21 day ultimate reset meal plan pdf


  • Reclaim. Release. Restore.Not long ago, while flying back from a business trip, something happened that really hit home for me. As the plane began to descend, I watched the sky outside my window slowly turn from a pure, crystal clear blue into an ugly, yellowish-brown haze.

    I’d probably seen that happen dozens of times before. But this time, I realized that this yellow fog was the environment we actually live in. Not the beautiful pure air we’d been flying through earlier, but a toxic soup we’ve been absorbing into our bodies all our lives, along with the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink.

    I began to realize that it’s not enough just to work out and eat right; we also have to find a way to cleanse from the inside out—a total-body reset to get people healthy on the inside, the same way our exercise programs get you in shape on the outside.

    The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a three-phase program designed to do just that. Without starvation. Without having to sit near a bathroom all day. A deep, total health transformation.

    I was lucky to find the perfect person to create the program pretty close to home: my wife, Isabelle Daikeler. As a fitness and wellness expert, she’s

    dedicated her life to investigating how the body responds to nutrition, and to helping people get their health back.

    Working with superfood expert Darin Olien, Isabelle helped develop a wellness program that’s healthier, more complete, and more user-friendly than anything that’s ever been put together before.

    I’m proud to say that the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a survival kit for living in a toxic world.

    You’ll find everything you need to do your Reset right here in this box. For support, I highly recommend that you join a group that’s doing the program at the same time as you are. And be sure to work with your Team Beachbody® Coach and go online to UltimateReset.com and the official Facebook support groups for even more advice and information.

    Good luck . . . and enjoy your tune-up!

    Carl Daikeler CEO, Beachbody

    A Note from Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody®


  • Welcome. Thank you for choosing the Beachbody Ultimate Reset.If you’ve been struggling with your health, food cravings, your weight—or even if you’ve just experienced low energy and feeling sluggish—I want you to know that you can feel better.

    In 20 years of working with clients, I’ve seen the difference that a total inner-body reset can make: the improved energy, better digestion, clearer skin, and a more present and aware state of mind. The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is how I can bring that knowledge—and those results—directly to you.

    Over the next 3 weeks, as you complete each phase of the program, you’ll be letting go of baggage—physical and emotional. But the Beachbody Ultimate Reset will never ask your body to do anything it doesn’t already know how to do. You’ll learn to listen and be conscious of what your body really needs. You’ll be amazed how delicious the right foods for your body can taste.

    Your journey may not always be easy. But like all journeys of growth, it can change your life for the better.

    Remember you’re not alone. Along with your Coach and everyone at Beachbody, I’m here to make sure you have all the tools and support you need. That’s why I’ve included a complete menu and diet plan,

    with recipes, shopping lists, and snacks. We even created a Beachbody Ultimate Reset cooking video which you can access, along with other helpful information and videos at UltimateReset.com.

    Hopefully, after completing the Ultimate Reset, you’ll feel lighter, you’ll feel healthier, and you’ll want to keep on feeling that way. That’s a real change.

    Enjoy your Reset!

    Isabelle Daikeler Co-creator, Shakeology and Beachbody Ultimate Reset

    A Note from Isabelle Daikeler, nutritionist, wellness expert, and co-creator of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset


  • Before you go any further, read this.

    Although each individual will find his or her own degree of challenge, there will be challenge. Which brings us to this. The key to completing the Ultimate Reset with the least amount of stress and the greatest amount of benefits comes down to one word: Preparation.

    And that begins with reading, and often rereading, this guidebook.

    The more you understand the process you are about to go through, and the overall Reset philosophy, the smoother the next 21 days and the days post-Reset will be.

    So read this book. Mark it up. Bend the pages. Whatever you need to do. But know that the info you have in your hand—along with the support you’ll find in your Challenge Group and on the website where you can reach out to our advisors, as well as other Resetters going through their 21 days—is the ticket to getting the most out of your Reset journey.

    And remember, the Ultimate Reset not only helps restore your body, it changes lives. We are excited to hear your results.

    The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is not to be used while pregnant or breastfeeding. As with any new supplement or nutrition program, please consult your healthcare professional before beginning the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, especially if you have any medical conditions. If you experience any adverse reactions to this program, stop the Beachbody Ultimate Reset immediately and consult your healthcare professional.

    You’re about to embark on what may be the greatest 21-day health journey of your life.

    Each day we receive inspiring stories from people who have Reset their system. Everything from a more positive outlook on life to improving key markers of overall physical health.

    And then there are those who have Reset their lives in other ways; no longer emotionally dependent on food, no longer feeling helpless in the kitchen, no longer needing caffeine to get them energized or alcohol to help them relax. That’s how deep this program is.

    And that’s the reason for this page. We wanted to take this time to not only point out some Reset results but also to make it clear upfront that the Ultimate Reset was not designed to be easy. It was designed to be effective. To be, as the name states, the Ultimate.


  • Why Reset?


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  • When you think about it, it’s amazing just to be alive. Living in this modern world, where new technologies and industrial advances arrive on a near-daily basis, can sometimes seem absolutely miraculous. But all these modern conveniences have come with a price.

    We’re breathing air that’s far from pristine, drinking water that’s not even close to being pure, eating foods laced with things we can’t even pronounce—chemical additives, preservatives, and pesticides—and absorbing toxins contained in everything from our children’s toys to the pillows where we lay our heads.

    Here’s the good news: Your body is a very resilient, very efficient machine, able to neutralize or eliminate most of this chemical onslaught on a daily basis. The bad news is that this incredible machine is being pushed to its limits—and you can probably feel the results in the form of lower energy, weight gain, and a weakened immune system.

    To put it simply, our bodies—our own personal survival machines—are now struggling to do what they used to do much more easily.

    You might not be able to change the environment (although hopefully, we’ll all try a little harder!), but you can change yourself. With a little assistance, you can help your body do again what it once did naturally—receiving more of the things that are good for you and getting rid of the things that are bad.

    That’s what the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is all about. In just three weeks, you’ll steer your body from mere survival back to a state of “thrival.”

    In just 21 days, you’ll take back your power. Bolster your health. Release what no longer serves you. Learn. Cleanse. And if you’re not already, you’ll become 100% in awe of the remarkable creation that you are.

    “Life is not merely to be alive, but to be well.” —Marcus Valerius Martial

    Roman poet

    In an open-label clinical study published in an independent peer-reviewed journal, fifty participants followed Ultimate Reset’s supplements and clean eating meal program for 21 days. The results of the study were impressive.

    After the 21-day program, participants in the study achieved healthy weight loss and experienced significant improvements in several key markers of health, including improving their BMI, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels already within the normal healthy range.

    Their great results are consistent with what we have been hearing from our Ultimate Reset customers. In fact, with the added benefit of peer support, our network of Team Beachbody Coaches, and 24/7 Facebook groups, our customers have been experiencing amazing results they never expected.

    We know there are many other cleanses on the market, but few, if any, can offer this kind of clinical and peer support for their diet or cleanse program to help you on a path to a healthier lifestyle.

    A toxin is defined as any compound that has a detrimental effect on cell function or structure. Toxins, or man-made contaminants, include industrial chemicals and their polluted by-products, as well as pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, drug deposits, secondary smoke, and environmental hormones. Each year, more than 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation’s environment, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens.


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    Table of Contents

    The Beachbody Ultimate Reset 2

    What’s in the Box? 6 What to Expect During Your Ultimate Reset 12

    Beginning Your Ultimate Reset 13 Exercise 14 Sleep 16 Breathing 18 Water 20 Conscious Eating 22 Emotions 24 Relationships 26 Program Options 27

    Enhancing Your Reset 28Ready, Set, Let's Do It! 31

    This Is Me Now 32

    Ultimate Reset Daily Regimen and Menu 36

    Phase 1 Reclaim 37 Phase 2 Release 49 Phase 3 Restore 61

    Ultimate Reset Snacks 72

    Ultimate Reset Recipes 77

    Reset in a Crunch 110

    Shakeology and the Ultimate Reset 112

    Ultimate Reset Ingredient List 114

    Frequently Asked Questions 118

    Transitioning Out of Your Reset 122

    Shopping Lists 127 1

  • In the first week, Phase One, you Reclaim your body, accessing its inner chemistry and preparing for change. You’ll gradually remove foods such as red meat and dairy, which are known to place stress on the digestive system, from your diet for the duration of the Reset.

    Start eliminating these during the first week.

    Day 1 Day 7PHASE 1

    The Beachbody Ultimate ResetWhat makes the Beachbody Ultimate Reset so much more effective than the typical cleanse and detox programs on the market?

    First off, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is not just a cleanse—although you will certainly experience those benefits. It’s a no-starvation, multifaceted, life-changing, cutting-edge, “this-is-the-real-deal,” inner-body tune-up.

