What is peak demand on samsung fridge

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What is Peak?

As a business, you know that your utility company charges you for how much energy you use each cycle. Energy is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh), and you pay for the total amount of kWh you’ve used for the month. That’s the straightforward part of your energy bill. There’s another type of charge that factors into how much you pay the utility company each month.

Many energy plans also include charges for peak demand. Peak demand charges reflect the highest kilowatt usage during a continuous fifteen-minute period for the month. Every appliance needs to draw a certain number of watts in order to operate, so the more stuff that’s plugged in and turned on, the more watts of energy your restaurant needs in order to be operational. The “demand charge” is meant to reflect the amount of generation capacity the utility company reserves to make sure a business has enough energy. And unfortunately, utility companies base this demand charge on your highest 15 minutes of usage during any given month.

Simply put, the utility company charges for how much energy capacity your business needs for the month.

So what is this costing you? Peak charges vary wildly from $1/kW to $20/kW. Typically, quick serve restaurants have peak demand levels between 20kW (Dunkin Donuts) and 120 kW (McDonalds). Depending on your rate plan and your size, your peak demand costs can be quite different.

What Causes Your Peak to Increase?

When your restaurant’s energy use spikes, your peak usage can spike too

  • When many appliances are on at one time — during breakfast or lunch rus
  • When employees start up several appliances at the same time (appliances often use more energy during their start up cycle)
  • When an appliance is rapid cycling and may be about to break
  • When employees overuse high-demand appliances.

Many variables can cause your peak demand to increase. When one small factor changes in a month, your demand charge can spike significantly. For example, if a rapid cycling freezer causes peak to spike one month, you could be stuck paying inflated charges the next month.

PlotWatt Can Help You Keep Peak to a Minimum

PlotWatt’s patent-pending algorithms detect abnormally high spikes in energy use. This helps you minimize demand spikes, and could potentially save you hundreds of dollars a month.

PlotWatt tells you when your daily energy demand spikes occur and lets you how know high these spikes are. PlotWatt’s patent-pending algorithms also tell you whether those energy spikes are normal based on your store’s unique operating behavior. This knowledge makes you aware of the critical time periods when your demand spikes occur so that you can easily lower those spikes. Because PlotWatt provides daily feedback on your energy spikes, you can keep track of the highest peak for your billing period. This helps you change your behavior much more quickly so that you don’t set a new peak and waste money paying for that abnormally high peak the next month.

Not knowing about your peak can cost you big. PlotWatt hands you the information you need to put hundreds of dollars back in your pocket each month.

What is peak demand on samsung fridge




03 Freezer / Peak Demand Off (3 sec)


You can use the


button to set the freezer temperature or

to activate Power Freeze.

• Press


repeatedly to select a desired temperature

between 5 °F (-15 °C) and -8 °F (-23 °C).

- The temperature indicator displays the currently set or

selected temperature.

To activate Power Freeze, press


repeatedly until the

Power Freeze indicator (

) lights up.

- To deactivate Power Freeze, simply press



while the Power Freeze function is on.

- Power Freeze speeds up the freezing process at maximum

power to lower the freezer temperature. The Power Freeze

process continues to run for several hours, and then turns

off and the freezer returns to the previous temperature


- To freeze large amounts of food, activate Power Freeze for

at least 20 hours before putting the food in the freezer.


Using Power Freeze increases power consumption. Make sure you

turn it off manually if you no longer need it, and then select the

desired freezer temperature.

Peak Demand Off

The Peak Demand Off function activates/deactivates Smart Grid.

(See Page





for 3 seconds to set/clear the Peak Demand Off





°° 12:38:12

What does peak demand mean in Samsung refrigerator?

The primary function of the Peak Demand feature is to monitor energy prices and demand information from your utility company. It then sends notifications to the refrigerator to run high energy consuming tasks during off peak times when electricity costs and demands are lower.

What settings should my Samsung fridge be on?

On most models, the ideal temperature setting for the refrigerator is 38°F. For the freezer, the ideal temperature is -2°F. However, some models may have different recommendations on the control panel.

Should I use energy saver on my Samsung refrigerator?

By pressing the Energy Saver button, the symbol lights up and you can get better energy efficiency from your appliance. However, it's advised that you do not use this if you begin to notice condensation on your fridge-freezer doors.

What is the most common problem with Samsung refrigerators?

The most common problem with Samsung refrigerators is that they stop cooling after a few years. This is usually caused by a build-up of ice and frost in the freezer, which prevents the fridge from cooling properly.