How many calories does 30 minutes of strength training burn

With limitless ways to burn calories nowadays from increasingly popular Peloton workouts to cult-frenzy CrossFit clubs, it can be difficult to understand which types of exercise will best support your fitness goals. However, if your goal is to lose weight and burn calories, you may want to consider lifting weights.

Mistakenly written off in the past as an activity reserved for bulk-seeking bodybuilders, weightlifting is now gaining mainstream popularity. 

Weight lifting is associated with plenty of health benefits besides its traditional purpose of building muscle—one of which is the ability to burn calories during and after your exercise sessions.

To sift out weightlifting from its calorie-burning contemporaries, this article uncovers how weightlifting can help you burn excess energy and fat; it also compares weightlifting with other popular methods for burning fat, such as cardiovascular and weight-bearing exercises.

What Is Weightlifting?

Weightlifting is a type of exercise performed by repeatedly lifting heavy objects, such as barbells, to strengthen your muscles. Weightlifting can also be called strength training, weight training, or resistance training. 

Weightlifting uses resistance (dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells, weight machines, etc.) to contract the muscles to build strength and size of skeletal muscles as well as increase their anaerobic endurance. Anaerobic exercise breaks down glucose in the body without using oxygen.

Though traditionally assumed to only offer muscle-building potential, there are plenty of reasons to incorporate weightlifting into your workout routine. Research shows that weightlifting:

  • Burns calories
  • Burns glucose<sup>1</sup>, including stored glycogen, without the release of insulin
  • Increases bone density<sup>2</sup>
  • Decreases risk of injury
  • Rebuilds lost tissue associated with aging
  • Increases lean body mass
  • Increases metabolic rate<sup>3</sup> (we’ll get to this more later)

Depending on your fitness goals, certain types of exercise may be right for you, while others may be less fitting for your specific aspirations. 

Overall, the number of calories that you burn from weightlifting (or another exercise) depends on a variety of factors, including your weight, gender, fitness level, and the duration and effort of your weight lifting.

Calories Burned Weightlifting: Duration and Effort 

Duration and intensity matter when you lift weights to lose fat. An exercise regimen consisting of weightlifting may vary in intensity, duration, and targeted muscle groups. 

The amount of calories that you can burn by lifting weights primarily depends on two factors: what you weigh, and how long you lift. According to the American Council on Exercise’s (ACE) physical activity calculator, 30 minutes of intense weight training by a 150-pound person burns 204 calories<sup>4</sup>. Thirty minutes of “normal” or moderate-intensity weight training by a 150-pound person burns 102 calories.

Keep in mind that some exercise machines, apps, wearables, or smartwatches that claim to “track your calories burned” may not be accurate<sup>5</sup> and will present limitations<sup>6</sup>.

Weightlifting Calorie Burning Potential (Varies by Weight, Age, Sex, Duration, and more)

  • 30 minutes: 68–408 calories*
  • 40 minutes: 90–544 calories
  • 50 minutes: 113–680 calories
  • 60 minutes: 136–816 calories
  • 90 minutes: 204–1,224 calories
  • 2 hours: 272–1,632 calories

*Source: ACE’s physical activity calculator. Parameters include the listed duration for a 100-pound person lifting at moderate intensity on the low end of the range and for a 300-pound person lifting at an intense effort on the high end of the range.

Calories Burned Performing Various Cardiovascular Exercises

The following lists give you a general comparative view of the number of calories burned doing various types of cardio (aerobic exercise) according to the ACE activity online calculator. These estimates are based on a 150-pound adult. The number of calories that you burn performing any of these exercises will vary based upon your exact weight, age, and intensity level.

