Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Eggs benedict is a dish that consists of two halves of an English muffin, bacon or ham or both, and a poached egg. It is then topped with Hollandaise sauce. Given that this delicacy consists of a law egg, I wouldn’t recommend it to pregnant women.

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There are different variations of eggs benedict. The traditional version consists of Hollandaise sauce made with butter, egg yolks, lemon juice, and a little cayenne pepper. Other variants may include spinach, tomato, or vegetarian options.

For pregnant women, eating raw or undercooked eggs can cause salmonella food poisoning. There is also the risk of choking on small bones found in smoked salmon, which often accompanies the dish.

Is it safe for pregnant women to consume egg benedict?

No, it is not safe for a pregnant woman. Eggs contain salmonella bacteria which can harm the baby causing food poisoning. It’s true that it’s a good source of protein and calcium but due to harmful effects on the baby, you should avoid eating eggs benedict during pregnancy.

Can eating eggs benedict while pregnant cause miscarriage?

Eating eggs benedict while pregnant cannot necessarily cause miscarriage but if you have certain health conditions, it’s best to avoid taking any risks. It may contain salmonella bacteria that can harm the baby causing food poisoning. Eating eggs benedict during pregnancy can lead to harmful effects on the baby.

Pregnant women are also at risk of choking on small bones that are common in smoked salmon.

How many eggs can pregnant women eat per day?

It’s not advisable for pregnant women to exceed three eggs per week. You can have 3 poached or boiled eggs with bread toast for breakfast throughout the week without worrying about any food poisoning. But if you want to have eggs benedict, it’s best to avoid this dish while pregnant.

No matter how tempting or delicious it may be, you must remember that your child comes first. It is always better to err on the side of caution. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

It is safe for pregnant women to eat eggs as long as the eggs are completely cooked or pasteurised. Pregnant women can enjoy cooked eggs however should be aware to avoid raw eggs in foods such as aioli, homemade mayonnaise, cake batter or mousse. Mayonnaise and aioli bought commercially are generally safe as they are heat-treated to destroy any potentially harmful bacteria.

Pregnant women can enjoy eggs daily as part of a healthy, balanced diet that also includes plenty of vegetables, fruit, wholegrains and a variety of protein-rich foods like eggs, lean meat, chicken, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds as well as healthy fats such as avocado and olives.

If you have gestational diabetes or high LDL cholesterol levels the Heart Foundation recommends limiting egg intake to 7 eggs per week.

Because they are packed full of quality protein, and essential nutrients, eggs provide a great way to help contribute to a woman’s daily nutritional needs while pregnant.

Eggs contain 13 different vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fats, antioxidants and are a rich source of quality protein, which are essential for the healthy development of the baby. Just one serve of eggs provides almost 100% of the additional protein requirements women need during pregnancy. 

We are talking abou the creamy, tasty and lemony sauce poured over eggs benedict. The reason it's forbidden for pregnant women to eat is because it could contain raw eggs. Raw eggs can be breeding grounds for salmonella, which can cause digestive distress, and, in rare cases, uterine cramping. So just skip hollandaise sauce for now.

A poached egg, bacon, ham, or both, and two halves of an English muffin make up the dish known as eggs benedict. After that, Hollandaise sauce is drizzled on top. I wouldn’t advise pregnant ladies to eat this treat because it contains a low egg.

Eggs benedict come in a variety of styles. The classic recipe calls for butter, egg yolks, lemon juice, and a dash of cayenne pepper in the Hollandaise sauce. Vegetarian alternatives, spinach, and tomatoes are a few additional variations.

Salmonella food poisoning can occur in pregnant women who consume raw or undercooked eggs. Additionally, the small bones in the smoked salmon that frequently go with the dish pose a choking hazard.

It is frequently served with the dish and is found in smoked salmon.

Table of Contents

  • Is eating egg benedict safe for women who are expecting?
    • Is it possible to have eggs benedict when pregnant?
    • How many eggs a day are safe for pregnant women to eat?
    • Do pregnant women benefit nutritionally from eating eggs?
    • How to Prepare Cooked Eggs While Pregnant
    • Egg Dishes to Avoid While Pregnant
      • Hollandaise
      • Bearnaise, malaise, and mousseline sauces
      • Egg Benedict
      • Eggs Royale
      • Mousse (all flavors)
      • All types of meringue, including Swiss, French, and Italian varieties
      • Ice Cream
      • No bake
      • Mayonnaise
      • Salad dressing
      • Raw batter and dough
      • Egg salad
      • Deviled eggs
      • Scotch eggs
    • Can pregnant women only eat the egg yolk and not the white or the other way around?
    • How many eggs a day may a pregnant woman eat?
    • Additional Advice on Eating Eggs

Is eating egg benedict safe for women who are expecting?