    We call it that because it does so much more than simply cleanse. Yes, it does help your system eliminate waste, gently and naturally. But it also helps revitalize your body and mind, and fuel your body with the micronutrients and macronutrients it craves.

    So how does it work?

    The Ultimate Reset is a 21-day program, but it’s helpful to think of it in three distinct phases, each one week long, with a post-Reset transitional phase where you can gradually return to your “normal” diet based on the habits and lifestyles you consciously choose.



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  • In the second week, Phase Two, you begin to Release unwanted compounds that have been holding your system back and start the detoxification process. This phase includes a gentle colon cleanse and digestive support. You’ll now be eating a fully vegan diet.

    Eating a vegan diet doesn't mean less food!

    Day 14 Day 21PHASE 2 PHASE 3

    In Phase Three, the third week, you’ll help Restore your digestive system, along with other internal processes, to maximum efficiency, putting nutrients, enzymes, and pre- and probiotics back into your body. You’ll cut back further on grains; now you’ll be eating mostly fruits and vegetables.



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  • PHASE ONE – ReclaimDuring these first 7 days, you will begin to alter your diet, slowly removing foods like red meat and refined items that put stress on your digestive system and can tilt your body toward a more acidic state. You’ll also be introduced to four of the six supplements that make up the Ultimate Reset program—Power Greens, Mineralize, Optimize, and Soothe.

    Because most of us are living in a slightly dehydrated state, in Week One, you’ll begin to properly hydrate your body, which is critical for optimal cellular function. Along with hydration, the Week One meal plan will provide you with the vital nutrition needed to help maintain the body’s alkaline/acid balance.

    Once your system has been primed, balanced, and nourished, it will be ready to continue the detoxification process.

    PHASE TWO – ReleaseIn Week Two, you’ll continue to refine your diet. You’ll have stopped eating animal proteins, and you’ll be eating vegan meals (for veggie-challenged people, rest easy—we’ve found a way to make it delicious!). You’ll also be adding the next element in the Beachbody Ultimate Reset program: Detox. This supplement was designed to help optimize the body’s ability to eliminate unwanted substances. It has been formulated with milk thistle, which has been used for thousands of years to help support healthy liver function.

    Although the Ultimate Reset is gentle, you may find you’re releasing from more than just your digestive tract. Some people experience skin break outs, while

    others find themselves releasing toxic emotions or dropping negative habits they’ve been holding on to.

    NOTE: Due to the highly individual nature of each person’s system, we have seen releases occur earlier (in Phase 1) and later (in Phase 3) and to varying degrees, so be aware that even though Phase 2 is geared toward releasing, these releases—be they physical or emotional—generally occur when your body sees fit. It is important to realize that your release experience will be correct for you, and not to judge it or compare it to another person’s experience.

    PHASE THREE – RestoreHopefully, your first two weeks on the Beachbody Ultimate Reset had profoundly positive effects on your body. You’ve stepped out of your comfort zone in learning to think about food in a new way, eating and shopping for ingredients you may never have heard of before (wakame seaweed, anyone?), and introducing new supplements into your daily regimen.

    During this final phase, you’ll adjust your diet once again. You’ll cut back on grains and consume mainly fruits and vegetables—for fiber and further alkalinization, and to provide your body with pure, whole foods that are of high nutritional value and are easily absorbed. Right now, that may sound tough...but once you’ve tuned up your body, the food you do eat will satisfy you more (you’ll find that fruit tastes like candy!).

    In Phase 3 you’ll also be introduced to your final supplement—a pre- and probiotic called Revitalize—which will help restore healthy bacteria to your freshly scrubbed digestive tract (this is very important, and often neglected in cleanse programs).

    Avocados contain enough good fats to help keep you full.




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  • Reclaim. Release. Restore. After just 21 days on the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, you’ll be feeling dramatically better—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Will it be challenging? Yes, as we stated earlier, you may come up against some personal challenges. But just as Beachbody’s workouts aren’t the easiest fitness programs you can do, the Ultimate Reset may require some extra effort. So, yes, this is hard, but in return, it delivers extraordinary results. And keep in mind, no matter how challenging this may be for you, you have the entire Team Beachbody community in your corner to help you through.

    Once you complete your 21-day program, you’ll have a “transitioning back” period, in which you’ll be guided back into life after the Ultimate Reset. You’ll get advice on food and exercise, along with helpful tips on how to maintain—and continue to build on—all you’ve accomplished.

    One final piece of advice: Please be gentle on yourself. A lot of changes will be taking place over the next 21 days. Treat yourself with the patience and understanding you’d offer to anyone else who is truly looking to “Reset” themselves.

    Enjoy your tune-up!

    Learn more at UltimateReset.com and on the official Ultimate Reset Facebook support groups.



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  • What’s in the Box? Power Greens

    A healthy diet, with plenty of greens, may help support the body’s acid/alkaline balance*

    RevitalizeHelps support beneficial flora in the digestive tract*

    DetoxKey ingredients traditionally used to help support the body's natural detoxification processes and healthy liver function*

    The Six Supplements and What They Do



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  • OptimizeSupports nutrient absorption and bioavailability*

    SootheIngredients traditionally used to support digestive health and the body’s response to oxidative stress* Mineralize

    Adds natural minerals needed by the body



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  • Power Greens

    A healthy diet, with plenty of greens, may help support the body’s acid/alkaline balance.*

    The common diet of highly processed foods, sugary treats, soda pop, alcohol, and other items deemed “acidic” can negatively influence the body’s optimum responses and balances, causing stress to the system. This means your body needs to work harder just to stay in its natural sweet spot (a state known as homeostasis), and maintain the stability of your internal environment.

    The Ultimate Reset program is built around supporting the internal balances needed for optimum health and well-being.

    Power Greens is a combination of six powerful greens, including kale, matcha green tea, cucumber, celery, spinach, and chlorella, each known for providing their own unique benefits, and now brought together to form the perfect “green team.”

    The body is a complex organism. Balance is key. And so are greens. Keep the green team on your side.

    Take once a day.


    Chlorophyll, the pigment that makes green plants green, has a molecular structure almost identical to that of the hemoglobin in our own blood.


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  • Optimize

    Supports nutrient absorption and bioavailability.*

    Enzymes initiate millions of reactions within the body each moment. They are responsible for nearly every bodily function, including vision, growth, and respiration, as well as the storage and release of energy. Without enzymes, life simply can’t exist.

    As we age, our enzyme levels and activity can decrease. Couple this with poor diet, stress, or other environmental factors, and we can find ourselves in a state of enzyme deficiency, impacting various bodily functions—including how we absorb and digest nutrients.

    Optimize is a proprietary blend of systemic and digestive enzymes that function to help catalyze various natural processes of the body. These enzymes, such as protease, bromelain, amylase, and lipase, can also help support nutrient absorption and bioavailability. Added camu-camu fruit supplies vitamin C to help promote health and wellness as well as optimal body function.

    Take 2 capsules 3 times per day, 30 minutes before meals.


    Adds natural minerals needed by the body.

    Minerals, including sodium, are essential to life. We can’t live without them. Sadly, today’s common table salt (sodium chloride), found in most homes and restaurants and in all packaged foods is highly processed.

    Our Mineralize is formulated with Pink Himalayan Salt which is minimally processed and has a broad spectrum of trace elements. This beneficial salt and its elements are needed by the human body to help regulate fluid absorption, avoid muscle cramps, and maintain fluid balance in the body.

    If you want your body to function properly, you need REAL salt from the earth, complete with all its natural elements.

    For mixing instructions consult the Reset Water section on page 20.


    To increase your enzyme levels naturally, be sure to eat lots of unprocessed and raw foods, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.


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  • Detox

    Key ingredients traditionally used to help support the body's natural detoxification processes and healthy liver function.*

    Contrary to common belief, the colon does more than eliminate waste. It influences hydration, nutrient absorption, and immune system function. The colon also extracts water, potassium, and some fat-soluble vitamins from solid wastes before your body eliminates them. If your colon isn’t processing and eliminating waste properly, your digestive system can back up, causing you bloating and discomfort.

    When formulating Detox, we set out to create a supplement that was not the most powerful “take it and run to the bathroom” cleanser on the market. Believe us, making that type of supplement would have been easy! We wanted to strike that perfect balance, formulating a product that would get the job done—cleansing, restoring, and resetting your system—while not forcing the body/bowels into a release.

    A key ingredient in Detox is milk thistle, which has been used for thousands of years to help support liver function. Herbalists have long valued milk thistle for its ability to help the liver deal with environmental challenges.

    Take 3 times a day, as called for by schedule.


    Ingredients traditionally used to support digestive health and the body’s response to oxidative stress.*

    Soothe is a one-of-a-kind supplement that combines two incredible botanicals: aloe vera and curcumin.

