How long does fatigue last after chiropractic adjustment

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According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a division of the National Institutes of Health, chiropractic "is a health care approach that addresses the relationship between the body's structure--mainly the spine--and its functioning." Although chiropractic largely is a safe and effective treatment, patients should understand that they might experience side effects after their treatment that include headaches, fatigue and soreness. Side effects from chiropractic care typically are mild and resolve quickly.


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After a visit to the chiropractor, a patient may experience a mild headache that resolves within several hours. Temporary headaches are more common in chiropractic patients who have received upper cervical adjustments or trigger point work in the posterior neck muscles. According to a 2004 study by Eric L. Hurwitz and colleagues published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, patients are more likely to experience adverse reactions to chiropractic care, including headaches, following neck manipulation than mobilization. The researchers note that chiropractors may boost patient satisfaction, and possibly clinical outcomes, by mobilizing the cervical spine instead of performing the more conventional high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust on neck pain patients. Patients who experience headaches after chiropractic care rarely report their headaches as severe, and post-treatment headaches seldom affect a person's activities of daily living.


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According to a 2004 study by Barbara Cagnie and colleagues published in the journal Manual Therapy, 12.1 percent of chiropractic patients reported feeling fatigued after treatment. Most of the adverse effects from chiropractic care began within four hours of treatment and typically disappeared within the following 24 hours. The researchers note that women were more likely to report side effects, including fatigue, than men. The fatigue chiropractic patients might experience after a treatment lasts for several hours, and may even be followed by a period of increased energy or alertness. Patients who get extensive bodywork or physical therapy modalities--such as hot packs--from their chiropractor may be particularly susceptible to feelings of fatigue, as tissue mobilization and moist heat may cause dehydration. To help avoid feelings of fatigue after chiropractic visits, patients should consider drinking plenty of water before their treatment.


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Cagnie and colleagues note that, of the 61 percent of patients who reported at least one side effect after a chiropractic session, 15 percent said they felt local discomfort or soreness. Muscle and joint stiffness and mild to moderate bruising--depending on the type of treatment provided--are common side effects after a visit to the chiropractor. First-time chiropractic patients may notice more post-treatment soreness than longtime patients. It may feel as though they have just engaged in a vigorous physical activity after an extended break. Because the chiropractor manipulates and mobilizes tissues and joints that may not have experienced much movement for months or years, it's common to feel stiff for 24 to 48 hours post-treatment. The chiropractor often recommends home care activities that you can perform when time permits or dietary suggestions to help speed your recovery and optimize your care.

Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.

Do you feel sleepy after a chiropractic adjustment?

A patient this morning asked if it was normal to feel tired after a chiropractic adjustment.

“Yes!” I told him. The reason is this…

Since we are re-aligning your spine when we adjust you,

We are also taking pressure off your spinal cord and nervous system.

So your nerves go from a state of being tense (due to life stresses),

To a state of being relaxed.

And thus you feel sleepy…

In fact, if you do experience this, it is a sign your nervous system WAS quite stressed.

And you probably did not even realize it.

But with an adjustment,

The physiology in your body has now improved (at least temporarily)…

If you’ve had chiropractic before and did not feel this way,

That is normal.

Torque Release Technique (the method we use),

Is a form of care based on improving your neurology.

We go very deep into your body’s needs.

So you can almost EXPECT to get tired after we adjust you.

If you have felt this way and want to share with us,

Or have more questions,

Let us know.

Or just email us back on this email.

We’d be happy to share more with you 🙂

How long does fatigue last after chiropractic adjustment

Is it normal to feel very tired after chiropractic adjustment?

Feeling extremely tired after a chiropractic session is very common. This is due to your body adjusting to the new way your nervous system is reacting to the treatment. Before your alignment, its likely that your nervous system was being jammed up in areas by subluxations.

How long should you rest after seeing a chiropractor?

They may ask you to take a couple of hours off before exercising or may suggest you wait a day or two. It really depends on your background, level of fitness, and the type of treatment you're receiving.

How long does toxic release last after chiropractic adjustment?

How Long Does Toxic Release Last After Chiropractic Adjustment? The length of time that toxins are released after an adjustment depends on the individual. For some people, the release may only last for a few days after the adjustment period, while others may experience a more prolonged detoxification process.

How long does it take to feel better after chiropractic adjustment?

Depending on the extent of the spinal injury, patients typically feel a reduction in pain of 40-80% following their first visit. However, general improvement occurs within 1 to 4 weeks from the start of chiropractic therapy.