What is the ticket to work program with social security

Ticket to Work is a program that connects qualified individuals with free employment services designed to help them do the following:

  • Decide if work is the right answer
  • Find a job
  • Maintain a job

Everyone between the ages of 18 and 64 who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) qualifies for participation in the Ticket to Work program. Ticket to Work is free and voluntary and gives participants access to career counseling, job placement, and vocational rehabilitation. DisABLEd Workers is a Ticket to Work service provider and is part of the Social Security Ticket to Work employment networks, and as such, can help you on your personal journey towards greater financial independence.

DisABLEd Workers has all the information and assistance you need to successfully navigate the Ticket to Work program. We have access to an extensive range of job openings as well as access to a wide network of Social Security Ticket to Work program providers. Our expertise and connections work together to help you understand all the rules and ensure that you can take advantage of all the benefits and opportunities the program has to offer.

The Ticket to Work program gives you an opportunity to use all the work incentives and benefits that Social Security has available for recipients that want to work or go to school. With the help of the program, you can pursue your education and employment goals.

Does your EN (Employment Network) know the intricacies of how work affects your benefits? We can help make sure you know! We make certain that your goals and needs are aligned.

We’ll help you understand how you can keep your Medicare/Medicaid while working!

In this section, we will discuss the SSA Ticket to Work Program and jobs for the disABLEd.

Are you receiving help through your state vocational rehabilitation agency or another EN, but they haven’t been able to help you to reach your goal? You​ have a choice! Read our Social Security Ticket to Work program reviews and learn why we are the right choice for you!

If you are interested in school, make sure you check out our Pass Plan page to use your TTW and PASS plan together!

Turn your Social Security Ticket to Work over to us, and we can offer you things like:

  • While your Ticket to Work is assigned, active, and you are meeting timely progress, you won’t be subject to medical review.
  • We can offer up to $100 per month in employment support reimbursements for your work and medical-related expenses for the first 12 months that you earn more than $940/month. Additional reimbursements can be available after the first year up to $200 per month when earnings have increased. (There are eligibility requirements)
  • In addition, we will help you by tracking your TWP, EPE, Extended Medicare months, Medicaid 1619b, IRWEs, subsidies, and many other work incentives as long as wages are reported.

If you assign your Ticket to Work to us, we will provide you with helpful instructions on how to get your PASS Plan approved. Costs covered include college tuition, books, training expenses, transportation assistance, assistive devices, etc.

We can help you to show your potential employers how they can receive a $2,400-$9,000 tax benefit by hiring you!

Ready to Sign Up?

Ticket to Work Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ticket to Work program?

The Ticket to Work Program provides most people receiving Social Security benefits (beneficiaries) more choices for receiving employment services. Under this program, most beneficiaries become eligible for the Ticket to Work Program when they start to receive SSDI or SSI benefits based on disability. Beneficiaries may choose to assign their ticket to an Employment Network (EN) of their choice to obtain employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, or other support services necessary to achieve a vocational (work) goal. The EN, if they accept the ticket, will coordinate and provide appropriate services to help the beneficiary find and maintain employment.

What is the goal of the Ticket to Work Program?

The ultimate goal of the program is to assist people receiving Social Security disability benefits in reducing their reliance on disability benefits. The program also seeks to promote increased self-sufficiency and greater independence for people receiving Social Security disability benefits through work.

Who can use this program?

Anyone between the ages of 18-64 who receives either an SSDI or SSI disability check can use the Ticket to Work program.

Do I need to have an actual ticket to participate in the program?

No, the EN (Employment Network) you choose can verify your eligibility to participate in the program with MAXIMUS.

Will I lose my Medicare eligibility if I participate in the program?

No, as long as you continue to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit payments, you will continue to remain eligible for the same medical coverage. There are also work incentives that allow you to continue your medical coverage once you begin earning enough that you stop receiving SSDI payments. If you currently receive medical coverage through Medicare, you can continue to be eligible for coverage for at least 93 months after the last month of your Trial Work Period.

What happens if my benefits stop due to my earnings and then I can no longer work due to my disability?

If your benefits ended because you worked and had earnings, you can request that your benefits start again without having to complete a new application. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) determines whether you can get benefits again, Social Security can give you provisional (temporary) benefits for up to 6 months. This is because of a work incentive called Expedited Reinstatement. You can ask for your benefits to start again using Expedited Reinstatement for up to five years after you stop receiving benefits.