    Aloe vera is a succulent plant long used in traditional healing to relieve minor cuts, burns, and insect bites. Aloe vera has also been traditionally used to support digestive health and the body’s response to oxidative stress. Curcumin, a household remedy in India that’s long been a staple in ayurvedic medicine, is a natural extract of the spice turmeric. Like aloe vera, curcumin promotes digestive health and is known for its antioxidant properties that help the body fight free radical damage.

    Our organic aloe vera is harvested to ensure that only the mature leaves are picked, and filleted to keep only the beneficial gel. These careful steps allow us to bring you pure and potent aloe vera that’s freeze-dried and powdered to help preserve its beneficial compounds. The resulting product has a 200x concentration for potency.

    We’re excited to bring these two powerful, time-tested wellness agents together to create Soothe.

    Take 2 capsules 30 minutes before the evening meal.

    What’s in DetoxOur balanced formula contains many of the planet’s most amazing natural healing agents. Here are just some of the powerful ingredients found in Detox:

    Chia seed – The edible seed of the desert plant salvia hispanica, abundantly high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Milk thistle – A flowering Mediterranean herb used medicinally for more than 2,000 years to support liver function.

    Turmeric – A powder ground from the root of the curcuma longa plant, which is indigenous to the Himalayas.

    Flax powder and chia seed – Aid in maintaining regularity and provide support for overall balance.

    Ginger – Has long been prized by many civilizations for its aromatic, culinary, and beneficial properties.


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  • Revitalize

    Helps support beneficial flora in the digestive tract.*

    Probiotics help restore the balance of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. They are live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. They’re sometimes called “friendly” or “good” bacteria because they help break down carbohydrates, and provide a beneficial environment for the digestive tract.

    Antiobiotics, while they have helped cure disease and saved countless lives, can destroy healthy bacteria indiscriminately. This depletion of good bacteria in the intestines can keep your body from performing optimally.

    Our Revitalize capsules are unique in that they combine both pro- and prebiotics, helping your body maintain the right environment for healthy intestinal flora.

    Take 2 capsules 3 times per day, 30 minutes before meals.

    Want to know more? Go to UltimateReset.com

    * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


    Also included with the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a convenient Ultimate Reset Caddy, designed to help you carry each day’s supplements with you so you comply with the program even while you’re out and about.


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  • What to Expect During Your Ultimate Reset

    When steering your body back to optimal health with a program as focused as the Ultimate Reset, there will almost certainly be moments, days in fact, of real struggle, perhaps anxiety and second thoughts. These can take the form of changes in your energy levels, mental clarity, moods, complexion, food cravings, and bowel movements.

    Imagine you just started a new fitness program. You’d be sore for a few days, right? Same with the Reset. All of these are temporary, normal effects of your body’s cleansing process, as unwanted elements are released through your system. They’re signs that you’re making progress!


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  • M T W T F SS


    It might get most challenging here.

    Write down your start date—it will become an important day in your life! Maybe you’ll choose to start on January 1, or the first day of summer, or your birthday. What better gift to give yourself than health and renewal?

    Here are a couple of other issues to consider:

    You’ll need to prepare physically and mentally for your Reset, so choose a time when you’ll be able to focus completely on the task. For example, you shouldn’t begin your program when you know you’ll be traveling, since carrying all your meals and supplements with you might be difficult.

    Some people report that Days 3 through 5 can be particularly challenging. Your results may vary. For that reason, though, we suggest beginning your program midweek, perhaps on a Wednesday, so you can overcome any emotional or physical hurdles over the weekend, when you’ll be more relaxed.

    There will be a transitioning phase where you will slowly be reintroducing foods after your Reset. This may also play a part in selecting your start date. By familiarizing yourself with the “My Ultimate Reset is complete. Now what do I do?” section on page 122 you will better understand what to expect and plan for.

    A note about cold weather: If your Reset will be taking place during the winter months and you live in a cool or damp climate, be sure to keep yourself warm, as the body tends to chill more easily when cleansing. So bundle up!

    Is there a perfect time to begin the Ultimate Reset? Well, the short answer is yes...the time that’s right for you. To decide when that time should be, we suggest you read this section all the way through, take a look at what’s coming up in your life personally and professionally, and block out 21 days when you won’t be especially distracted or stressed by events.

    Try to pick a time when you're not stressed.

    Write down your start date.














  • What you can and should do during your Ultimate Reset:

    To get the most out of your Reset, it’s best not to do strenuous exercise during the next 3 weeks. The Reset is already giving your body a serious internal workout. It’s important to allow your nervous system to remain in a relaxed state, and to refrain from asking your body to repair muscle tissue at the same time it’s cleansing and detoxifying.

    As challenging as it may be for some to put strenuous exercise aside, you’ll soon reap the rewards of an internal system that works more efficiently, and a muscular system that’s been allowed to rest, recuperate, and recharge.

    Recommended exercise while resetting:

    STRETCHINGMove your body. Don’t strain, just stretch to a degree that’s comfortable, allowing yourself to feel more open, alive, and in touch with your body.

    BREATHINGTake long, slow, deep breaths throughout your day. They’ll help you to further detox, energize your cells, relax, and remain focused.

    WALKINGOne or two brisk 20-minute walks, AM and PM, are highly recommended. Be sure to move your arms during the walk to increase circulation, and concentrate on your inhales and exhales—make them deliberate and not forced—drawing oxygen and vitality into each and every cell of your body. On your exhales, you can even picture yourself blowing toxins out of your body.

    You can take your exhales one step further by imagining yourself blowing out old habits: anger you’ve been holding on to, sadness, anything you feel you’re now ready to release, clearing the way for something new and more aligned with the healthiest possible version of you.

    Similarly, you can think of inhaling forgiveness, self-acceptance, gratitude, and love.

    SWIMMINGGentle swimming is allowed. However, due to the chemicals found in most swimming pools, we do not advocate pool swimming during your Ultimate Reset. Freshwater lake or calm ocean swimming, at an easy pace, is recommended.

    Be aware that your body may feel chilled easier while detoxing. So you may want to avoid cold water.

    RESTORATIVE YOGARestorative yoga is a gentle yet powerful yoga practice that helps relax the body, increase circulation to the organs, and calm the nervous system.

    Poses are held for a longer time and are supported

    by props, allowing for a deeper release, making this practice an excellent addition to your Ultimate Reset. Most yoga studios offer restorative yoga.

    Note: Because these long-held, supported poses will greatly enhance the detoxification process of your Ultimate Reset, you may feel a bit drained or even dizzy after your class. Be sure to drink 8 to 12 ounces of Mineralized distilled water and give yourself some time to adjust before reentering the fast-paced world.

    TAI CHENGDr. Mark Cheng combined the gentle martial art Tai Chi with modern sports science to develop Tai Cheng. Its movements are slow, steady, and flowing, engaging your mind and spirit as much as your body.

    Practicing Tai Cheng’s Phase 1 during your Reset can help you to connect more deeply to your breathing, promote balance, increase fluidity of movement, and stimulate vital energy.

    Note: Tai Chi is subtle but powerful, and even a gentle practice may speed up the detoxifying process. Be sure to drink 8 to 12 ounces of Mineralized distilled water after your Tai Cheng workouts, to help flush away anything that may have been stirred up.

    Right after your Reset, you can return to light resistance training (at 50% of your maximum effort). One week later, you can dive back in to your strenuous Beachbody exercise program, or begin a new one. You’re likely to find your workouts to be more productive than ever before.






    Given the changes you’re making during your Ultimate Reset, you may find that your normal sleep patterns are altered. You might need to sleep more or go to bed earlier, especially during Week 1. Your body is working harder than you think. Sleep will be very important for these 21 days. You might also be pleasantly surprised to notice that you’re waking up feeling more rested than ever before.



  • Because your body relies on its sleep cycle to help it rejuvenate, it’s important that you try to get an ample amount of shut-eye during all three phases of the Ultimate Reset. Here are some helpful tools for getting your rest and for improving the overall quality of your sleep.

    Pay attention to how you end your day. To help leave behind the racing thoughts, take a moment to write down anything that’s still occupying your mind. Getting the thoughts out of your head and down on paper can help ease your mind so it can relax for the night. Your subconscious may create solutions while you sleep, and in the morning, your notes will give you comfort that you can pick up where you left off.

    Use your breathing to prepare for sleep. Once you lie down, notice the air moving in and out of your body. Take conscious breaths, counting backward from 30, following your natural rhythm. Don’t force or rush these breaths; this is about relaxation and allowing your body to settle. Allow each inhale to fill and relax any area of tension, from your toes to the top of your head. With each exhale, sigh out that tension, along with any negative thoughts from your day. Soon you’ll feel your body grow quiet and more ready to rest.