No, a pregnant woman should not do it. Salmonella bacteria, which are present in eggs, can cause food poisoning in infants.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Although eggs benedict is a wonderful source of protein and calcium, you should avoid eating it while you are pregnant owing to potential risks to the unborn child.

Is it possible to have eggs benedict when pregnant?

Although eating eggs benedict while pregnant may not always result in miscarriage, it is advised to take no chances if you have certain medical issues.

Salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning in a baby, may be present. Eating eggs benedict when pregnant can have negative impacts on the unborn child.

Additionally, the microscopic bones that are typical of smoked salmon pose a choking hazard to expectant mothers.

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How many eggs a day are safe for pregnant women to eat?

Over three eggs per week are not advised for pregnant women. Throughout the week, you can enjoy 3 cooked or poached eggs with bread and toast for breakfast without becoming sick.

However, it is advised to stay away from eating eggs benedict when expecting.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

No matter how appetizing or enticing food might be, you must always put your child’s needs first. Always err on the side of caution, as they say. Consult your doctor if you are unsure.

Do pregnant women benefit nutritionally from eating eggs?

The good news comes first. Eggs contain about 125 mg of choline and are a healthy source of protein and amino acids.

Choline is a crucial vitamin during pregnancy that helps with brain development for your unborn child.

Eggs are a great addition to your pregnancy diet because they are packed with B vitamins and minerals.

You should be able to eat eggs safely while pregnant if you adhere to the straightforward instructions in this article regarding cooking eggs or preparing egg recipes.

Scroll down to the notes on their potential effect on your cholesterol levels if you want to eat them frequently.

How to Prepare Cooked Eggs While Pregnant

Below is a list I created detailing all the various methods to prepare, consume, and serve eggs as well as if each one is safe during pregnancy.

This rule is valid whether you’re frying your eggs at home or dining out at a restaurant. The rules for chicken eggs, which are the most popular, are as follows:

  • Fried eggs: If thoroughly cooked, including the yolk, until it is no longer runny, it is safe to consume during pregnancy.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

This means that eggs must be fully cooked for pregnant women; over-easy and sunny-side-up eggs are inappropriate.

  • Omelet: the omelet (or omelet) contains a lot of filling, especially, to make sure the center is not runny. However, request that it be cooked for a little longer. In traditional French cooking, the omelet is frequently left a little runny so that the residual heat can finish it off.
  • Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant
  • Hard-boiled eggs: stand healthy for expectant mothers to consume. Avoiding soft-boiled, “runny,” or “dippy”  are preferable when you’re pregnant.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

  • Scrambled Eggs: Because scrambled eggs tend to leach moisture if they are overcooked, many people (and restaurants) prefer to cook them just until they are fluffy and “just”.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Egg Dishes to Avoid While Pregnant

Some foods may have raw or undercooked eggs in them even though this is not immediately apparent. The common foods listed below may be best avoided during pregnancy since they contain eggs:


Because it is made from an emulsion of raw egg yolk and butter, hollandaise sauce is unfortunately not safe for pregnant women to consume.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant
hollandaise sauce

The sauce is frequently kept warm in restaurant kitchens before being served, and the eggs aren’t cooked to a temperature that makes them safe.

Bearnaise, malaise, and mousseline sauces

Any sauce with a different name that is simply hollandaise with additives is referred to as the “mother sauce” and includes bearnaise, malaise, and mousseline sauces. For instance, hollandaise sauce is transformed into bearnaise by adding tarragon, shallot, and pepper.

Since it is the same “base” sauce—or “mother sauce” as the French refer to it—it likewise contains raw egg and ought to be avoided. Ask about the ingredients if you’re eating a sauce you’re not familiar with.

Egg Benedict

Hollandaise sauce, and therefore eggs benedict, should be avoided by expectant mothers. Both the poached eggs and the hollandaise sauce are unsafe for pregnant women to consume, so it’s a double whammy.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Eggs Royale

Pregnant women should stay away from Eggs Royale because it also contains raw fish (smoked salmon), making it even worse.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

When pregnant, poached eggs or hollandaise should be substituted with something different since they are almost always found in “benedict” recipes.

Mousse (all flavors)

This is frequently made without cooking the egg and is chilled after being set. This is typically only true of homemade dishes or mousses, which should be avoided because they call for raw eggs.

Pasteurized eggs are frequently used in restaurants or commercial mousse, making it safe, but always enquire and double-check the contents.

All types of meringue, including Swiss, French, and Italian varieties

They are produced using raw egg whites; historically, the egg white is not fully cooked when it is whipped with sugar or syrup. Avoid soft meringues, such as the lemon meringue pie topping, unless they were pasteurized or manufactured in the UK with Lion Mark eggs.

