Free programs for troubled youth in kentucky

Do you have an troubled teen in Kentucky that is creating havoc in your home? Parenting difficult teenagers has become a silent epidemic.

Since 2020 teen depression and anxiety has doubled. Experts are pointing to excess screen-time as part of the cause.

Are you facing:

Free programs for troubled youth in kentucky

-Teen depression, anxiety, stress
Entitlement, rude, disrespectful
-Teen defiance, rage, rebellious, unruly
-Internet addiction (cell-phone or video gaming)
-Drifted from your family values
-Teenage substance use, drinking, vaping
-Withdrawn, isolation – not participating in family functions
-Changing peer groups
-Self-harm, suicide ideation
Stealing, lying, manipulating
-Property destruction, explosive behavior

If you are experiencing a few of these behavior issues, it can be extremely challenging and you can feel like you’re being held hostage in your home by a defiant and entitled teenager. Are you searching for schools for troubled teens?

Since 2001 P.U.R.E.™ has been educating parents and communities about help for troubled teens. This industry is extremely competitive and can be very confusing to the desperate parent. Without the right knowledge, sifting through the internet for the right therapeutic boarding school for your teen can be daunting.

A simple online search of “therapeutic boarding school” yields over 3 million results! How do you find safe places to send troubled teens?

We were once in that position, we understand the stress and apprehension you are feeling and  want you to know you are not alone and give you the opportunity to learn from our experiences and more importantly, gain from our knowledge.

If you are visiting our website, it’s likely your teen or young adult is struggling and you are considering alternative options. You may not be familiar with how to research these specialty boarding schools and programs. You are probably thinking, “Will my teen hate me if we send them away?” One big question is, “How will we get them there, they don’t want to go.”

We can help you make this big decision.

We believe in finding a positive and encouraging setting for your teen. Placing a negative child into a punitive or primitive environment can usually build anger and resentment. Most of these young people are typically suffering with low-self worth – it’s time to find placement that enhances their self-esteem and starts building them back up to make better choices.

Although many parents believe that finding a school or program near their home is a priority, we help you understand that this is only a snapshot of their entire life. Yet one of the most important parts of their life that will have a major impact on both their emotional and educational future. It’s imperative you select a program that best fits their needs and not your geographical convenience.

Whether you’re considering a wilderness program, therapeutic boarding school or residential treatment center, this is a major emotional and financial decision. We help families make the right choice for their individual needs.

Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.

Read: What Causes of Teenage Mental Health Issues.

Read: Why Residential Treatment Can Work When Home Therapy Fails.


Contact us for a free consultation to learn more about finding the right therapeutic boarding school for your troubled teen.

Coping and Mental Health Resources

Mental health is an important part of wellbeing. Whether a child or parent is experiencing anxiety, the blues, emotional stress about a diagnosis or a major mental illness affecting daily functioning, the resources below can help.

Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs)

Services for children and adults with mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse problems are provided through 14 regional mental health and mental retardation boards. County listings are available at the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities website, as are phone listings for crisis and suicide helplines.

In addition to basic clinical services and Counseling, a wide range of additional supports (e.g. in-school services, after-school programs, day treatment, etc.) are available in each region. Most regions offer a fairly complete array of services. The local CMHC will likely be a very valuable resource and is a good first step when attempting to find appropriate services.

Family Consultants and Support Navigating the System

Family to Family Health Information Resource Centers offer support through family Consultants. In addition, each regional mental health provider employs a family liaison who remains available for peer-to-peer support and assistance in accessing services and formal support groups. A current list, with contact information for each liaison, is available on the DBHDID website.

This department infuses the consumer/parent perspective into policymaking and practice and maintains an Office for Consumer Advocacy to be responsive to needs and concerns. Links to several community groups are maintained on their website.

Private Providers

In addition to Public services available through CMHCs, many communities have a wide variety of private providers in the helping professions (e.g., social workers, psychologists, professional counselors, etc.) available to assist families with problem solving. While a definitive directory is not available in a single location, links to state chapters of many professional organizations can be found through the state regulatory board for each respective profession.

