Pms symptoms week before period on birth control reddit

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I"m 30 years old and I've always had some pms, but usually just a little bit before my period (3 days).

I recently started having pregnancy scares because I noticed that like, more than a full week before my period, my breasts would be hurting really badly, and I'd get overwhelmingly tired. Then it would usually get better for a few days (not entirely, but less intense) and then worse just before my period.

Since I noticed this, I started paying attention, and I've pretty much noticed that consistently, 2 weeks - 10 days before my period, I IMMEDIATELY get pms like symptoms. It's like clockwork. about halfway through the month, after I've ovulated, I get hit by

-- intense fatigue

-- painful boobs

-- weight gain (4 pounds or so)

-- food cravings

-- intense sadness and a lot of weepiness

Again, usually it hits me (this month it hit the day of a particularly traumatizing game of thrones episode, and I cried heavily, and publicly... and then got into a screaming fight with my fiance that lasted like 2 hours) between 2 weeks and 10 days before my period.

then it lasts. and lasts. it gets a bit better, but it is real.

I guess I'm just ...feeling so defeated about this, girls. Like: really? 2 week long pms? in addition to the fatigue, I have trouble concentrating; it actually cripples my ability to perform at week, so that means 2 weeks out of every month I'm not doing things as effectively as normal.

I fight more when I have these symptoms and they make it harder not to get very emotional or aggressive with my SO. I'm not saying we always fight when I have it, but we are more likely to fight. Or I am more likely to get sentimental in a sort of overwhelming way.

anyways : you get the picture. I"m just confused. I was always taught that PMS kicks in a few days before your period, but at this point it seems i'm doomed to spending half of my reproductive years dealing with this.

Am I alone? Can anyone else testify to the validity of this happening to me? I feel like it might be easier to cope with if I understood it better.


Edit: why is this getting downvoted? it's important to me, and I am genuinely confused as to whether this happens to other people. I don't really understand what the issue is...

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Pms symptoms week before period on birth control reddit

My gyno was adamant that if I was on birth control and consistently skipping my period every month (starting a new pack after the third week), I should not be getting PMS. But I know myself and that is extremely untrue. Anyone else go through this?

Pms symptoms week before period on birth control reddit

level 1

It depends on the kind. When I was on the shot I got PMS symptoms up to a month before my next shot was due. I had no periods on it and I think the duration and severity of the symptoms before the next shot were going down so I should have stuck with it. I'm on the implant that goes in your arm now, still no periods, but now I get symptoms randomly. My boobs will ache for weeks, I'll randomly get moody, cramps show up out of the blue. So yeah, I can't wait until I can go back on the shot. But that's just what worked for me. Unfortunately it takes a lot of trial and error, which means a lot of suffering. Good luck and hang in there, you'll find something that works for you!

level 1

She sounds very wrong about how it works. It must be hard to keep everything straight, but then maybe she shouldn't be a gyno.

level 1

For me personally, taking the pill continuously has almost completely alleviated my PMDD symptoms. I got lucky and found the right one first thing. I made sure to share my past history of reactions to hormones with my doctor and she prescribed me the one she thought would be most effective based on that.

I know everyone's reaction to each pill is different but there is a definite possibility that the pill can alleviate your symptoms if you find the right one.

level 1

Yeah, I do. I basically have it slightly less bad, but continuously from after a month in.

So usually it'll be like... first month, fine. Last two weeks of 2nd month, def some symptoms. After the second month, continuous but low-level symptoms.

It still helps though, it's worth it for me. Are you already doing it?

level 2

Yes I have been doing it on and off for the past 6-9 months-ish. Right now, in probably going on my third or fourth month of straight birth control. Definitely hitting me hard. I haven't sleep well for the last six nights - so restless and anxious and my body temperature feels extra hot.

level 1

I do this and get minimal/controllable symptoms. I think it depends on the dosages and what kind of progesterone / estrogen it is.

I unfortunately still have to have a period every 4-5 months or I end up spotting. It's a bit rough the first two months as I'm getting back into the swing of things but it helps.

Currently taking Brenda 35 with cyproterone 2mg and ethinyloestradiol 35. Yaz didn't help but the higher dosage of estrogen and a different progesterone helped a bit more.

Other meds: vitamin D 2000iu daily, quetiapine 100 mg twice daily.

level 1

Mine did. But it has to be the right pills. The first 3 brands I took made it worse. I settled on Yasmin. Years ago before there was a generic. The brand name Yasmin worked better for me then the generic or Yaz (which I guess is almost the same, or the same, I don’t know). Eventually I couldn’t get the brand name anymore but after a few months the generic was fine. When I started consistently taking the pill, not doing the every 3 month thing, I would only do the sugar pill week when I had breakthrough bleeding. But if I went too long without getting my period I would wind up getting crazy pms symptoms. Not psychological, more physical (cramps, sore boobs, etc).

Anyways, I guess my point is, don’t give up on it too quick. Ask to try a different kind of pill. I’m happy I did.

level 2

Was Yasmin a lot better than Yaz in your experience? I tried yaz and it was the worst experience ever. But I’ve heard Yasmin is good for PMDD

level 1

I skipped my period with BC pills. I took it for three months. For the second and third months, it was like I had given my PMDD steroids. Almost the worst it’s ever been, so I stopped taking it.

level 2

Same here, from the 3rd week of my cycle my PMDD will appear and stay until I get my period. So I’d rather have it ASAP.

level 1

Unfortunately for me, being on nonstop active birth control has not stopped any PMDD symptoms OR any of my bleeding issues. I’m currently addressing it with my doctor. Ugh. Every body responds so differently to hormones.

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