    Turn off the electronics. All electronic devices give off varying degrees of electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, which affect the bioelectrical system of the human body. In fact, studies have reported that reduced sleep quality may be linked to EMF exposure. In general, the less

    electricity you’re exposed to while sleeping, the more soundly you’ll sleep. Consider unplugging all nearby electronic devices before going to bed (except those used for health purposes), and placing your cellphone a good distance away. This may seem a bit drastic, but try it. Many people notice a change when they reduce the amount of electrical pollution in their sleep environment.

    Let in the fresh air. Sleeping with the window open will allow fresh air to circulate through your bedroom and allow your lungs to replenish your natural oxygen level. (Avoid this if you’re a light sleeper, or know you’ll be disturbed by outside noise.)

    Try a white noise machine. If disruptive sounds keep you awake or keep you from entering a deep, restful sleep, consider buying a white noise machine. (In this case, the benefit gained outweighs the small EMF.) These appliances fit on your nightstand and offer soothing, sleep-inducing sounds, such as crickets, chimes, and gentle rainstorms.

    Waking Up. When you awaken, be sure to take several deep, full breaths. Our breath becomes shallower and less frequent when we sleep. Start your day off right by sitting up straight and taking ten purposeful breaths. Draw in fresh air, along with renewed energy and focus for your Reset. Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth, releasing any remaining carbon dioxide. Take a moment to commend yourself for doing your best and resolving to improve your health, and to give thanks for all you have.

    “I was significantly impressed with the results! Both my cholesterol and blood sugar levels improved, and I lost 2 to 3 pounds a week. I’ve never had as much energy throughout the day, and I’m not craving sugar or caffeine. My mood’s been good, my energy level’s more stable, and overall I just feel lighter and healthier.”‡

    —Dr. Michael Farzam Reset Medical Doctor


    ‡Dr. Farzam’s cholesterol and blood sugar changed but he started and finished the program

    within normal range.



  • Breathing increases the supply of oxygen to cells throughout your body, and clears your system of carbon dioxide waste. Proper breathing improves your circulation, calms your nervous system, reduces muscular tension and mental fatigue, eases pressure on your heart, massages and stimulates your internal organs, aids in digestion, and reduces stress. (We’ve all heard, “Relax, take a deep breath,” because it actually works!)

    What is proper breathing? First, let’s look at improper breathing. When you’re stressed, tense, overscheduled, and under-relaxed, your muscles become constricted. This can cause shallow breathing, meaning you breathe mainly into your throat and upper chest, never filling the lungs completely.

    Proper breathing means breathing more deeply, filling your lungs completely (though not forcibly) to ensure that you’re getting the full benefit of your breath. It’s sometimes called diaphragmatic breathing, referring to the diaphragm, the muscle just below your lungs that moves to allow them to expand.







  • Here’s an exercise to help you check the level of your breathing and work on deepening it:

    Sit up straight, placing one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. As you inhale, notice which hand rises. Your goal is to draw air in past your chest, all the way down into your belly. When you accomplish this, you should feel the hand on your belly rise.

    Whether this comes easily for you or takes practice, the point is to become aware of your own breathing pattern and to retrain your body to breathe more deeply into the diaphragm.

    Track your progress throughout your Reset. When you catch yourself slipping into a shallow breathing pattern, relax and draw in some long, deep breaths.

    Proper breathing is one of the greatest things you can do for your health—and it’s free.




    Learn more at UltimateReset.com






  • Water helps regulate your body temperature, lubricate your joints and muscles, flush waste from your cells, cleanse your internal organs, balance fluids, and eliminate toxins from your bloodstream. In short, it’s essential for all life. Without it, we’d die.


    Drink plenty of Mineralized distilled water during your Ultimate Reset to help your body during its detoxification process and to minimize minor or temporary headaches and body aches that may arise. If you have any persistent or severe headaches or body aches, please consult your physician.





  • You should stay well ahead of dehydration, and never allow yourself to feel too thirsty.

    Drink water before meals, rather than during meals.During your Reset, we encourage you to drink an 8- to 12-ounce glass of Mineralized distilled water 5 to 10 minutes BEFORE your meals, instead of drinking during meals. This will probably be a big shift. If you understand the reasoning, it may be easier to make the change.

    Drinking liquid while you eat tends to dilute digestive juices and acids, which slows down your digestion considerably. When food takes too long to go through your system, it can cause digestive problems.

    In addition, drinking water prior to a meal curbs your appetite and dulls hunger pangs. Water also prepares, opens, cleans, and lubricates the digestive tract, getting

    your body primed and ready for the food to come.

    Worried that you won’t be able to swallow your food without drinking? Another new practice you’ll be learning is to chew each mouthful of food longer and more thoroughly. Aim for 20 to 30 chews before swallowing. Ideally, your food should be nearly liquid in consistency before you swallow it, so not having a glass of liquid to wash it down with won’t be a problem. You may begin drinking Mineralized distilled water 30 minutes after your meal.

    Since hydration is a major part of the health equation, it’s also a major part of the Ultimate Reset. During the next 21 days, you’ll drink a great deal of distilled water with the supplement Mineralize added to it. Distilled water is a highly purified source of water and is the preferred choice for cleansing. Adding Mineralize to it will supply you with essential minerals and electrolytes (sodium and chloride) your body needs for optimum health.

    During your Ultimate Reset you will be using distilled water (with added Mineralize) wherever “water” is called for. Besides the 12 to 24 ounces you drink with your supplements, we recommend you drink additional “Mineralized” distilled water throughout your day. (To help calculate your water intake and to make sure you get enough water, take your weight in pounds, divide by two, and drink that many ounces of water each day—for example, if you weigh 160 pounds, try to drink 80 ounces of water a day.)

    For ease of use, we recommend that you add 1/4 tsp. of Mineralize directly to your gallon of distilled water and pour from that throughout your day.


    Add 1/4 teaspoon of Mineralize per gallon of distilled water, or a pinch (1/16 teaspoon or roughly the amount of Mineralize that fits between your thumb and forefinger) to each 12- to 24-ounce glass of distilled water.




  • Conscious eating is the foundation of the Ultimate Reset’s eating protocol. It means just that: being aware of your relationship to food, your body, and the habits and patterns you’ve formed around eating.

    Over the next 21 days, you’ll certainly find opportunities (they may even find you) to notice these habits and patterns, and to release the ones that no longer serve you. But you can also take some immediate steps.

    The first step? Take a moment before you eat. Some people pray or offer thanks for their food. Others reflect on how fortunate they are even to have food. Many professional athletes think about what they want their food to do for them. They enter into a conscious agreement with the food/fuel, and instruct the body to use it for what is most needed.

    If you don’t have your own personal pre-meal ritual, now’s a good time to invent one that works for you.





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  • Try to make eating a pleasant experience. Stress disrupts digestion and nutrient assimilation. Even though it might be a challenge, you must try to find a sense of calm when eating. If you notice that the TV, computer, or ever-present cellphone regularly cause you stress or distraction when eating, then power them down while you fuel up. The world will continue to turn even though you’ve chosen to unplug for a bit, and the brief rest from your routine will send you back into the game stronger and more refreshed.

    Take three or four slow, deep breaths to center yourself before starting your meal. You can even go so far as to tell yourself, “I’m about to eat. I gratefully allow myself this moment.”

    Remember, digestion begins in your mouth. Eat slowly, and chew your food thoroughly. Try putting your utensils down while you’re chewing; this helpful trick will keep you present with the food that’s currently in your mouth, rather than jumping ahead to the next serving waiting on your fork.

    Pay attention to your body while you’re eating. Notice the movement of your muscles, limbs, jaw, teeth, lips, and tongue. Be present. Get to know the entire habit of eating, instead of only the quick routine of taste, chew, swallow, repeat.

    This is conscious eating. This is a stress reducer and a super way to help your body (in fact, your entire being) assimilate your food, realign with your own personal energy, and move toward optimum health and well-being.

    Here are some other simple tips for more conscious eating:




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    We’ve all heard the term “emotional eater.” This is something very real. (Stressed out? Grab a bag of chips. Sad, depressed, lonely? Bring on the chocolate.) But it’s just one aspect of the body/emotion equation that may affect you during your Reset. Here are three common effects you may experience during your Reset:

    EatingMost of us are surprised when we discover that our eating is often based more on our feelings than on our actual appetites. The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a great opportunity to recognize your emotional eating patterns, identify what triggers them, and begin to release the cycle. Granted, you may be eating fewer calories than you’re used to, and you may experience some genuine hunger. But if you feel those pangs, take a moment to ask yourself if you’re really craving food, or perhaps something else—such as comfort, approval, or fulfillment.

