How to make yamaha golf cart go faster

I just picked up a G16A recently and just got it running (had bent pushrod and siezed lifter). I never had it running with the cables hooked up to the governor... cable coming off the throttle pedal was destroyed, so I replaced it with a slightly shorter cable, running straight to the carburetor. This bypasses the governor on throttle linkage on the differential casing, allowing the throttle blade on the carb to open all the way.


So all you'll need to do is disconnect the long cable (the one that runs to your throttle pedal) from the governor linkage on the differential, discard the the short cable that runs from the governor to the carburetor, and attach the long cable directly to the carburetor. Should only take a few mins to do. My cart must've done close to 25 MPH on stock-height tires when I took it out on the road the other day. With taller tires (22" or so) they claim you can hit around 32MPH in a G16.

You won't hit your top speed quickly... it'll take some time for the motor to get you there. Just keep your floot planted and it'll get there eventually. Just don't keep your foot planted going down a hill or you might over-rev. Many also suggest switching to syncthetic oil when you bypass the gorvernor.


How to make yamaha golf cart go faster

How to make electric golf cart faster?

If you own an electric golf cart, you know that it’s not the fastest vehicle on the road. While there’s not much you can do to make it go faster, there are a few things you can do to make sure it rides smoothly and efficiently. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips for making your electric golf cart faster and more fun to drive. We’ll also cover some of the basics of golf cart maintenance so you can keep your cart running in top condition. Thanks for reading!

What is an electric golf cart?

An electric golf cart is a small vehicle, usually with four wheels, that is powered by an electric motor. Golf carts are used for a variety of purposes, including transportation on golf courses and in other recreation areas.

How can I make my electric golf cart faster?

There are a few things you can do to make your electric golf cart faster:

  1. Check the battery – Make sure the battery is in good condition and fully charged. A weak or damaged battery will slow down the cart.
  2. Check the tires – Inflated tires will help the cart move more easily over uneven terrain.
  3. Clean the filters – Clogged air filters will impede the flow of air to the motor and make the cart run slower.
  4. Adjust the gears – If the cart has adjustable gears, make sure they are set for maximum speed.
  5. Add weight to the back – Adding weight to the back of the cart will help increase traction and make it easier for the motor to move the cart forward.

How fast can a 48v golf cart go?

Most 48v golf carts can reach speeds of 20-25 mph on level ground.

Can you make a 36-volt golf cart faster?

The 36 volts in this cart will work much better with larger tires. Larger surface area means more power and when combined, these two factors make for a faster moving device!

How can you make a golf cart go faster with an upgrade?

There are several ways to make a golf cart go faster with an upgrade. One way is to install a larger motor. Another way is to install bigger tires. And, finally, you can add weight to the back of the cart to help increase traction.

What is the top speed of an electric golf cart?

The average top speed of an electric golf cart is 20 mph. However, some carts can go as fast as 25 mph on level ground.

How do you remove the speed limiter on an electric golf cart?

How to make electric golf cart faster? There are a few ways to remove the speed limiter on an electric golf cart. One way is to install a larger motor. Another way is to install bigger tires. And, finally, you can add weight to the back of the cart to help increase traction.

How long should a 48v golf cart run?

A 48v golf cart should run for approximately 6-8 hours on a full charge.

How do you clean an electric golf cart?

To make sure your car is in top running condition, you’ll want to give it a quick wash. Fill up the watering can with cool tap water and add some dishwashing liquid or sealant for extra protection against corrosion when driving on roadways with varying temperatures throughout different seasons; then use this as an opportunity to fill all four tires’ valves too!

Can a new battery make a golf cart go faster?

When you are in the market for new batteries, make sure they have a high voltage maximum. This will help boost your golf cart’s speed and get it moving faster than ever before! We recommend Golf Cart Batteries because their products last long enough to provide this service without any hassle at all. You’ll be glad you made this upgrade!

How can I make my golf cart last longer?

To make sure your golf cart lasts, if possible, it is important to regularly maintain it and clean it. Additionally, you should avoid overloading the cart and driving it over rough terrain. By following these simple tips, you can help extend the life of your golf cart.