Running (6 miles per hour, or a 10-minute mile):

  • 30 minutes: 340 calories
  • 60 minutes: 680 calories
  • 90 minutes: 1,020 calories

Walking (3.5 mph):

  • 30 minutes: 129 calories
  • 60 minutes: 258 calories
  • 90 minutes: 387 calories

Swimming (laps, vigorously):

  • 30 minutes: 340 calories
  • 60 minutes: 680 calories
  • 90 minutes: 1,020 calories

Cycling (12–13 mph): 

  • 30 minutes: 272 calories
  • 60 minutes: 544 calories
  • 90 minutes: 816 calories

Remember: although you may burn more calories performing a cardiovascular exercise than you would in the same time frame weightlifting, you may burn more calories at restafter lifting weights.

Calories Burned Weightlifting vs. Cardio

While being careful not to oversimplify the process of calorie expenditure, cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting are two different forms of physical exercise that tend to burn calories in different ways. Cardiovascular exercise uses the aerobic system, while weight lifting uses the anaerobic system. 

In general, cardiovascular exercises tend to burn more calories per session (within any allotted time frame) than resistance training. 

However, one study on healthy adults indicates that nine months of consistent weight lifting significantly increases overall metabolic rate<sup>7</sup>, allowing you to burn more calories while at rest—not just when you’re actively exercising. 

Another study conducted on sedentary women found that resistance exercise had an elevating effect on the basal metabolic rate<sup>8</sup> (BMR), or amount of calories burned while at rest.

As you build more muscle through weight lifting and resistance training, your metabolism makes adaptations to accommodate your increasing lean muscle mass. That said, you may notice that your appetite increases as you get stronger<sup>9</sup> (add more fat-free mass). This is normal, as it takes more calories to build muscle. 

If you want to lose weight, things can get more tricky. Technically, losing weight includes all body weight—water, fat mass, and fat-free mass. Eating in a caloric deficit can make you lose muscle mass in addition to fat mass; one scientific paper notes that there may be an active drive exerted by fat-free mass to increase energy intake to preserve your muscle. 

Interestingly, the American College of Sports Medicine’s stance on physical activity recommendations for weight loss states that resistance training does not enhance weight loss<sup>10</sup> but may increase fat-free mass and is associated with reductions in health risks.  

Dr. William Dixon, an emergency physician, explains. “Resistance training reduces skeletal muscle work efficiency<sup>11</sup>, which may sound bad except when you are talking about calories burned at rest—then you want your body to be as inefficient as possible,” he says. 

“Compare resistance training to cardio, which burns calories during the activity, but makes you overall more efficient [over time] and reduces long-term calorie burning,” Dr. Dixon notes. 

The takeaway: Create a balanced exercise routine that includes both cardio and weight lifting to burn calories during activity and at rest, and improve your body composition (more muscle, less fat). One randomized controlled trial showed that aerobic (cardio) training is optimal for reducing fat and overall body mass<sup>12</sup>, but that resistance training is needed for increasing lean mass.

Include protein in your meals and snacks (20–30 grams at one time, a few times a day) to build and preserve your lean muscle mass. 

Calorie-Burning Tips for Weightlifting

You don’t have to choose between burning calories, losing fat, and building muscle. However, it can be tricky to lift weights for the purpose of gaining muscle while also trying to shed fat (we feel you). These tips for burning fat while weightlifting can help:

  • Combine high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with weightlifting to burn more calories and fat. HIIT refers to interval training that includes brief bursts of high-intensity, anaerobic exercise separated by brief (but slightly longer) periods of low-intensity aerobic rest. Not only does HIIT take significantly less time than other forms of exercise, but it also appears to offer equivalent, if not superior benefits<sup>13</sup>, when compared to other forms of physical activity, like jogging. Mix in HIIT cardio exercises (such as burpees, jumping jacks, high knees, mountain climbers, etc.) in between sets of weightlifting exercises for maximum calorie and fat burning.
  • Compound your efforts with compound lifting. Compound lifts are weightlifting exercises that require movement across more than one joint, such as deadlifts, squats, and overhead presses. According to NSCA-certified strength and conditioning specialist Eric Velazquez, compound lifts have the ability to increase your metabolic rate faster than other weight-bearing exercises.
  • Perform cardio after (or during) lifting. Performing cardio after you lift weights will help you burn more fat than cardio alone, says Velazquez. However, if you don’t want to slap an extra 30 minutes onto the end of your weightlifting workout, try to accumulate small increments of cardiovascular exercise throughout your weightlifting workout routine—add 20 pop squats, 10 broad jumps, and 15 plank jacks between lifting reps before you rest for 30 seconds. 