    Let yourself acknowledge this realization, knowing you can do so without having to give in. And commend yourself for your growing awareness.





  • Processing old emotionsIt’s not unusual during the Reset to find yourself experiencing feelings, memories, or sensations from past relationships or earlier periods of your life. Somehow, clearing the blockages from within your body has a way of freeing up your emotions too.

    Addressing these long-submerged emotions may give you new energy to take action. You could find yourself suddenly tackling a project you’ve been putting off, or finally getting in touch with someone you’ve been meaning to call—because your body is now telling you it’s time to handle it.

    These feelings present another kind of opportunity: a chance to consciously embrace the positive recollections they evoke, and to fully release the unpleasant ones. If it helps you, state your intention to release these old thoughts and sensations to yourself, or even out loud.

    True Story One participant in our test group found himself unpacking boxes that contained items from a past relationship. The boxes had been sitting in his apartment for two years. A week into the Reset, he just walked over and started to unpack. It wasn’t until talking to a friend afterward that he put two and two together and realized that this unpacking was part of his Reset.

    Letting goAs we’ve already discussed, our bodies actually store emotions, translating them into physical reactions. We experience many of these emotional impacts nearly every day. After awhile, they tend to accumulate and settle into the body—whether deep within the muscles, where they can cause tension, or in our organs, where they can create imbalances, disturbances, and even blockages.

    The Reset supplementation and eating plan not only helps your body cleanse, but also acts as a catalyst for physical and emotional release. You may notice your body opening up, moving out of a stressed, bound-up survival mode into a mode of balance, ease, and flow. Specifically, you could find that your digestion is improving, you’re losing excess weight, and you have greater energy and possibly more flexibility.

    Whether you observe these or other emotional shifts during your Reset, don’t overanalyze them. If you need to cry, cry. If you feel euphoric, enjoy your euphoria. You’ll have plenty of time to reflect. Be strong, but also be gentle with yourself. The main thing is to know that cleaning out your body can bring both physical and emotional transitions, just as clearing out your house can. Allow these changes.They’re a vital part of your Reset.

    Want to know more? Go to UltimateReset.com





  • In a perfect world (or at least the perfect world of relationships) we would all be 100% supportive of our spouse, friends, or family members whenever they tried to better themselves, even if this meant that we ourselves were left feeling uncomfortable or challenged. And it would be great if your spouse, partner, or family were willing to go on this journey with you (believe us, after they see your results, they’re going to wish they had—more on this in the story at left). But sadly, your desire to change—at least in the beginning—may trigger reactions that range from feelings of confusion in your family to abandonment in your love life to less-than-enthusiastic responses from your friends or coworkers (“You mean you’re not going to happy hour with us for three weeks?!”).

    Change is tough, especially for those on the sidelines watching it happen. Just as a cleanse will bring up old junk that was stored away in your body, along with emotions you may have thought you were done with, it can—and often does—bring up issues you didn’t even know were there in others.

    If you’re the pioneer in your family or relationship when it comes to reclaiming your optimum health, it may be challenging at first. Don’t let it throw you. Remain committed, work through it, and let your results—and how great you feel—speak for themselves. In the long run, you’ll find your relationships grow even stronger.

    RELATIONSHIPSThis is an important section to review, both prior to embarking on your Reset and whenever you run into interference or lack of support from those closest to you during your time on the program.

    True Story A young man in our first test group would gather each week with his family for a traditional Latin American meal. The first weekend of his Reset, he showed up with his own food and salt-infused water. Although he tried to explain, this change wasn’t well received. The following weekend, however, his family saw that he was serious about taking care of himself, and noticed his improved mood and energy. They started asking questions. By the third weekend, they wanted to know how they, too, could do the Reset.

    I, ,am doing the Ultimate Reset for me. And in doing so, I know that my renewed health and greater well-being will benefit all those around me.

    write your name here

    Here’s an affirmation you may wish to repeat to yourself (silently or aloud) whenever you feel the outside pressures start to creep in:







  • Reset in a Crunch Vegan Shakeology®Since the creation of Ultimate Reset, Beachbody has also developed vegan Shakeology, which fits right into your program as a breakfast or snack option. You can choose from the suggested recipes for both the Tropical Strawberry Vegan and Chocolate Vegan flavors (see page 112).

    However, since the aim of the Ultimate Reset program is to get you eating (and chewing) live, unprocessed foods, we encourage you to view vegan Shakeology as an occasional option, not a mainstay.

    Program OptionsHere are three helpful ways you can adapt your Ultimate Reset program, if needed.

    This modular meal plan shows you the meals from the existing protocol that you can prepare quickly and easily, to make your Reset journey easier. Since we want you to experience and ingest the broadest spectrum of foods and nutrients while resetting, we suggest you reserve this plan specifically for those days when you’re on-the-go and don’t have time to prep the designated meal, or when you need to conserve energy and want to make the simplest approved meal possible. You can find the Reset in a Crunch modular meal plan on page 110 of this guidebook, and online at UltimateReset.com.




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  • Take a warm—not hot—bath, adding 1½ to 2 cups of Epsom salts. Relax and enjoy for 20 minutes; longer may leave you feeling drained. Always follow your bath by drinking 12 to 16 ounces of Mineralized distilled water. This also helps bring relief when experiencing headaches, muscle aches, and constipation.

    End your showers with a blast of cold water. This will stimulate full-body circulation, which adds to your cleansing and revitalizing.

    Treat yourself to a gentle massage, preferably Swedish-style. (Deep-tissue massage tends to stir up too much too fast to assist your body during your Reset.)

    Laugh. You’ll stretch muscles, burn calories, boost energy, and release endorphins.

    Spend time in nature. Walk in the park, go to the beach, or just notice the sky.

    Seek out media and entertainment that inspire and uplift you. For the next 21 days, try to watch, read, and listen only to things that make you feel great.

    Help your skin detox by dry-brushing. You’ll stimulate nerve endings, improve circulation, and activate your lymphatic system. We recommend dry-brushing three to four times per week. But see how it feels for you.

    Get out in the sunshine for 10 to 15 minutes each morning.

    Think positive thoughts.

    Give thanks. Gratitude is powerful. Recognize the good in your life.

    Enhancing Your ResetBelow are some suggestions of additional things you can do to enhance your Reset and add to your results.

    “The habits I’ve developed and the lessons I’ve learned

    will stick with me for the rest of my life.”

    —Eric D.Test group participant




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  • “It’s a fresh start; it allows you to get a clean slate.”

    —Chika R.Test group participant

    “I am not an emotional eater anymore.”

    —Dawn A. Test group participant




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  • “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.”

    —William JamesPhilosopher


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  • Ultimate Reset Bracelet

    Choosing to begin the Beachbody Ultimate Reset means making a commitment to yourself—and to your own body’s health. Wearing this natural fiber Ultimate Reset Bracelet throughout the 21 days of the program helps remind you of the positive decision you’ve made.

    Ready, Set, Let’s Do It! You’ve read the guidebook. You’ve filled out the “This Is Me Now” section. You’ve connected with your Coach.Now it’s time to put on your Ultimate Reset Bracelet. As you put it on, take a moment to set an intention as to what you’d like to accomplish with your Reset. And then every time you look at your bracelet, especially in those challenging moments, you will be reminded of your “why.”

    Stay focused. Be present and allow yourself to experience any physical, emotional, and mental shifts. Believe in yourself and the outcome you desire. You will succeed!

    Now let’s reclaim your health.


    ’S DO




    HOW OFTEN DO YOU HAVE A BOWEL MOVEMENT?(Circle the closest match.)



    This Is Me Now These questions will help you tune in and take stock of where you currently are, so you can track the changes that occur both during and after your Ultimate Reset.

    DAY 1 DAY 21

    DAY 1 DAY 21

    ❍ 1/DAY ❍ 2/DAY ❍ 3/DAY ❍ 1 EVERY 2 DAYS

    ❍ 1 or 2/WEEK ❍ LESS THAN 1 PER WEEK

    ❍ 1/DAY ❍ 2/DAY ❍ 3/DAY ❍ 1 EVERY 2 DAYS

    ❍ 1 or 2/WEEK ❍ LESS THAN 1 PER WEEK

    DAY 1 DAY 21

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO


    IS IS ME N



  • DAY 1 ❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO DAY 21

    DAY 1 DAY 21

    MORNING ENERGY ❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5

    MIDDAY ENERGY ❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5

    NIGHT ENERGY ❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5

    MORNING ENERGY ❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5

    MIDDAY ENERGY ❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5

    NIGHT ENERGY ❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5

    DO YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS? (Bloating, diarrhea, gas, stomach pain, constipation, etc.)

    HOW WOULD YOU RATE YOUR OVERALL ENERGY LEVELS? (1 being low, 5 being optimal)



    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO


    IS IS ME N







    HOW IS YOUR COMPLEXION?(1 being low, 5 being optimal.)

