Muscle spasm on right side of stomach

If you’ve ever had a sudden, uncontrolled, tight feeling in the muscles of your stomach, then you’ve probably had stomach cramps. They’re uncomfortable and sometimes hurt. Anyone can get them.

Most of the time, stomach cramps aren’t serious and don’t need to be diagnosed. If they happen often, are severe, or last for more than a day, this could be a sign of a more harmful medical problem, and you should see a doctor.

Here are some common causes of stomach cramps:

Food Poisoning

This happens when you eat food contaminated with certain germs. Stomach cramps can be one of the symptoms. In addition to the cramps, you may have:

  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

It may take minutes, hours, or days for symptoms to appear.

Older adults, children younger than 5, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems are more likely to get food poisoning. Most people get better without seeing a doctor.

In the meantime, rest and avoid the food that might have made you sick.

If you’re throwing up or have diarrhea, experts say to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. See a doctor if your symptoms get more serious, including:

  • Blood in your poop
  • A high fever (temperature over 102 F)
  • Throwing up many times, which can lead to dehydration
  • Signs of dehydration (peeing less, dizziness, very dry mouth and throat)
  • Diarrhea that lasts more than a few days

Also call the doctor for diarrhea in a child under 6 months old or for an elderly adult with chronic medical problems or a weakened immune system.

Stomach Virus

You may hear your doctor call this viral gastroenteritis. People also call it stomach flu, but it's not caused by the flu virus.

There are different types of stomach viruses. Norovirus is the most common in the United States.

Since a stomach virus and food poisoning have similar symptoms, like cramps, it’s easy to confuse the two. You get a stomach virus through close contact with someone who has the virus, such as sharing food or kitchen utensils, like a fork or knife. You can also get the virus by eating or drinking unsafe food and water. Unlike food poisoning, the virus can spread easily to other people -- at least for the first few days you have it.

Other symptoms include:

  • Watery diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Upset stomach and throwing up
  • Muscle aches or headache
  • Low-grade fever

There’s no medical treatment for a stomach virus. There are some things you can do at home to ward off dehydration and make you feel better.

Avoid solid foods. Sip plenty of liquids instead -- water, clear broths, or caffeine-free sports drinks.

Ease into eating. Start with things that are easy on your stomach, like:

  • Crackers
  • Toast
  • Jell-O
  • Bananas
  • Rice
  • Chicken

See how you feel. Stop eating if you feel sick again.

Get lots of rest, too. Dehydration and being sick may have made you weak and tired.

Most people with a stomach virus get better in a few days. Dehydration is a serious concern. You may have to go to the hospital for it. Call your doctor if you think you’ve become dehydrated.

Food Allergy

These happen when your body’s immune system defends itself against a food it has mistaken as harmful.

The most common food allergies are to proteins like:

  • Shellfish
  • Nuts
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Peanuts

If you’re allergic to certain foods, it’s best to avoid them. A dangerous allergic reaction called anaphylaxis can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, trouble swallowing, and shortness of breath. If not treated immediately, it can be fatal.

Food Intolerance

This is either when food irritates your digestive system or your body has trouble breaking it down. Lactose -- a sugar found in milk and other dairy foods -- is the most common food intolerance. Symptoms may only crop up when you eat a large amount of the problem food or eat it often.

Take an antacid to treat other symptoms of food intolerance like heartburn or stomachache.

Although it’s jarring to get a muscle spasm, most of us are pretty used to experiencing those painful twinges from time to time. In fact, the American Academy of Family Physicians finds that 60 percent of adults have suffered from nocturnal cramps, which can also lead to some severe insomnia.

Although muscle spasms are usually nothing to worry about, Houman Danesh, M.D. and director of Mount Sinai’s Integrative Pain Management, says, “Patients come in all the time worried that their cramping is due to something serious.” Here are some signs that indicate your spasms might be more worrisome than a run-of-the-mill charley horse.