Assistance for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

A range of resources is available to individuals with developmental disabilities. CMHCsserve as a front-line resource for individuals with developmental disabilities. Case management, day programming, respite, supported employment, residential (in some cases) services may be available, as are a number of waiver programs to coordinate supportive care and maximize functioning in the community setting. The definitive resource guide is the Disabilities Resource manual published by the Human Development Institute at University of Kentucky.

Other Solutions

Support groups are helpful to many people. Local newspapers often list area groups.

SAMHSA (Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) provides a Web-based mental health information center and service locator that lists several state and national agency links that assist children and families with support.

The DBHDID website provides a host of information on services and programs in Kentucky.

Diagnosis Specific Resources

A wide variety of groups and organizations exist that may provide information and support for individuals with certain conditions as well as the professionals who work with them. Many of these links contain pages with helpful links to other resources. While this list is not comprehensive, it may be a good place to start when searching for more information.

Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement by the Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Other resources may be available in your area.


Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics

American Lung Association of Kentucky

Cerebral Palsy

United Cerebral Palsy Association

Kennedy-Krieger Institute

Cleft Pp and Palate

Cleft Palate Foundation



FACES: The National Craniofacial Association 

MyFace - National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction 

Children’s Craniofacial Association 

Craniosynostosis and Positional Plagiocephaly Support, Inc. 

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 

KY/West Virginia Chapter: CFF


InfantSEE Project

Kentucky Council of the Blind


American Heart Association 

Kids with Heart 

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Information Center 

National Marfan Foundation


National Hemophilia Foundation

Kentucky Hemophilia Foundation 

Hemophilia Federation of America 

World Federation of Hemophilia


Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association 

The International Rett Syndrome Foundation 

National Institute of Neurological Disorders 

United Leukodystrophy Foundation


National Institute of Neurological Disorders


American Amputee Foundation

Amputee Coalition of America

Muscpar Dystrophy Family Foundation

National Marfan Foundation


Kentucky Commission on Deaf and Hard of Hearing 

Hearing Loss Association of Kentuckiana 

Kentucky Association of the Deaf 

American Society for Deaf Children

Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc.

Rheumatology (JRA)

Arthritis Foundation (Kentucky Chapter)


National Scoliosis Foundation

Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky

American Syringomyelia Alliance Project

Financial and Utilities Resources

Sometimes families have a hard time managing the expenses of life and need to turn to agencies or programs that may be able to lend a financial helping hand to avert a crisis. While it is beyond the scope of this guide to list every possible local resource, a number of agencies exist statewide and serve all or most counties.

Programs available in all counties links Kentucky families to resources they need. The first section deals with financial assistance for different circumstances.

Community Action Agencies: Community Action Agencies (CAAs) serve every county and assist families who have difficulty meeting basic needs through emergency assistance, employment services and heating/cooling/weatherization programs. To find a local CAA, visit the Community Action Kentucky website or call 800-456-3452.

Department for Community Based Services/Family Support provides a variety of programs (most notably Medicaid and food stamps) and maintains offices in every county. Find the local office at the DCBS website.

Programs available in many counties

United Way: Currently, 22 Kentucky counties in three regions nearest the largest urban areas are served by the 211 information and referral phone service. Many other counties, but not all, are served by the United Way. To find a local United Way, check the United Way of Kentucky website or contact 502-589-6897.

Family Resource and Youth Service Centers are school-based programs designed to help children and youth overcome barriers to learning. These centers are wonderful resources that can help families find programs in their communities. More information is available at this website.

Other resources

Many local churches or houses of worship, whether large or small, are willing to assist with emergency needs. In some communities, ministerial associations or full-service denomination agencies, such as Catholic Charities, Jewish Community Federations, etc., exist.

Many national organizations or state/regional chapters of such organizations help certain populations (people with certain disabilities or diagnosis) and are posted on the Diagnosis-Specific Resources page.

A variety of charitable patient foundations exist. Examples include United Health Care Children's Foundation and the Colburn-Keenan Foundation.

