Why does the right side of my face feel weird

Bell’s palsy, also known as facial palsy, is the sudden onset of paralysis of one of the facial nerves. The main symptom is muscle weakness on one side of the face, causing the face to droop. The left and right sides of the face are affected with equal frequency. It is rare for both sides to be affected at the same time.

Bell’s palsy can affect anyone. Its annual incidence is 2 to 3 people per 10 000 of the population, and this is thought to be similar across all ethnic groups and between men and women. Pregnant women and people with diabetes have an increased risk.

Bell’s palsy occurs most often between the ages of 20 and 40 years.

Signs and symptoms

Often the first symptom of Bell's palsy is a dull, aching pain around the jaw or in or behind the ear. This can be present for a day or two before facial weakness is noticed. While the involved side of the face may feel numb, it is still possible to feel if it is touched.

Developing over several hours or up to two or three days, signs and symptoms can range in severity and include:

  • Asymmetrical (crooked) smile
  • Inability to close the eye on the affected side
  • Reduced sensation on the affected side
  • Drooling
  • Impaired taste
  • Slurring of words
  • Difficulty eating
  • Muscle weakness on the affected side, including the muscles of the eyelids and forehead
  • Reduced tear production on the affected side
  • Increased sensitivity of hearing in the affected ear.


Bell’s palsy is thought to occur when facial nerves become compressed or inflamed. Part of the nerve is encased within a bony canal and is therefore at risk of compression when swollen. The swelling is thought to occur as the result of a viral infection of the facial nerve. The herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores, is one virus thought to be responsible for the condition.

Other factors linked to the development of facial nerve paralysis include ear infections, tumours, brain injury and several other viruses including those that cause chickenpox and shingles, hand foot and mouth disease, and glandular fever).

Bell's palsy is not related to cerebral palsy.


Bell's palsy is not a life-threatening condition but it can produce symptoms similar to other more serious causes for facial paralysis, such as a stroke or tumour. For this reason, other possible causes for the symptoms must be excluded before a definitive diagnosis of Bell's palsy can be made. In order to confirm the diagnosis the doctor may undertake the following:

  • A full medical history, including any recent illnesses or viral infections
  • Discussion of current symptoms
  • A complete physical and neurological assessment eg: sensation in the face, the strength of the facial muscles.

To assist further with the diagnosis and to rule out other conditions, the doctor may recommend:

  • Blood tests
  • Hearing tests
  • Balance tests
  • Taste and salivation tests
  • Tear test (to measure the eye’s ability to produce tears)
  • Computerised tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Electrical tests (electromyography) to measure the functioning of the nerve.


While there is no specific cure for Bell’s palsy, treatment focuses on improving facial nerve function, minimising nerve damage and protecting the affected eye. The treatment used will depend upon the apparent cause and severity of the condition.

Corticosteroid medications, such as prednisone, are often given to help reduce inflammation in the nerve. These are most effective when given early in the course of the condition. Some medical research has shown that antiviral medications, or a combination of a corticosteroid and an antiviral medication, may also help to speed recovery.

The eye needs to be protected and kept moist in order to prevent damage to the cornea (the lining of the eye). This will usually involve the use of artificial tears to lubricate the eye. Taping the eye shut overnight may also be suggested.

Surgery to relieve compression of the facial nerve may be considered in severe, prolonged cases. However, this kind of surgery is used rarely as it carries a high risk of nerve damage. Occasionally, cosmetic surgery may be needed to correct lasting facial nerve problems.


In up to 90% of cases, complete recovery is achieved within six to 12 weeks of the symptoms first appearing. In a small percentage of cases symptoms may never completely disappear and some degree of facial paralysis remains permanently. Those aged 60 years or more have a lower likelihood of complete recovery and a higher risk of permanent paralysis.

Bell's palsy can recur, with estimates of recurrence rates ranging from 4 to 14% of cases.


Mayo Clinic (2018). Bell’s palsy (Web Page). Rochester, MN: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bells-palsy/symptoms-causes/syc-20370028 [Accessed: 28/01/20]
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2019). Bell’s palsy fact sheet (Web Page). Rockville, MD: National Institutes of Health. https://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/patient-caregiver-education/fact-sheets/bells-palsy-fact-sheet [Accessed: 28/01/20]
Taylor, D.C. (2019). Bell palsy (Web Page). Medscape Drugs and Diseases. New York, NY: WebMD LLC. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1146903 [Accessed: 28/01/20]

Last reviewed – February 2020

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Why does my face feel weird on one side?

Different nerves control facial feeling and muscle movement. One sided, or “unilateral,” facial numbness can occur when these nerves become damaged, inflamed, or compressed. Some people may experience a complete loss of feeling in the affected side of the face. Others may experience a tingling sensation.

Why do I feel a weird sensation on my face?

Facial tingling can be due to a variety of neurological or medical conditions. The most common cause of facial tingling is anxiety or a panic attack. However, irritation or damage to the nerves in the face cause facial tingling along with numbness or weakness.

Why does the right side of my face feel weak?

Bell's palsy is a condition that causes sudden weakness in the muscles on one side of the face. In most cases, the weakness is temporary and significantly improves over weeks. The weakness makes half of the face appear to droop. Smiles are one-sided, and the eye on the affected side resists closing.

When should I worry about face tingling?

You should seek immediate emergency medical care if your tingling is accompanied by: a severe and unusual headache. slurred speech or difficulty talking. facial numbness, drooping, or paralysis.