How to put percentage formula in excel

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If you want to calculate a percentage of a number in Excel, simply multiply the percentage value by the number that you want the percentage of.

For example, if you want to calculate 20% of 500, multiply 20% by 500.

I.e. type the following formula into any Excel cell:


- which gives the result 100.

Note that the % operator tells Excel to divide the preceding number by 100. Therefore, the value 20% in the above calculation is evaluated as 0.2.

Further Examples of Calculating a Percentage of a Number

Example 1 - Percentages of Various Numbers

The following spreadsheet shows various percentage calculations for different numbers.


1=99% * 300
2=5% * 77
3=2.5% * 20


1297 99% of 300
23.85 5% of 77
30.5 2.5% of 20

Example 2 - Sales Tax Calculation

The following spreadsheet shows the calculation of sales tax at 22.5%, of an invoice total.


1Invoice Total (before tax): 1240
2Sales Tax: =22.5% * B1
3Invoice Total (after tax): =B1 + B2


1Invoice Total (before tax): 1240
2Sales Tax: 279
3Invoice Total (after tax): 1519

For further examples of Calculating Percentages of Numbers in Excel, see the Microsoft Office website.

Or, for an overview of different types of percentage calculation, see the Percentages In Excel page.

Enter a Percentage | Percentage of Total | Increase by Percentage | Percentage Change

Calculating percentages in Excel is easy. Percentage simply means 'out of 100', so 72% is '72 out of 100' and 4% is '4 out of 100', etc.

Enter a Percentage

To enter a percentage in Excel, execute the following steps.

1. First, enter a decimal number.

How to put percentage formula in excel

2. On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the percentage symbol to apply a Percentage format.

How to put percentage formula in excel


How to put percentage formula in excel

Note: to change the percentage in cell A1, simply select cell A1 and type a new percentage (do not type a decimal number).

Percentage of Total

To calculate the percentage of a total in Excel, execute the following steps.

1. Enter the formula shown below. This formula divides the value in cell A1 by the value in cell B1. Simply use the forward slash (/) as the division operator. Don't forget, always start a formula with an equal sign (=).

How to put percentage formula in excel

2. On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the percentage symbol to apply a Percentage format.

How to put percentage formula in excel


How to put percentage formula in excel

3. On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the Increase Decimal button once.

How to put percentage formula in excel


How to put percentage formula in excel

Note: Excel always uses the underlying precise value in calculations, regardless of how many decimals you choose to display.

Increase by Percentage

To increase a number by a percentage in Excel, execute the following steps.

1. Enter a number in cell A1. Enter a decimal number (0.2) in cell B1 and apply a Percentage format.

How to put percentage formula in excel

2. To increase the number in cell A1 by 20%, multiply the number by 1.2 (1+0.2). The formula below does the trick.

How to put percentage formula in excel

Note: Excel uses a default order in which calculations occur. If a part of the formula is in parentheses, that part will be calculated first.

3. To decrease a number by a percentage, simply change the plus sign to a minus sign.

How to put percentage formula in excel

Percentage Change

To calculate the percentage change between two numbers in Excel, execute the following steps.

1. Enter an old number in cell A1 and a new number in cell B1.

How to put percentage formula in excel

2. First, calculate the difference between new and old.

How to put percentage formula in excel

3. Next, divide this result by the old number in cell A1.

How to put percentage formula in excel

Note: Excel uses a default order in which calculations occur. If a part of the formula is in parentheses, that part will be calculated first.

4. On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the percentage symbol to apply a Percentage format.

How to put percentage formula in excel


How to put percentage formula in excel

5. The (New-Old)/Old formula always works.

How to put percentage formula in excel

Note: visit our page about the percent change formula for a practical example.

How do I automatically add a percentage in Excel?

Typing a number into the cell. At the end of the number type the % symbol. Type enter. This will automatically tell Excel that the number you typed is a percentage and it will format the cell as a percentage cell so that any number you put in the cell will show up with a % symbol.

How do you calculate 20% in Excel?

If you want to calculate a percentage of a number in Excel, simply multiply the percentage value by the number that you want the percentage of. For example, if you want to calculate 20% of 500, multiply 20% by 500. - which gives the result 100.

What is the formula to calculate percentage?

To determine the percentage, we have to divide the value by the total value and then multiply the resultant by 100.