How to remove spray paint from wood floor

When cleaning your paint, avoid harsh chemicals and scrub it with a soft cloth; the goal is to loosen any built-up dirt or residue. If you notice that the paint has started to chip or peel, use a brush to gently remove any loose flakes before they reach your windows or doors.

Finally, seal the surface with a coat of primer and then apply fresh paint.

How To Get Spray Paint Off Wood Floor?

Make sure to soften the paint before scrubbing it off. Use a brush to remove the dried paint and residue. Finally, use a mild cleaner or soap to clean the area and achieve an even finish

How to remove spray paint from wood floor

You can remove water-based paint by sanding it off using fine-grit sandpaper. Fine-grit sandpaper will remove the paint but won’t damage the floor underneath. Also, it leaves a smooth surface for the next paint to stick.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Remove the dust from the surface by cleaning it.
  2. Attach the fine-grit sandpaper to a power sander.
  3. Use low or medium speed for the power sander. 
  4. Sand the water-based paint off the wooden floor. 
  5. Remove the dust using a vacuum.

Don’t apply pressure on the sander while sanding because you can put too much force, and the sander will create wood gouges.

For smaller surfaces, you can sand manually. 

Method 2: By Using a Water-based Paint Stripper

How to remove spray paint from wood floor

Water-based paint strippers are designed to specially remove water-based paints. The stripping paste will soak (penetrate) into the floor and dissolve the particles. Once the particles are dissolved, the paint loses its rigid form, and you can wipe it off the floor. 

Also, the stripping compound can absorb oils and tannins, so this method helps to degrease wood too. 

Here is a guide on how to do this:

  1. Clean the floor.
  2. Apply a few coats of water-based paint stripper over the floor. 
  3. Wait for the stripping compound to dry (30 minutes).
  4. Scrape off the stripping paste and the absorbed paint with a scraper. 
  5. Re-apply the paste over leftovers.
  6. Remove the stripper paste residue with clean soapy water. 

You must remove the stripper residue paste from the floor as it can prevent new paint from sticking. 

Method 3: By Using Alcohol-based Solvents

How to remove spray paint from wood floor

Since alcohol is a natural paint remover, alcohol-based solvents can remove paint. The alcohol solvent will break the bond between particles, the coating will liquefy, and you can wipe it off. 

Here is a guide on how to do this:

  1. Sweep and wipe the floor.
  2. Apply the alcohol-based solvent (or rubbing alcohol) over the painted floor. 
  3. Wait until the paint starts to form bubbles and pores. This shows the particles have been dissolved. 
  4. Wipe the loose paint using a rag.
  5. Re-apply the solvent to leftovers.
  6. Remove the alcohol residue using warm soapy water. 

Removing Oil-Based Paint From Wood Floors

How to remove spray paint from wood floor

Oil-based paints are harder to remove because they have a glossy finish that prevents moisture (or liquid) from penetrating their surface. So, it’s harder for paint-removing solvents to penetrate the oil-based finish and remove it.

However, here are two methods that we recommend using:

Method 1: Using a Solvent-Based Stripper

A solvent-based stripper is stronger than a water-based stripper, and can remove oil-based paints. The solvent-based stripper will dissolve the glossy sheen of the finish, then it will soak into the oil-based paint and dissolve it. Once the stripper compound dries, you can remove it with a scraper and the oil-based paint will come off too. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Remove the dust and nibs from the surface.
  2. Prep the solvent-based stripper based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Apply two coats of solvent-based stripper over the surface.
  4. Wait for the stripping compound to dry (30-45 minutes). 
  5. Remove the stripper and the oil-based paint with a scraper. 
  6. Re-apply the stripping compound over leftovers.
  7. Remove the stripping compound residue and clean the wood floor. 

Method 2: Using Lacquer Thinner

Lacquer thinner is used to thin lacquer paint but can also remove oil-based paint. The lacquer thinner will penetrate the oil paint and break the bond between particles. This will liquefy (return it to a liquid state) the oil-based paint. Once the finish is in its liquid state, you can wipe it off with a rag.