FAQs About Weightlifting

How do I calculate calories burned lifting weights?

You can calculate the calories you burn by lifting weights through a variety of online calorie burning tools, calculators, and resources, including (but not limited to):

  • The University of Rochester’s calorie burn rate calculator<sup>14</sup>
  • Omni calculator<sup>15</sup>
  • Apps, such as Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and more
  • ACE’s physical activity calculator

Can you burn 500 calories lifting weights?

Yes, it is certainly possible to burn 500 calories by lifting weights (and sometimes more). Depending on your weight and the intensity at which you’re lifting weights, it may be easier or more difficult for you to burn 500 calories by lifting weights.  

How many calories do you burn in a 45-minute weightlifting session?

You can expect to burn anywhere from 100–600 calories during one 45-minute weight lifting session. However, this range may vary based on your weight and the intensity of your exercise.

How can I burn 1,000 calories a day?

It is possible to burn 1,000 calories a day by lifting weights or performing cardiovascular exercises. However, burning 1,000 calories a day is not always possible or healthy.

If you are someone who would like to burn 1,000 calories a day through physical exercise, a combination of cardiovascular and weight-bearing exercises should suffice. However, make sure that you re-energize with healthy nutrition, work up to this goal over time to prevent injury and burnout, and allow yourself rest days.

Do you burn more calories if you lift heavier weights? 

It seems logical that lifting heavy weights builds more muscle, and more muscle burns more calories while at rest. 

One small study examined the effects of eight reps of lifting heavy weights and 15 reps of light weight lifting in gender-specific groups. Total energy expenditure and rate of calories burned per minute of weight lifting<sup>16</sup> were not significantly different between the heavy and light weights for either men or women. But, relative energy expenditure for both the heavy and light intensities was higher in females compared to males. 

Personal trainer and Fitness Institute of Australia certified instructor Alex Fergus recommends lifting heavy weights that you can complete two to 10 reps with good form before muscle failure if you want to burn fat. Heavy lifting in this manner empties muscles of its glycogen stores without the need for insulin to be released—this improves your sensitivity to insulin receptors in your muscles and helps you burn through your stored energy.

Combine Weightlifting and Cardio to Build an Effective Fitness Routine

Some research suggests that lifting weights may better in the long term for losing fat, losing weight, gaining muscle, and changing overall body mass. Others, however, tend to argue that comparing lifting weights to cardiovascular exercise is a futile effort; both types of exercise, and the utilization of both the aerobic and anaerobic systems, are beneficial to your overall health and can, together, complement a weight loss regimen. 

<p class="pro-tip"><strong>Keep reading: </strong> <a href="/blog/metabolic-health-strength-training">How strength training supports metabolic health</a>.</p>


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How do you calculate calories burned from strength training?

Here's your equation: MET value multiplied by weight in kilograms tells you calories burned per hour (MET*weight in kg=calories/hour). If you only want to know how many calories you burned in a half hour, divide that number by two. If you want to know about 15 minutes, divide that number by four.

How many calories does 1 hour of strength training burn?

Even if you use very light weights, you can expect to burn around 200-300 calories per hour of weight training. The average person can expect to burn approximately 10 calories per minute of actual weight training when using 5-pound weights.

What exercise burns the most calories in 30 minutes?

Running at even a slow pace burns a lot of calories for 30 minutes. On average, running burns between 10.8 to 16 calories per minute and putting it at the top of the list of workouts that burn the most calories.

How many calories do you burn in a 30 minute circuit workout?

Calories Burned in 30-minute activities.


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