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5 ❍ 1 ❍ 2 ❍ 3 ❍ 4 ❍ 5


    IS IS ME N








    Ask your healthcare provider about several tests that can track the health improvements you’re likely to see with the Ultimate Reset.

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO

    DAY 1 DAY 21❍ YES ❍ NO ❍ YES ❍ NO


    IS IS ME N



  • Ultimate Reset Daily Regimen and Menu


  • In this phase, you’ll focus on gradually removing animal products and refined foods from your diet while adding lots of veggies. If you’re currently vegan or vegetarian and wish to exclude animal products entirely from Phase One, we have provided vegan options, or you may make substitutions based on your food preferences.

    ReclaimPHASE 1 Days 1–7

    Please see the Ultimate Reset Recipes (page 77) and Ultimate Reset Ingredient List (page 114) sections of this booklet for meal preparation information.

    During the Ultimate Reset you may substitute one meal for another, provided they are in the same phase. Example: You may eat your Day 3 dinner on Day 1, or your Day 1 lunch on Day 5. However, since you will

    be weaning yourself off of animal proteins in Week One, there is no meat or fish after Day 2.

    Reclaim Phase Supplements

    Power GreensOptimize

    Mineralize Soothe


  • Greek Dressing, page 89 – Good for Weeks One and Two.

    Salad Dressing, page 109 Toasted Pumpkin Seeds, page 109 Miso Soup, page 95 – Store this in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

    Brown Rice, page 81 Quinoa, page 99 Nori Gomasio, page 96 Lentils, page 94 Lentil-Lime Salad, page 94 – Please note, this salad needs to marinate for 2 hours before serving. For convenience, you can also assemble this salad on your cook day or the night before serving.

    Baked Tempeh, page 81 – Please note, tempeh needs to marinate for 1 hour before baking. For convenience, you can also assemble this dish on your cook day or the night before serving.

    Zucchini-Cashew Soup,page 109 – Please note, cashews must first be soaked for 1 hour before you begin making the soup. For convenience, you can soak cashews in the morning before cooking.

    Helpful Tips for Phase 1 – RECLAIM

    See the Ultimate Reset Shopping List (page 127) for Phase 1 for all of the items you’ll need to purchase for the week.

    Weekly Prep TipsYou can make these items ahead of time to cut down on prep time. Do it on a “cook day” before you begin Phase 1 or even the night before if you have the time:

    Here is an example of what a sample day on the Ultimate Reset may look like based on a

    person who begins their day at 7:30 AM

    7:30 AM Supplements taken with Mineralized distilled water

    8:00 AM Breakfast

    11:30 AM Supplements taken with Mineralized distilled water

    12:00 PM Lunch

    2:30-3:00 PM Power GreensOptional Snack 30 minutes later6:00 PM Evening supplements

    6:30 PM DinnerThe most important thing regarding the supplements is to take them on an empty stomach. Even though the schedule states to take them 30 minutes prior to your meal, that’s optimal. It’s okay to use a 20- to 90-minute window to make it easier for your schedule (so don’t stress if it’s not exactly 30 minutes).

    On days when you skip your optional midday snack you can take Power Greens 30 minutes before your pre-dinner supplements.

    Missed supplements can be taken two hours after dinner.



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    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water


    2 capsules 2 capsules 1 packet 2 capsules


    2 capsules


    (Upon waking)SUPPLEMENT



    COMBO #3

    Planning Tip: Create your personalized daily regimen at UltimateReset.comScheduling Tip: Setting alarms on your phone is a great way to remind yourself when it’s time to take your supplements.Additional Tip: Remember, on days when you skip your optional midday snack you can take Power Greens 30 minutes before your pre-dinner supplement. Also, missed supplements can be taken two hours after dinner.


    t 30




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    t 30




    t 30




    t 2 h



    t 2 h



    t 2 h






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  • Day 1BREAKFAST 1 slice whole-grain toast; 2 scrambled eggs, prepared with 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil; and 11/2 cups steamed kale or spinach.Note: Men may add a second slice of toast and increase steamed kale to 2 cups.

    Vegan Breakfast Option: Coconut Quinoa (page 84). Note: Men may have an additional 2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts and an additional 1/4 medium papaya.

    LUNCH Miso Soup (pg. 95); Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).Note: Men may increase Toasted Pumpkin Seeds in salad by 2 Tbsp.

    DINNER Baked Salmon (pg. 80); 1½ cups steamed asparagus with lemon juice and 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil; and 1 cup boiled baby potatoes (with skin).Note: Men may use 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil on asparagus.

    Vegan Dinner Option: Baked Tempeh (pg. 81); 1½ cups steamed asparagus with lemon juice and 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil; and 1 cup boiled baby potatoes (with skin). Note: Men may use 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil on asparagus.

    Food Prep Tip: If your schedule’s tight, prepare the baked salmon in the morning and let it marinate in the refrigerator while you’re out for the day. It’ll be ready to put in the oven when you get home.



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  • Day 2BREAKFAST Oatmeal with Blueberries (pg. 96) and ½ cup plain organic yogurt sweetened with 1 tsp. pure maple syrup or a pinch of stevia.

    Note: Men may add another ½ cup plain yogurt OR 1 hard-boiled egg OR 2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts mixed into the oatmeal.

    Vegan Breakfast Option: Oatmeal Tropical (pg. 99).

    Note: Men may have an additional 2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts.

    Food Prep Tip: Manage a busy morning by preparing your oatmeal the night before. (Consider doubling the recipe, since you’ll have oatmeal again in Week 1.) Put it in a storage container to take with you and reheat. Add the toppings only when you’re ready to eat so they don’t get soggy.

    LUNCH Greek Salad (with Chicken and Pine Nuts) and 1 serving Greek Dressing (both on pg. 89).

    Food Prep Tip If you have extra salmon, you can use that on

    your Greek salad instead of chicken.

    Vegan Lunch Option: Greek Salad (without chicken) (pg. 89); 3 Tbsp. pine nuts; 1 serving Greek Dressing (pg. 89); and Baked Sweet Potato (pg. 80).

    DINNER Southwestern Veggie Taco (pg. 104).

    Note: Men may have an additional 1/4 medium avocado.

    Food Prep Tip Save time later by doubling the Black Beans and Rice (pg. 81) recipe now. You can freeze the extra until you are ready to use it. Then you can substitute it for another meal in Week 1, or use it in Week 2 to replace the Pinto Beans and Rice (pg.99).



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  • Day 3BREAKFAST 1 slice whole-grain toast; 2 scrambled eggs prepared with 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil; and 1½ cups steamed kale or steamed spinach.

    Note: Men may add 1 cup mixed berries.

    Vegan Breakfast Option: Fruit Salad (pg. 87).

    Note: Men may have an additional 1 cup cubed papaya.

    LUNCH Lentil-Lime Salad (pg. 94); Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 2 Tbsp. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Food Prep Tip: Like the idea of Lentil-Lime Salad? Double the recipe and use the second serving later in Week 1.

    DINNER Nori Rolls with Tempeh and Veggies (pg. 96); Japanese Cucumber Salad (pg. 92); and Miso Soup (pg. 95).

    Note: Men may add another ¼ sliced medium avocado to salad OR add ½ cup prepared Brown Rice (pg. 81).

    Food Prep Tip: You’ll use a second serving of Nori Rolls for lunch tomorrow. A package of smoky tempeh strips usually contains several servings. If you cook the entire package now, you can use it to replace the baked tempeh for breakfast on Day 6.



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  • Day 4BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with yogurt. Use whatever fruit is seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1 cup mixed berries, 1 kiwifruit, ½ cup sliced peaches, ½ cup cubed honeydew melon) and ¾ cup plain organic yogurt sweetened with ½ tsp. pure maple syrup or a pinch of stevia.

    Note: Men may add 2–3 Tbsp. slivered almonds to the yogurt OR increase yogurt to 11/4 cups.

    Vegan Breakfast Option: Fresh fruit plate with whatever is seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1 cup mixed berries, 1 kiwifruit, ½ cup sliced peaches, ½ cup cubed honeydew melon) and ½ cup shredded young coconut meat.

    Note: Men may increase shredded young coconut meat by 1/3 cup.

    LUNCH Nori Rolls with Tempeh and Veggies (pg. 96) and Lentil-Lime Salad (pg. 94).

    DINNER Stir-Fried Veggies (pg. 107); Cucumber and Tomato Salad (pg. 86); ¾ cup cooked Quinoa (pg. 99); and 1 serving Nori Gomasio (pg. 96).

    Note: Men may have an additional ¼ cup prepared Quinoa.