Here is a guide on how to do this:

  1. Use a vacuum to clean the floor.
  2. Apply lacquer thinner over the surface.
  3. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Once the paint starts to bubble and change its color, wipe it off with a rag. 
  5. Brush off the left-over oil-based paint with a toothbrush (or soft brush) and more solvent.
  6. Remove the lacquer thinner residue.
  7. Clean the floor with warm soapy water and let it dry. 

Removing Spray Paint From Wooden Flooring

Spray paints are difficult to remove because they are expelled with tremendous pressure onto the wood, penetrating the surface deeply. So, spray paint is bonded well to the surface, and is hard to remove it without damaging the it.

However, here are two methods that you can use:

Method 1: Using A Grinder

Grinders are versatile tools that cut, polish, and remove spray paint from wood.

To remove paint with a grinder, use a wire brush disc. The grinder disc will spin fast over the surface and remove the finish. However, you must only graze the top layer of the wood with the grinder so that only its finish comes off.

Here is a guide on how to do this:

  1. Pick the right size of grinding disc, such as A 4×4½ disc.
  2. Attach the disc to the grinder.
  3. Graze the grinder over the surface.
  4. Remove leftover spray paint.

The grinder will smoothen the surface as you grind. So, you will have a smooth and polished floor at the end. 

Method 2: Using Petroleum-Based Solvents

Solvents refined from crude oil or petroleum distillation will remove spray paints because they are petroleum-based and won’t damage the wood. These solvents include Xylene, Mineral spirits, Toluene, and Turpentine.

The solvent will penetrate the spray paint and the wood grain and break the bond between particles. Once the paint particles aren’t bonded anymore, the coating will start to bubble, and you can wipe it off. These solvents will also remove the spray paint that has penetrated deep into a surface.

Here is a guide on how to do this:

  1. Sweep and wipe the wooden floor.
  2. Apply mineral spirits (or other petroleum-based solvents) over the surface.
  3. Wait 1 hour or until the finish starts to bubble.
  4. Remove the finish by scraping or wiping it off.
  5. Clean the surface with warm soapy water to remove the residue.

Other Methods/Products You Can Use:

1. Baking Soda

You can use a baking soda mixture to get paint off the wood floor.

To do this:

  1. Mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with boiling water.
  2. Apply the mixture to the surface.
  3. Wait 10 minutes.
  4. Scrape or use a soft brush to remove the finish. 

However, baking soda can discolor the wood if left for too long. 

2. WD-40

You can use WD-40 to remove small splashes of water-based paint. This product works best for slick surfaces, such as glass and tiles. But, for porous surfaces, WD-40 isn’t as effective. 

3. Goo Gone

You can use Goo Gone to remove water-based paint. But, you must use Goo Gone Latex Paint Remover (or Clean Up Wipes) to get the best results. 

4. Scrape Paint Off

You can remove paint by scrapping it off, but you must dissolve (or soften) the finish first. If you scrape a dry finish from a floor, you will leave marks and gouges behind.

Final Words

Removing paint from floors isn’t hard. You need to know the type of paint you are removing, and then use the adequate method/product to remove it. You must avoid aggressive or harsh methods, which can damage the floor surface.

How do I get spray paint off wood floor?

How To Remove Spray Paint from Wood?.
Saturate a clean rag in either rubbing alcohol or acetone..
Soak the spray paint with the saturated cloth. Apply a generous amount of the solvent..
Let the solvent dissolve the paint for a few minutes..
Scrub away the loosened paint using a clean rag. ... .
Wipe the surface with a damp rag..

How do you get dried spray paint off the floor?

Saturate a clean rag in rubbing alcohol for dried paint stains. Place the rag over the affected area for about 10 minutes. Wipe the area with another clean rag soaked in rubbing alcohol following the removal of the first rag.

How do you get spray paint off wood without sanding?

Use Paint Stripper Using paint stripper on rounded surfaces and tight areas is often easier and more effective than sanding. It's easy to learn how to strip paint from wood with a paint strippers and removers, but keep them away from your skin, eyes and lungs. Many brands have minimal fumes and odor.

How do you remove paint from wood without damaging the wood?

How do you remove paint from wood without damaging it? You can remove paint from wood using chemical paint strippers, all-natural paint strippers, heat guns, sanding, or vinegar. After applying these products to the surface, use a scraper, wire brush, or stripper to remove the paint.