Why is my fico score lower than transunion and equifax

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  • Although your credit scores may vary, the differences don't mean that any of the scores are inaccurate.
  • Your credit scores might be different based on which credit reporting agency your lender uses.
  • When you check your credit scores, you may not be seeing the same credit score numbers as your lender.

Question: Why are credit scores different when they are pulled by consumers vs. when they're pulled by lenders?

Answer: There are a few reasons that the credit scores you see when you check on your own may vary from what a lender sees when evaluating you for a credit account. However, it's important to understand that these discrepancies don't necessarily mean that either set of scores is inaccurate.

It's a common misconception that every individual has a single, unique credit score that represents their level of risk when applying for new accounts. In reality, there's no limit on the number of credit scores that may accurately reflect your financial information and payment history. This is because individual consumer reporting agencies, credit scoring companies, lenders and creditors may use slightly different formulas to calculate your credit scores. They might also weigh your information differently depending on the type of credit account for which you've applied.

For example, let's say you're going to buy a house. When mortgage lenders review your credit history, it's likely they'll use a credit score formula tailored to determine what kind of risk you'll be for a mortgage loan. The formula may weigh pieces of your credit history differently in order to test for that risk factor. The same may be true if you apply for an industry-specific line of credit, such as a personal credit card or an automobile loan.

Your credit scores might also differ based on which credit reporting agency your lender uses. Since each agency independently determines your credit scores based on the information in their individual databases, there may sometimes be slight differences. Some lenders also only report to one or two credit reporting agencies, which means your credit history could look different from agency to agency. Additionally, your lender might be viewing a consolidated score that draws from all three credit reporting agencies or even using their own in-house scoring model.

When you check your own credit scores, on the other hand, what you generally see are educational credit scores, meaning they are intended to give you a close idea of your scores for informational and monitoring purposes. While they are a good way to gauge your credit rating, you may not be seeing the exact same numbers as your lender.

Another reason your credit scores might look different to lenders is because they were updated since the last time you checked. There is often a delay between when you make a payment and when credit reporting agencies factor that transaction into your credit scores. After you make a big payment — or do anything else that could substantially impact your credit scores — be sure to confirm that your information is being included on your credit reports properly so that lenders are seeing an accurate and up-to-date credit history.

Finally, although your credit scores may appear differently to lenders based on a variety of factors, it is still smart to check them yourself. By focusing on the key factors in your credit reports — such as payment history, credit card use and length of credit history — you can get a solid sense of your financial standing in the eyes of a lender.

For a free monthly Equifax credit report and a free monthly VantageScore® 3.0 credit score, create a myEquifax account and click "Get my free credit score" on your myEquifax dashboard to enroll in Equifax Core Credit™. A VantageScore is one of many types of credit scores.

The Equifax credit score is an educational credit score developed by Equifax. Equifax credit scores are provided to consumers for their own use to help them estimate their general credit position. Equifax credit scores are not used by lenders and creditors to assess consumers' creditworthiness.

FICO scores are general purpose credit scores developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation, which are used by lenders and creditors to help assess consumers' creditworthiness.

Equifax credit scores and FICO scores can be calculated using information in your credit reports at any of the three nationwide credit bureaus -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Since the information on your credit reports at each bureau can differ, your Equifax credit score and FICO score can differ depending on which credit report is used to calculate the score.

The Equifax credit score model uses a numerical range between 280 and 850, and FICO score models use a range between 300 and 850. In both cases, higher credit scores indicate lower credit risk.

Why is my FICO score much lower than TransUnion?

This is mainly because of two reasons: For one, lenders may pull your credit from different credit bureaus, whether it is Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. Your score can then differ based on what bureau your credit report is pulled from since they don't all receive the same information about your credit accounts.

Which credit score is more accurate Equifax or TransUnion or FICO?

Neither score is more or less accurate than the other; they're only being calculated from slightly differing sources. Your Equifax credit score is more likely to appear lower than your TransUnion one because of the reporting differences, but a “fair” score from TransUnion is typically “fair” across the board.

Why is my FICO lower than my other credit scores?

When the scores are significantly different across bureaus, it is likely the underlying data in the credit bureaus is different and thus driving that observed score difference.

Why is my FICO score 100 points lower than TransUnion and Equifax?

This is because there are 3 credit bureaus and dozens of different scoring models. Differences in which report is pulled, which scoring model is used, and what information is reported to whom and when, can all have an impact on the credit score you are viewing.

Why is FICO score lower than Equifax?

Since the information on your credit reports at each bureau can differ, your Equifax credit score and FICO score can differ depending on which credit report is used to calculate the score. The Equifax credit score model uses a numerical range between 280 and 850, and FICO score models use a range between 300 and 850.

Which score is more important TransUnion or FICO?

FICO scoring is more holistic, which allows more Americans to qualify for loans and mortgages than most traditional bureaus' scores. Scores range from 300 to 850.