How much is sprintec birth control without insurance

The pill is easy to get, but you need a prescription. Here’s the scoop on where to get birth control pills, how much they cost, and how you might be able to get them for free or low cost.

Prices vary depending on whether you have health insurance, or if you qualify for Medicaid or other government programs that cover the cost of birth control pills. For most brands, 1 pill pack lasts for 1 month, and each pack can cost anywhere from $0-$50. But they’re totally free with most health insurance plans, or if you qualify for some government programs. In most states, you can even get birth control pills prescribed and mailed to you using the Planned Parenthood Direct app.

You may also need to pay for an appointment with a doctor or nurse to get a prescription for the pill. This visit can cost anywhere from $35–$250. But under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), most insurance plans must cover doctor’s visits that are related to birth control. Learn more about health insurance and birth control.

If you’re worried about cost, check with your local Planned Parenthood health center to find out if they can hook you up with birth control that fits your budget. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to get birth control starting at $20/pack using the Planned Parenthood Direct app.

How can I get birth control pills for free?

There’s a good chance you can get low-cost or free birth control pills if you have health insurance. Because of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), most insurance plans must cover all methods of birth control at no cost to you, including the pill. However, some plans only cover certain brands of pills or generic versions. Your health insurance provider can tell you which types of birth control they pay for. Your doctor may also be able to help you get the birth control you want covered by health insurance. Learn more about health insurance and affordable birth control.

If you don’t have health insurance, you’ve still got options. Depending on your income and legal status in the U.S., you could qualify for Medicaid or other government programs that can help you pay for birth control and other health care.

Planned Parenthood works to provide services you need, whether or not you have insurance. Most Planned Parenthood health centers accept Medicaid and other health insurance. And many charge less depending on your income. Contact your local Planned Parenthood health center for more information.

Where can I get birth control pills?

You need a prescription for birth control pills. You can get a prescription from a doctor or nurse at a doctor’s office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center. In a few states, you can even get a prescription online or directly from a pharmacist.

During your visit, a nurse or doctor will talk with you about your medical history, check your blood pressure, and give you whatever exams you may need. Most people don’t need pelvic exams in order to get birth control pills. Your nurse or doctor will help you decide what’s right for you based on your medical history.

You may be able to get your birth control pills right away during your appointment. Or you’ll get a prescription from the nurse or doctor, and you’ll go pick up your pills at a drugstore or pharmacy.

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What is Sprintec?

Sprintec is a generic version of the brand-name drug Ortho-Cyclen. Both drugs contain two hormones: estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (norgestimate). These hormones prevent pregnancy by:

  • inhibiting the release of an egg during the menstrual cycle
  • thickening vaginal fluids to stop sperm from reaching an egg

Note: Sprintec doesn’t protect against STIs (sexually transmitted infections)—only barrier methods (like male and female condoms) do that.

How effective is Sprintec?

Similar to other birth control pills, Sprintec is 99% effective when used correctly. Doctors recommend taking Sprintec at the same time everyday to ensure regular delivery of hormones and better protection against pregnancy.

Note: Sprintec may become less effective if you are experiencing nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. If you have any of these symptoms, use a back-up birth control method, such as a condom, to protect yourself against pregnancy. If you recently started using Sprintec and think that it can be causing the symptoms, our doctors can help you find an alternative medication. Use our consultation to get started, or if you're an existing patient, just text us!

Does Sprintec help with acne?

Since Sprintec helps regulate hormones, some women may experience fewer hormonal breakouts while taking the pill. If acne is a major concern for you, you might want to consider choosing one of the four brands that are FDA-approved to treat acne:

  • Ortho Tri-Cyclen
  • Estrostep Fe
  • Beyaz
  • Yaz

Does Sprintec help with heavy periods?

Sprintec may decrease blood loss and make your periods less painful. If heavy or painful periods have been a concern for you, our doctors can help you find the right fit—just let them know in the consultation.

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Does Sprintec cause weight gain?

Like most modern birth control pills, this medication lacks estrogen levels that are high enough to cause weight gain. Some people may gain 1-4 pounds in the first month of using Sprintec, but those pounds will usually go away quickly because these few potential pounds are usually water weight, not fat. Hormonal birth control contains estrogen, which increases water retention and insulin levels. Holding more water means gaining more weight, but these pounds will usually flush away with your first period. Read more about birth control and weight gain.

What medications does Sprintec interact with?

While Sprintec is safe to use with most medications, some drugs can make Sprintec less effective in protecting you against pregnancy or cause breakthrough bleeding (bleeding between your periods). Sprintec can also decrease effectiveness of some medications. Here is a list to watch out for:

  • antibiotics such as rifampin (used to treat tuberculosis or meningitis)
  • anti-seizure drugs such as oxcarbazepine, carbamazepine, phenytoin, and topiramate
  • anti-anxiety medications such as diazepam and temazepam
  • antifungal medications such as fluconazole, nystatin, griseofulvin
  • mood stabilizers such as felbamate, lamotrigine, phenobarbital, and primidone
  • HIV medication such as nelfinavir or ritonavir
  • pulmonary arterial hypertension medication such as bosentan
  • St. John’s wort (an herbal supplement used to treat depression, insomnia, or anxiety)

Always let your doctor know what medications you are currently taking to make sure they won’t interfere with your birth control. If you are interested in learning more about how different medications interact with birth control, head over to this article.

What are the side effects of Sprintec?

Like all birth control pills, Sprintec comes with a few side effects. Some of them are mild and often disappear after a few weeks, others can be more serious and may require medical care.

Common side effects:

  • nausea
  • bloating
  • spotting
  • moodiness
  • breast tenderness

Serious side effects:

  • blood clots
  • stomach pain
  • severe headaches
  • high blood pressure

If you experience any of the serious side effects, you should contact a doctor immediately. If you're still struggling with any of the common side effects after you've been on Sprintec for three months, another birth control brand may be a better fit. Talk to your doctor about your options. Our doctors are available to reassess and rewrite your prescription at any time (at no cost to you).

How much does Sprintec cost?

Sprintec is one of the most affordable birth control pills on the market - you can get it for as little as $15/month through SimpleHealth.

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Can you buy Sprintec over the counter?

Sprintec is currently available in most pharmacies in the United States; however, you need a written prescription by your doctor to receive the medication. This pill is common and fairly affordable, with most health insurance plans covering the cost entirely.

Is Sprintec a good birth control?

How effective is Sprintec? With typical use, oral birth control pills — including Sprintec — are about 93% effective. This means that with the way most people take Sprintec, about 7 out of every 100 women get pregnant.

What is Sprintec generic for?

Sprintec: What's the Difference? MonoNessa and Sprintec are two types of birth control pills. Each is a generic version of Ortho-Cyclen, a brand-name birth control pill. This article talks about how these two drugs are alike and how they're different.

How much is a pack of Tri

Tri-Lo-Sprintec Coupons & Prices Tri-Lo-Sprintec is used to prevent pregnancy and treat acne. Ethinyl Estradiol-Norgestimate is the generic version of Tri-Lo-Sprintec. On average, Tri-Lo-Sprintec is priced at approximately $114 for a supply of 28 tablets.


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