    Food Prep Tip You’ll need a second serving of Stir-Fried Veggies for dinner tomorrow, so you can double the recipe tonight to save time. To speed up your morning, prepare your Farina (pg. 87) tonight. Add toppings only when you’re ready to eat.



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  • Day 5BREAKFAST Farina with Walnuts, Apple, and Maple Syrup (pg. 87).

    Note: Men may increase walnuts to 4 Tbsp.

    LUNCH Quinoa Salad (pg. 99); ½ cup hummus; and raw vegetable plate (consisting of approx. 10 baby carrots, 8–10 cherry tomatoes, 10 slices red bell pepper, and 5 green beans).

    Food Prep Tip You can double the recipe and use the second serving of the Quinoa Salad later in Week 1.

    DINNER Miso Soup (pg. 95); Stir-Fried Veggies (pg. 107); ½ cup cooked Brown Rice (pg. 81); and 1 serving Nori Gomasio (pg. 96).

    Note: Men may have an additional 1/2 cup prepared Brown Rice.

    Food Prep Tip Tonight you can prepare Baked Tempeh (pg. 81) for tomorrow’s breakfast (if you didn’t make extra smoky tempeh strips). Since you’ll have Baked Tempeh again in Week 1, you can double the recipe (or triple it, for vegan options).



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  • Day 6BREAKFAST Baked Tempeh (pg. 81), 1/8 sliced medium avocado, and 1/2 cup steamed spinach or kale.

    Note: Men may have an additional ¼ avocado.

    LUNCH Quinoa Salad (pg. 99), Microgreen Salad (pg. 95), 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109), and 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    DINNER Roasted Root Medley (pg.103) and 1/2 serving Zucchini-Cashew Soup (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may have 1 full serving of Zucchini-Cashew Soup.

    Food Prep Tip For convenience, double the Zucchini-Cashew Soup recipe and use the second serving tomorrow for lunch.



    E ON



  • Day 7BREAKFAST Oatmeal with Apples and Flaxseeds (pg. 96) and ½ cup plain organic yogurt sweetened with 1 tsp. pure maple syrup.

    Note: Men may have an additional ½ cup yogurt OR an additional ½ cup prepared oatmeal OR 2 additional Tbsp. flaxseeds.

    Vegan Breakfast Option: Fresh fruit plate with whatever is seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1 cup mixed berries, 1 kiwifruit, ½ cup sliced peaches, 1/3 cup cubed honeydew melon) and ½ cup shredded young coconut meat.

    Note: Men may increase shredded young coconut meat by 1/3 cup.

    LUNCH Zucchini-Cashew Soup (pg. 109); Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and 1 serving dressing from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    DINNER Baked Tempeh (pg. 81); ½ cup steamed broccoli; and ½ cup cooked Brown Rice (pg. 81).

    Note: Men may have an additional ½ serving of prepared Brown Rice.



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  • PH


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  • 48

  • During the Release phase, you’ll completely eliminate animal products, including dairy, eggs, and meat. You’ll move into a more vegetable-, fruit-, and whole-grain-based diet. The majority of your breakfast meals will include fresh fruit, but please limit your fruit intake to 3 servings a day to avoid eating too much sugar. Try to pick produce that’s fresh, organic, and in season. That way, you’ll be getting the most nutrients from foods grown without conventional chemical pesticides.

    ReleasePHASE 2

    Please see the Ultimate Reset Recipes (pg. 77) and Ultimate Reset Ingredients List (pg.114) sections of this booklet for meal preparation information.

    Release Phase Supplements

    Days 8–14

    Power GreensOptimize

    Mineralize Detox



  • Creamy Garlic Salad Dressing, page 109 (or choose a different dressing)

    Toasted Pumpkin Seeds, page 109 Hearty Vegetable-Miso Soup, page 92 – Store this in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator

    Brown Rice, page 81 Lentils, page 94 Quinoa, page 99 Nori Gomasio, page 96 Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque, page 107 – Red peppers can be roasted ahead of time, either on your cook

    day or the night before serving.

    Mediterranean Roasted Beets, page 95 – Beets can be roasted ahead of time either on your cook day or the night before serving.

    Helpful Tips for Phase 2 – RELEASE

    See the Ultimate Reset Shopping List (page 132) for Phase 2 for all of the items you’ll need to purchase for the week.

    Weekly Prep TipsYou can make these items ahead of time to cut down on prep time. Do it on a “cook day” before you begin Phase 2 or even the night before if you have the time:

    7:30 AM Supplements taken with Mineralized distilled water

    8:00 AM Breakfast

    11:30 AM Supplements taken with Mineralized distilled water

    12:00 PM Lunch

    2:30-3:00 PM Power GreensOptional Snack 30 minutes later6:00 PM Evening supplements

    6:30 PM DinnerThe most important thing regarding the supplements is to take them on an empty stomach. Even though the schedule states to take them 30 minutes prior to your meal, that’s optimal. It’s okay to use a 20- to 90-minute window to make it easier for your schedule (so don’t stress if it’s not exactly 30 minutes).

    On days when you skip your optional midday snack you can take Power Greens 30 minutes before your pre-dinner supplements.

    Missed supplements can be taken two hours after dinner.

    Here is an example of what a sample day on the Ultimate Reset may look like based on a

    person who begins their day at 7:30 AM



    E TW






    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water


    2 capsules 2 capsules 1 packet 2 capsules


    1 packet 1 packet 1 packet


    2 capsules

    (Upon waking)SUPPLEMENT




    COMBO #4

    Planning Tip: Create your personalized daily regimen at UltimateReset.comScheduling Tip: Setting alarms on your phone is a great way to remind yourself when it’s time to take your supplements.Additional Tip: Remember, on days when you skip your optional midday snack you can take Power Greens 30 minutes before your pre-dinner supplement. Also, missed supplements can be taken two hours after dinner.


    t 30




    t 30




    t 30




    t 30




    t 2 h



    t 2 h



    t 2 h






    CK (O









    E TW



  • Day 8BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever is seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1 kiwifruit, 1 cup mixed berries, 1 cup peach slices, 1 cup diced honeydew melon).

    LUNCH Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); ¼ sliced medium avocado; and 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may have an additional 1/4 sliced medium avocado OR an additional 2 Tbsp. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds.

    DINNER Pinto Beans and Rice (pg. 99); 1 cup steamed zucchini; and 1 cup green beans with lemon juice and 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil.

    Note: Men may double the amount of vegetables and use an additional 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil.

    Food Prep Tip If you increase the Pinto Beans and Rice recipe to ¾ cup beans and 1½ cups rice (or double the recipe for men), you can use the additional ½ serving tomorrow for lunch.



    E TW



  • Day 9BREAKFAST Seasoned Mashed Chickpeas (pg. 104) and 1 serving Nori Gomasio (pg. 96).

    LUNCH ½ serving Pinto Beans and Rice (pg. 99); Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may have 1 full serving of Pinto Beans and Rice.

    DINNER Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque (pg. 107) and Roasted Asparagus with Slivered Almonds (pg. 102).

    Food Prep Tip If you double the Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque recipe, you can use the second serving tomorrow for lunch .



    E TW



  • Day 10BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever is seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1 kiwifruit, 1 cup mixed berries, 1 cup peach slices, 1 cup diced honeydew melon).

    LUNCH Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque (pg. 107); Greek Salad (without chicken and pine nuts) (pg. 89); and Greek Dressing (pg. 89).

    Note: Men may add ½ sliced medium avocado.

    DINNER Quinoa-Lentil Pilaf (pg. 99) and 1½ cups steamed broccoli with lemon juice and 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil.

    Men may add 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil to broccoli.

    Food Prep Tip If you double the Quinoa-Lentil Pilaf recipe, you can use the second serving for lunch tomorrow.



    E TW



  • Day 11BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever is seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1 kiwifruit, 1 cup mixed berries, 1 cup peach slices, 1 cup diced honeydew melon).

    LUNCH Quinoa-Lentil Pilaf (pg. 99); Cucumber and Tomato Salad (pg. 86); and ¼ sliced medium avocado.

    Note: Men may have 1/2 sliced medium avocado.

    DINNER Hearty Vegetable-Miso Soup (pg. 92); 1 cup cooked Quinoa (pg. 99); and 1 cup steamed Swiss chard with lemon juice and 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil.

    Note: Men may have an extra 1/2 cup prepared Quinoa.

    Food Prep Tip If you double the Hearty Vegetable-Miso Soup recipe, you can use the second serving for lunch tomorrow.



    E TW



  • Day 12BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever’s seasonal and fresh in your area. Make lower-glycemic choices (for example: 1 cup sliced green apple, ½ cup sliced pear, ¾ cup mixed berries, ½ cup peach slices, ½ cup diced honeydew melon).

    LUNCH Hearty Vegetable-Miso Soup (pg. 92); Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may add 1/2 sliced medium avocado to the salad.

