Who is responsible for credit card debt when someone dies

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When a person leaves credit card debt after death, there are a few things that could happen. The debt will be the responsibility of the deceased's estate, but if the estate can't pay it off, then a cosigner or surviving spouse could be responsible. Or, the credit card company may need to write off the debt entirely.

Sorting out a loved one's financial accounts after they pass can be complicated, especially if there's debt involved. If you're managing a deceased family member's credit card debt, read this guide to find out how it works.

What happens to credit card debt after death?

When a person dies, their estate is legally required to pay their debts, including credit card debt. An estate is all the money and property a person owns. The person who is in charge of managing the estate, known as either the executor or administrator, pays credit card debt using the estate's assets during a process called probate.

For a straightforward example, let's say that a person dies with $25,000 in the bank and $5,000 on their credit cards. The executor of the estate would use $5,000 from that bank account to pay the credit card companies. If there were no other debts, the remaining $20,000 would go to the deceased's beneficiaries (the recipients of a deceased person's assets).

It can be more complex depending on the assets and debts a person leaves behind. Some assets, such as life insurance policies, aren't used to pay an estate's debt. These are paid directly to a beneficiary as part of the insurance contract.

If the deceased had multiple types of debt owed to different creditors, then they're typically repaid in the following order:

  • Debt to the federal government, such as tax debt
  • Debt to a state government
  • Secured debt, such as a car loan
  • Administrative and lawyer fees of the estate
  • Unsecured debt, such as credit card debt

What if the estate can't pay the deceased person's credit card debt?

Some estates don't have the assets to pay off credit card debt. In that case, what happens to the debt depends on whether anyone else is legally responsible for it.

Here are the two situations where you can inherit credit card debt:

  • If someone else was a cosigner or joint account holder on the credit card, then they are responsible for paying it back.
  • A surviving spouse is responsible for a deceased's credit card debt if they live in a state with community property laws. The states with community property laws are Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.

If either of the above applies to you, then you'd be legally required to pay off what's owed. For large balances, you may want to spend some time reviewing the best ways to eliminate credit card debt. This can help you find the right debt repayment method.

Learn more: How to Get Out of Credit Card Debt

Authorized users on a credit card account aren't responsible for unpaid debt when the primary account holder dies. It's also worth noting that they aren't allowed to continue using the account. Using a deceased person's credit card account, including as an authorized user, is considered credit card fraud.

If no one else is legally responsible for the credit card debt and the estate can't pay it, then the creditors will need to write it off.

How to handle a deceased person's credit card accounts

Getting a deceased person's financial accounts in order is the responsibility of the estate's executor or administrator. This person is named in the will, but if there was no will, then the court will appoint someone to the position.

It can be difficult when you're responsible for managing credit card accounts of someone who has passed away. Here are a few steps that can help make it easier for you.

1. Make a list of the deceased person's credit cards

The first step is to get organized by listing all the deceased person's credit cards. It's also a good idea to list and, if possible, access their other financial accounts at this time. Since you'll need to pay credit cards from the estate, it helps to know what assets the estate has available.

2. Don't use or let anyone else use those credit card accounts

Once a person dies, it's fraud to use their credit card account, including for authorized users. The only exception is a joint credit card account. If you and the deceased were joint account holders on a credit card, you can continue using it.

Other than that, make sure not to use the deceased person's credit cards at all. If there were any authorized users, tell them to destroy or return their cards tied to the account.

3. Notify the credit card issuers

Contact the card issuers for all the deceased person's credit cards. You can find the phone number on the back of each card.

When you call, a representative can flag the account and explain the process for closing the credit card. Credit card companies usually require that you send them a copy of the cardholder's death certificate to close the account.

This is also when you can discuss paying off the balances on those credit cards. Or, if the deceased's assets won't be enough to cover it, you could possibly negotiate credit card debt with the card issuer.

4. Notify the credit bureaus

Contact the three consumer credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. It's important that they know about the death so they can note it on the deceased person's credit file. This prevents identity theft because no one will be able to open new credit accounts in the deceased's name.

Dealing with debt collectors

If the deceased had outstanding debt, you could be contacted by a debt collector. Even though debts are supposed to be paid by the estate in order, it's not unheard of for debt collectors to try cutting the line.

It's best to leave repayment to the executor of the estate. If you're the executor and you're unsure of what to do, consulting with an estate attorney can help.

Keep in mind that you don't need to talk to debt collectors. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act gives you the right to request in writing that a debt collector stop contacting you. Once it receives your letter requesting this, the debt collector can only contact you to confirm that it will stop going forward and to tell you that it's taking specific action, such as a lawsuit.

Managing the debt of a loved one after they pass can be emotionally and financially difficult. Hopefully, knowing more about what to expect -- and what you may or may not be responsible for -- can help make the process a little easier.

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  • It's possible to negotiate the credit card debt of a deceased person if you're legally responsible for paying the debt. That means you must be the executor or the administrator of the estate, a cosigner or joint account holder on the credit card, or a surviving spouse in a community property state.

    If you're not responsible for paying the debt, then the credit card company most likely won't be able to discuss the account with you.

  • If a deceased individual's estate can't pay their credit card debt, responsibility can fall onto either of the following parties:

    • A cosigner or joint account holder on the credit card
    • A surviving spouse in a state with community property laws

    If there's no one who fits into the categories above, then the creditor will most likely need to write off the credit card debt.

  • Credit card companies normally find out that a cardholder has died from the executor of the estate. The executor is in charge of managing the deceased person's estate and notifying the relevant credit card companies of the death.

    If a credit card company isn't notified by the executor, it may learn of a cardholder's death through the credit reporting agencies. The credit reporting agencies can receive notification of a consumer's death through the executor or the Social Security Administration. When they do, they seal the consumer's credit report and place a death notice on it.