Find the area of the sector of a circle calculator

Circle Calculator


Significant Figures



C = 75.3982237 in

In Terms of Pi π


C = 24 π in


\[ \textbf{diameter} \, d = 2r \]\[d = 2 \times 12 \]\[d = 24 \]

\[ \textbf{circumference} \, C = 2 \pi r \]\[C = 2 \times \pi \times 12 \]\[C = 24 \pi \]\[C = 75.3982237 \]

\[ \textbf{area} \, A = \pi r^2 \]\[A = \pi \times 12^2 \]\[A = 144 \pi \]\[A = 452.389342 \]

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Circle Shape

r = radius
d = diameter
C = circumference
A = area
π = pi = 3.1415926535898
√ = square root

Calculator Use

Use this circle calculator to find the area, circumference, radius or diameter of a circle. Given any one variable A, C, r or d of a circle you can calculate the other three unknowns.

Units: Note that units of length are shown for convenience. They do not affect the calculations. The units are in place to give an indication of the order of the results such as ft, ft2 or ft3. Any other base unit can be substituted.

Circle Formulas in terms of Pi π, radius r, and diameter d

Radius and Diameter:

r = d/2
d = 2r

Area of a circle:

A = πr2 = πd2/4

Circumference of a circle:

C = 2πr = πd

Circle Calculations:

Using the formulas above and additional formulas you can calculate properties of a given circle for any given variable.

Calculate A, C and d | Given r
Given the radius of a circle calculate the area, circumference and diameter. Putting A, C and d in terms of r the equations are:

\[A = \pi r^2 \]

\[C = 2 \pi r \]

\[d = 2r \]

Calculate r, C and d | Given A
Given the area of a circle calculate the radius, circumference and diameter. Putting r, C and d in terms of A the equations are:

\[r = \sqrt{\frac{A}{\pi}} \]

\[C = 2 \pi r = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{A}{\pi}} \]

\[ d = 2r = 2 \sqrt{\frac{A}{\pi}} \]

Calculate A, r and d | Given C
Given the circumference of a circle calculate the radius, area and diameter. Putting A, r and d in terms of C the equations are:

\[r = \frac{C}{2 \pi} \]

\[A = \pi r^2 = \pi \left(\frac{C}{2 \pi}\right)^2 = \frac{\pi C^2}{4 \pi^2} = \frac{C^2}{4 \pi} \]

\[d = 2r = \frac{2C}{2 \pi} = \frac{C}{\pi} \]

Calculate A, C and r | Given d
Given the diameter of a circle calculate the radius, area and circumference. Putting A, C and r in terms of d the equations are:

\[r = \frac{d}{2} \]

\[A = \pi r^2 = \pi \left(\frac{d}{2}\right)^2 = \frac{\pi d^2}{4} \]

\[C = 2 \pi r = 2 \pi \frac{d}{2} = \pi d \]

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Solved Example

The below solved example problem may be useful to understand how the values are being used in the mathematical formulas to find the sector area of a circle.

Example Problem :

Find the area of circular sector having the radius r = 18 cm and sector angle 25.?

Solution :

The given values
radius r = 18 cm
sector angle θ = 25.

Step by step calculation

formula to find sector area = (π r2 θ) / 360
substitute the values
= (π x 182 x 25)/360
= 70.71 cm2

The sector area of a circle may required to be calculated in SI or metric or US customary unit systems, therefore this sector calculator is featured with major measurement units conversion function to find the output values in different customary units such as inches (in), feet (ft), meters (m), centimeters (cm) & millimeters (mm) by using this below conversion table.

10 mm = 1 cm
100 mm = 3.93 in
1000 mm = 3.28 ft
1000 mm = 1 m
1 cm = 10 mm
10 cm = 3.93 in
100 cm = 3.28 ft
100 cm = 1 m
1 ft = 3048 mm
1 ft = 304.8 cm
1 ft = 12 in
10 ft = 3.048 m
1 in = 25.4 mm
1 in = 2.54 cm
100 in = 8.33 ft
100 in = 2.54 m

In the field of area & volume calculations, finding the sector area of a circle is important to understand basic mathematical computations. The above formulas, step by step calculation & solved example may helpful for users to understand the how to calculate circle's sector area manually, however, when it comes to online to perform quick calculations, this circle's sector area calculator may be useful to find the results.

How do you find the area of a sector in a circle?

The formula for the area of the sector of a circle is 𝜃/360o (𝜋r2) where r is the radius of the circle and 𝜃 is the angle of the sector.

What is the area of a sector?

The area of a sector is the space inside the section of the circle created by two radii and an arc. It is a fraction of the area of the entire circle.

How do you find the area of a sector without the angle?

The equation of the chord at 'a' distance from center is ax-ry- ar=0 or Y= a/r(x-r). the area of sector can be found by relating it to area of segment where the area of segment is found without the usage of angle made by the chord.


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