Which of the following power styles is the best example of totalitarianism

  • Which of the following would be a totalitarian regime?

      a. Chile under Pinochet
      b. The Soviet Union
      c. Argentina's dictatorships in the 1970s
      d. Egypt under Mubarak
  • Which of the following characteristics might be a key feature of a regime that is authoritarian, but not necessarily totalitarian?

      a. There are no political prisoners.
      b. Police have the power to arrest citizens suspected of committing crimes.
      c. Elections are not held, or are deeply flawed and fraudulent.
      d. The state's power has no limits.
  • Which of the following labels would some political scientists ascribe to the regime of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela?

      a. Hybrid regime
      b. Competitive-authoritarian regime
      c. Electoral authoritarian regime
      d. All of the above
  • Which of the following characteristics would qualify a regime as totalitarian?

      a. An authoritarian culture
      b. Lack of competitive elections
      c. A police state that aims to monitor and control all speech
      d. One party tends to win most of the elections
  • A clique of individuals who dominate a single political party governs a state. They hold elections every few years, but the resources of the state give them huge advantages, and they use a variety of formal and informal techniques to ensure that they virtually always win these elections. Such a regime would be an example of which of the following?

      a. Totalitarianism
      b. Personalistic dictatorship
      c. Competitive authoritarian regime
      d. Bureaucratic authoritarian regime
  • Which of the following contemporary states could arguably be considered a totalitarian regime?

      a. France
      b. Egypt
      c. Turkey
      d. None of the above
  • Could any of the following states be considered a “hybrid” or “competitive authoritarian” regime?

      a. Canada
      b. Brazil
      c. Russia
      d. India
  • Which of the following claims is valid?

      a. Democratic breakdown could not yield an authoritarian regime but only a hybrid one.
      b. Democratic breakdown can yield neither an authoritarian nor a hybrid regime.
      c. Democratic breakdown could not yield a hybrid regime but only a fully authoritarian one.
      d. None of these claims is valid.
  • Which of the following would be the clearest example of a personalist regime?

      a. Brazil under military rule in the 1970s
      b. Argentina under Jorge Videla in the 1970s
      c. The former Zaire under Mobutu Sese Seko in the 1970s to the 1990s
      d. Mexico under the PRI
  • Which of the following countries experienced dramatic democratic breakdown in the first half of the twentieth century?

      a. Germany
      b. China
      c. Ottoman Empire
      d. Cameroon
  • Why might we want to distinguish between democratic breakdown and authoritarian persistence?

      a. They may have different causes
      b. The processes are conceptually distinct
      c. They are not both visible in all of the same cases
      d. All of the above
  • Why might it be useful to distinguish between regime types and processes of transition in general?

      a. They are conceptually distinct.
      b. They almost certainly have different causes.
      c. Both a and b
      d. This is a trick question: today's political scientists do not draw this distinction.
  • Which of the following theories attempts to explain authoritarianism as a function of institutional arrangements and coalitions established at critical junctures in the past?

      a. Political Cultural Theories
      b. Historical Institutionalist theories
      c. Modernization Theory
      d. All theories of authoritarianism include this.
  • What would a political scientist say you should do with respect to data?

      a. If the data don't support your theory, ignore them
      b. Pick the data that give your thesis the support, and downplay the rest
      c. Take all relevant data into account, and try to construct theory that can best account for it
      d. Theory generation and data are two distinct things. Focus on the theories.
  • Which of the following is true?

      a. Authoritarian rule is almost never found in weak states.
      b. Totalitarian rule is almost never found in strong states.
      c. All authoritarian regimes can be seen as totalitarian.
      d. All totalitarian regimes can be seen as authoritarian.
  • What are the major forms of totalitarianism?

    communist totalitarianism: advocates achieving socialism through totalitarian dictatorship..
    theocratic totalitarianism: political power is monopolized by a party, group, or individual that governs according to religious principles..

    What are 3 characteristics of totalitarian?

    Description. Dictatorship & One-Party Rule. exercises absolute authority. dominates the govt.

    What type of government is totalitarianism quizlet?

    What is totalitarianism? A government that takes total, centralized state control over every aspect of public and private life.

    What is totalitarianism quizlet?

    totalitarianism. government that takes control, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and private life.