Fat spider man into the spider verse

Ah! Who doesn't love the sheer infinite potential of the multiverse?

Fat spider man into the spider verse

I had to comb through quite a few alternate Marvel universes, but I ultimately managed to find one that has a Miles Morales with both a love for pizza and a physique that puts Peter B.'s to shame! As it turns out, he was only two universes down from the original "Into the Spider-Verse" Miles. (And don't bother Googling it; I was the first one to discover it.

Fat spider man into the spider verse

I'm half convinced I'm the only sentient being in this universe who really wanted some good Miles WG art...Do feel free to prove me wrong with those faves and comments!

Fat spider man into the spider verse


Fat spider man into the spider verse

(And please don't get your hopes up for anything involving Gwen or Peni; they've both already got plenty of artwork.

Fat spider man into the spider verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is property of Marvel

I thought the spider-mutation that Peter got basically turned his body into a super-efficient muscular machine? It's been a factor of many variations of his origin story; where he overnight goes from "skinny wuss geek" to "abs like Leonidas in 300" levels of cut.

So how does Peter 2 get so fat? I know we see him slobbing about, but to get so out of shape (especially considering he's still fairly active as Spider-Man) seems very improbable unless he's literally eating every single pizza he passes, right?

Fat spider man into the spider verse



  • Spider-Ham : That's all, folks.

    Peter B. Parker : Is he allowed to say that? Legally?

  • Spider-Man Noir : Hey, fellas.

    Miles Morales : Is he in black and white?

    Peter B. Parker : Where is that wind coming from? We're in a basement.

    Spider-Man Noir : Wherever I go, the wind follows. And the wind... smells like rain.

  • Peter B. Parker : [to Miles, after he lost his uncle Aaron]  We've all been there. For me, it was my uncle Ben.

    Spider-Man Noir : For me, it was my uncle Benjamin.

    Peni Parker : For me, it was my father.

    Gwen Stacy : For me, it was my best friend.

    Spider-Ham : Miles, the hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody.

  • Miles Morales : When will I know I'm ready?

    Peter B. Parker : You won't. It's a leap of faith. That's all it is, Miles. A leap of faith.

  • Peter B. Parker : What did you say your name was?

    Doc Ock : Dr. Olivia Octavius.

    [takes off her lab coat to reveal her mechanical octopus tentacles, one of which shoots out and pins Peter to the floor] 

    Peter B. Parker : Can I assume your friends call you Doc Ock?

    Doc Ock : My friends actually call me Liv. My *enemies* call me Doc Ock.

  • Miles Morales : How many more Spider-People are there?

    Peter B. Parker : Save it for Comic-Con.

    Miles Morales : What's "Comic-Con"?

  • Miles Morales : What's going on with your body?

    Peter B. Parker : I don't think my atoms are real jazzed about being in the wrong dimension.


    Peter B. Parker : Look, I'm not looking for a side gig as a Spider-Man coach. I got a lot going on in my dimension, like a lot.

    Miles Morales : With great power comes great...

    Peter B. Parker : Don't you dare finish that sentence! Don't do it. I'm sick of it.

  • Peter B. Parker : This could literally not get any weirder.

    Spider-Ham : It *can* get weirder!

    [holds out his hand, which is wet for some reason] 

    Spider-Ham : I just washed my hands. *That's* why they're wet.


    Spider-Ham : No other reason.

  • Peter B. Parker : This kid can turn himself invisible! Watch this, he can do it... now!

    Miles Morales : I can't do it on command...

    Peter B. Parker : He can't do it on command! But it is cool. Show them the zappy thing, Miles.

    Miles Morales : I can't do it on command.

    Peter B. Parker : He can't do it on command! But he can do so much more, like what else do you do?

    Miles Morales : Just those two things.

    Peter B. Parker : Just those two things.

  • Peter B. Parker : [to Miles]  One thing I know for sure: don't do it like me. Do it like you.

  • Mary Jane : [mistaking Peter for a waiter]  Hello.

    Peter B. Parker : Oh, wow.

    Mary Jane : Um, I just wondered if we could have some more bread at table twelve.

    Peter B. Parker : Yeah! I'm just, I'm really sorry...

    Mary Jane : Oh, don't be sorry. It's just bread.

    Peter B. Parker : No, I wasn't there for you when you needed me.

    Mary Jane : Mmm-hmm...

    Peter B. Parker : And I didn't even try.

    Mary Jane : That's fine. I should really get going...

    Peter B. Parker : I know I could do better if I just had another chance to give you... the bread that you deserve.

    Mary Jane : Are you okay?

    Gwen Stacy : Ma'am, we'll take care of that bread right now.

    Mary Jane : It's been nice, uh, talking to you.

    Peter B. Parker : For you they should fill this place up with fresh bread.

    Gwen Stacy : [to Peter]  You all right, man?

    Peter B. Parker : Yeah, totally.

    Gwen Stacy : Okay, good, 'cause we are not getting any bread.

  • Peter B. Parker : Ah, you have a goober. Give it.