Is there ever any cost for your help?

No, there is never any charge for our services.

What is Timely Progress?

Every 12 months after you assign your Ticket to Work to an EN, SSA must decide if you are making the expected progress toward your vocational goal. SSA looks at progress such as completing certain educational goals or getting and keeping a job. SSA refers to this as a “Timely Progress Review.”

Click Here for a complete breakdown.

Can I use the Ticket to Work Program if I am self-employed?

Yes, however, we can’t count self-employment income (SEI) until we receive IRS data showing earnings for the closed tax year or until the beneficiary has reported earnings evidence, and it has been verified by SSA. Then, to receive a support payment, you must have earned over SGA for the year.

What is EXR - Expedited Reinstatement?

If your benefits ended because you worked and had earnings, you can request that your benefits start again without having to complete a new application. While the Social Security Administration determines whether you can get benefits again, they can give you provisional (temporary) benefits for up to 6 months.

Am I eligible for EXR?

You are eligible if you are an SSDI or SSI beneficiary who:

  • Stopped receiving benefits because of earnings from work,
  • Are unable to work or perform substantial gainful activity,
  • Are disabled because of an impairment(s) that is the same as or related to the impairment(s) that allowed you to get benefits earlier, and
  • Make the request within 5 years from the month your benefits ended.

Why should I choose DisABLEd Workers over another EN?

We try very hard to make sure you are always receiving accurate information so that you can make an informed decision about your benefits and TTW choices.

DisABLEd Workers is also one of the few ENs that can offer you a work support payment to pay for work-related expenses that help you reach your employment goals, and we are the only one that offers the TTW program in conjunction with the PASS plan.

DisABLEd Workers’ goal is to assist the disabled community in reaching their goals with accurate, detailed benefit information. As you might have read on our “About Us” page, our company was started by a disabled individual. He has always made it a top priority that we help those that are disabled in any way we can and to never sign a client until they are completely informed about the positives and/or negatives related to them.

We hope that our programs can help you reach your goals!

How do you use the Social Security funds your EN receives?

The EN receives no funds until the beneficiary finds work and is earning over the TWP amount.

Most ENs keep all the funds to pay for the services they have provided. We give you a good portion of what we receive back, as we feel you are doing your share of the work. Since we believe education will help you land a better job, we provide you with assistance through the PASS Plan even though we receive no compensation.

What if I’m not comfortable giving you my Social Security information?

We completely understand your concern. Please call the SSA Ticket to Work helpline at 1-866-968-7842, where you will reach the Social Security program manager for the TTW program. You will find we are an approved Employment Network. Our DUNS Number, 139944404, will verify that we have a contract with the Social Security Administration. We are only listed in SSA’s directory of ENs for some states; we choose not to be listed in all states as it would overwhelm our ability to provide you with the best service. We will be listed lower down; the ENs in your state are listed at the top, followed by those serving multiple states.

How do I assign my ticket to DisABLEd Workers?

Click here to apply. This will take you to our intake form page to get started!


Home Office:

DisABLEd Workers
2715 Terrace Dr
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Toll Free: 1 877-291-9806
Phone: 319-215-4543
Fax: 888-504-7957

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What is Ticket to Work mean from Social Security?

The Ticket to Work program is a federal program that helps Social Security beneficiaries with a disability achieve their employment goals. The program offers beneficiaries aged 18 to 64 who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) services to help them become employed.

What is the meaning of Ticket to Work?

A: The Ticket to Work Program provides most people receiving Social Security disability benefits (beneficiaries) more choices for receiving employment services. Under this program, most beneficiaries become eligible for the Ticket to Work Program when they start to receive SSDI or SSI benefits based on disability.

How much can you make on Social Security Ticket to Work?

During the trial work period, there are no limits on your earnings. During the 36-month extended period of eligibility, you usually can make no more than $1,350 ($2,260 if you are blind) a month in 2022 or your benefits will stop. These amounts are known as Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA).

What happens if I go back to work after starting Social Security disability?

Social Security Back to Work Incentives You can return to work for up to nine months and continue to receive full social security disability benefits – no matter how much you earn at your job if 1) you report to work and 2) you are still disabled.


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