Because they are often cooked during baking, meringues that are hard, brittle, and crisp, like those used to make Eton Mess or meringue nests, are safe to consume while pregnant.

Ice Cream

In some ice cream or frozen custard recipes, the egg is frequently used uncooked. Again, this usually only applies to handmade varieties as ingredients in commercial ice cream are frequently pasteurized.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

No bake

As with mousse, other desserts are “set” with eggs in the fridge rather than being baked in “no-bake” dishes like cheesecake. This kind of recipe, in which the egg isn’t boiled and the cheesecake is allowed to be set in the fridge, is used to make some European/Continental cheesecakes.

Although you might also want to read my pregnant women’s guide to cheesecake, baked cheesecake is safe to consume throughout pregnancy.


Similar to hollandaise, mayonnaise is an emulsion of oil, egg yolk, acid (usually lemon juice or vinegar), and salt. If it’s homemade, it can include raw eggs, therefore expectant mothers should avoid it. Consult any restaurant first, as some cook their dishes from scratch using raw eggs.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Salad dressing

Some salad dressings contain raw egg yolk and aren’t cooked. Check the recipe before ordering or preparing your own Caesar dressing because it can vary whether raw or cooked egg yolks are used. Pregnant women should avoid homemade and some restaurant dressings, but store-bought commercial dressings should have pasteurized egg yolk.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Raw batter and dough

If you’re accustomed to licking the spoon after baking cookies or engaging in other sorts of baking, you should be aware that raw batter and dough should be avoided during pregnancy because they include raw eggs and frequently raw flour.

Egg salad

Egg salad, even the kind with mayonnaise, should be avoided because the eggs are typically medium to hardboiled. Before chopping the eggs into the salad, make sure they were indeed hardboiled. Another consideration is that mayo, which is frequently a component of egg salad, should be examined to see if it contains raw eggs.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Deviled eggs

Because deviled eggs are typically hollowed out and filled after being hard-boiled, they should be safe to consume during pregnancy. If you didn’t make them, make sure the eggs were hard-boiled rather than just cooked to medium well. Also, make sure the mayonnaise (if used) was pasteurized.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Scotch eggs

Eggs that are only cooked to a “soft” or “runny” yolk rather than a hard-boiled one are known as Scotch Eggs or eggs that are baked into pies. This is typical at upscale delis and eateries, especially in the UK.

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

Can pregnant women only eat the egg yolk and not the white or the other way around?


Pregnant women should refrain from eating uncooked eggs, especially the yolk and white. Salmonella can be found in either, thus it is irrelevant if, for example, the white was fully cooked but the yolk was runny (like on a sunny-side-up fried egg).

Can you eat eggs benedict when pregnant

When pregnant, the egg should be consumed as a whole; if any portion is undercooked or runny, avoid eating it. Do not skip the yolk because it provides the majority of the essential nutrients found in eggs.

How many eggs a day may a pregnant woman eat?

A good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals is eggs. Many women question how much they can consume each day while pregnant because they are a terrific supplement to a healthy pregnancy diet.

Eating eggs daily while pregnant relies on your unique situation, especially your cholesterol levels and how you react to dietary cholesterol. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it’s generally not necessary to limit cholesterol intake, so you are free to eat eggs every day if you like.

Eggs are high in dietary cholesterol, but this is not the kind of cholesterol that leads to heart disease, so you can eat them every day in moderation unless your doctor has advised against it.

Only 20% of total cholesterol comes from the diet; the rest is produced by the body (source: Harvard Health).

However, before eating eggs every day, speak with a doctor if you are aware that you are a “super responder” to dietary cholesterol or that your cholesterol levels are already high.

Additional Advice on Eating Eggs

Because hen’s eggs are by far the most prevalent, this page has concentrated on them. But the same guidance also holds for quail eggs, duck eggs, and any other (such as goose eggs). These should all be thoroughly cooked.

When possible, choose pasture-raised eggs, also referred to as “free range” or “cage-free”; this information will be on the carton.

Keep in mind that the cooking time will increase with egg size, especially if you can’t see the egg.

Avoid handling dirty or cracked eggs, and always thoroughly wash your hands and surfaces afterward because dangerous bacteria may also be present on the shell.

Can you eat dippy eggs when pregnant?

Yes, you can eat runny eggs when pregnant. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) says that British Lion eggs can safely be eaten runny or raw in pregnancy.

Can you eat runny poached eggs when pregnant?

Runny egg lovers rejoice!

Can you have Hollandaise sauce pregnant?

Yes, Hollandaise sauce is safe to eat during pregnancy – providing it has been made with pasteurised or British Lion eggs. Hollandaise sauce is a delicious creamy blend of egg yolks, melted butter and lemon juice. Sometimes it's seasoned with cayenne pepper, and it often also includes white wine vinegar.