Food and Nutrition Resources

Good, healthy food is essential for all children to achieve their physical and developmental potential, but being overweight can lead to serious health problems. To assure that children and youth with special health care needs are well-nourished, maintain a healthy weight, and are able to function in the activities of daily life the following resources are provided.

CCSHCN Healthy Weight Partners

University of Louisville’s Healthy for Life Program

University of Kentucky’s High BMI Diagnostic Clinic

Cincinnati Children’s Health Works Program

Partnership for a Fit Kentucky

Food Insecurity/Hunger Programs

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – commonly known as food stamps, this program helps people with little or no money buy food for healthy meals at participating stores. Food benefits increase a household's food buying power when added to the household's money. Any household meeting basic income and other requirements may be able to receive food benefits.

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) – a short-term intervention program designed to influence lifetime nutrition and health behavior in high-risk populations. WIC provides nutrition education and services, breastfeeding promotion and education and access to maternal, prenatal and pediatric health-care services. For more information contact your local Health Department. Be sure to be aware of the WIC Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program and the WIC Fit Program!

Abbott Nutrition Pathway Support System assists families with reimbursement issues/questions for their products. Pathway provides reimbursement information and assists in determining coverage for individuals who have Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance. This is helpful when encountering situations where families need assistance paying for Abbott Nutrition Product. The Pathways Helpline number is (800) 558-7677 or visit their website.

Other Nutrition Resources

American Dietetic Association offers resources to help improve eating habits and achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Food and Nutrition Information Center help consumers find information and materials for specific food topics.

Kids Health offers online interactive information sections for parents, kids and teens on nutrition and other health topics.

ChoseMyPlate, sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture, provides personalized eating plans and kid-friendly information.

Body Mass Index Percentile Calculator for ages 2-20 years

CDC Clinical Growth Charts in (PDF format) for boys and girls

Chop-Chop Magazineonline

Jump Up and Go Tools

From the CDC Tips for Parents- Ideas to Help Children Maintain a Healthy Weight in Spanish

Health Insurance Resources

Several types of private and Public healthcare coverage is available. The resources below may be of help in obtaining coverage.

This website helps consumers and advocates explore coverage options and find out which private insurance plans, Public programs and community services are available.

Kentucky Physicians Care
While this program does not provide health insurance, it may be a resource to those who are uninsured, ages 18-64. For more information about this program, call 1-800-633-8100 or visit its website.

Patient Services Incorporated
Patient Services Incorporated: PSI provides insurance case management and premium assistance for individuals with some severe chronic conditions. Applications can be made at its website or call 1-800-366-7741 for more information.

Government-Sponsored Programs: Medicaid and SSI
Medicaid Programs: Apply with local DCBS Family Support office.

KTAP - this includes time-limited monetary assistance as well as Medicaid 

Medical-Only (Family Medicaid) - as above, but no monetary assistance available 

KCHIP - coverage for children whose families do not meet the income threshold for traditional Medicaid programs

Spend-Down - for those with high medical expenses that, when subtracted from income would make them eligible for Medicaid

Home and Community Based Waiver

Presumptive Eligibility - prenatal care for pregnant women while Medicaid eligibility is being determined

Supplemental Security Income provides benefits for disabled children within certain income guidelines. Apply through Social Security or at one of 27 Social Security offices throughout the state.

Housing Resources

Shelter is a basic human need. An array of federal, state and local initiatives is available to assist those who need to find affordable housing.

Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) and Other Assistance

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC, 87 counties) and local Public housing authorities (33 counties) can help clients apply for housing assistance that meets their needs. Subsidized rent in some apartment complexes is available as is Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities.

KHC sponsors the KY Rents website which matches potential tenants with available rentals and also maintains the Assisted Rental Housing Directory which attempts to list all apartments and homes statewide.

Homeownership Education/Counseling

While homeownership may not be an option for everyone, voluntary programs are out there to help self-sufficient families toward this goal. HUD provides overview information about vouchers and other assistance that may be available and links to Kentucky agencies that can help.

