You must log in to continue facebook

I can no longer login to Facebook on any computer. I deactivated my account under the impression from FB instructions that it would reactivate in 7 days. I'm totally confounded as to whether it actually ever deactivated. I was told via email it had yet it never ceased working on my phone. Now when I try to enter FB on any computer it repeatedly tells me "Not logged in, Please login to continue". However, when I select [login] from this warning dialogue box it first puts up the same dialogue box a few times, and then it opens a login window...endless loop. The only help options I find on FB require me to be logged in, hence I cannot use their help. There are no phone numbers for support (I'm old I expect this for any business) so I'm lost as to what to do. I know googling and use it extensively but cannot find a solution that works. Please help.

Looking for some info

About 3 hours ago I got a message saying Fb notifies some suspicious activity on account and logged me out

I relogged in where it prompted me to add my number for a sms text code

Well the code wouldn’t come I retried after waiting and eventually never ever came and than subsequently locked me from asking for a new sms for 24 hours

I tried making a new Facebook account different email etc and used a number which got the sms code instantly

After it than asked for a photo of me and said I could no further use Facebook

I checked the review my account page and added info and it said my account was not disabled or deleted and could not use this forum

I can’t use the help center because I need to be logged in I have absolutely no way to contact anyone to get my account back that I know of

The sms isn’t coming through at all

What steps do I have ? Is there any help for people like me?

Thank you


  1. You must log in to continue facebook

    Any way around this for those of us without a Facebook account, but trying to view ‘public’ Facebook pages?

  2. Easy enough to knock yourself up an account, even if you don’t intend to use it for any other purpose than the odd squint.

  3. Those are my thoughts, set all the privacy settings to the highest. Also don't like or comment on pages you view.

  4. I keep several 'special' email accounts for this sort of thing. They have names such as Ura.Twatt, Fel.Latio and Cunni.Lingous things that I would never use normally and reserved for 'special' use such as the above amongst others.



  5. I sense a theme in your accounts, some are quite the mouthful
    You must log in to continue facebook

  6. I sensed that was a coded reply to the dark lord’s usernames or have I a dirty mind.
    You must log in to continue facebook

  7. I just have a perfectly normal account. I post next to nothing, just use it to read stuff and keep in touch with a few old muso mates etc who have no interest in audio/pfm. It’s a very useful platform and like any other modern social media far more useful if you like and follow stuff, e.g. it is my primary source for new music releases and a key reason I tend to be at the front of the queue for limited editions direct from artists etc.

    FWIW I have Facebook setup for my actual real-world friends, music, art, vintage audio etc, and Twitter purely for politics/current affairs. I find that division very useful and it makes training the relevant algorithms to taste much easier.

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You must log in to continue facebook

Why does Facebook app keep asking me to log in?

The issue may be caused by various reasons, e.g. improper cookie settings, another person may be trying to log into your Facebook account, Facebook session expired, corrupt or wrong browser caches, malware or virus infection, etc.

How do I get past Facebook without logging in?

You may be able to get back in to your Facebook account by using an alternative email address or mobile phone number listed on your account. Using a computer or mobile phone that you have previously used to log in to your Facebook account, go to and follow the instructions.

Why does Facebook not let me log in and log in?

If you're having trouble logging into your Facebook account from your Facebook app: Make sure that you have the latest version of the Facebook app, or delete the app and then reinstall it. Try logging in from a mobile browser (example: Safari, Chrome).

Why do I have to login every time on Facebook?

If you turned on private browsing or set up your browser to clear your history every time it closes, you might have to enter a security code every time you log in. Learn more.