I blocked someone on facebook but they still message me

  • Facebook doesn't tell you when you've been blocked, but you can figure it out in several ways.
  • Someone may have blocked you on Facebook if you can't see their profile page or find them in search.
  • It's also possible that someone deleted Facebook or unfriended you, and you're not blocked.

Facebook doesn't give you any sort of notification when someone blocks you. However, there are some signs that you can check that may indicate you've been blocked.

How to tell if someone has blocked you on Facebook

Make sure to check these seven points when you're trying to figure out if someone has blocked you on Facebook. 

1. They're not in your Friends List

First, log in to Facebook and go to your Friends List by clicking on Friends on the left side of the page. Then click on All Friends.

The Friends page can be reached by clicking "Friends" on the left sidebar menu of the Facebook home page. Kyle Wilson

Next, type in the name of the friend in the search box. If they don't show, it could be a sign that they have blocked you.

Make sure you enter the person's name as it would appear on their Facebook profile. Kyle Wilson

2. You can't tag that person in posts 

Start composing a Facebook post and attempt to tag the person. If they cannot be tagged, it means that they either blocked or unfriended you.

To tag people while making a post, click on the icon that looks like the head and torso of a person with a tag hanging from the side of their face. Kyle Wilson

3. You can't invite that person to events or groups

Create a Facebook event and attempt to invite your friend. If no results show and their name is spelled correctly, they have either blocked or unfriended you.

The "Invite" pop-up is part of the "Create an Event" flow on Facebook Events. Kyle Wilson

4. You can no longer see their posts in your Facebook feed

Look through your Facebook feed. If you don't see posts of theirs, they might have blocked or unfriended you.

This option for researching is only available if you know they are active on Facebook, and it can be inconclusive because Facebook's algorithms could be deciding not to show their posts for other reasons. 

They may still be friends with you but could have privacy settings set to exclude you from viewing their posts.

Normally, Facebook users can be searched. Try searching the person's name on Facebook by typing their name into the search bar at the top of the page. 

If you know that their profile has not been deleted and the friend no longer appears or you receive the message stating that the content is not available, they have likely blocked or unfriended you.

6. You can't send messages to the person in Facebook Messenger

Try sending the friend a message using Facebook Messenger. If you see an error message, they have likely blocked you, unfriended you, or their profile has been deleted.

7. You can't see the person's profile page

If you happen to have a URL link directly to your friend's profile, try going to it. If you receive a message that the content is unavailable, they may have blocked you.

Kyle Wilson is an editor for the Reference team, based in British Columbia, Canada. Outside of Insider, his work has also appeared in publications like The Verge, VICE, Kotaku, and more. He periodically guest co-hosts the Saturday tech show "Tech Talk" on the iHeartRadio station C-FAX 1070. Feel free to reach out to him on Twitter, where he can be found most of the time, @KWilsonMG.

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  • To find out if someone has blocked you on Messenger, you should first send them a message.
  • If your message is not delivered, even after the recipient has been online, you're most likely blocked.
  • To tell if your message isn't delivered, it will have an empty circle with a check mark for an icon.

Facebook doesn't make it easy to know whether someone has blocked you.

They do this for privacy and security reasons, which means that, unfortunately, you won't get confirmation that someone has blocked your account.

However, it is possible to deduce whether you've been blocked based on how the Messenger app behaves when you try to send a message.

Here's how you can tell if someone's blocked you on Facebook Messenger on both mobile and desktop.

How to know if someone blocked you on Messenger on mobile

There are signs you can look for to know that someone has blocked you when you message them on the Messenger app.

1. Open the Messenger app on your mobile device.

2. Tap the new chat icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Stefan Ionescu/Insider Tap the new chat icon to begin a conversation.

 3. Search for the person you think has blocked you in the search box, and then tap their name in the search results.

4. Write a simple message – something like "Hi" – in the message box, and then tap the send icon on the right.

5. Check the delivery status of the message.

Here's what the delivery statuses mean:

  • Empty circle with no check mark The message has not been sent. This is typically because you don't have any internet access when you try to send a message.
  • Empty circle with a check mark: The message has been sent but not delivered to the recipient.
  • Filled circle with a check mark: The message has been delivered.
  • Icon with the recipient's profile picture: The message has been read.  

As long as the recipient is logged into Facebook, your message should be delivered within a few moments, which means you'll see the check mark icon's filled-in version. Of course, it might not be read for a while; your recipient needs to open Messenger and view the message thread for that to happen.

If you send a message to someone and the message is not delivered, meaning that only an empty circle with a check mark appears, it generally means one of two things:

  • The user has not logged into Facebook.
  • The user has blocked you on Messenger.

6. Check the recipient's Facebook profile. if you see that the recipient has posted to his or her Facebook page or comments on other people's posts, that implies he or she is logged into Facebook. If your message remains undelivered, you are probably blocked.

How to know if someone blocked you on Messenger on desktop

The signs to look out for that someone has blocked you on Messenger when you're on desktop are similar to the ones to look for on mobile. You just need to drop the recipient a message on the desktop version of Messenger, look at the message's delivery status, and then check their Facebook profile for any recent activity. 

1. Go to messenger.com in your favorite desktop browser, and sign into your Facebook account – if you're not signed in already.

Click on the Messenger icon, and then on “See all in Messenger” to open the browser version of Messenger. Stefan Ionescu/Insider

2. In the left panel, type the name of the person you think has blocked you in the search box, and then click on their name when it shows up in the search results.

Search for the person you think has blocked you. Stefan Ionescu/Insider

3. Write a simple message – something like "Hi" – in the message box, and then click the send icon on the right.

4. Check the delivery status icon of the message. The first sign that you have been blocked is that the message will remain undelivered. Of course, this could mean that the person also hasn't logged into Facebook yet, so you need to look for one more sign.

5. Check the recipient's Facebook profile for any recent activity. If your message still hasn't been delivered, and they've been posting or reacting to and commenting on other posts, they have probably blocked you.

Dave Johnson

Freelance Writer

Dave Johnson is a technology journalist who writes about consumer tech and how the industry is transforming the speculative world of science fiction into modern-day real life. Dave grew up in New Jersey before entering the Air Force to operate satellites, teach space operations, and do space launch planning. He then spent eight years as a content lead on the Windows team at Microsoft. As a photographer, Dave has photographed wolves in their natural environment; he's also a scuba instructor and co-host of several podcasts. Dave is the author of more than two dozen books and has contributed to many sites and publications including CNET, Forbes, PC World, How To Geek, and Insider.

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