How to cite a powerpoint apa 7th edition

Presentation Slides from a Website


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of presentation [Lecture notes, PowerPoint Slides, etc.]. Publisher. URL


Kunka, J. L. (n.d.). Conquering the comma [PowerPoint presentation]. Purdue Online Writing Lab. //

Presentation Slides from WebCampus (Canvas)


Instructor, I. I. (Year Presentation Was Created). Title of presentation [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus. URL


Graham, J. (2013). Introduction: Jean Watson [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus. //

Note: The first letter of the word Watson is capitalized as it is part of a person's name.

Class Handouts from WebCampus (Canvas)


Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known). Title of handout [Class handout]. WebCampus. URL


Magowan, A. (2013). Career resources at the library [Class handout]. WebCampus. //

Class Handout in Print


Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known). Title of handout [Class handout]. University Name, Course code.


Wood, D. (2013). Laboratory safety overview [Class handout]. University of Nevada, Reno, BIO173.

Class Lectures (Notes from)

Note: Your own notes from a lecture are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list. Put the citation right after a quote or paraphrased content from the class lecture.


(I. I. Instructor who gave lecture, personal communication, Month Day, Year lecture took place)


"Infections are often contracted while patients are recovering in the hospital" (J. D. Black, personal communication, May 30, 2012).

Last Updated on: 3rd June 2022, 04:24 am

When you are unable to obtain information from journals, books, or other print sources, you may find what you need on a PowerPoint. You will be able to obtain a PowerPoint online and from an irretrievable source. The media on the PowerPoint may include only text, or both text and audio—however, either way, the guidelines for how to cite a PowerPoint are the same. 

An online PowerPoint is one that is easily retrievable. That means it’s not password protected or part of a source that your readers do not have access to. 

In-text citation

(Author, year)


(Sainath, 2017)

When there is no author, provide the title of the PowerPoint. If the title is short, provide the full title. If it’s long, provide the first few words.

(Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis, 2017)

When there is no date for the PowerPoint, use the initials “n.d.” 

(Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis, n.d.)


Freud believed that dreams allow people to act out unconscious turmoil, impulses, and uncertainty that they experience during their daily lives (Sainath, 2017). 


For quotations, the slide number should be provided in the in-text citation.

Sainath stated that when Freud, “began his study of hysteria, he believed that brain physiology was the definitive scientific approach and that it alone yielded a truly scientific understanding” (Sainath, 2017, slide 5).

Reference list

When providing the URL from a source, you no longer have to write “Retrieved from” before it. 

Author’s Last name, First initial. (Year). Title of presentation [PowerPoint slides]. Website Name. URL


Sainath, A. (2017). Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare. 

How to Cite a PowerPoint from a Classroom Website in APA Style

When you cite a PowerPoint from a classroom website on a learning management system (LMS), such as e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, or Moodle, the in-text citations are the same as for a PowerPoint online. Only the reference list is different. You will need to provide the name of the LMS and the login page URL. 

Reference list

Author’s Last name, First initial. (Year). Title of presentation [PowerPoint slides]. LMS Name. Login URL


Sainath, A. (2017). Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis [PowerPoint slides]. [email protected] //courses.

How to Cite an Irretrievable PowerPoint in APA Style

You may want to provide information from a PowerPoint that your readers do not have access to, such as one from a presentation or a password-protected site. To cite a PowerPoint of this type, you will need to treat it as a personal communication.

In-text citation

(Initial of author’s first name, Last Name, personal communication, Year, Month and/ or Day, if known)

(Sainath, personal communication, April 1, 2017)


Freud believed that dreams allow people to act out unconscious turmoil, impulses, and uncertainty that they experience during their daily lives (Sainath, personal communication, April 1, 2017).


Sainath stated that when Freud, “began his study of hysteria, he believed the brain physiology was the definitive scientific approach and that it alone yielded a truly scientific understanding” (Sainath, personal communication, April 1, 2017, slide 5).

Reference list

A personal communication is cited in-text, but it is not included in the list of references because it cannot be recovered. 

How to Cite a Powerpoint in APA: Final Notes

For more information about how to cite a PowerPoint, refer to Section 8.8 on page 259 and example 102 on page 347 of the APA Manual, 7th edition.

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How do you cite a PowerPoint in APA 7th edition no author?

When there is no author, provide the title of the PowerPoint. If the title is short, provide the full title. If it's long, provide the first few words. When there is no date for the PowerPoint, use the initials “n.d.”

How do you reference a PowerPoint in APA?

To cite a PowerPoint in text in APA, you include the author and date of the PowerPoint when you are paraphrasing. To make a direct in text citation of a PowerPoint in APA, you include the author, date, and slide number.

How do you cite a PowerPoint slide?

How do I cite a PowerPoint presentation? To cite PowerPoint presentation slides, include the author name, year/date of presentation, the title, the source description, the website and/or university name, and the URL where the source can be found.

Do you have to cite APA in a PowerPoint?

APA and PowerPoint You need a References slide at the end of your presentation (or multiple slides, if you have many sources). Individual slides all need APA style in-text citations where appropriate (i.e. anywhere you've used information not original to you).


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