Runners are no strangers to calf cramps. But if you notice during your training that your leg or foot is always cramping at the same mile marker—it could be the third, the seventh, or any mile as long as it’s consistent— you could be suffering from compartment syndrome. 

Usually when the muscles expand, the compartment—or area in which muscles and organs are organized—isn't tight and there is no issue, says Danesh. "But for some people, either from scarring or just large muscles in the compartment, there is not enough space to accommodate the exercise," he says. "When you exercise, your muscles need more blood and the vessels dilate to bring more blood to the muscles. In a tight compartment there isn't enough room." Thus, an excessive amount of pressure builds in a specific muscle area, in this case the calf, which can prevent blood flow and lead to severe tissue damage. Although the syndrome is rare, this isn’t something you want to discount. Definitely talk to your doctor. 

If your muscle cramps are accompanied by any visual abnormalities like redness, swelling, and skin discoloration, there’s a chance that you’re experiencing a blood clot—in which your blood goes from a liquid to solid state—and should talk to your doctor immediately. “Although the clot isn’t dangerous itself, it could break off and give you a heart attack or stroke,” says Danesh, warning that your chances of a blood clot increase if you’re on birth control pills or have taken a long flight or road trip. (That’s why your mom’s always telling you to walk down the aisle of a plane—movement can help ward off clotting.)

Watch a hot doc explain why you're so swollen:

Muscle spasm on right side of stomach

We’re going to give you a general rule of thumb: If you’re experiencing prolonged, horrible pain that’s impacting your sleep and everyday life, you should probably go see your doctor. Because, who wants to live like that? "A normal cramp in your calf, for example, will feel like your muscles are squeezing really hard and your toes may curl," says Danesh, noting these cramps can last for up to 10 minutes. "[But] occasionally the cramping is so severe that you may have sore muscles after for a day or so." Although you can’t diagnose a problem based on just muscle spasms and severe discomfort, Danesh says that it could be a sign of something like an inadequate blood supply getting to your limbs, which is usually due to high cholesterol. It could also be a result of a pinched nerve in your back, pinched artery, or even an ovarian mass, which could cause pinched nerves that present as leg cramps. 

If your muscle spasms are accompanied by nausea, fever, and vomiting, there’s a chance that something else is going on. Danesh’s take: “It could be dehydration or food poisoning.” You can treat the fever with Advil and dehydration with water, water, and more water. (Stay hydrated anywhere with this ultralight water purifier bottle from the Women's Health Boutique!)

It turns out that you could have a problem in one part of the body, and feel its effects somewhere else entirely. Case in point: herniated disks. Although a herniated disk would occur in three spots along the spine (the cervical area between the vertebrae in the neck, the thoracic area by the ribs, and the lumbar region above the pelvis), you could also feel its impact with burning and tingling symptoms down the leg. “Anything can cause a nerve to be pinched from a herniated disk,” says Danesh, “Luckily muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatories are enough to treat it.” If pain persists, consult a doctor.

Why is the right side of my stomach spasming?

GERD is the main cause of stomach spasms, but they can also be caused by peptic ulcers, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, bacterial or viral gastroenteritis, or food poisoning. Treatments include GERD medications, avoiding certain foods, taking antacids, or surgery.

What causes muscle spasms under right rib cage?

In most cases, cramps occur due to severe physical exertion, dehydration, or strain. Strain can be caused by overuse or by excessive or sudden resistance. Such as whiplash, trying to catch a heavy weight, or overusing the intercostal muscles in a sport (while swimming or rowing, for example).

What causes muscle spasms in my abdomen?

Like any other muscles in the body, your abdominal muscles can have spasms. These occur from muscle strain during heavy use or overuse, fatigue, dehydration, and alcohol or drug use. Abdominal muscle strain is a common injury among athletes and can cause muscle spasms. Abdominal spasm can also occur during pregnancy.

What does an abdominal muscle spasm feel like?

You may feel a sudden cramp in your abdomen, particularly on the lower left side. You may also experience: Abdominal pain. Spasms can be painful, especially if they are severe.