How to winterize an electric golf cart battery?

After you’ve placed the neutralizer on your battery, wait several minutes and then use water to clear off any solution from around it. Once everything has been strayed, dry both sides of the terminals with a towel before checking for dirt or other debris that may have gotten into between them while they were being covered by liquid earlier today!

How to store your club car electric golf cart for the winter?

When storing your club car electric golf cart for the winter, it is important to disconnect the battery and clean it. Additionally, you should cover the cart and store it in a dry location. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your cart is ready to use when spring arrives.

Do you have to charge batteries before using a golf cart?

You should always make sure your golf cart’s batteries are fully charged before use. If you don’t, then they won’t be able to provide the energy that is needed for operating it and this could lead into problems with performance or range as well! You’ll want at least eight hours of charging time so their tanks will have enough juice left over from when someone else used theirs first instead just sitting there doing nothing while waiting its turn again.

How to increase the range of an electric golf cart?

How to make electric golf cart faster? There are a few ways to increase the range of an electric golf cart. One way is to install a larger battery. Another way is to install bigger tires. And, finally, you can add weight to the back of the cart to help increase traction.

How do I make my EZGO golf cart faster?

There are several ways to make your EZGO golf cart faster. One way is to install a larger motor. Another way is to install bigger tires. And, finally, you can add weight to the back of the cart to help increase traction.

What should I do with my golf cart in winter?

The winter is a great time to take care of your golf cart! Make sure you charge the batteries, top off all water containers and turn off if possible. If not electric, then do this same thing but also make sure everything gets sealed up tight before storing away for more than just a couple months out from year-round usage! Also, don’t forget about giving it a good wash so any dirt or grime doesn’t cause corrosion when driving on roadways during colder temperatures.

How long will an electric golf cart last on a full battery?

The range of an electric golf cart is often between 45 and 90 minutes on a fully charged battery. This time depends largely upon the age/quality rating of your particular model, with newer batteries having longer run times than older ones do; however, this varies greatly from one individual to another so it’s important that you know how long yours lasts before charging!

Could you make the gas golf cart go faster?

One way to increase your speed on a gasoline powered EZ Go golf cart is by adding an octane booster when you fill up. The higher the number, the better! Another approach would be removing any throttle linkage governor that may have been attached for their easier access with pedal input and allowing it to go farther entirely under engine power plant management instead so they can throw off some serious distance while also gaining 5 mph or more if needed be for situations where time is of essence!

How fast does the average golf cart go?

You can get a golf cart with as many options available to increase both the speed and power. The standard speed is 12-14 mph, but you might want it faster or slower depending on your needs!

What’s the range of an electric golf cart?

Well, there’s a lot of debate about how far these carts can go before their engines need recharging. Some say it depends on the type and brand- but most state 30 miles as an average range for golf cart batteries! But if you drive further than that after your first 12–15-mile journey then does anyone really know whether they’ll be able to make another trip?

Why does my electric golf cart not move?

How to make electric golf cart faster? Some people have had problems with their electric golf carts jerking when accelerated but refusing to move. It is not very common; however, it could occur from time-to-hand depending on the voltage readings in your solenoid switch motor – which would mean you need a new one!

What causes a golf cart to wobble while driving?

One possible cause for a wobbling golf cart could be that the tire is not fully round. Driving it for some time can make this issue resolved and restore its original shape back again, or another reason why your ride may seem wobbly could simply because you haven’t seated all six tires tightly into their respective wheels yet!

Which is better: a gas or electric golf cart?

Gas golf carts are more popular than ever, but if you want to build your own cart and go DIY on it then choose the gas model. You might be surprised by how early some of these vehicles began life as electric ones in the 1930s!

What kind of engine does a golf cart use?

Modern gas-powered golf carts run on combustion engines. These powerful vehicles are fueled with regular, unleaded gasoline just like your car at home! Electric versions use battery cells that can be recharged using an outlet near you (or in some cases) solar panels for independence from dirty fossil fuels entirely.