Tenant Assistance Organizations

The Legal Aid Network of Kentucky maintains a summary of legal protections for Kentucky renters. Larger communities may have dedicated agencies that specifically mediate disputes or provide general information for tenants. Housing discrimination complaints may be filed online, by phone, by mail or in person.

Homeless Shelters

Kentucky Housing Corporation provides the Homeless Resource Guide that offers listings for homeless service providers, emergency shelters, transitional and permanent housing programs, mental health services and other agencies that serve the homeless.

Domestic Violence Programs/Shelters

In addition to providing safe shelters, domestic violence programs in Kentucky provide a variety of support services to both residents and non-residents of shelters. To contact any of the programs, visit the Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence website or call the National DV hotline at (800) 799-SAFE; TDD (800) 787-3224; the local DCBS office or law enforcement agency.

Prescription Resources

Listed below are possible solutions for families who may have difficulty affording medications.

Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program (KPAP)

The CHFS Department of Public Health has launched the KPAP initiative, a network of community resources to help Kentuckians locate free or reduced-cost prescription medications. Sites are located in counties statewide where citizens have access to volunteers and computer technology allowing them to locate assistance programs. To find a KPAP site, contact 1-800-633-8100.

Patient Assistance Programs

Most major drug companies offer programs that provide free medications to people who can't afford them. Program requirements vary by manufacturer. The following Web sites can help families access some of these manufacturer programs.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance Pharmaceutical industry-sponsored web site with phone help line staffed by trained specialists (888-477-2669)

Needy Meds Web site run by non-profit, includes information about disease-based programs

Rx Assist Web site run by government-supported national resource center

If you can't find a specific medication on these sites, contact the manufacturer to ask if it has a patient assistance program, reimbursement program, indigent patient program, compassionate care program or medical needs program that will cover the medication you need.

Pharmacy Chain Discount Prescriptions

Many chain pharmacies have special pricing on generic prescriptions ranging from free to $4 per month. This list is not intended to be complete and there may be other resources in your area. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement by CCSHCN.







Wal-Mart  and Sam’s Club

Mail Order and 90-Day Prescriptions

For those who do carry insurance with prescription coverage, mail-order benefits may be available under your policy or through mail-order pharmacies; for example, Rx Outreach. In addition to saving money, families may be spared unnecessary trips to the pharmacy.

Prescription Drug Discount Cards

Many drug discount cards are available that families may benefit from. The Needy Meds site mentioned above offers such a card, or a simple internet search will yield multiple other products which offer significant savings.

Other Solutions

Kentucky Physicians Care (KPC) providers donate time and materials to provide free, one-time routine care to low-income, uninsured Kentuckians. KPC also provides selected free prescription assistance through a partnership with several pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Transportation Resources

Medicaid Broker

Medicaid arranges transportation to and from medically necessary services for Medicaid recipients. Non-emergency transportation is administered statewide through a regionally contract system called the Human Service Transportation Delivery Program (HSTD).

Public Transportation

Wheelchair-accessible bus transportation and/or door-to-door para-transit service for people certified as ADA-eligible is available in metropolitan areas. More information, including routes, schedules, trip planner and fare/pass details are available at the Web sites below:

Community Action Agencies and others may have taken advantage of a variety of federal incentives to set up a transportation system for rural/non-urbanized areas for persons with disabilities. For a directory of transit agencies in Kentucky Listed by county, refer to the Kentucky Transit Links maintained by the American Public Transportation Association.

What do you do with a troubled teenager?

Tip 1: Connect with your troubled teen.
Be aware of your own stress levels. ... .
Be there for your teen. ... .
Find common ground. ... .
Listen without judging or giving advice. ... .
Expect rejection. ... .
Establish boundaries, rules and consequences. ... .
Try to understand what's behind the anger. ... .
Be aware of anger warning signs and triggers..

Where can I send my troubled child in VA?

Call Elevations RTC at (855) 290-9681 today! We are here to help parents make the tough decisions that will bring their child the therapy (sociotherapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy) they need to overcome the obstacles that are holding them back in life.