    Miles Morales : [referring to the Peter Parker of his universe]  Wait, no. He called it an override key.

    Peter B. Parker : There's always a bypass key, a virus key, a who-cares key I can never remember so I just call it a goober.

  • Miles Morales : Why do you look like Peter Parker?

    Peter B. Parker : Because I *am* Peter Parker.

    Miles Morales : Then why aren't you dead? Why is your hair different? Why are you older? Why is your body... a different shape?

    Peter B. Parker : Pretty sure you just called me fat.

    Miles Morales : No, no, you just...

    Peter B. Parker : Hey, listen, you don't look so hot either, kid. Most superheroes don't wear their own merch.

  • Peter B. Parker : [in reference to an impressive move Miles does]  Ah, we taught him that, right?

    Gwen Stacy : I didn't teach him that. And you *definitely* didn't.

  • Miles Morales : Are you a ghost?

    Peter B. Parker : No.

    Miles Morales : Are you a zombie?

    Peter B. Parker : Stop it.

    Miles Morales : Am *I* a zombie?

    Peter B. Parker : You're not even close.

    Miles Morales : Are you from another dimension? Like, a parallel universe where things are like this universe, but different? And you're Spider-Man in that universe? But somehow traveled to this universe, but you don't know how?

    Peter B. Parker : [stares]  Wow. That was really just a guess?

  • Peter B. Parker : What are you doing?

    Miles Morales : Making you feel guilty. Is it workin'?

  • Peter B. Parker : Go back outside!

    Miles Morales : No! I can't sit there and just let Spider-Man die without doing anything about it. I'm not doing that again!

    [Peter stares at Miles, starts to soften] 

    Miles Morales : What?

    Peter B. Parker : Most people I meet in the workplace try to kill me, so... you're a nice change of pace.

  • Miles Morales : The other Peter said he was going to be showing me the ropes.

    Peter B. Parker : Wow.

    Miles Morales : You got any Spider-Man tips you can tell me now?

    Peter B. Parker : Yeah, I got plenty. Disinfect the mask. You're gonna want to use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints. You don't want any chafing, right?

    Miles Morales : Anything else?

    Peter B. Parker : Nope, that was everything.

    Miles Morales : I think you're going to be a bad teacher.

  • Peter B. Parker : All right, people, let's do this one last time. My name is Peter B. Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last twenty-two years I thought I was the one and only Spider-Man. I'm pretty sure you know the rest. You see, I saved the city, fell in love, I got married, saved the city some more, maybe too much, my marriage got testy, made some dicey money choices - don't invest in a Spider-themed restaurant. Then like fifteen years passed, blah blah blah super boring, I broke my back, a drone flew into my face, I buried Aunt May, my wife and I split up. But I handled it like a champion.

    [cut to Peter crying on the floor of the shower in his spider-suit] 

    Peter B. Parker : 'Cause you know what? No matter how many times I get hit, I always get back up. And I got a lot of time to reflect and work on myself. Did you know that seahorses that they mate for life? Could you imagine a seahorse seeing another seahorse and then making it work? She wanted kids and it scared me. I'm pretty sure I broke her heart. Flash forward, I'm in my apartment doing pushups, doing ab crunches, getting strong -

    [he is actually lying on the floor eating pizza] 

    Peter B. Parker : - when this weird thing happened. And I gotta say, weird things happen to me a lot. But this was *real* weird. You see, I was in New York, but... things were different. Also I was dead. And blonde. I was kind of... perfect. It was like looking in a mirror. I have a feeling the thing that brought me here was the thing that got him killed. You wanna know what happened next?


    Peter B. Parker : Me, too.

  • Peter B. Parker : [being shot at by Kingpin's workers]  All right, time to swing, just like I taught you.

    Miles Morales : When did you teach me that?

    Peter B. Parker : I didn't. It's a little joke for team-building.

    [tosses Miles a web-shooter] 

    Peter B. Parker : All right, you ready?

    Miles Morales : Of course I'm not ready!

    [Peter snaps the web-shooter onto Miles' wrist and throws him off the building] 

    Miles Morales : Whoa! Whoa! I can't do this yet!

    Peter B. Parker : Everyone knows that the best way to learn is under intense, life-threatening pressure!

  • Doc Ock : If we fire again this week, there could be a black hole under Brooklyn. You see this? And this? This is multiple dimensions beginning to crash into each other.

    Peter B. Parker : [eavesdropping with Miles, he makes the "running mouth" hand gesture]  This is pretty standard Spider-Man stakes. You get used to it. Watch this. He's gonna say "You've got 24 hours."

    Kingpin : You've got 24 hours.

    Doc Ock : What this means is there could be a rupture in the space-time continuum.

    Peter B. Parker : Ooh. That's bad. Actually, everything she said was bad. I was lying before.

  • Peter B. Parker : And it's a "no" on the cape.

    Miles Morales : I think it's cool.

    Peter B. Parker : [taking it off]  Take that off. It's disrespectful. Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape.