    DINNER Mediterranean Roasted Beets (pg. 95); Coconut Collard Greens (pg. 84); and ¼ cup Toasted Millet (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may have an additional 1/2 cup Toasted Millet.

    A note for those who are not familiar with eating beets: The pigment in beets can often cause a temporary pink or red coloring in urine and stools. This will pass.

    Food Prep Tip If you double the Mediterranean Roasted Beets recipe, you can use the second serving for lunch tomorrow.



    E TW



  • Day 13BREAKFAST 1 cup steamed spinach; ¼ sliced medium avocado; Seasoned Mashed Chickpeas (pg. 104); and 1 serving Nori Gomasio (pg. 96).

    LUNCH Mediterranean Roasted Beets (pg. 95) over a Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and choice of dressing from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may have an additional 2 Tbsp. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds OR ¼ sliced medium avocado.

    DINNER 1 serving Kabocha Squash with Garlic-Tahini Filling (pg. 93) and 1 cup steamed broccoli or your favorite vegetable.

    Note: Men may toss the steamed vegetables with 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil.

    Food Prep Tip You’ll use the second serving of the Kabocha Squash to make soup for lunch tomorrow. You can also double the recipe, freeze it, and use it to replace the Roasted Delicata Squash in Week 3 to save time.



    E TW



  • Day 14BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever’s seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1 cup sliced green apple, ½ cup sliced pear, ¾ cup mixed berries, ½ cup peach slices, ½ cup diced honeydew melon).

    LUNCH ½ serving Coconut-Kabocha Squash Soup (pg. 84); Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1 Tbsp. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may have 1 full serving of Coconut-Kabocha Squash Soup.

    DINNER Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash (pg. 87) and Lemon Kale (pg. 94).



    E TW



  • PH


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  • 60

  • As you Restore, you’ll eliminate grains and legumes to focus on a simple, cleansing, fruit- and vegetable-based diet. There are optional grains in the Ultimate Reset Snack section for days when you feel you may need an extra boost. When meals contain only vegetables, the portions can be larger. Every breakfast will consist of fresh fruit, but please limit your fruit intake to 3 servings per day to avoid too much sugar. Try to pick produce that’s fresh, organic, and in season. That way, you’ll be getting the most nutrients from foods grown without conventional chemical pesticides.

    RestorePHASE 3 Days 15–21

    Please see the Ultimate Reset Recipes (pg. 77) and Ultimate Reset Ingredients List (pg.114) sections of this booklet for meal preparation information.

    Restore Phase Supplements

    Power GreensOptimize

    Mineralize Revitalize



  • Toasted Pumpkin Seeds, page 109 Miso Soup, page 95 – Store this in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator

    Brown Rice, page 81 – If you choose the optional grains for this week

    Quinoa, page 99 – If you choose the optional grains for this week

    Mediterranean Roasted Beets, page 95 – Beets can be roasted ahead of time either on your cook day or the night before serving.

    Helpful Tips for Phase 3 – RESTORE

    See the Ultimate Reset Shopping List (page 135) for Phase 3 for all of the items you’ll need to purchase for the week.

    Weekly Prep TipsYou can make these items ahead of time to cut down on prep time. Do it on a “cook day” before you begin Phase 3 or even the night before if you have the time:

    7:30 AM Supplements taken with Mineralized distilled water

    8:00 AM Breakfast

    11:30 AM Supplements taken with Mineralized distilled water

    12:00 PM Lunch

    2:30-3:00 PM Power GreensOptional Snack 30 minutes later6:00 PM Evening supplements

    6:30 PM DinnerThe most important thing regarding the supplements is to take them on an empty stomach. Even though the schedule states to take them 30 minutes prior to your meal, that’s optimal. It’s okay to use a 20- to 90-minute window to make it easier for your schedule (so don’t stress if it’s not exactly 30 minutes).

    On days when you skip your optional midday snack you can take Power Greens 30 minutes before your pre-dinner supplements.

    Missed supplements can be taken two hours after dinner.

    Here is an example of what a sample day on the Ultimate Reset may look like based on a

    person who begins their day at 7:30 AM



    E TH





    (Upon waking)SUPPLEMENT




    COMBO #4


    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water

    12-24 ounces of your pre-mixed

    Mineralized distilled water


    2 capsules 2 capsules 1 packet 2 capsules


    2 capsules 2 capsules 2 capsules


    2 capsules

    Planning Tip: Create your personalized daily regimen at UltimateReset.comScheduling Tip: Setting alarms on your phone is a great way to remind yourself when it’s time to take your supplements.Additional Tip: Remember, on days when you skip your optional midday snack you can take Power Greens 30 minutes before your pre-dinner supplement. Also, missed supplements can be taken two hours after dinner.


    t 30




    t 30




    t 30




    t 30




    t 2 h



    t 2 h



    t 2 h






    CK (O









    E TH



  • Day 15BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever’s seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1½ cups sliced green apple, ¾ cup sliced pear, 1 cup mixed berries, ¾ cup peach slices, ½ cup diced honeydew melon).

    Note: Men may have an additional ½ cup berries and an additional ½ cup melon.

    LUNCH Asian Cabbage Salad (pg. 79); ¼ sliced medium avocado; and Miso Soup (pg. 95).

    Note: Men may have an additional 1/4 sliced medium avocado.

    DINNER Baked Sweet Potato (pg. 80) and Garlic Veggies (pg. 89).



    E TH



  • Day 16BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever’s seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1½ cups sliced green apple, ¾ cup sliced pear, 1 cup mixed berries, ¾ cup peach slices, ½ cup diced honeydew melon).

    Note: Men may have an additional 1/2 cup berries and an additional 1/2 cup melon.

    LUNCH Microgreen Salad (pg. 95); 1/3 cup Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (pg. 109); and dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may add an additional 1 Tbsp. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds to salad.

    DINNER Curried Cauliflower (pg. 86) and Lemon Kale (pg. 94).

    Note: Men may add 1/4 sliced medium avocado.



    E TH



  • Day 17BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever’s seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1½ cups sliced green apple, ¾ cup sliced pear, 1 cup mixed berries, ¾ cup peach slices, ½ cup diced honeydew melon).

    Note: Men may have an additional ½ cup berries and an additional ½ cup melon.

    LUNCH Moroccan Carrot Salad (pg. 96) over 3 cups salad greens and 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109).

    Note: Men may add ¼ sliced medium avocado to salad.

    DINNER Roasted Delicata Squash (pg. 102) and Green Beans with Lemon (pg. 89).



    E TH



  • Day 18BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever’s seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1½ cups sliced green apple, ¾ cup sliced pear, 1 cup mixed berries, ¾ cup peach slices, ½ cup diced honeydew melon).

    Note: Men may have an additional ½ cup berries and an additional ½ cup melon.

    LUNCH Spinach Salad (pg. 104) with 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide (pg. 109) and Baked Sweet Potato (pg. 80).

    Note: Men may add ¼ sliced medium avocado to Spinach Salad.

    DINNER Roasted Fennel Bulb (pg. 102) and Lemony Asparagus and Broccoli (pg. 94).

    Note: Men may add 1 small green apple to dinner.



    E TH



  • Day 19BREAKFAST Fresh fruit plate with whatever’s seasonal and fresh in your area (for example: 1½ cups sliced green apple, ¾ cup sliced pear, 1 cup mixed berries, ¾ cup peach slices, ½ cup diced honeydew melon).

    Note: Men may have

What do you eat on the ultimate reset?

Here are what your meals look like for the week:.
Breakfasts: Overnight Oatmeal Jars..
Lunch M/W/F/Sat: Microgreens Salad with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds and Avocado..
Lunch T/Th/Sun: Quinoa Salad with Hummus and Baby Carrots..
Snack Every Day: Chocolate Vegan Shakeology or Tropical Strawberry Shakeology..

How do you do the 21 day reset?

The 21 Day Reset Rules.
Eat real food. General Guidelines: 80% of body composition success is determined by your way of eating. ... .
Avoid sugar, grains, unhealthy fats. ... .
Align your carbohydrate intake with your weight goals and activity levels. ... .
No Alcohol. ... .
Sleep. ... .

What is the 21 day ultimate reset?

Ultimate Reset is a 21-day program that gently restores the body to its "factory settings" while maximizing energy production and nutrient retention. Ultimate Reset is a program designed to get the body in top shape internally, just as a fitness program gets the body in top shape externally.

What is the 21 day fix meal plan?

The 21-Day Fix® is a diet program designed to help people reach their weight-loss goals through healthy eating, portion control and daily exercise. The plan calls for balanced eating that includes a mix of all the different food groups: lean protein, complex carbs, plenty of vegetables and healthy fats.