax and TransUnion—format and report your information differently, all credit reports contain basically the same categories of information. These four categories are: identifying information, credit accounts, credit inquiries and public records.

How do I remove false information from my credit report?

If you identify an error on your credit report, you should start by disputing that information with the credit reporting company (Experian, Equifax, and/or Transunion). You should explain in writing what you think is wrong, why, and include copies of documents that support your dispute.