  • Peter B. Parker : [by a shed in Aunt May's backyard]  Oh, yeah, I got one of these, too. A little shed where I keep all my Spider-gear.

    [Aunt May inserts a key, the shed lights up, and the doors open to reveal an elevator. Aunt May motions the group inside] 

    Peter B. Parker : [nonchalant]  I mean, this place is pretentious.

    [the elevator descends into a massive underground lab filled with various costumes, advanced weapons, and high-tech vehicles] 

    Miles Morales : Whoa! Dude, was yours anything like this?

    Peter B. Parker : Mine was like this, but take away the Jeep, the plane... imagine it way smaller... imagine a futon... I feel sorry for this guy.

  • Miles Morales : Guys, I got it.

    Peter B. Parker : I'll go. I'm the one with the goob...

    [Miles holds up the override key] 

    Peter B. Parker : Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

    Miles Morales : Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands.

  • Doc Ock : Okay, I'm kinda freaking out right now. I mean, you're supposed to be dead.

    Peter B. Parker : Surprise!

    [she removes his mask] 

    Peter B. Parker : Oh, okay. That's... that's a no-no. We don't like that.

    Doc Ock : This is fascinating.

    Peter B. Parker : [she smooshes his lips]  Okay, that's my face.

    Doc Ock : An entirely different Peter Parker. Okay, little bit of a gut, perhaps from dimensional warping.

    Peter B. Parker : Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was way flatter before I warped.

  • Miles Morales : [sneaking into Alchemax]  So how do we retrace Peter's steps?

    Peter B. Parker : That's a good question. What would I do if I were me?

    [thinking for a moment] 

    Peter B. Parker : Got it.


    Peter B. Parker : Step one: I infiltrate the lab. Two: find the head scientist's computer.

    Miles Morales : That lady with the bike is the head scientist. I saw her in this documentary at school.

    Peter B. Parker : Cool. Step three: I re-examine my personal biases. Step four: I hack the computer.

    Miles Morales : It's not technically hacking.

    Peter B. Parker : Not now. I just lost my train of thought. Step five: download the important stuff. I'll know it when I see it. Step six: I grab a bagel from the cafeteria and run.

    Miles Morales : [the montage ends]  So, what am I doing?

    Peter B. Parker : [stretching]  Uh, step seven: you stay here. You're lookout. Very important.

    Miles Morales : Look, man, you gotta teach me how to do Spider-Man stuff or I'm not gonna be able to help.

    Peter B. Parker : [swinging away]  Watch and learn, kid. I'll quiz you later!

  • Peter B. Parker : So, uh, how did you get here?

    Spider-Man Noir : Well, it's kind a long story.

    [flashback to the shockwave that brought him, Spider-Ham, and Peni here] 

    Spider-Man Noir : Maybe not that long.

  • Peter B. Parker : I love this burger. So delicious. Mm. One of the best burgers I've ever had. In my universe, this place closed six years ago. Mm. I don't know why. I really don't. Mm!

    [a chef brings the check] 

    Peter B. Parker : You have money, right? I'm not very liquid right now.

  • Miles Morales : I gotta say, you're amazing, man.

    Peter B. Parker : We're a little team. Me as the teacher who can still do it, you as the student who can do it, just not as good. I'm proud of us!


    Peter B. Parker : Is there something you want to say to me?

  • Aunt May : You look tired, Peter.

    Peter B. Parker : Well, I am tired.

    Aunt May : And older. And... thicker.

    Peter B. Parker : Yeah, I've heard that already.

    Aunt May : Oh, jeez, are those sweatpants?

    Gwen Stacy : Yep. That's what they are.

  • Peter B. Parker : We're the Spider... uh... Gang!

  • Peter B. Parker : Miles, you gotta unstick. What do you do to relax?

    Miles Morales : Relax. Okay, okay, okay.

    [he starts humming Post Malone's "Sunflower"] 

    Peter B. Parker : Oh, for crying out loud.

    [as Miles continues humming, he unsticks and loudly crashes to the ground] 

    Peter B. Parker : Teenagers. Just the worst.

Who is the fat guy in into the spider

Wilson Fisk, also better known as the Kingpin, is the main antagonist of Sony Pictures Animation's 18th feature film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Is there a fat version of Spider

Fat Spiderman is a character created by Tristen DuBey, and the main character of the series of the same name. He is a fat man in a latex Spiderman gimp suit stealing peoples hard earned food. It is unknown if he does any hero work (he claims to, but this could be a bluff).

Who is Peter Parker's crush?

Mary Jane Watson is Spider-Man's most widely known love interest and is played by Kirsten Dunst in the Sam Raimi trilogy. Mary Jane has been neighbors with Peter Parker (played by Tobey Maguire) for years, but the two rarely speak at first. Peter never makes it easy for Mary Jane, especially after going steady.

What was Miles Morales bitten by?

One day, while visiting his uncle to tell him about winning a lottery to enroll at the prestigious Brooklyn Visions Academy, Miles was bitten by the burglarized spider.