How much does an electric golf cart cost?

An electric golf cart typically costs between $2,000 and $5,000. The price depends on the brand, model, and features of the cart. You can find cheaper models that are used or refurbished, but they may not have all the bells and whistles of a new cart.

How does the gas pedal work on an electric golf cart?

The way your electric golf cart’s “gas pedal” works isn’t entirely dissimilar to how an inductive throttle sensor functions. Your e-grip senses when you’re pressing down on it, then releases just enough fuel flow for maximum power output without burning out or spinning up any motors in the process!

Do you need to charge a gas golf cart?

Golf carts are convenient, but they’re not perfect. You’ll need to fuel up at least once per trip and there’s always that risk you won’t make it back before your battery runs out! Electric models can be expensive if not charged often enough or properly maintained–a gas powered vehicle would serve better as backup since this type of engine doesn’t require constant maintenance like other technologies do (though many people still prefer them).

How does a speed controller work on a golf cart?

How to make electric golf cart faster? These things are the most important part of your golf cart’s engine. You can control how fast it goes by changing its speed controller, which sounds a little more boring than exciting or fun but trust me – this thing is crucial!

How to ride an electric golf cart safely?

  1. Read the manual- Every golf cart is different and each one has its own set of rules. Make sure to read the manual before driving!
  2. Get to know your cart- Before you start driving, take some time to get to know your golf cart. This means getting familiar with the controls, understanding how the brakes work, and getting a feel for how the cart handles.
  3. Drive slowly at first- When you’re first starting out, it’s important to take things slow. Get a feel for how the golf cart responds to your inputs and be cautious when making turns or stopping.
  4. Watch for obstacles- Golf carts are small and agile, but that doesn’t mean they can avoid all obstacles. Be on the lookout for things like potholes, branches, and rocks that could cause damage to your cart.
  5. Use caution in wet weather- Wet weather can make it difficult to stop or turn, so use caution when driving in these conditions. It’s also important to avoid driving through large puddles, as this could cause water damage to your golf cart.
  6. Follow all rules and regulations- When driving a golf cart, you need to follow all of the same rules and regulations as you would when driving a car. This includes obeying speed limits, yield signs, and traffic lights.
  7. Park in a safe location- When you’re finished driving, make sure to park your golf cart in a safe location. This means away from traffic and out of the way of pedestrians.
  8. Turn off the power- Before you get out of the golf cart, make sure to turn off the power. This will prevent anyone from accidentally turning on the cart and driving it while you’re not there.
  9. Store your golf cart properly- When you’re not using your golf cart, make sure to store it in a dry, protected area. This will help to extend the life of your golf cart and keep it in good condition.

>>> See more: Making battery powered golf cart faster (How to make electric golf cart faster?)

Conclusion – how to make electric golf cart faster

Electric golf carts are becoming an increasingly popular way to get around on the golf course. While they offer many benefits over traditional gas-powered carts, one of the drawbacks is that they can often be a bit sluggish. How to make electric golf cart faster? In this article, we’ve shared some tips for making your electric cart go faster. We hope you find them helpful and enjoy your faster ride!

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How to make golf grips tacky?

How do I make my Yamaha electric golf cart go faster?

6 Ways You Can Make a Golf Cart Faster.
Add More Torque to Your Golf Cart..
Upgrade Your Golf Cart's Motor..
Improve the High-Speed Controller of the Cart..
Add Better Golf Cart Tires..
Use a Higher Powered Golf Cart Battery..
Watch the Weight in Your Golf Cart..

How can I make my Yamaha electric golf cart go faster without an upgrade?

There are a few things you can do to make your electric golf cart faster: Check the battery – Make sure the battery is in good condition and fully charged. A weak or damaged battery will slow down the cart. Check the tires – Inflated tires will help the cart move more easily over uneven terrain.

How fast can a Yamaha golf cart go?

Although, new gasoline and electric golf cart versions of Yamaha all have the same top speed. The top speed of both versions of Yamaha golf carts is 19 mph (31 kph).