How to change internet connection on google home

Setting up Google Home to connect Google devices with your Wi-Fi network is very easy. However, many users find it hard to change the Wi-Fi on their Google Home network, but the solution is relatively straightforward.  

To change the Wi-Fi network on your Google Home device, launch the Google Home app on your device and go to “Settings” > “Device Information” > “Wi-Fi“, and forget the network. Tap on the plus (+) icon and go to “Setup Device” > “Location” > “Next” and agree to the terms. Next, select the new Wi-Fi connection, and tap “Next” to complete the process. 

Google Home system is a helpful personal assistant and is an easy way to connect all of the smart devices in your home through Wi-Fi. Once you connect your devices to Google Home, you can control them all from your Android or iOS phone via the Google Home app.

This article will guide you on how to change Google Home Wi-Fi and update it to a new one with easy step-by-step instructions.

Changing Google Home Wi-Fi

Don’t know how to change Google Home network Wi-Fi? Here is our step-by-step method to complete this task effortlessly. 

To change the network on your Google home, you need to forget the existing Wi-Fi connection in the following way. 

  1. Install and launch the Google Home app on your iPhone or Android device.
  2. Tap on your Google Home device.
  3. Tap on the gear-shaped settings icon at the top-right side of the screen.
  4. Head to “Device Information” and tap “Wi-Fi.” 
  5. Tap “Forget This Network” and confirm this action. 
  6. You will be automatically directed to theGoogle Home app home screen.
  7. Tap on the plus (+) icon to set up a new Wi-Fi connection.
  8. Tap on the “Set Up Device” option. 
  9. Tap the “New Devices” option and on thenext page, select “Location” and tap “Next“.
  10. Once Google Home detects your device, tap the “Next” option. 
  11. Tap “Yes” to confirm or tap “Retry” if you haven’t heard the sound. 
  12. Read the terms and conditions and select “I Agree“.

A message will appear on your app screen, asking if you want to help Google Home improve. Select the “No Thanks” or “Yes, I am in” option. 

From now on, your Google Home will connect to the new Wi-Fi network. 

Updating Wi-Fi Password on Google Home

If you have updated your Wi-Fi password, you need to update it on Google Home in the following way. 

  1. Launch the Google Home app on your device.
  2. Tap on the gear icon to go to the Settings.
  3. Head to the “Device Information” and go to “Wi-Fi” > “Wi-Fi Settings“.
  4. Tap the “Show Password” option and update the password.
  5. Tap the “Save” option to apply the new changes.

For the Google Home device to control all the smart home appliances, ensure all the devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Google Home Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

Sometimes, the Google Home device won’t connect to your Wi-Fi network, making it difficult for you to utilize its features. Below are some of the reasons for the issue. 

Internet or Wi-Fi Issues

Your network connection might be experiencing poor internet speed or weak or unstable Wi-Fi signals. 

Test the network speed and restart the router to refresh the internet connection. Also, try to bring the device closer to the router. If this fixes the issue, invest in a Wi-Fi extender to increase the range. 

Incorrect Password

If you have reset your Wi-Fi router and the password is set to default, or you have forgotten/changed your Wi-Fi password, Google Home won’t connect. To fix the issue, access the device from the Google Home app on your device and update the password. 

Bandwidth Allocation

Your router and internet connection have a limited bandwidth to support online access. If many devices use the same Wi-Fi connection, Google Home will get less bandwidth, resulting in frequent disconnection

Therefore, either limit the devices using the internet simultaneously or upgrade your bandwidth by contacting your internet service provider. 

Outdated Google Home App

If your Google Home app is outdated, you can often experience Wi-Fi connectivity problems. The latest updates may have a patch for the issues responsible for internet disconnection. So check the Play Store from time to time and update the Google Home app whenever a new update is available. 


In this guide, we’ve discussed a complete method to change Google Home Wi-Fi. We’ve also discussed how you can update the password on your Google Home device and what to do if the device is not getting connected to the Wi-Fi connection.

Hopefully, your issues are sorted out, and you can now easily control your smart devices with Google Home. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to connection settings in Google Home?

Connecting a Google device to your home network.
Open the Google Home app..
Click the + sign top left and tap Set up device..
Go through the menus, selecting the location of your device and its name..
When the list of Wi-Fi networks appears, choose your network, enter the password and tap Connect..

Why won't my Google Home connect to my new Wi

Start by rebooting your router. Next, power your Google Home off and then back on again by disconnecting and then reconnecting the power cable. Take the device you're using for setup (the device you installed the app on), and turn the Wi-Fi off and back on.

How do I change my Internet connection?

The whole process of changing your Wi-Fi network name and password can be broken down into four main steps:.
Get your router's IP address..
Log in to your router using a standard browser..
Change your network settings..
Test your new network configuration..


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