What teas are good for an upset stomach

Stomach pain is extremely uncomfortable, making it something you’ll want to cure as quickly as possible when it arises. While there is a wide range of medications and products available for the treatment of stomach discomfort, there are also many natural solutions you can use, such as teas. Here are three simple teas you can use to stop stomach pain its tracks.

What teas are good for an upset stomach

1) Hot Lemon Tea

Hydrochloric acid is responsible for digestion. When you drink lemon tea, hydrochloric acid levels in your body increase, which improves digestion and helps cure stomach pain. Simply squeeze fresh lemon juice into hot water and drink it, and your discomfort will soon begin to wane.

2) Ginger Tea

Stomachaches can be eased by the relaxation of the muscles surrounding your intestines. Ginger tea helps with this, as it contains shogaols and gingerols, which are chemicals that act as natural muscle relaxers. If you’re experiencing feelings of nausea, ginger can also help with that. If the flavor of ginger is standing in the way of you drinking ginger tea, feel free to add a natural sweetener such as honey.

3) Peppermint Tea

As with ginger, peppermint tea also aids in the relaxation of the muscles of your digestive system. This allows it to cure stomach pain caused by indigestion, as well as the buildup of uncomfortable excess gas. Fresh peppermint leaves, which are easy to find in local markets anywhere, work best when you steep them in hot water for ten or more minutes before enjoying your tea.

The next time you’re experiencing stomach pain or digestion issues, try any of these healthy, natural teas. These teas can all be prepared in minutes and help resolve your stomach pain quickly, all without a trip to the pharmacy or doctor.

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The Best Teas to Settle an Upset Stomach

Adam Otvos/Shutterstock

Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea


Ginger root has been used medicinally for thousands of years in regions including Asia and India. It helps to relieve an upset stomach, indigestion, motion sickness and nausea. This is because of gingerol, ginger's main component, which may increase digestive responsiveness and also help fight bloat. If you don't want to drink it as tea, you could grate fresh ginger on a meal or eat it on the side with your favorite sushi.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea


It isn't just a myth that tea can help you feel better when you're ill. Chamomile can relieve stomach cramps, motion sickness, diarrhea, nausea, indigestion and abdominal gas. This plant contains chemicals called flavonoids, nutrients that give chamomile its medicinal properties. It's also commonly used to help people who suffer from insomnia.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea


Tea is essential when flu season comes around, but it's good to have it on-hand year-round too. There are studies that have shown that peppermint oil, in particular, is effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome because it helps ease abdominal pain and other symptoms of this condition. It is believed that you may experience similar benefits from drinking peppermint tea. Peppermint leaves, which contain essential oils menthol, menthone and limonene, are used medicinally for nausea, menstrual cramps, abdominal gas and bloating.

Spearmint Tea

Spearmint Tea


Spearmint is filled with powerful antioxidants. The perennial plant is commonly used to alleviate symptoms of nausea, indigestion, bloating and gas. Though more research is needed, it may also improve your memory.

Holy Basil Tea

Holy Basil Tea


This isn't what you'd find on the best pizzas in America. Holy basil has been used to help treat symptoms of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The "Queen of Herbs" is also an adaptogen, or natural substance that helps your body adjust to stress. Stress is known to cause some pretty scary side effects, but drinking this tea could help alleviate those symptoms and counteract the effects of stress-induced ulcers.

Licorice Tea

Licorice Tea


Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, an anti-inflammatory component that's good for the immune system. Tea made from licorice root could help to relieve a number of stomach problems including ulcers, indigestion, food poisoning and heartburn. The potent plant is known to protect the lining of the stomach, but be careful. Consuming too much licorice can have a negative effect on your heart health.

Green Tea

Green Tea


Green tea is said to relieve abdominal gas and diarrhea; stomach pain, nausea and bloating caused by bacteria strain Helicobacter pylori; and stomach ulcers. Just remember that there's caffeine in this tea, and that it might affect your ability to sleep if you drink it before bedtime. As an added bonus, it's good for boosting your metabolism and losing weight.

Black Tea

Black Tea

Aleksandrs Samuilovs/Shutterstock

This tea is popular around the globe and holds benefits that can help improve your gut health. Black tea contains micronutrients called polyphenols that are known to kill harmful bacteria, promote the growth of good bacteria and repair the lining of the digestive tract. Black tea is also an excellent alternative to drinking sugary energy drinks or coffee when you need a caffeine kick.

Fennel Tea

Fennel Tea

Halil ibrahim mescioglu/Shutterstock

When fennel seeds are combined with hot water, the seeds extract an antibacterial component that helps relax your digestive muscles and relieve constipation. It also helps with flatulence and diarrhea. Fennel tea is packed with antioxidants that can help your body fight against harmful germs you're exposed to on a daily basis, and if you feel like you don't get enough sleep, try drinking a cup of fennel tea before bed. In the olden days, fennel was used to treat insomnia.

Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass Tea
